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How do I buy from Alfa Aesar or TCI Chemicals?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by uinstitches
on Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 19:18

uinstitches said on Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 19:18...

Do you need a license to order from either?

Alfa Aesar sells isopentyl nitrite (110-46-3) 25ml for $32

TCI Chemicals sells amyl nitrite (463-04-7) 25ml for $208

Otherwise Anamyl is apparently the first maker of amyl in Australia. Not a big deal at all like some make it out to be ,, as it's a backyard job. They could easily be full of impurities and go stale within a day. But we'll see...

I'm just sick of wasting my money on Rush from Naughtyboy, that stuff is disgusting, goes off after 24 hours and it's so harsh I think it might be isopropyl.

Nitritespecialist said on Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 20:13...

You need to find a middleman chemical supplier that will order something from TCI and then send to your home. Try lab hobbyist suppliers.

Isopropyl nitrite smells very VERY sweet and aromatic. It's cold to the touch...because it evaporates so quickly. So holding the bottle will feel cold. You'll pay dearly for any good feelings you get from it.

You notice how n-amyl nitrite costs so much more than isoamyl nitrite. Hmmmmm.....not even worth it to buy it and try to rebottle/resell as poppers. Huge disincentive.

N-butyl nitrite shares a similar spot. It's better than isobutyl, and it costs way more. The downside to Nbutyl nitrite is that if it's contaminated with the rong impurities, it's very toxic. So is isobutyl nitrite, but if you can get a pure product, n-butyl nitrite is certainly the preferred.

Nitritespecialist said on Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 20:17...

Also, that TCI price for amyl nitrite does NOT include all the added fees/shipping. My quoted delivered price for 100 mls of namyl was 370 USD.

The Professor said on Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 21:53...

I wouldn't recommend buying nitrite from chemical suppliers; they are not prepared with inhalation in mind, and are typically stabilized with something like Pyridine, which smells like rancid fish after a bit

The Professor said on Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 22:01...


you know that the members of your group on poppers place disagree with your opinion of isobutyl and isoamyl. You eventually abandoned your own group because they were having more success than you.

You drifted to Reddit, where the same thing happened, and now you are here at poppersguide.

More than a decade of sticking to your guns..........integrity or ignorance?

Myself, Popchef and most of the members at our group have wild success with making nitrites; the current most favorite singular alcohol at this time is sec-butyl. Most have graduated from the Amyl isomers (the easiest to prepare), and some are making three note blends.

yet you continue to stick to your "this smells like that and gets nasty, the other smells like such and so and gets nasty, and the ONLY nitrite worth makin is N-Amyl

Wrong on all counts, dobby, but if you want to confine yourself to a weak product because you can't do any better, have at it, but please don't imprint YOUR failures onto the ingredients.

The Professor said on Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 22:04...


I suggest learning how to prepare the nitrite yourself; it's not at all as difficult as dobby makes it out to be, and your results won't have been deteriorated by international shipping (heat and low pressure degrades nitrite quickly)

If anybody likes a product they are getting from overseas; just think of how much better it would be without the degradation it incurs by being shipped by air

Nitritespecialist said on Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 22:36...

Where's the moderator????MAM.....The Professor went way off topic with yet more mean spirited cyber bullying and trying to gain traction by bringing unnamed others into the conversation as a way to "gang" up on me.

The Professor said on Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 23:14...

It's not bullying, it's just documentary

Canuck SB said on Fri, 16 Jul 2021 at 02:34...

I tried to get supply's from tci and start my own diy because like The Professor said poppers dont like to travel,i even started a post but not one person steered me in the right direction im just trying to make some poppers and ivest my time getting better at making them for my pleasure same reason i grow my own so if anybody could help me out please it would be a great contribution to my poppers experience!!!!

Nitritespecialist said on Fri, 16 Jul 2021 at 07:27...

@CanuckSb....Joe Miller's poppers had a long shelf life. I never cracked open a dud for two years...2008-10. Lockerroom's products are duds. They aren't the right nitrite and they likely have degraded, which isoamyl nitrite does so readily.

Don't trust the Professor's advice. He has a commercial interest in selling his methods and he pushes isobutyl while criticizing normal amyl nitrite as inferior. He claims the butyl group is easy to make a pure product without distillation. It is NOT. Locate a hobbyist chemistry supplier. All you need is one pentanol. You can get the rest easily. Someone on Amazon sells n-amyl, but it's likely not pure or old stock. The only two nitrites worth making that I've tried are n-butyl and n-amyl, but n-butyl is VERY VERY hard to make a candy sweet banana like popper. Only then is it wonderful. And when n-butyl is NOT right, it tends to be very toxic with ill effects.

N-amyl is more forgiving...and somewhat easier to make something that's palatable.

Ralf said on Fri, 16 Jul 2021 at 10:54...

It's such a minefield!

The Professor said on Fri, 16 Jul 2021 at 15:41...


