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First time using Double Scorpio

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by LiverpoolPoppersFun
on Sat, 1 Feb 2020 at 14:51

LiverpoolPoppersFun said on Sat, 1 Feb 2020 at 14:51...

Hi everyone. This is my first post to poppers guide so here goes.

I am 35 years of age and been using poppers since 1999. I was lucky enough to have experienced Isobutyl up until the change in legislation a few years ago. I soon found Isopropyl/amyl/pentyl to be dreadful stuff with certain medical risks however, I found Everest Brutal (the large metal bottle) from Poppers Aromas an acceptable alternative, but, the quality has started to wane also, the metal containers dislike aeroplane conditions causing them to leak. After some research I saw a review - on here if I'm not mistaken - for the Double Scorpio brand which is made using original Isobutyl and other butyl combinations. After some further digging I decided to order some however, the DS website does not ship to the UK. I wasn't giving up and found a shop in Atlanta, nightowlatl.com who will ship to the UK, result! I ordered two lots of the 'gold mine' pack. Each pack contains three bottles, emerald, sapphire and gold DS. $120 plus $15 p&p plus a nominal customs charge on collection from my local delivery office £17. Delivery took just less than a week and USPS kept me up to date from the moment the shipment began its travels. I've tried the 'sapphire' bottle and wow! I can confirm DS is good! Very good! So, to who ever posted the recommendation on here (sorry I can't find it) many thanks indeed!

Popeye said on Sat, 1 Feb 2020 at 18:13...

I've just ordered thanks for the info , I myself tried ordering from the website but was told no shipping out of US, lucky you found this site

LiverpoolPoppersFun said on Sat, 1 Feb 2020 at 18:22...

Hey Popeye, hope the product is as good for yu as it is for me. I'll be making another order next week.

Popeye said on Sat, 1 Feb 2020 at 18:48...

I'm starting to think I rushed into buying tbh , I did try and order a few months ago like I said before, I don't even know how I came across that website , I've wasted so much money over the years it'll probably be more money wasted

Notpoppedinawhile said on Sat, 1 Feb 2020 at 23:00...

@Liverpoolpoppersfun what was to the total cost of shipping in GBP? How long did it take from order to deliver inc weekends and did the tracking show the day of delivery? Any info you can give will be appreciated. I’m in the UK and looking to order

@ Popeye, please keep us posted on your order and experience.

Popeye said on Sun, 2 Feb 2020 at 04:36...

I will do , it's cost me 80 dollars so far for a 3 pack including delivery but it'll be extra with the customs charge, hope it's worth it

Popeye said on Sun, 2 Feb 2020 at 05:32...

The doublescorpio website and thenightowlatl website are both based in Toronto Canada at the same address

LiverpoolPoppersFun said on Sun, 2 Feb 2020 at 13:18...

@Notpoppedinawhile P&P was $15 USD so that'd be around £11. I ordered on the 23rd Jan and it arrived 31st Jan.

@Popeye My order came from an address in Atlanta via Chicago O'Hare airport, Heathrow HWDC then on to Liverpool.

LiverpoolPoppersFun said on Sun, 2 Feb 2020 at 13:32...

@Notpoppedinawhile cntd: Yes, the USPS tracker service is excellent, compared to ours, and I was kept up to date every step of the delivery process. Once the item had reached HWDC I was able to watch Royal Mail tracking at the same time to see where in the UK it was. Once it reached my local DO I awaited a grey card as I expected there to be a small customs charge (£17gbp).

Seems like a lot of money, at the end of the day, but, I'll be making the poppers last by decanting a small amount into a spare bottle keeping the rest in the freezer and simply taking out what I need.

The DS brand are scented with essential oils too so are quite pleasant.

Popeye said on Sun, 2 Feb 2020 at 16:13...

Quite impressed you found somewhere that ships from the US I've been trying for years LiverpoolPoppersFun , is there anywhere else you buy from you'd care to share ?

Notpoppedinawhile said on Mon, 3 Feb 2020 at 13:29...

@LiverpoolPoppersFun. Are you ordering anytime soon again? If so would you consider joint order? We can split the shipping. Let me know if you’re interested and we can discuss further

Bator-dude said on Mon, 3 Feb 2020 at 15:47...

