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Review of Poppers-Zone-Canada.com

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by C
on Sat, 4 Sep 2021 at 02:04

C said on Sat, 4 Sep 2021 at 02:04...

Alright, so I saw some back and forth on this site and I wanted to add my thoughts based on my one transaction. Take this as just my experience, not a recommendation or a warning.

Put in an order for a 5 pack of the 24ml Amyl. Roughly 100. Paid via paypal, so I figured if there was a serious issue we could get it reversed easily--I'm not honestly sure what the policy is for issues at the border. Paid it, took about 24 hours for them to receive the payment.

After a couple days I was a bit nervous because it wasn't showing any shipping information, but about 48 hours after that update a shipping number was put up. That didn't actually lead to anything for another 48 hours -- 5 days past the purchase itself--but eventually they updated it.

The parcel site was a bit slow to update, but eventually it told me that it got into Canada. It was delivered today about 2 weeks after the original order was put in. The box was small and filled with packing peanuts. 4 of the 5 were the same as what I purchased--the 5th on the site was a Pocket Rush, but what I was shipped was a second Iron Fist. Not sure what happened there, but that's the way it goes. I might message the owners of the site and see if I can get a discount on my next order, but that's going to be a while from now--the 5 should last me a while.

None of the bottles were damaged. No bad smells or anything. 80% accurate purchase. Came to about 95 CAD--I forgot to put in the 10% discount.

TLDR: Came through, got MOST of what I ordered. Took about 2 weeks. No trouble at the border. Take this with a grain of salt, but I'm fairly happy with it.

oli said on Fri, 15 Oct 2021 at 01:16...

thanks, been looking for a website to order from... it's hard to get in canada. I will try it

S said on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 at 02:18...

I posted in a few other threads about my experience, but to summarize, its not worth it. The seller lies about the formulation and sends counterfeit junk(the kamagra pills he sent me were so obviously fake that only a complete moron would test them. Kamagras are tablets sealed in packs of 4. He sent me 8 loose blue capsules in a package you would expect to get from a hardware store when buying screws with a cheaply printed out label on cardstock without any details on production or batch numbers)

The poppers were low crappy too, and he even admits to selling mislabelled ones(check out the listing for 30ml lockerroom amsterdam and JJ platinum).

Spawnster said on Sun, 1 May 2022 at 20:11...

On February 2nd. 2022 I placed an order for 2 bottles of AMYL (amyl) 24ml. It took till April 10th to receive an email from poppers-zone.com to say my order was being processed. Something about not being able to access the internet for 4 weeks therefore unable to do any work.
Well my order finally arrived on April 27th. Unfortunately the caps on the bottles weren't tight enough and there was some leakage. Not only that but what I ended up getting wasn't what was pictured on the website. Instead what I received were 2 non-labelled bottles of a cheap imitation.
I've emailed the company and as of May 1, 2022 still waiting for a response. Suffice to say I won't be buying from this store again.

popperszone said on Thu, 5 May 2022 at 11:50...

to answer S:
We sell originals from PWD and Lockerroom only and we buy to them direclty... We are the only website that actually systematically explain what is inside... You're dreaming with your eyes deeply open if you think we are selling fakes one... some are from Lockerroom with Hexyl now and some are from PWD with propyl inside, the formula is even in the name but it seems you didn't really understand what you're buying and that there is different producers making and using same names...

for Spawnster: inside the box you got a note stating the printer for labels is broken and we shipped the bottles without labels so you can get them quickly. Maybe I should have wait to get the new printer from China in 3 months so you would have another reason to complain :-)
also you claimed there was a leak but you sent pictures showing 1 bottle 100% full and the second were barely 1ml was missing. Unfortunately poppers is by nature volatile (you know this is that specification that allows you to sniff it) so evaporation happened and of course with the temperature changing a lot between day and night transport can definitely play bad surprises.

I'm always surprised by guys buying poppers and after that writing stupid emails stating the product is fake... are you just aware of what you order? fake compare to what? you ordered PWD amyl and you received PWD amyl... just without the label as the labels can't be printed right now

Amy said on Wed, 15 Nov 2023 at 18:51...

This website is a scam, DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THEM.

I've been in a dispute with the owner for a month now, attempting to even get a refund for my package that's never arrived.

His refund policy is this "you'll get it when you fucking get it - and there's no refunds - just TRY and file a complaint, we cover all the paper trails and evidence, so fuck you."

