Double scorpio in shops in Uk
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Its only me
on Sat, 23 Jul 2022 at 21:39
Its only me said on Sat, 23 Jul 2022 at 21:39...
Hi fellow sniffers. I was in a certain adult shop in bournemouth this week and yesterday they started selling double scorpio. 3 bottles for £60. Not tried it yet but will do. Any one tried it in the UK?
Anonymous said on Sat, 23 Jul 2022 at 23:00...
It is isobutyl which has many side effects and is a carcinogen For this reason, it is banned in Europe
In the USA, of all alkyl nitrites, only isobutyl, butyl, etc. is allowed and the rest of the better and less harmful nitrites are banned.Completely opposite to the EU
In the UK, probably all alkyl nitrites are legally available
Double scorpio has products containing isobutyl with a maximum capacity of 15 ml (others are fakes)
One of the side effects of isobutyl is eye damage (macular degeneration in the eye) when you start to lose your eyesight stop used or change to another less harmful/toxic nitrite
Anonymous said on Sat, 23 Jul 2022 at 23:23...
"rest of the better" in sense, I meant in terms of side effects
Propyl has similar effects and has a similar chemical formula to butyl, but is legally available in the EU
Its only me said on Sun, 24 Jul 2022 at 07:30...
They did say it was Butyl
Anonymous said on Sun, 24 Jul 2022 at 13:30...
So it is the original double Scorpio 10-15 ml
Liquid Old said on Sun, 24 Jul 2022 at 15:41...
It's iso propyl that damages the eyes not iso butyl. I was huffing butyl all through the 1990s until to 2007 when The EU poked their noses in and changed the formula and banned butyl. It could be some UK sellers quite rightly The EU made a big mistake and have gone back to supplying butyl.
Dutchdude said on Mon, 25 Jul 2022 at 14:13...
There's an European fake variant of Double Scorpio on the market. So be careful as this one is made from isopropyl.
Billy said on Tue, 26 Jul 2022 at 08:34...
If it's on sale over the counter in a UK shop you can bet your bottom dollar - as our Yankee friends say - that it will be isopropyl, not isobutyl.
It it isopropyl that causes the most severe vision problems. I know because I once had to go to Moorfields Eye Hospital with clouded vision after using Liquid Gold.
Steer clear!
Anonymous said on Tue, 26 Jul 2022 at 10:40...
You have to ask the user Liquid Old if he did not get cancer after so long use butyl/isobutyl
Somewhere, I read an article that one user after using butyl had a dark spot in the center of the field of view, maybe he confused butyl with propyl and that's why they described it this way
Billy said on Tue, 26 Jul 2022 at 11:59...
To be honest I think butyl and isopropyl can both cause vision problems. However they have different negative effects, not easily confused.
With butyl, you can get the 'dark spot' or floaters that Anonymous/Ken describes. When this happened to me it didn't last longer than the session.
Whereas isopropyl has a detrimental effect on your eye's ability to focus. Everything appears blurry and you find it harder to recognise faces. This can last several days after use & abuse.
Liquid Old said on Tue, 26 Jul 2022 at 15:54...
No I didn't get cancer after huffing Butyl for the best part of 20 years.What I did get was vision loss as soon as The EU banned Butyl and replaced it with Propyl. I've heard EU scientists forced rats to inhale Butyl until eventually one of them died of cancer. This was the basis of the Butyl ban in Europe.
Anonymous said on Tue, 26 Jul 2022 at 16:14...
It would makes sense, even in terms of chemical formula they are practically identical
Same as isoamyl/isopentyl with amyl/pentyl has almost identical chemical formula
Its only me. said on Tue, 26 Jul 2022 at 20:46...
The shop did say its from USA and it was butyl.
Surely the shop wouldnt have the cheek to charge £60 for 3 bottles of isopropyl? No ones that brave surely!
Billy said on Tue, 26 Jul 2022 at 21:53...
Well, I suppose you could try them and report back. But don't be surprised if it's an expensive lesson...
Bh1 said on Wed, 27 Jul 2022 at 00:16...
Hi there, which shop is it can I get a clue?
Father said on Wed, 27 Jul 2022 at 08:33...
Why is the creation of new topics blocked?
Liquid Old said on Wed, 27 Jul 2022 at 13:15...
Father: it's to stop spam attack like the one on Monday 25th July Whis attempt to crash the site.
Father said on Wed, 27 Jul 2022 at 14:44...
We had a terrorist attack, but I don't understand for what purpose.