I live in TX and buy DC from a local shop and pay $24 per bottle for standard ones, and $30 for Gold

Just another popper said on Tue, 4 Feb 2020 at 19:16...

I love poppers, but at $30 a bottle i can quite happily leave them. As i use poppers on tissue paper to inhale i use quite a lot.

Notpoppedinawhile said on Wed, 5 Feb 2020 at 08:31...

@Popeye, how you getting on with your order? All on track?

Popeye said on Wed, 5 Feb 2020 at 22:18...

Yeh just waiting now got tracking probably be next week though, I've ordered other stuff and I'm planning a sesh on Saturday so probably won't want to touch it when it arrives next week haha

LeatherMaker said on Thu, 6 Feb 2020 at 04:09...

I just picked up a couple of bottles (10ml) of Double Scorpio at a local shop for $13USD per bottle. Quite good, and quite reasonable.

LiverpoolPoppersFun said on Thu, 6 Feb 2020 at 07:05...

@Notpoppedinawhile I'll be making the 6 bottle last a while. I don't think it's wise to order anymore than a half a dozen at a time to avoid too much attention at customs.

@Popeye I have yet to find a supplier of isobutyl and is willing to ship to the UK. I'll probably give 'Poppers Aromas' anothet go as I quite liked their Everest Brutal, not the best but not bad.

Edimmax said on Thu, 6 Feb 2020 at 07:21...

I would like to order some Double Scorpio poppers from that site to Croatia but i am afraid what to say to customs when it come? In the whole EU butyl poppers combinations (or any kind of butyl products) are not legal at all, so what to say to them then??

Is there ANY way to order Double Scorpio poppers from some EU website to skip customs?

Nick333 said on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 at 07:02...

Edimmax - post your email i know where you can buy Double Scorpio in Croatia, last summer in Croatia i got some real good stuff there and you can even order online.

Edimmax said on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 at 20:27...

@Nick333 sounds great! send here marin_to @ net.hr

eric99 said on Tue, 11 Feb 2020 at 05:17...

I recently tried double scorpio. They are more garbage and you are paying for marketing and glitz. the stuff smells just like the recent PWD brands which have recently had a really putrid smell. These are the same. My wife used to do them with me but ever since the smell in the recent batches have been so bad we can't do them anymore. (both PWD, jungle juice, double scorpio). I have had minor success with pig sweat and Leather eagle. These seem to be different formulas

Edimmax said on Tue, 11 Feb 2020 at 07:32...

To be honest i am afraid too that this is onyl marketing, just like you said @eric99, but also i would like to try butyl poppers, its almost impossible to find them in EU. I am totally new in poppers, i bought recently like 10 bottles from different european sites (clonezonedirect.uk, poppers-shop.de etc) - 99% of them are garbage. 9 of 10 are isopropyl nitrite, results - NOTHING, i even didnt get any bad side effects like some people here. The only difference was with pentyl nitrite (Rush ultra strong), i got some faster heartbeats and penetration was like 20% easier, nothing so “wow” but its a progress. Thats why i would like to try some real butyl poppers from scorpio and i will also order amyl nitrite from some french site. If i get no results with them too, then poppers is really not for me and i am gonna stop.

LiverpoolPoppersFun said on Tue, 11 Feb 2020 at 22:28...

Update: Since my last posting I have tried 'emeralb', 'sapphire' and 'gold' DS and I'm fairly impressed. The gold is particularly good being a mix of Isobutyl and two other isomers.

DS is just queer hype said on Sat, 22 Feb 2020 at 01:25...

My experience and recommendations for DS products.


1. Good for beginners. Good gateway to the harder stuff.
2. Smells great! All of them.
3. Good for tops who want a hint of poppers but not enough to go soft.
4. Little to no side effects. A big plus for the popperbator.

The BAD:

1. First hit had the OMG effect then after 15 minutes it peaks out.
2. If you like your poppers on the strong side, I'd pass.
3. Too expensive for the volume of product and the effect you get.
4. No way to know if the liquid is low or high in the bottle because of
the label. The cap was loose on my first bottle and store wouldn't
exchange it.
5. This product is mostly hype, hype, hype.

DS Gold is supposedly the strongest and doesn't peak but Reddit users say that it's bullshit. Haven't tried it but I am done with this company.

Deontay said on Mon, 24 Feb 2020 at 11:50...