1. I have no commercial interest, I don't sell my methods.

2. I don't push isobutyl, I do provide information that disagrees with your assessment of it, because my product has none of the traits that you saffrons to it. I have no acrid Aromas, no bitterness, and no 'toxic' effects. You claim 'it has to be amyl, and it has to be N- Amyl (the easiest ester to produce, but also the weakest).

3. The N-butyl group; in the spectrum of chemistry, this preparation is an ion swap in a solvent medium. That's one of the simplest reactions in chemistry. The actual preparation does have potfalls, I never said it didn't, I only stipulate that it's not the intractable problem that you make it out to be.
I've even posted the information YOU need (and say is impossible to determine) several times, so that you can develope your own preferred embodiment of the preparation, but you dismiss and deny. I can't help that.

4. Candy sweet; you mention this as a desirable trait; it sounds nauseating to me. I can't imagine a preparation that produces sickening sweetness as preferable. If you like you're nitrite laced with acetate, I guess, but in any case my product is NOT sweet. It has a very very very weak aroma, of any at all, and reminds of ginger ale.

Ginger ale is not sweet, it has a very mild aroma. The original nitrites for sale used aroma pellets not only to differentiate themselves, but to let the customer know they had taken something in. Otherwise it would be too easy to take in too much.

The Professor said on Fri, 16 Jul 2021 at 15:46...

And isoamyl doesn't degrade quicker than n- amyl nitrite. The O-NO bond strength doesn't change, is a fixed universal constant in fact; isomers over the same rules when it comes to buns strength. What you mean is that you can't produce anything stringer than the weakest without accumulating defects and ice tried to point the way several times (giving you information that you claim is in-knowable) but you avoid it.

The Professor said on Fri, 16 Jul 2021 at 15:48...

Sorry for typos, I'm on a cell phone

Canuck SB said on Sat, 17 Jul 2021 at 05:10...

Im interested in trying both alcohol groups(n-Butyl&n-amyl)and their respected isomers and try various methods and recipes and slowly add & takeaway from there,mastery is achieved through practice patience dicipline & devotion so ill take all the advice and info available thanks again@Nitritespecialist & @The Professor for any future intel you provide me with its very much appreciated!!!!

Nitritespecialist said on Sat, 17 Jul 2021 at 19:22...

@Canuck....I remember making Isobutyl nitrite a lot. There is so much variation possible with it and so often, it caves the blood pressure or literally sucks the life out of me with just a tiny whiff. When I bought 100 mls of IBN from TCI, it smelled exactly like sweet nail polish and it too caved my blood pressure, not right away, but after 5 to 10 minutes. I can't say if it's impurities or not that cause the plunge/sickness...all I know is that both IBN and n-butyl have a strong tendency to do so. N-butyl can be great if it's pure enough with a strong very candy like sweet odor with zero bitter undertones. It's fickle. I was only able to get that scent a handful of times even with careful prep and repetition. The struggles with n-amyl have been far less, the wretched side effects and all typical of isopropyl and the butyls is far less. That's why I recommend it for beginners and maybe long term.

The Professor said on Sat, 17 Jul 2021 at 21:14...

Canuck SB:

did you catch the list a posted with possible side-reactions and degradation products?

I noted what amounts to two types of impurities; ones that change the aroma but have little change to the vasodilation effect, and ones that change the vasodilation effect's balance.

most of the acetates just change aroma, most of the acids just change the aroma (mostly for the worse) and any NITRATE in the nitrite will destabilize the balance of vasodilation.

Nitrates are much more reactive than nitrites, and the body's balancing act (increasing heart-rate to accommodate for larger diameter bloodstream pipes) goes crazy with super high BPM and plunging BP.

You don't want any of that.

I you want to design an apparatus and preparation method that has consistent results, you need to 'reign in' the possible side-reactions during preparation, and to provide a pathway to discouraging degradation products from accumulating.

You are starting with a very simple reaction, ion swapping. Two or more reactants float around in a solvent that fully dissociates the reactant into cations and anions; these will then recombine to produce the raw yield and the waste.

Consistency is key; you aren't going to get stellar results hovering over a beaker with an eye dropper; the addition rate won't be smooth and stable, and that opens the whole reaction to possible side-reactions.

Further, consideration of the energy requirements for the possible side reactions, and designing an apparatus that avoids those levels is another key to success.

Like marble drop, if you design a procedure that strongly deselects the probability of side-reactions, it's like rolling a ball downhill in a groove; the reactants 'fall downhill' into a preferred state, with no excess energy available to break the van der walls forces of the ester as it is created (those forces are very weak, and you are using very reactive ingredients, so side-reactions are inevitable unless you take care to discourage them)

The Professor said on Sat, 17 Jul 2021 at 21:16...

as one of our DIY members has said "it's a bit fiddly at first, but once you get the hang of it it becomes kind of boring.

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