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When to discard?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Steve
on Sat, 30 Oct 2021 at 03:01

Steve said on Sat, 30 Oct 2021 at 03:01...

Obviously, we are going to toss them when they aren't working anymore? But is there a guideline? Talking 30 ml bottles

Seems like I'm getting towards the bottom, but still hits pretty good

My Name or My nickname would be the same said on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 at 01:10...

I am only speaking for myself. I get the 30ml bottles because it's more cost effective. It depends on the brand but if the fluid is up to the neck of the bottle, I can get down to half the bottle before it starts making me sick to use it. There is only a $3 difference between the 15ml bottle and the 30ml bottle at my local shop. $15 or $18 before tax. Not sure why they price it that way but I just get the big bottle. If I get genuine PWD Rush with the hologram sticker I can get about 70 percent of the liquid used before I toss it. PWD Locker Room and PWD Hardwire are about the same. They're probably all the same to be honest. Once poppers starts smelling weird or I get a headache faster than usual, I toss it. Double Scorpio is the only one that last longer but it is weaker so don't buy it that much.

Always Poppers. Everything Poppers. said on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 at 01:29...

I've been using for 12 years. One bottle each month. I just use it until it goes off on me and I no longer like the effects. Keep it simple. Also helps to buy from a shop that has consistently good products on the shelf or fridge.

NTBiman said on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 at 22:37...

Break it down to 3 small bottles, use one at time...

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