Hey Mr DS, so what's the "harder stuff"?
And what do you recommend if not double scorpio?

Thomas in Norway said on Mon, 24 Feb 2020 at 23:55...

I just tried Double Scorpio Gold for the first time today and I can honestly say I am extremely satisfied. I am used to using JJ, Rush, Amsterdam etc and the smell of those of horrible to think about it. I decided to take a week-long break from inhaling anything. I believe if you are using poppers on the regular, it would be easier to tell the difference. I will not get that superpowerful feeling that other poppers offer, but you will get something deep...I got a warm feeling that kept me in that beautiful state where you feel that you are just about to cum and your mind is someplace magical and you hope that feeling stays so you don´t have to stop. I did not have to use more than three 5 second inhalations to get me off. Usually, I would use much more with other products. I feel the smell is amazing and enjoyable and that made me want more even though I felt physically I that I did not need to use so much of this product to get what I want.

Thomas in Norway said on Tue, 25 Feb 2020 at 00:01...

Just wanted to make something clear that you could try taking some days off from inhaling anything. Then try Double Scorpio and maybe it will be easier to see the difference from the mainstream. Some here mentioned something about marketing and pricing, but with the benefits I got and not having the headaches is a plus for me at least. I need to mention again the smell is beautiful.

Blackmilk said on Wed, 26 Feb 2020 at 03:27...

Hey guys,
Big fan of double Scorpio products as well. My favorite is the emerald. I just wanted to leave a recommendation for a poppers site that let me try a double Scorpio bottle for a little cheaper. The site is popstopus.com and the promo code is "ph10"
They're super speedy about delivery too. Hope you guys enjoy

neil said on Thu, 27 Feb 2020 at 03:29...

DS is amazing i had no problems when i went threw popper palace

Popeye said on Sun, 1 Mar 2020 at 18:49...

I received my order and had a session, I found them to be weak just like I've read in other reviews , also they went off really quickly so I won't be ordering again total rip off

neilB4 said on Fri, 6 Mar 2020 at 03:37...

I tried DS from popperpalace and its amazing they shipped to me in London tracked it the whole time. Only site i use now

MacDow said on Mon, 9 Mar 2020 at 19:46...

neilB4: how much are the customs charges? I'm considering trying DS from popperpalace. I've wasted enough money on crap poppers from UK and EU sites. I am forlornly seeking the buzz of original Rush.....

Markos7 said on Fri, 10 Apr 2020 at 18:52...

This sounds like a sales pitch!

Sugar is sugar

Salt is salt

Isobutyl is isobutyl

Qwikdik said on Sun, 12 Apr 2020 at 10:11...

I'm going to stick to dark chocolate for now and keep away from poppers. Looking for some 70% cocoa pure bean single estate bars. Hook a brother up?

Whoremonger from Hades said on Wed, 6 May 2020 at 06:24...

Going to try DS gold on Friday night. Will report back on experience. So far only tried DS black. Smells awesome but peaks in about 15 minutes. Like some have said before. Good starting popper or poppers good for the top only guy. I popperbate 3 hours usually so like my shit strong.

Whoremonger from Hades said on Mon, 11 May 2020 at 00:10...

Double Scorpio Gold seems stronger than the other offerings. Picked up a bottle at my local adult store. I've only tried Black up until trying Gold. Black smells amazing. Sorta of a cross between leather and tobacco. Gold has a papya or pineapple thing going on. DS Black peaks for me in about 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, I don't feel the rush. DS Gold? It seems to peak after 35 minutes of frequent use. I popperbate and generally use PWD Rush, LockerRoom and Jungle Juice Platinum. Sometimes I will use Amsterdam Platinum.

Long story short. DS Gold seems to be the strongest offering from Double Scorpio. Smells great, they all do, peaks after 35 minutes with no bad side effects the next day. Probably still great for a top. Never lost my hard on while using it. It takes about 2 hours of heavy use for Rush, JJ Platinum, LockerRoom or Amsterdam to peak but I do have mild side effects the next day and worse if I popperbate for 3 to 4 hours. Yes, I go deep.

It's your money. Up to you if it's worth it. I got what I perceived to be a sample 10ml bottle for 20 bucks at my video store. Maybe there is some truth to the whole body chemistry deal or mind-body connection. I'll probably pick up a bottle of DS Gold when I plan to top but will stick to the old school shit for now. I certainly wouldn't spend 35 bucks for a 15ml bottle of Double Scorpio anything. Not worth it.

