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List of Pros and Cons DIY Poppers

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Nitritespecialist
on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 at 15:21

Nitritespecialist said on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 at 15:21...

PROS: 1. lower cost per 10 ml bottle,
2. an ever ready supply of poppers
3. relatively easy to produce some chemical composition that gives some type of physiological effect, be it good or bad.

CONS: 1. hard and often costly to obtain reagents, especially from large reputable companies such as Sigma Aldrich. These companies provide a Certificate of Analysis showing the date and results of QC performed on all their chemicals.

2. no access to chemical analyzers to test product purity/composition
3. difficult to control side reactions that will taint product
4. handling of dangerous acids and exposure to toxic nitrogen dioxide gases that are invariably produced during an alkyl nitrite synthesis.
5. exposure to sodium nitrite...6 grams consumed can kill a person
6. having to be one's own guinea pig to test untested chemical compound
7. risking additional or faster side effects from stronger nitrites and/or from unknown impurities present.
8. having to discard toxic waste
9. having to store dangerous chemicals
10. yellow fingers and hands from exposure to nitric acid

Nitritespecialist said on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 at 15:28...

Now, if someone wants to pursue making poppers at home, at least they know most of the major pros and cons.

Nitritespecialist said on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 at 15:35...

I would also add that there is tremendous variation possible with DIY poppers in terms of both odor and effects. Without an analyzer to test for chemical composition, it's impossible to know what chemicals present and their amounts account for all the various odors and effects.

You won't know if the change in odor/effect is due to higher purity, lower purity or the presence of some undesirable compound. Many people won't care as long as they are getting some type of buzz, be it good or bad.

The Professor said on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 at 16:17...

Mucking up the forum with a personal beef again.......

Anyone can Google

Site: http://poppersguide.com/forum/ The Professor

They will see that (between myself and ken's various screen names, an endless barrage of parries, using the same old accusations, and my ripostes that illuminate the realities involved.

It's fun, I highly suggest reading up on what ken's all about.

In the meantime, remember Morty, winter's coming.....

The Professor said on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 at 16:18...

Also, can you at least try to restrict your false statements to discussions between us? You are studying this forum with nonsense topics

The Professor said on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 at 16:19...


The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 at 22:12...


11. It takes a lot of time, expertise, and effort, and NETFLIX is full of cool shows.

Poppers are relatively cheap, safe if you stay away from IPN and Hexyl, so unless you are truly passionate about chemistry....why bother?

I mean respect to those that are, but for those only chasing after that pre-2010 PWD rainbow...think again...you are older...that's largely why things 'aint the way they were....that and Chinese crap. You shouldn't be buying anything from China anyway...don't do that.

>Stuffing.. agh Christmas already :-)

The Professor said on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 at 22:57...

And part 7 of Atropa just dropped on YouTube

The Professor said on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 at 23:59...

If one is going to add to ken's list, I'd like to whittle it down a bit first

" 1. hard and often costly to obtain reagents, especially from large reputable companies such as Sigma Aldrich. These companies provide a Certificate of Analysis showing the date and results of QC performed on all their chemicals.

Reactants that are certified will be hard to aquire if one doesnh't have a lab. One CAN get sigma level products in small amounts, but thyey themselves only sell to customers who have a business address.

If one HAS a business address, Sigma will sell directly to you, but if you oredr in quantity, they will ask to see your hazardous materials documentation and photos of your spill containment equipment.

The guide provided talks about the various reactant qualities, and where they are available.

With the liquid batch process, and Duda energy (food grade) NaNO2, 37% HCL (about the most stable reactant in the world) and uncertified alcohols (from various chemical vendors (NOT ebay or amazon) 98% purity is attainable.

98% purity is the highest I was able to get out of the liquid batch process, and it is VERY MUCH suitable for use, stabilization and preservation

The guide is intended for the liquid batch process, which an intermediate experienced amateur CAN do, responsibly and safely.

For example,
I purposely constrain the cooling bath method to salt and ice baths (although longer lasting and deeper cooling methods exist, they involve toxic solvents that I don't want anybody in my neighborhood to be pouring down their drain.

in the described process, the cooling bath waste is entirely safe to pour down the drain, and the waste phase of the nitrite will be water, some salt, and POSSIBLY some excess HCL acid (depending on the maker's reaction stoichiometry and reaction speed.)

Salt and water are safe to dump down the drain, and HCL will dissociate entirely into hydrogen anions and chlorine cations, BOTH of which are handled by waste water treatment facilities.

1 shouldn't be on this list.