What was the purpose of this spamming if it didn't even crash the server
Liquid Old said on Wed, 27 Jul 2022 at 15:39...
Father: These spammers just carry out random attacks, don't get your knickers in a twist, everythings just fine, don't panic.
Its only me said on Wed, 27 Jul 2022 at 21:22...
Bh1. The one on holdenhurst road mate
BH1 said on Thu, 28 Jul 2022 at 12:33...
Thanks! I bought some yesterday, 2 bottles of sapphire and 1 bottle of black. First time I’ve done them in over 10 years, I used to use Reds until they changed the formula back in 07.
Only tried the sapphire, seemed very mild compared to what I remember, Reds used to blow my head off but still not bad, very little bad after effects.
Probably not worth the money really but worth a try, hopefully the black is stronger.
Anonymous said on Thu, 28 Jul 2022 at 12:44...
It is weaker maybe because it is mixed with more alcohol or maybe it is isobutyl and previously there was butyl
Or maybe just the time that has passed since production
Its only me.. said on Thu, 28 Jul 2022 at 13:30...
No worries BH1. You didn't waste any time getting some!
I will give it a go when i'm in the area again.
I do prefer the Amercian stuff, although expensive. Bought some in Las Vegas in Nov last year and tried it in the booths!. Good times!
BH1 said on Thu, 28 Jul 2022 at 15:15...
Haha yeah, as soon as I saw isobutyl I was intrigued and wanted to give it a try before it sold out! It’s the first time I’ve seen it in the UK in years. They were almost out of some varieties, looking at their American site Black and Gold are the most expensive so maybe they’re a bit stronger.
Liquid Old said on Thu, 28 Jul 2022 at 15:41...
Psssst. Prowler Poppers UK have been selling Double Scorpio butyl poppers recently. They've just had their online payment methods stopped. Sounds like the old Bill's stepped in ?
BH1 said on Thu, 28 Jul 2022 at 22:35...
Possibly, it’s still showing on their website although it looks like it’s mostly out of stock now. Everyone probably saw this thread haha.
I’m 99% sure it’s legit, the sapphire comes in a cool blue bottle which I can’t imagine is easy to fake and the stickers look just like they do on the official site.
I want to try the other varieties and figure out the strongest, though they’re probably much of a muchness. It definitely doesn’t feel anywhere near as toxic as the old UK isobutyl, even if the effect is weaker.
Anonymous said on Fri, 29 Jul 2022 at 00:00...
Check if there are power differences between gold/silver and black
Billy said on Fri, 29 Jul 2022 at 08:30...
At £24 a bottle it would really need to be the good stuff!
Liquid Old said on Fri, 29 Jul 2022 at 10:28...
@ £24 a bottle it's either a get rich quick racket or very good stuff!
Anonymous said on Fri, 29 Jul 2022 at 14:54...
There is a large discrepancy in price depending on the store
One store has a price of €10 and another has a price €20 for the same thing
Liquid Old said on Fri, 29 Jul 2022 at 15:37...
There's something funny going on ???
BH1 said on Fri, 29 Jul 2022 at 16:41...
That’s probably the imitation stuff that’s posted earlier in the thread.
Jangojingo said on Sat, 30 Jul 2022 at 17:44...
My local independent sex shop in the north east is also selling them 3 for £60. Expensive, but I had to buy. Will try tonight after the wife has gone to bed and is snoring
Liquid Old said on Sun, 31 Jul 2022 at 15:53...
Jangjingo: Was there strong pulse in the head followed by rapid heartbeat, and then a smooth warm long lasting rush.
If so, it's genuine butyl.
Billy said on Mon, 1 Aug 2022 at 13:59...
Not sure if we'll hear any more from Jangojingo.
I suspect his dear wife was only pretending to sleep and now he's got bigger problems than reporting back here!
Liquid Old said on Mon, 1 Aug 2022 at 15:55...
His missus would have twigged it straight away, butyl lingers in the air for ages.....
BH1 said on Thu, 4 Aug 2022 at 10:21...
I finally opened up the Black, it’s definitely stronger than the Sapphire.Very nice, smooth and reasonably strong with still very little bad after effects or nose burn like I used to remember from the UK stuff back in the day. They also seem to last a lot longer before going stale.
I’d like to try the gold, I’m not planning on getting back into using them regularly but they sure are moreish after going so long without them!
Its only me. said on Thu, 4 Aug 2022 at 21:05...
Hi BH1
Picked some up today. White gold, gold and sappgire. Yet to open the gold. White gold was awesome. Sapphire not as strong.