Rock D. Hard said on Wed, 13 May 2020 at 02:30...

I only use Double Scorpio products now. The other brands are too harsh the day after. Side effects are zero when using Double Scorpio.
Love Black, Gold and.......heck. I like em all.
Emerald is good. My boyfriend swears by Sapphire. I buy them local. Prices at my store are 20 bucks after tax. Bottle is 10ml to 15ml. Depends on their shipment.

Matt in Transit said on Sat, 16 May 2020 at 01:39...

I guess its true that poppers have different effects on people. Double Scorpio product smell good. That company should manufacture perfumes. I can't say their product is very strong. I got the Double Scorpio Black when I was in the states at a local video shop. The first hit was clean and powerful. After 20 minutes I got no hit or feeling. The bottle was 10ml but felt cheated in a way since it was 26 Yankee dollars for 10ml. Felt no side effects. Next day the same feeling and experience so I purchased a bottle of 30ml bottle of English for $29 at the same shop. Much stronger and more pleasing rush. Double Scorpio? Double meh.

Whoremonger from Hades said on Sun, 17 May 2020 at 08:31...

DS Gold. I changed my mind. I love this stuff.
Used it tonight cruising the video store. Really good. Just got home. I have none of the usual side effects. This will be my new regular. Really happy about no side effects. No headache or cough. A good clean high. It's not strong like Rush, Jungle Juice or English but it's good enough.

popperman said on Tue, 19 May 2020 at 18:11...

Hi PopperLovers, I'm also from UK, and I too discovered this brand DoubleScorpio, due to an older review. I have ordered some from their Website, and I know they dont ship outside US. HOWEVER, I looked into this, and i've discovered a company that ships anything from US to worldwide for a small subscription fee. You are given a personal PO.BOX address based in Florida and so anything you order stateside, you just send it there as if you lived there. The shipper knows no different! The first Month IS FREE to try. Its called www.MYUS.com (check it out) . I imagine there will be some customs charge on it. Will update when it arrives. I'm fedup with poppers in UK and Europe. theres NOTHING good anymore. So AMerica is my last hope, and afterall, its where it all started anyway, so its the best hope in my opinion ! ! (short of making some yourself ! which is dangerous, and is basically what most these rip-off merchants are doing in their bathrooms and selling them to order to mugs like us using cheap bottle labellers and whatnot ! i can tell a fake just by looking at the poor labeling which you can tells be done by hand, as opposed to a mass produced and precise machinery ! )

Whoremonger from Hades said on Thu, 28 May 2020 at 03:44...

DS Gold only last about 1 1/2 week then the formula strength seems to really fall off. Love the no side effects at the cost of strength but it is what it is I guess.

liguy4fun said on Mon, 1 Jun 2020 at 19:21...

Thanks BLACKMILK for the name of the site and the discount code, just ordered a couple of bottles of Gold and hope I enjoy them.This site definitely had the cheapest prices.

Joey said on Thu, 4 Jun 2020 at 07:49...

They are crap

LiverpoolPopp said on Wed, 10 Jun 2020 at 15:49...

@LiverpoolPoppersFun hey I just moved to Liverpool and before in London id just buy poppers in a gay sex shop now I got to start ordering online, any tips on which ones are worth ordering from the regular uk websites?

ccrider11 said on Fri, 3 Jul 2020 at 09:44...

Tried the emerald from DS. Had an odd reaction, and not sure what it was. I really enjoyed them, but this was strange. I took a big inhalation, and all of a sudden I felt this pulsating sensation all over my right side. Like a phone on vibrate mode. But it was only my right side after a big inhale. I thought it was like a stroke or something, scared the you know what out of me. I went outside for fresh air, and eventually it subsided. But never had an experience like that before!

Michael said on Wed, 8 Jul 2020 at 01:35...

not sure what's going on here as I'm seeing positive reviews for a tragically bad poppers. I ordered DS Gold and Sapphire hoping that what I read about it on this forum will be true... It isn't. I wish I didn't spend that much money on such rubbish. It was the weakest rush I ever got from poppers (both Sapphire and Gold) I don't see any point. I don't mind spending extra money if the product is good but this is the biggest rip off ever. Don't waste your money. Here's an honest review, you're welcome

Zeke said on Thu, 16 Jul 2020 at 14:06...

