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Scary experience

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by digitalbath
on Sat, 10 Jul 2021 at 19:07

digitalbath said on Sat, 10 Jul 2021 at 19:07...

Recently I was using JJ Platinum during a porn session. I took a deep hit - released - about a minute later I took a few smaller hits when things were getting intense. Suddenly, I felt like my lungs were closing up and I was gasping for air. My vision went dark and I nearly passed out.

Has anyone had this loss of breathing before? Extremely scary for me. Any tips to make sure that doesn't happen again?

pp_slut said on Sat, 10 Jul 2021 at 21:43...

Had similar things.
Many of different brand names from different internet sellers I tested over the last 2 years had bad side effects.

Many of them felt some kind of toxic in lung and/or breathing next days is hard
I call it COVID in bottle…

Best advice?
If it doesn’t smell like you expect - be very carefully or stop using it right away
If you can feel it in your lung during sniff - stop using it
…listen to your body during a session

There is too much crap out there atm and you can’t trust any printed brand name on bottles

Billy said on Sun, 11 Jul 2021 at 06:03...

Simple, don't use isopropyl! Don't use the poppers that are for sale in the UK.

Artisanal Cleaners poppers are good though

R. Don said on Sun, 11 Jul 2021 at 09:04...

All UK Poppers are isopropyl.
The EU changed the formula in 2007 from isobutyl to isopropyl without any warning about eyesight damage and breathing problems.

Warningaboutpoppers said on Sun, 11 Jul 2021 at 10:06...

digitalbath - are you able to get in contact with us admin@thetruthaboutpoppers.com - you can read some other personal stories regarding poppers as well and we are trying to warn as many people as we can. We will be doing press releases soon as well and are in contact with health authorities in several countries at the moment. Our site is thetruthaboutpoppers.com

Billy said on Sun, 11 Jul 2021 at 10:30...

Hey, Warningaboutpoppers, interested to see your site.

For me I do make a distinction between different types of poppers.

Isobutyl/N-Butyl has always been good/smooth/pleasurable for me.

Isopropyl totally toxic, poisonous, nauseating, does a lot of damage.

Pentyl/isopentyl/isoamyl also very toxic for me, more 'useable' than isopropyl but triggered severe anxiety disorder, tinnitus, etc.

And yes most of the time it's a lottery what you will get, unless you find a trusted supplier.

I don't think you will persuade people to never, ever use any type of poppers, because they do facilitate sex, which is helpful if you have physical or psychological blocks. You won't stop people wanting better sex. For the same reason people will also still use cannabis.

But at least educating people on the dangers and how to recognise the different types can help.

Also - I don't think poppers are quite the same as solvents, are they? It's not scientifically correct to say so.

r said on Sun, 11 Jul 2021 at 10:52...

You have had good poppers.

Nitritespecialist said on Sun, 11 Jul 2021 at 23:45...

Firstly, when hitting poppers, it's normal to start breathing harder reflexively. It's because they lower your blood pressure immediately, which makes it harder for the O2 in your blood to circulate as efficiently. So you are being starved of O2 a bit, don't be afraid to breathe more deeply the whole time. Also, if you were about to go under, it could be due to low blood pressure and/or low O2. That means the toxic effects were hitting you hard. The only popper I can hit hard and not get toxic effects is the amyl group, preferably n-amyl nitrite, because it's more stable and has a low odor.

Warningaboutpoppers said on Mon, 12 Jul 2021 at 09:48...

Thanks for encouraging me with what I am doing. Apart from fucking up my own life using poppers as I thought they were harmless - I receive a lot of hate mail as well.

The companies themselves calls them solvents. They are purely for cleaning leather supposedly.

So unless it's medical grade Amyl - anything else is for cleaning.

The one thing popper companies use to get past regulations is the one thing that is going to damn them as well

Billy said on Mon, 12 Jul 2021 at 20:51...

I regard poppers as a bit like beer.

Is beer going to destroy your life? Well yes quite possibly, if you drink 30 of them every day. But if you're doing that, there's surely something else going on in your life that is making you behave this way. Some unresolved conflict.

But they don't cause your behaviour, they're not inherently addictive. You have to work hard at getting fucked up on them.

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