2. no access to chemical analyzers to test product purity/composition

"3. difficult to control side reactions that will taint product"

tyhe whole point of my methoid is to gain CONTROL of the reaction, so one can determine for THEMSELVES what possible side reactions to address. If carried out at -12C and r4eaction speed of about 1 drop every 4 to 5 seconds, there is NO excess energy available to produce side reactions. The entire apparatus is cold and anaerobic.

number 3 shouldn't be on this list

"4. handling of dangerous acids and exposure to toxic nitrogen dioxide gases that are invariably produced during an alkyl nitrite synthesis."

Dangers of handling highly reactive acids are illustrated in the guide, on the reactant label, and in common chemistry lab practices. Production of Nitric Oxide gas is impossible in an anaerobic condition at -12C

number 4 doesn't belong

"5. exposure to sodium nitrite...6 grams consumed can kill a person"

see the product label warnings, and common sense (don't eat your reactants).

5 is nogo

"6. having to be one's own guinea pig to test untested chemical compound"

a cautious person can take a cautious whiff; if their nose curls up and tries to repel the product, it is likely to be HIGHLY toxic; potentially an immediate threat to life; that's all common lab safety; DON't needlessly expose yourself to toxins"

6 is gone

"7. risking additional or faster side effects from stronger nitrites and/or from unknown impurities present."

possible, but not at -12C in anaerobic conditions

7 is a lie

"8. having to discard toxic waste"

debunked above
8 is gone

"9. having to store dangerous chemicals"

a cool dark place. If in a lab, you'll have spill containment equipment. If not, you can buy absorbant chemical spill tubes online

9 doesn't re;ate

"10. yellow fingers and hands from exposure to nitric acid"

Again, nitric ACID is NOT a possible situation; the most toxic thikng going on would be the possible liberation of Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) from reacting too quickly, at too high a temperature and with exposure to Oxygen.

The yellowing of fingers can happen from handling sodium nitrite itself, but try storing it in qlass sealed glass container (not scooping from a plastic bag like Ken did, then wondered why it oxidized), and using NITRILE gloves (not vinyl or PVC) and I bet your fingers will not yellow.

google the yellowing of fingers by sodium nitrite exposure, and you'll find an osha article explaining how it happens (without nitric acid involved)

So in trutch, there are CONS, but nowhere near the cons that ken is trying to convince himself of. All of his experiences arew attributable to HIS OWN failures, in not respecting the conditions that the REACTION asks for.

Nitritespecialist said on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 at 00:09...

Hmmmmmm......and still no lab analysis report indicating your 98% purity dated when????

The proof is in the pudding.....give up those lab reports!!!!

Nitritespecialist said on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 at 00:10...

Otherwise....it's just hot air. Anybody can claim to have made a perfect poppers, BUT without that lab analysis from a professional lab...it's hot air!!!

The Professor said on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 at 00:29...

The 'pudding' is coming this fall; you just can't let reality and facts get in the way of you're 'stories' can you?

Nitritespecialist said on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 at 13:25...

Professor can't deliver his lab analysis report that he claims indicated his home made samples were 98% pure. Hmmmm...FAKE FAKE FAKE!!!

The Professor said on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 at 16:54...

going to all caps to SHOUT your diatribes, that have been disproven ad infinitum, is kind of silly isn't it?

the endless circle of deceit continues; the sickness is strong in this one

Nitritespecialist said on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 at 17:58...

I don't need a lab report to tell me that your send samples were total turbid toxic crap...worse than anything I had ever seen, smelled or tried.

The Professor said on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 at 18:08...

then why did you like them so much?

The Professor said on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 at 18:15...

to anyone curious, popchef offered reddit users on the popperpigs forum a chance to have a 'cook off' of sorts (although I hate the term). He sent out samples of HIS recipe, and the general consensus was that they were adequate. ken got into a fit about the murkiness (since fixed and due to molecular sieve dusting) and odor of the excess butanol.

It's been 'ken knows all and popchef is a scam' since then.

Meanwhile, SEVERAL of the makers on poppersplace, several of the members of PopperMakers on reddit, have had MUCH success with the procedure, and he can't stand it, and will do ANYTHING to discredit it

see his deceit in action as he argues with himself, reality and me

site: http://poppersguide.com/forum/ The Professor

The Professor said on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 at 18:17...

and how many years ago was that ken? 8, 9? I don't know, but nublu is NOT irresistible bliss, and even irresistible bliss became something much more pure once popchef started ignoring your advice and going his own way.

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