I live in the US so I can get DS quickly and easily. I bought it ONCE! It gave a very mild buzz and did almost nothing for me. Sadly disappointed. I will not make that mistake again . . .

Pantyman said on Mon, 3 Aug 2020 at 19:19...

I'm in the US and have purchased ds a couple times. I have only done poppers a few times in my life and I'm 60. Ds worked well for me. The only problem I have was duration. It sure seemed like it only lasted a minute ,maybe. The buzz was quite enjoyable. Are there poppers that last longer? Again I'm kinda new at this.

Opie said on Tue, 4 Aug 2020 at 02:57...

'm surprised to read the negative reviews on Double Scorpio. Like a line from a noir film, 'there are a million sweaty pigs in the city. This is my story.'

I've been popperbating for about 8 years, and the only brands I've had access to have been Rush and JJ. My go-to, when available, is JJ Black Label. But JJBL has been hard to find locally, and the last few bottles of Rush have been a let-down. Recently, I've also found it hard to catch my breath for about an hour after using Rush. That can't be good. I am fairly certain that my local video store gets bootleg bottles on occasion, and I'm fed up with the inconsistency and the lingering concern about what I'm actually exposing myself to. So I started looking online, and I recently ran across the Double-Scorpio brand, and based on reddit reviews, decided to give them a go. Here's what I can tell you...

1. really fast service. UPSP ground shipping, in a discrete little box. No issues with the bottles, which were both sealed well. I ordered on a Sunday night, and they were in my mailbox Thursday morning. I bought them directly from DS, and If they were shipped from Austin TX, that's about 2,000 miles from here, so arriving by standard ground in four days during the CV pandemic is pretty good, in my book.

2. I like my poppers the way I like my reggae - in a cloud of smoke. That has nothing to do with DS, but may give you some perspective.

3. A few thoughts about the actual experience:
- Friday night maiden voyage: OMFG. I did not know such a high could exist. Only needed two to three hits per round (5 minutes apart, I'm guessing). I alternated between DS Amber and DS Gold. I think I may have unlocked an astral plane that I did not know existed. The world disappeared. I disappeared. The only thing that existed was the black hole containing the cumulative energy of every orgasm mankind has ever experienced.
- DS left me horny as hell all night, and in to the next day. I got my rocks off 3 times in about 5 hours, and only stopped because the sun was coming up.
- Apparently I have a seriously perverted mind. Rush and JJ might get me into a kinky mood, but DS left me wondering if I might end up a menace to society. (I'm kidding, but seriously wow. 'Depraved' is no longer just a word.
- Saturday night was an actual re-enactment of Friday night. Only much much messier. It was glorious. Is this what poppers used to be like 'back in the day?'
- Sunday afternoon.Skyrockets in flight, and I think we know what planet is the target. Hey, it's 105 degrees outside and I'm self-quarantining, so what else am I gonna do? ;-) I think I'm noting a subtle drop-off. I'm surprised to see about 20% less in the 'Amber' bottle. Seems like it is evaporating faster than other brands, but this is also coming from someone who may or may not remember his own name from all this interstellar traveling.
- Sunday late afternoon. Felt dizzy, queasy, and my head is pounding. Me thinks DS is best used when you can drift off to sleep afterwards. The after-effects are too strong for day-popping.
- Sunday night. Laundry night. 'OMG, what the hell happened in here,' I thought as I stripped the bedding. Oh yeah, smooth muscle relaxation, and a 6 pack of AA batteries might explain a few things...
- Monday evening. I've been super depressed today. Foggy brain, zero patience with others, and more nihilism than a Sex Pistol in 1977. I'm no rocket surgeon, but I suspect I depleted all the happy chemicals in my brain, and might need to build that stuff back up. Googling 'foods rich in dopamine' and 'can poppers cause depression."

So that's my experience. This stuff is strong enough that I don't think I could handle anything more, but the 420 is a big part of that. I can't say yet how long they will hold up, but so far, no complaints. I will add that I can tell the difference between the Amber and the Gold, though I can't say I prefer one over the other. I think next time, I will skip the very pricey Gold version, since the Amber version was plenty fine. Like I said, I did perceive a difference (I recall making a lot more noise, but wasn't exactly 'articulating my thoughts well,' you might say). Thank god the neighbors are out of town. Seriously.

