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N-amyl nitrite: 3rd day evaluation

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Anonymous
on Sat, 18 Jun 2022 at 15:44

Anonymous said on Sat, 18 Jun 2022 at 15:44...

My NAN brew, made according to a published chemistry book, is now 3 days old and I have tested it.

Odor: mild, aromatic, reminiscent of a cleaning agent, such as Spic and Span, slightly fruity and slightly sweet, agreeable, no trace of bitterness

Effects: strong ass relax, marked euphoria, increased energy, increased libido, sexually more aggressive, strong frantic reflex to ride the biggest and bestest, hard and with enthusiasm and if that ride fails, there's a frantic thought to hurry up and find the next available one while the ass is on fire.

Anonymous said on Sat, 18 Jun 2022 at 15:47...

And all these effects that made me fall in love with poppers is exactly what alarms the powers that be and makes the activist gay community recoil with embarrassment and even denial. So folks, Eli Lilly is not likely to ever make poppers again.

Anonymous said on Sat, 18 Jun 2022 at 15:56...

Since it's been 3 days of testing and my NAN has preserved well, I am calling this brew close to the real deal, closer than my excess acid brews, which were turning off by day 3. Odors and effects had markedly diminished.

This brew, amounting to 2 - 10 ml bottles, has been stored on just a few beads of MS4(1 to 3 beads) and just a small layer of dry potassium carbonate. And that's been sufficient to preserve these bottles, with open air use, for 3 days. Remaining contents is about 60-70% of original bottled amount.

The Professor said on Sat, 18 Jun 2022 at 16:32...

With added stabilizers, three days of use tells a person absolutely nothing about the quality of their product (other than the instant death (within hours) that a completely botched prep will suffer (and most of Ken's preps evidently end up that way if he's excited, after 13 years, by something that holds together for three days.

Back on earth, Alkyl nitrites are constantly seeking an equilibrium (a balance of ingredients and products) and will take between 21 and 28 DAYS to reach.

Along with reversing back into ingredients, this reaction also decomposes, and stabilizing the product so it holds together for 3 months in a sealed bottle is an indicator that is much more valuable than the 'with use' metric that Ken is wasting his time (and health) chasing.(readers that are new to this forum probably haven't experienced the lying, deceitful, willful ignorance that is Ken.

He'll fight his wrong ideas to the ground, hasn't attained control of this reaction 13 years, and is wasting everyone's time.

another big yawn with no new content.

Those interested in the REAL science can always refer to the wiki, and join PopperMakers (a subreddit) if you need support for it.)


Maker's forum:

Anonymous said on Sun, 19 Jun 2022 at 16:28...

It's day 4 and they are too dead to use. No ass relax, but the odors are still OK with no bitterness or anything repulsive.

So....3 days with use and just a little Kcarb.

The Professor said on Sat, 25 Jun 2022 at 22:25...

Nothing to brag about.; Comparing that to the reported tests of Alkyl nitrite hydrolysis, photolysis and oxidation (UN-stabilized nitrites should last about 6 weeks)

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