Liquid Old said on Fri, 5 Aug 2022 at 11:44...
Does it start with a strong pulse in the head followed by rapid heartbeat, and then a smooth warm long lasting rush to the head ?
PopperExpert said on Sat, 6 Aug 2022 at 15:29...
I only bought OTC poppers in 2008-10 in the USA. I bought quite a few 10mls bottles from many different sources and they all seemed similar despite a label difference.
I remember taking them to the sex clubs, and while alone, I would test for effects. The primary effects were a dreamy, relaxed, less inhibited state of mind/being. There was no harshness. No hot flashes. No head throbbing. No heart jumping out of chest. No dark spots in the center of my vision. There was absolutely ZERO negative, unpleasant effects. And the odors were NOT strong. They were nondescript, non-acidic and never causing a sore or irritated throat.
Shortly after Joe Miller died in August 2010, the new poppers all sucked. They had side effects. They smelled acidic and were weak. They irritated my throat. They were just awful and a waste of money, so I stopped buying them.
All of this is to say that making high quality wonderful poppers is VERY VERY hard and takes exacting knowledge for scaling up to producing millions of bottles per year. I speculate that normal amyl nitrite makes the best popper, lowest odor, least side effects, longest stability, BUT I can't say for certain since all poppers will suck if they lack the proper chemistry, such as when they are degraded.
Butyl nitrite gives a room a VERY distinct freshly deodorized locker room scent. I don't remember that odor circa 2008-10. I only smelled it when I bought Sigma Aldrich's butyl nitrite 95%.
Isobutyl nitrite smells like a very sweet nail polish type compound. I don't remember that odor circa 2008-10. I only smelled it in 95% IBN from Tokyo Chemical in Japan.
Isopentyl nitrite smells slightyl fruity when fresh, but degrades into a funky, unpleasant odor, even long before it's dead. I only know this from buying 600 mls of isopentyl nitrite from the major chemical companies.
Isopropyl nitrite may smell like magic marker, but I'm not certain.
Normal amyl nitrite(normal pentyl nitrite) may smell slightly fruity and mild, BUT I'm not sure because I never bought it from a major chemical dealer. It's TOO expensive. The markup and shipping costs are exhorbitant.
Its only me said on Mon, 8 Aug 2022 at 18:20...
Hi All,
Just reporting back on my purchase.
I bought white gold, gold and Sapphire.
Sapphire the weaker of the 3. All different smells from what i am used to. (Amyl and Pentyl)
In my opinion, Scorpio is a good product. Seems smoother than Amyl but only when its fresh. Starts to get a bit harsh when opened for too long. I am a poppers-on-a-tissue-paper guy so a bottle lasts far less than sniffing direct from the bottle.
Scorpio is good but certainly not worth the 3 for £60 (£60 for 45mls) price tag. I will stick to my 3 for £30 (£30 for 72mls) of Amyl
--- said on Tue, 23 Aug 2022 at 01:42...
White gold when fresh made me drip pre-cum. When fresh. I got replacement bottles over some stuff that was sour on arrival and the replacement stuff was amazing. DS is about as real as it gets even if some claim it isn't as good as other stuff. I tried gold and whitegold from an adultbookstore and wasn't as impressed as buying direct.
Its only me said on Tue, 23 Aug 2022 at 21:43...
White gold was my favourite
Dave said on Sun, 28 Aug 2022 at 04:15...
Bought a few bottles from Prowler, Gold, White Gold, Sapphire and Black. Expensive but I wanted to give Double Scorpio a fair shot. Unfortunately, I have to say that I wasn't overly impressed. Not exactly bad but not worth the money. To be honest, I didn't notice much difference between any of the bottles. They definitely have a better effect initially when you first open the bottle - but it quickly wears off after about 30 seconds or so. After that they had little effect on me. I kept the bottles in the fridge but they still lost their potency quickly. I don't think I'll be buying them again. I'll probably go back to the cheaper pentyl brands. Hate the propyl brands. Is there ANYTHING out there that gives a reasonable kick these days?
Mark said on Thu, 10 Nov 2022 at 11:17...
I kind of agree with Dave. Personally I like Liquid Gold and Prowler Thunderball which I got here if you'd like to know:
I've found these are the best in terms of how long they last.
Yogo said on Wed, 13 Sep 2023 at 20:29...
The isobutyl formula from then 90's up until 2007 should never have been banned and replaced with the more dangerous isopropyl, which was and has proven to be more dangerous in terms of sight vision and faintness.
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