I hope this helps those of you who are looking for something better than what you might find at your local shop. Your milage will certainly vary, and I suspect there are old-timers who recall the glory days of the original formulas and scoff at 'kids these days.' But from what I can tell you, Double Scorpio is as good as you're likely to find is the US, unless you find some locale-specific boutique source like I've heard about in NYC and San Fran. But for those of us in flyover states, it's great to find something that seems to be a step above the usual.

Opie Taylor,
Mayberry, USA

Trexxx said on Fri, 7 Aug 2020 at 23:36...

I just tried my first Double Scorpio (Lavender) and, sorry to say, it was a complete bust. Very little effect on first hit, a headache after the second.

Allowing for the possibility that I was dehydrated (drink lots of water, folks), I tried again the next day and it was just meh at best. I honestly don't know what others are talking about.

Buffalo Bill said on Mon, 21 Sep 2020 at 01:12...

DS is overrated crap. What good is a perfumed weak ass popper. The guy who makes it is supposed to be a chemist. Crappy chemist.

Norway said on Sat, 24 Oct 2020 at 21:43...

Where to get DS when in Norway?

Botbear19720 said on Mon, 30 Nov 2020 at 10:20...

Bottleandhand.com has a good selection of brands including the Double Scorpio editions including Emerald, Honey, Sapphire, Amber and Black.
Black is best for tops. Honey and Sapphire are best for bottoms. Haven't tried Emerald so about to try. Also if you put (Mystery) in the coupon code you'll get and second mystery bottle of their choice for free with no additional shipping. Big win there!!!!

Big Bottom said on Wed, 9 Dec 2020 at 16:12...

I've tried JJ, Rush, Amsterdam, and English. I've never found anything that makes me as relaxed as Double Scorpio. It doesn't have the harsh smell so maybe that's why people think it's weak. But it does work much better than the rest. Normally with the others I'm still tight. With this, I can take my husband's 10 inches and my dildo with ease. My husband also likes them, but hates that the smell is so mild that he can't tell how much he's taking. We live that there's no headache. I have tried Gold, Black, and Holiday. All smell different but all smell good. I think the Black is probably my favorite.

PoppersBrno said on Sat, 19 Dec 2020 at 23:54...

Hey gents, any idea where to get Double Scorpio in CzechRep or Europe?

Titan pop said on Mon, 25 Jan 2021 at 22:56...

Just tried DS White Gold. Bought in a store in Tennessee. First DS product I've ever had:
- Definitely not as strong as most other brands
- Definitely less headache/brain fog/other side effects
- Less typical popper smell (though White Gold is advertised as gold without the smell)
- Expensive: US$22 for 10ml or whatever the small bottle is (most other brands are $15 in the same store)
- This bottle does not seal properly. I can faintly smell them all the time in the room where I keep them. Hope this is just one faulty bottle.

This brand seems to attract the most extreme views. Those that want a powerful rush over anything else hate it. Those that like something milder, fewer side effects, nice smells etc. love it.. I'd put myself in the former group. I don't hate it, but it's not worth any more than other brands, much less 50% more.

Spillsthebeans said on Thu, 28 Jan 2021 at 20:16...

So I am new to poppers, I bought first bottles couple months back, Iron Horse PWD and Rush black. Iron horse i love, makes me a tingling head to toe, very accepting bottom! The rush sucked, instant head ache, horrible smell. So I decided to buy some double Scorpio gold, well its definitely not strongest, smells great does buzz you but does not have half the effect I get from Iron Horse! Gave it a 2 day break before I tried double Scorpio and just doesn't do it for me! Trying Amsterdam in 2 days so review on it soon!!

jay said on Wed, 28 Apr 2021 at 09:04...

do they ship in canada?

D said on Sat, 3 Jul 2021 at 09:53...

Here little up. I don’t know if you have try iron horse but this little bottle make me crazy! The best for me

Barman said on Mon, 26 Jul 2021 at 10:37...

