How do you use poppers?
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by David H
on Fri, 14 Aug 2020 at 14:28
David H said on Fri, 14 Aug 2020 at 14:28...
I'm writing an article about how people use poppers in 2020. Just interested to hear what contexts people on this forum do them. If it's a sexual context - how does it help you?
Many thanks in advance!
The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Mon, 17 Aug 2020 at 18:07...
There are a couple of contexts as far as I know. What it has been used for since the 1960s (maybe earlier - you will find some crazy theories about the Wiemar Republic if you look) - and also: adult movies (said to intensify the experience; viewers believe they are in the movie and the disco, then rave, scene. Poppers are (or were) regularly seen at music events.
Not sure what other contexts there might be. Some of the 1980s cartoons that depict poppers seem to suggest that trendy young people like to DE-odorize their parties. The pungent smell of isobutyl nitrite apparently got things 'a swinging.There was a musician who said he used poppers to de-odorize his wardrobe - this is a fact, as he testified the same on oath during one of those periods (before COVID and Trump) when people had more time on their hands.
I do not think the main use will have changed much over the years. Volatile nitrites relax soft tissue muscles, and therefore have a very practical use, which helps people enjoy their relationship with their partner. Not a bad thing in a world full of gloom.
Where is your article going?
maskman said on Sun, 13 Dec 2020 at 13:46...
I use a cloth tie on surgical mask. Available on ebay
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