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Poppers and Gamma-GT (Liver) - any relation

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by me
on Mon, 19 Apr 2021 at 16:32

me said on Mon, 19 Apr 2021 at 16:32...

It might be coincidence but after i began to use poppers i ve got a blood screening (as part of a study) it yielded a slightly increased gamma -GT (https://labtestsonline.org/tests/gamma-glutamyl-transferase-ggt) - normally this indicates alcohol abuse (but i didn't drunk anythink for month - bad corona :-()

Doctor said i we should do another screening some weeks later. Now the value increased again. Currently i am using Poppers (Amyl Nitrite CAS - 110-46-3) 3-5 (not every da, some times twice a day) times a week.

So is there any chance for a connection to Gamma -GT?

The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Tue, 20 Apr 2021 at 09:32...

but i didn't drunk anythink for month

the effects of alcohol do not just vanish after one month, me. Perhaps you were drinking too much previously, only you know that.

Nothing to do with poppers IMHO. But it is better to cut them out if you have any health issues at all 'cus they do not help underlying health probs...except maybe angina.

Nitritespecialist said on Tue, 20 Apr 2021 at 20:26...

GGT is a liver enzyme test that is NOT specific for any disease process, but if it's elevated or particularly high, then it can mean that some liver disease process is occurring or the bile ducts are obstructed.

I don't think poppers cause liver disease or bile duct obstruction, but I would consider other causes.

me said on Thu, 22 Apr 2021 at 15:52...

thanks for your hints - good to know.

Today i had a complete sonography - everything is fine. Doctor said - just check blood in 2 weeks again.

And with your info i think it is not necessary to stop with poppers :-P.
(i don't have any health problems at all it is only this raising gamma-gt)

Harry1950 said on Fri, 30 Apr 2021 at 06:27...

@me :If you are going to use poppers on a weekly basis, you really need to take a wide range of anti-oxidant supplements daily to protect your body's immune system and health.
Respect your body. Your health comes first and is paramount for a long life.

Secret said on Sun, 9 Jan 2022 at 12:10...

This is legit. I have elevated GGT and all my liver enzymes are normal except slight elevation in ALT. Had an ultrasound as well with nothing abnormal. I rarely drink as well. So did my research (Im HCP myself) obsessing in finding a diagnosis which my GP cant provide. Turns out that it's just amyl. lol moral lesson: moderation is the key!

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