Amy said on Thu, 16 Nov 2023 at 13:07...

Here's a few correspondences with him so you know what you're getting into:

After asking for a refund:
"i don't understand what you are talking about

You speak about scam when you are not able to read a website information and understand an answer???

I warned him I would file a complaint against him if he didn't refund:

"do what you think you have to do my dear
once they will finally arrive I already know idiots like you are never apologising

You are the kind of guys getting angry and frustrated mostly because you can't read an email and understand an answer
So why am I wasting my time to explain you

I made a clear website, there is the shipping processed explained at 3 different places online but you still not able to read it and understand it

so do as many claims as you want
Such an idiot"

I told him off after losing my patience:

"You got parcels crossing oceans
You know how to run a business

Hey asshole, poppers can't be sold in Canada, so for you to get them, they have to enter
What you have not understood yet is that your poppers have been blocked at the border

But you know, just order poppers in China
Bye bye Karen"

Informed him of pending reports to RCMP, WooCommerce, and Law Enforcement:

"Ah ah
have fun... I am not a canadian business lol
Are you opening a claim stating you ordered a prohibited item???

You are so stuuuuuuuuuupid
Of course, after checking where you live, I am not surprised... go back to fuck your cousin and stop wasting my time, you don't have enough neurons to understand what I am trying to explain, so fuck off"

Amy said on Thu, 16 Nov 2023 at 13:08...

this was all after weeks of no updates and giving him plenty of lee-way for any sort of "delay" that might have happened during shipping
(my package still isn't here)

Amy said on Thu, 16 Nov 2023 at 13:59...

For the record: its not illegal to buy, own, or use poppers, its only illegal to sell them for human consumption - he tried scaring me away from reporting him to the police by saying he'll tell on me too

Tom said on Fri, 8 Dec 2023 at 08:08...

Ordered over a month ago, no updates until requested, said had tried 2 times to get them through customs.

No further updates as email address bounces now.

Avoid at all costs.

Just order from Europe yourself in boxes of 4 bottles or less took 7 days for me to get an order from somewhere else.

John said on Sat, 9 Dec 2023 at 11:02...

I have been buying (and shipping orders for this guy in Canada) for close to two years now with my only compensation being free shipping despite taking the risk for importing them into Canada & distributing them. I never get what I order or he is short and says he will make it up on the next order, it takes weeks (if not months) to get it and his customer service skills are absolute shit. I placed what was to be my last order with him in Mid-October & he didn’t ship it out until the third week of November. He had warned me not to use UPS to ship orders (as I was also purchasing from a wholesaler for a fraction of the cost, received it in two weeks & got the products I ordered - but I had to ship to a PO Box in the US & forward to Canada with FedEx). Anyways he sent my final order with UPS (instead of DHL who he always used & they got through) and of course they were stopped at the border. They called me and asked me what was inside and I didn’t know what to say so I said a return jacket. They said that’s not what matched the commercial invoice and asked me to email Nico asking him what was inside the packages (with a copy of my passport) and they would release the parcel. So I emailed him first to make sure it was OK (which he reassured me it was) and told me he told them it was collectible bottles. So I sent him & customs an email, with my passport, asking him to confirm it was collectible bottles. Well he never included me in on the reply and of course they never released the package. I followed up with Nico and asked him what the hold up was and he kept giving me excuses. Then I finally pushed him and told him if they weren’t going to release it he would have to reship it to me or refund me. Well he just absolutely lost it on me and went right off the deep end and told me off and made it out as if it were my fault and refused to do anything about it. When I contacted customs they told me I’d have to come in person if I wanted to pickup the parcel. I had told Nico that he could request that they return the parcel and reship it properly. By the time I was going to go to customs to try to retrieve the parcel the asshole had had it returned to him, kept my money & stopped answering my emails. So now I’m working with my credit card companies to try and do a chargeback, but I wired him the money western union and the transfer is complete so they likely can’t help me. So that’s what I get for being a loyal customer for 2+ years and his bitch shipping packages for him. Fuck you Nico!

Dummy said on Fri, 15 Dec 2023 at 18:51...

Wish I had seen all of this BEFORE I was dumb enough to throw my money into the wind.

MW_C said on Tue, 19 Dec 2023 at 14:13...

This site is a total fake and joke - rude staff, they never manage to get anything through customs despite them "being smarter than the government" - unlike their false store front, nothing is shipped from within Canada - it all comes from out of country

Diego from Montreal said on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 at 03:05...

