Alternatives to Poppers
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Keynes
on Fri, 5 Mar 2021 at 19:56
Keynes said on Fri, 5 Mar 2021 at 19:56...
My current doctor is not terribly concerned that I use poppers (he doesn't like that I do it them, but it's not a big deal). A previous doctor said that, though short-term risks are minimal, no long-term studies have been made, so there could be unknown long-term risks. Also, there's the recent European ban. Does anyone know of alternatives that are both euphoric and aphrodisiacal with short-lasting highs (so you're not impaired for a long time)?
Nitritespecialist said on Sat, 6 Mar 2021 at 16:00... just mentioned why I like poppers....they don't impair you for more than a few minutes; hence maximum control of effect/duration. And they increase libido temporarily which is good when the sex drive is low.
I don't know of anything similar.
Nobody knows the long term risks or benefits. They were used for angina. They lower blood pressure, which might be good for someone prone to chronic high blood pressure, which we all know is bad.
The governments don't want to encourage scientists to study recreational drugs for their recreational and long term effects. Why study something you plan to keep off the shelves and out of consumer's bodies?
Intelligent_Nerd said on Sun, 7 Mar 2021 at 12:40...
The long term risks are known and there are studies, just use Google Scholars or Google book search. It is known that they are carcinogenic. It is known that they are immune suppressive. It is known that you have a high risk of developing permanent eye damage. It is known that brain damage after strokes are mainly due to the (natural) release of NO (the brain tries to increase blood flow) and to a lesser degree due to O2 starvation - poppers are potent NO donors so we expect that they are neurotoxic. It is known that there is a corelation between Karposi Sarcoma and their use. It is known that they play a significant factor in the HIV epidemic, probably due to ther immune suppressive characteristics. It is known that they are highly reactive and do all kind of funny NO addition reactions with your body proteins - damage which cannot be repaired fast due to the muting of the immune system. It is known that they produce skin damage which takes long to heal. It is known that they damage your lungs. It is known that poppers manufacturers have a strong influcence in the gay community (Bruno Gmünder Verlag sells poppers) and were important donors to political parties. It is known that efforts to prohibit them is framed as "homophobic". It is known that they are active in poppers forums and try to gaslight the users there - with considerable success.
Harry1950 said on Sun, 7 Mar 2021 at 22:49...
@Intelligent-Nerd: Thank you for your response. I would agree that most of your statements are true and valid in regard to the long term use of nitrite inhalants. They are definitely toxic to the body and immune system.
I am 74 years of age and started a comprehensive vitamin / mineral food supplement regimen in 1962 in association with a dedicated weight-training and exercise program that I still follow to this day.
I started using nitrite inhalants - infrequently - in 1972, because the best products are a legitimate pro-sexual drug and can dramatically enhance all forms of sexual behavior and enjoyment.
My STRONG RECOMMENDATION and advice to anyone using nitrite inhalants is to take - as a baseline minimum - the following supplements daily:
Vitamin Mineral Complex Power [ One a Day pills are worthless ]
Vitamin C Powder Complex : 1,000 - 2,000 MG x 2 day
Vitamin D-3: 5,000 IU
Vitamin E Complex : 400 IU x 2 day
NAC : 1,000 MG x 2 day
MSM Powder : 300 - 600 grams
Beef Liver Tablets: x 3 day [ Beverly International Ultra 40 (very best) ]
R-Lipoic Acid : 240 Mg x 2 day
Electrolyte Complex Powder : 45 minuets prior to using poppers
There many other supplements that can also be taken, but the above list is the minimum.
When using poppers, I recommend the window in the room be opened for fresh air circulation (weather temp permitting).
Thanks again for your post.
Estrogel said on Sat, 13 Mar 2021 at 12:18...
Yeah, Harry's right and certainly doing in the smart way! You gotta be careful. Some of that shit is TOXIC! God only knows what I've sniffed along the way, probably fumes from Chernobyl...but I digress. I think of it this way: If I wanna do poppers I have to do the exercise to make up for the deleterious effects. Okay, okay, I may be delusional, but that's how I do it. At least it gets me to the gym and hey, the view is not bad. I've done it on stuff, but with that stuff you can end up chasing Alice down the rabbit hole and not to fuck her, just to ask her for directions to the nearest tea party. In other words, too much and you can lose the narrative, lol. Poppers, for whatever reason, seem to hit the sweet spot right to the pleasure center of the sex-brain. Girlfriend, if there WAS something else, I'd be typing all my rants on THAT forum!
Harry1950 said on Thu, 18 Mar 2021 at 06:25...
@Estrolgel: Hello and thanks for your response.
I just responded to you on another post about your boy friend losing his erection due to a popper over-dose.
I am hetro and have introduced former girl friends in Europe and here in the US to poppers, but is has to be done in an intelligent manner and the poppers have to be of a high quality. My girl friends were receptive to the pleasurable effects of the poppers and enjoyed using them under my instructions on when to inhale.
If you are going to use poppers, you really need to respect your body and long term health, and not over-use the poppers. You should perform some form of aerobic exercise daily or a few times a week, and take the supplements I previously identified on a daily basis.
Hope this is of some help to you. Take care and stay safe.
Maxwell said on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 at 20:47...
I used Rush every since the 70"s had no problem until now 2021. For me, the sinus issue is the root problem, now when I sniff Rush I, right away start having sinus and mucus-like you wouldn't believe. I said to myself I can handle the mucus problem because it does go away after a few days of using Rush. What I didn't know was the excess sinus mucus would lead to Mastoiditis which causes hearing loss. My doctor may try antibiotics first if that doesn't work surgery will have to happen. Once Mastoiditis infection occurs the danger is it could spread in the brain. The reason I come back here was to find an alternative instead I find Rush to be the alternative to poppers what!
Weldamn said on Thu, 24 Mar 2022 at 16:09...
These didn't answer the question
Wobbly said on Tue, 24 May 2022 at 07:48...
To answer the original question, there probably isn't any drug that is healthy to use, but we are free to make our own decisions on what we put into our bodies. I drink alcohol regularly and it's a toxin. My opinion is to use poppers sparingly. There's evidence that they cause adverse effects. I use them but after some research I'll cut down on my usage. We all need to weigh up the risks and benefits of what we put into our bodies. Cheers
Wobbly said on Tue, 24 May 2022 at 07:50...
Actually, I didn't answer the original question, but hey, I'm only human.
Wizzard said on Wed, 12 Oct 2022 at 05:03...
I used poppers several times a week for several months...then one time while have some alone time, I had a stroke. It's always, "I've never had a problem", until there is one. I definitely had contributing factors besides the poppers, like weed and a high red blood cell count from testosterone therapy, but the poppers contributed the most risks.
Just play safe and think.
Liz said on Thu, 13 Oct 2022 at 03:04...
Intelligent_Nerd all the risks you mentioned are the same risks to filing your car.
Liz said on Thu, 13 Oct 2022 at 03:05...
fueling typo
Liz said on Thu, 13 Oct 2022 at 03:12...
people fuel their car twice a day and breathe carbon monoxide all day long, almost everybody does.
Badbob said on Sun, 9 Jul 2023 at 14:58...
What can I buy in Canada or Saskatchewan that is similar to poppers
Daniel said on Mon, 9 Oct 2023 at 04:27...
Hello to all,
I have been using poppers since late 2015 until a few weeks ago
They are definitely harmful to my health, I have lost a lot of speech, memory and coordination.
I don't recommend them to anyone, once you become psychologically addicted it is difficult to give them up.
I join in waiting for someone to know of a similar but healthier alternative.

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