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N-amyl Nitrite....fragrant and fruity?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Anonymous
on Tue, 31 May 2022 at 23:06

Anonymous said on Tue, 31 May 2022 at 23:06...

The product I got from trying another patented method smells fragrant and fruity....Sprite like....and it has an aromatic quality of a room deodorizer, like something that freshens up room odor.

Effects are....very pronounced but not slamming.....mental excitement due to overall euphoria and sensitivity of body/nipples to touch. I'm calling this one closer to the true NAN than my previous excess acid brews.

I followed the patent as closely as I could and added argon gas to my flask during the reaction. I used antifreeze in my ice bath to keep the temps low. I started per the patent with a small amount of cold brine, 10% of the alcohol and 10% of the 40% solution of sodium nitrite. I then added all 3 reagents simultaneously.

The Professor said on Wed, 1 Jun 2022 at 01:02...

YOur previous 'excess acid' brews were not at all excess; you were just using a lower density acid than what the stoichiometry calls for.

Of course it will smell fruity; that aroma, and others, comes from , you guessed it (but ken didn't, he'd rather double down on nonsense) unreacted alcohol.

You're on a roll here Ken; keep being you and we'll have to expand over at PopperMakers subreddit

Anonymous said on Wed, 1 Jun 2022 at 14:14...

And of course, the Professor's brews all smell like camphor toxic shit....oh wait....he can't smell, he said he lost that sense long ago from inhaling toxic shit for too long.

Says odor doesn't matter. You can't identify a type of popper from its odor. BS!!! It's just a reason to not give others some clue as to what he's actually brewing up in his dark room. He wouldn't want anyone in the know to actually realize his home brews are far off the mark.

Anonymous said on Wed, 1 Jun 2022 at 14:17...

Before I was rudely interrupted by the chemist impersonator, I tried my brews today and they are VERY VERY potent and very volatile and still smelling like a cleaning solution.

To copy the patent, I changed so many things, so I don't know exactly what mattered most, what made the most difference, BUT the method must be rather forgiving since I thought both brews were ruined, but both are markedly different and still good with strong clean odors and effects.

The Professor said on Wed, 1 Jun 2022 at 15:32...

Have a day off today or something Ken? Are you on a poppers bender?

It just seems odd that someone would sabotage their own credibility.

You've done it before, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Anonymous said on Thu, 2 Jun 2022 at 18:10...

It's day 3 of my newest NAN brews and they are more volatile, more aromatic and very fruity smelling. They make the room smell like a room deodorizer, clean and fresh.

Effects are strong too. What made the difference? The patent for sure, but was it the argon gas or a combination of everything.

Whatever it was, the patented method produced a VERY VERY different odor, the likes of which I've never quite made.

The Professor said on Thu, 2 Jun 2022 at 19:03...

Yawn.....the simplest things amaze you ken, very strange.

In a bottle, the product is seeking equilibrium. There is a period of 21-28 DAYS in which the product is still swinging around to that equilibrium. Shaking the bottle upsets that equilibrium again, and starts it swinging again, like fuel in a battleship's tank sloshing back and forth with each wave.

Rather than play cut-and-paste with all of your failures, try LEARNING something about what you are doing.

If you ever do, you'll understand how most of the stuff you say is wrong, and a good portion of it is outright lies.

Example: an EQ constant is simply a ratio of products to reactants. The IsoP you fall over in love for has an EQ constant of 0.25 at near the temp you make it at.

That constant PREFERS ingredients over product 75 to 25. there is absolutely, mathematically no way possible to make IsoP that's nitrosated ABOVE that 25%; it just doesn't react under those conditions.

you know, Math

Now take his precious n-Amyl nitrite (EQ constant of about 2.5) which is SLIGHTLY better than 0.25. the 2.5:1 ratio tells you that for every, say 2.5 milliliters of product there is 1 ml of ingredients that don't react. That's still a considerable amount of unreacted alcohol (12ml for every 30ml bottle, or 40%)

again, math

ignorance is NOT bliss

The Professor said on Fri, 3 Jun 2022 at 00:59...

Correction; the 40% will not be entirely un-reacted alcohol, there will also be other un-reacted ingredients; HNO2, and HCL, in that 40%. It's an equimolar reaction, so that's about 13.3% un-reacted alcohol.

Charlie said on Wed, 8 Jun 2022 at 07:10...

I find that my vials tend to get better the longer they sit undisturbed, at least for a while. I have been finding that I cannot judge how good the n-butyl nitrite will be at its best early on after drying. In fact, I find that the best bottles from the best batches are at their peak effect about 3 weeks after making.

Don't get me wrong, they are good after drying for 4 days, but they seem to get better if I allow them to sit undisturbed in the fridge for a few weeks. The effects seem to be a little more balanced, if that makes any sense.

I just opened a (10 mL) vial that has been "aging" for 3 weeks on my standard scant 1/2 tsp AA and a pinch of Kcarb and wow! It was a beautiful bottle. I was a little unsure of this batch at first after drying because I was using some older alcohol, but this fresh bottle is very nice after sitting 3 weeks. The aroma is very mild and fresh - but very mild. I just need to get on a better schedule to allow my n-butyl to age before using. That's the hard part - waiting for it to age a little.

The Professor said on Wed, 8 Jun 2022 at 14:40...

That's been my experience as well, and yes, it should be ready for me to 'keep up' and always have cured product available, but I often wait until the last minute to make.

Charlie said on Wed, 8 Jun 2022 at 19:51...

Same here Prof! I am contemplating making a 1 mol batch next time. In practice, what is the longest that you have found un-opened bottles to remain at their peak if they are stored properly? I know you have provided a chart, but what is your personal experience as far as storage longevity (i.e. at what point does the noticeable decline begin)?

The Professor said on Wed, 8 Jun 2022 at 20:21...

I've only tested them three months out. Unopened, stabilized and bottled without oxygen.

That's a good question for the PopperMakers subreddit; you might get more responses

Charlie said on Wed, 8 Jun 2022 at 21:20...

Thank you Prof. That's a great place to start knowing a 1-mol prep would last me personally 2 months.

The Professor said on Mon, 20 Jun 2022 at 16:27...

readers that are new to this forum probably haven't experienced the lying, deceitful, willful ignorance that is Ken (aka anonymous, aka popperass, aka madeplentypoppers, aka NitriteSpecialist aka PopperExpert, aka PopperMaker, aka kenjoneslee, aka John Mulligan, etc.

He'll fight his wrong ideas to the ground, hasn't attained control of this reaction 13 years, and is wasting everyone's time.

another big yawn with no new content, a dollop of lies, with a dash of baloney

Those interested in the REAL science can always refer to the wiki, and join PopperMakers (a subreddit) if you need support for it.)


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