I have placed an order in September 20 2023 , I sent the money and I never received my order which it was a total of $200

The website is popperszone.com

His name is Nicolas Reuff

ATTENTION!!! DO NOT send E- transfer or any payment that it goes directly to him.


Victim said on Thu, 4 Jan 2024 at 17:02...

I’ve been scammed too. Ordered in Oct 2023. I emailed and was told it would be 2 more weeks.
The next 3 follow up emails went unanswered and the phone number on the site doesn’t work.
I’ve lost my money.

Order number: PZC00455 said on Tue, 9 Jan 2024 at 18:57...

Why do we end up seeing this after we have made an order. I read and I sit here thinking maybe it's mad customers. But it seems they're legit complaints. I paid Sunday January 7 yes I did late as I came accross this site late. Monday no answer and it's Tuesday no response. Website still at pending payment. My bank just told me, it went through in his account name Nicolas Jean Reuff.

$124.38 lost. What kind of person does this. This isn't just a scam but it's fraud regardless of them being "Prohibited" no criminal record just fined if in possession and confiscated vs Fruad which is felony!

Just give me and everyone's money back. I made it easy. I sent you a request for it to be return. All you have to do is hit accept. Or send me the whole order.

Guido said on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 at 03:36...

Just like the others... I placed an order and promptly paid. After waiting weeks with an order "on hold" and a few follow up emails there has been no response back from Nicolas Jean Reuff. Google his name to see what comes up. He is running a scam site. Basic customer service would be to reply within a reasonable time with an update - any update.

Order number: PZC00455 said on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 at 05:52...

Or at least a thank you for the payment! The bank suggest to report it to the police. They would be able to shut down that account and do an international investigation. Fraud is fraud regardless. Besides we order for personal use. He can't hide with this, it's illegal in Canada. And think he can get away with fraud. Poppers are prohibited, yes, but it's because of health department and not in a Criminal or Law level.

"Poppers have been banned for sale in Canada since 2013. Buying, possession and use of poppers remains legal, but their sale for human consumption is not. However, as we know, prohibition doesn't really work, and research has shown that popper use hasn't decreased since they've been banned."


Hung Lad said on Mon, 15 Jan 2024 at 20:47...

Yeah... fraud site. Paid extra for "ship from Canada" and never got anything, so he cannot blame Customs stopping the shipment. Payment goes right into this jerks bank account. Don't bother with this site.

I'vebeenscammed said on Wed, 24 Jan 2024 at 17:18...

I wish I had done a simple google search before sending my etransfer.
Funds have been deposited OK, order says "pending payment"
I sent 2 messages via the "contact us" no reply.
I sent an email to Mr. Poppers, no reply
I tried calling the UK phone number provided, automated message from Telus said this: "This number range has been blocked for security purposes".
I called Telus customer support, they indicated this number is associated with a known scam.

Fraudsters are everywhere.

AW said on Wed, 31 Jan 2024 at 15:12...

Same here, ordered placed October 2023, follow ups made, be patient was the response as they need to shop over from UK.
Sent a final email today asking for refund. I know it will either not be answered or denied. Fortunately it was just a small order so not too much lost.

mykel6991 said on Fri, 9 Feb 2024 at 05:00...

January 18, 2024... I wish I had read this review before I had ordered an had improperly sent e-transfer so I had sent another and have only been told its processing..
I had sent an email to see if I could get a refund for the first transfer because it had been deposited .
I am still waiting for a reply and a confirmation on shipment..
If anyone has any information that would help
I would greatly appreciate it

Dummy said on Tue, 20 Feb 2024 at 04:09...

Liquid aromas site recommended here is no better. Two orders never arrived. They send a tracking number but when the shipment seems to bounce all over the place, they just stop responding.

Gis said on Wed, 12 Jun 2024 at 22:48...

Thought this website was a scam as well, turned out my order showed up but I was completely ghosted by email. It's legit just dog shit service.

ddogdeluxe said on Mon, 1 Jul 2024 at 17:18...

Ordered a 10ml bottle of Fist in June 2024.

The website makes it look like it will ship from within Canada, however, it was shipped from England.

Tracking was provided and worked (both on the English side and Canadian), and it got through customs without a problem.

Small box. Product description: lube

Bottle looked genuine, factory-sealed, BUT, the weakest bottle of poppers I've ever had. I need to inhale three times as much as usual just to get a high.

Happy with the delivery but not the product.

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