Poppers are a young man's game
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Liquid Old
on Sun, 26 Jun 2022 at 11:59
Liquid Old said on Sun, 26 Jun 2022 at 11:59...
Older guys, 50+ shouldn't be using Poppers. The reason is plain to see, your ageing body can't take it anymore. You're all complaining about breathing problems and low blood pressure for days after. And, of course you've damaged your eyesight. Now it doesn't matter which nitrite you inhale, Butyl, Pentyl, Amyl, Propyl your ageing organs can't handle it anymore. Stop thinking how youthful and fit you are, face the facts! You're not a teenager anymore.
Billy said on Sun, 26 Jun 2022 at 13:12...
Amen, brother! And if you are overweight then I would say give up even younger. I started using poppers when I was 32, and I was in terrible trouble with them by age of 35. Any time I used them after that point, even if it came after a year or more of abstinence and athletic activity, I found that my mental and physical health collapsed with that first two or three day binge. Like something out of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. I've crossed that point where I can't use them at all, even though I crave them daily.
Billy said on Sun, 26 Jun 2022 at 13:15...
Poppers are a cheap/bad/negative source of energy (intoxication). When you're older you need good/real energy (i.e, health).
Time for a song, I think:
The Professor said on Mon, 27 Jun 2022 at 17:12...
Age certainly has a profound effect, specifying 50 years is a generally good assumption.
There are outliers though, people that have a high metabolism, for whatever reason, can get away with poppers a bit longer.
I'm 58, and still enjoy a blend of N-butyl, isobutyl and tert-Butyl nitrites (about 90% reactivity)
I make 3 blends, and recently had to give over custom of my strongest blend to a younger person, I just can't handle the body load anymore (in my defense, the strongest blend I make is nearly the strongest a human can metabolize), so yes, age is a good metric, but cardio-pulmonary health also comes into play.
The Professor said on Mon, 27 Jun 2022 at 17:13...
Typo, custom should be curation
Anonymous said on Mon, 27 Jun 2022 at 18:35...
But the doctor write or wrote alkyl nitrites for old people. And now viagra is written for old people too. Don't doctors know the facts? Only for youngsters.
PopperExpert said on Mon, 27 Jun 2022 at 19:12...
@Anon...you make an excellent point. Poppers(amyl nitrite) was a drug prescribed for older folks with angina. It was deemed safe and made OTC for 9 years in the 1960s.
I've made poppers for 12 years....thousands of brews...all types and all methods. And one thing that always surfaces, is that amyl nitrite, NOT isopropyl or the butyls, are by far the safest and kindest to the body. They are the least likely to cause enhanced toxic effects, either due to the presence of impurities and/or due to increased potency. Plus, amyl nitrite has a mild odor. It's plenty strong enough if it's well made.
PopperExpert said on Mon, 27 Jun 2022 at 19:18...
I would add...with amyl nitrite, if you want a stronger/longer effect, you only have to take longer and/or more frequent whiffs, straight from the wide mouthed bottle.
PopperExpert said on Mon, 27 Jun 2022 at 19:20...
For bottoms, amyl nitrite will relax the ass strongly and quickly and there won't be the same danger of toxic overload from taking frequent hits to sustain the relax.
PopperExpert said on Mon, 27 Jun 2022 at 19:24...
I caution users to the difference between isoamyl/isopentyl and normal amyl nitrite. The old drug in the ampules was apparently isoamyl nitrite. Then it didn't matter what kind of rush/hit you got because it wasn't meant to be used for sex, so isoamyl was good enough.
Now....for the recreational use for sex, where the nitrite will be whiffed directly from a bottle, it's much better to use normal straight chained amyl nitrite. It maintains a more agreeable odor for longer(no cough reflex and no funky odor of degradation) and it works fast......
The Professor said on Mon, 27 Jun 2022 at 19:26...
Ken's still playing with his imaginary friends
readers that are new to this forum probably haven't experienced the lying, deceitful, willful ignorance that is Ken (aka anonymous, aka popperass, aka madeplentypoppers, aka NitriteSpecialist aka PopperExpert, aka PopperMaker, aka kenjoneslee, aka John Mulligan, etc.
He'll fight his wrong ideas to the ground, hasn't attained control of this reaction 13 years, and is wasting everyone's time.
another big yawn with no new content, a dollop of lies, with a dash of baloney
Those interested in the REAL science can always refer to the wiki, and join PopperMakers (a subreddit) if you need support for it.)
Maker's forum:
LOL! said on Thu, 30 Jun 2022 at 21:33...
I'm 51 and still popping. I took care of myself. Ate healthy, no smoking or drinking. Moderate exercise.
Most people think I'm 35 to 39. That sounds like a you problem not an our problem.
Liquid Old said on Sat, 2 Jul 2022 at 09:38...
When are you learn your lesson? 51 is way too old to be inhaling nitrites. You're fooling yourself about your age and condition, its precisely this mindset that's the problem. This forum is is full of ageing guys who've overdone poppers, they just don't know when to call it a day.
Billy said on Sun, 3 Jul 2022 at 13:59...
Tip for the older guys still looking to get off: A nice bottle of red wine and a dildo can still be fun, after a couple of hours of exercise and then listening to your favourite music to raise emotions/energy. Less likely to burn you out, too.
Liquid Old said on Sun, 3 Jul 2022 at 15:19...
Very good tip Billy. The over-the-hill guys need to be steered away from nitrites......
Anonymous said on Mon, 4 Jul 2022 at 19:28...
I don't like the effect of alcohol and it doesn't relax the ass. I also am not burned out on poppers. Nor do I a feel a need to JO or get off with or without them. But I agree with everyone else...the OTC ones are mostly garbage, either weak or cause enhanced toxic effects, mostly from impurities.
Liquid Old said on Tue, 5 Jul 2022 at 16:25...
It doesn't matter if you're huffing OTC poppers or made-at-home nitrites, your ageing body is no longer capable of handling it after 50.
Duder said on Tue, 5 Jul 2022 at 23:34...
Im now more and more convinced The Professor is the loser here. Spamming a reddit that doesnt seem to exist and always seeing Ken wverywhere. Like an outcast playing wheres waldo by himself. What a loser. What a tool.
The Professor said on Thu, 7 Jul 2022 at 16:17...
The subreddit exists duder
Maker's forum:
Duder said on Fri, 8 Jul 2022 at 01:19...
C&P pos
Wayne said on Thu, 27 Oct 2022 at 18:18...
I'm 72, always homosexual,155 lbs lots of muscle, exercise regularly mountain biking, eyesight is fine, and have been doing poppers for the last 20 years including some heavy popper sessions with low dose Cialis while doing prostate massage with my Njoy Pure Wand. Often include 10 mg thc edible for mind-blowing prostate orgasms. Sometimes feel a bit washed out for a few hours after but nothing bothersome. The problem is not advanced age, but men who have not looked after their health during their lives. Obesity, bad diets, smoking, booze and no exercise for years are the reason one cannot handle occasional popper use, not advanced age. IMO poppers expanding the blood vessels occasionally is probably good for older guys with no cardiac issues. Keep in mind that too much poppering is hard on the lungs: coughing and chest congestion.
Wenis said on Tue, 20 Dec 2022 at 10:34...
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