Thanks for the info. The overly long, overly detailed posts are obviously planted advertisements for a product that doesn't live up to the hype. My go to US bottles are JJ Black Label and Blue Boy. French bottles Amyl, Amyl Titanium, JJ Gold Label, JJ Gold Triple Distilled Locker Room. I tried Everest but, thought it was another one that didn't live up to the hype. Tried a French bottle called "Bad" and it was very good too but, it seems to be sold out atm. There's a gold skull bottle that has good reviews, I just ordered one to try.

Barman said on Mon, 26 Jul 2021 at 10:57...

Also a hexyl nitrite formula of Blue Boy, I didn't care for at first but, once I got over the different smell, the effects were powerful enough, quite nice actually. They managed to grow on me. Due to the odd smell, they wouldn't be my first choice for a bottle I planned to share. Otherwise, worth a try for something different.

ThickHairyDad NYC said on Mon, 2 Aug 2021 at 23:04...



I just read that their website operates out of Texas if that makes any difference to those who've had order issues (perhaps they moved from Canada to Texas).

Happy Popping to All!

I hate my boss said on Mon, 16 Aug 2021 at 04:53...

I hate Double Shittio. Makers should be ashamed of themselves. If you see them walk into a bar, boo them.

Mob_barley said on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 at 23:56...

I buy regular from DS for quite a while now.
Their formulas are very good.
Because they are strong - and nice effect - hold an open bottle under nose and gently whiff and build up a bit - works well. I also find the effects seem to improve after a day or so. Kind fruits up a bit. Can make a bottle last 3 or 4 days binging it in hour sesh ...when you get a feel for it on the emerald or black - your there like the good old days. Ya gatta stick with it and work with it and it will happen!! 30 yr user - i kno gud stuff

Drmcpl said on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 at 12:37...

I think Double Scorpio is a solid brand - expensive but excellent quality. The rush is sexy and keeps you hard. There are no after effects and I feel fine the next morning. My wife and I use DS together, and while popperbating solo. Emerald is our favorite and we like to mix it with Rose Gold. Have not really liked the DS Black - too heavy and gives me a little headache. As the potency has decreased, have enjoyed adding an Amyl hit or two to the mix

Drmcpl said on Tue, 4 Jan 2022 at 14:04...

Definitely enjoying DS Black now. But emerald is still our favorite.

MrPopPop said on Wed, 26 Oct 2022 at 12:11...

Prowler and Simply Pleasure stores in the Uk now sell Double Scorpio 3 bottles for £60

Billy said on Mon, 6 Feb 2023 at 19:17...

Double Scorpio now VERY openly on sale in Soho:


Kelvinator said on Fri, 17 Feb 2023 at 16:46...

I had a great marathon estim and popper session last night, stimming to Klinik Industries video and others on Milovana and losing my 76 year old popper virginity with Double Scorpio Emerald. I had an idea of what to expect, but whoa what an initial rush with my first hits. I loved the anticipation of the high and the euphoric warm feeling when it locked in. The whole experience exceeded my expectations, and I found myself in a 10 minute popper cycle and longing for the next hit. During the rush, I was able to ramp up the estim volume and enjoy extremely pleasurable sexual sensations. I'm pleased to report no headaches this morning. I expect I'll be a regular weekly user, as I don't want to overdo it. FYI - I ordered directly from Double Scorpio. They are very responsive, kept me informed via email, and the product arrived in less than a week. I'm already contemplating my next order, perhaps DS Gold.

DS is the best I’ve tried. said on Sun, 20 Aug 2023 at 14:32...

I’ve just been reading all the past reviews of Double Scorpio and some of you make me giggle and others just plain confused but here is my take on DS compared to what I’ve tried in the past.

I don’t know what my first popper was but it was in a Bath House in Sydney and I swear I fainted 👀 a few years later I tried JJ platinum and it did the job but I had a few headaches. Next I tried two newbies, Everest and DS Rainbow. I enjoyed the Everest, it comes on slowly and relaxes the hell out of you, made me want to lay there and get fucked, the down side was it made me cough and felt a bit off after using a lot of it. The DS was similar but no cough and not ill effects that I can remember. I had some great BH action on it. My most recent popper has been Rush, and let me tell you that it’s been a huge let down. Sure it gave me a rush, for all of 10 seconds and then the more I use the less it works. 🤷‍♂️

So for me DS is going to be my next purchase. Probably Sapphire as it’s meant to be fragrance free and I don’t really like the sound of the other fragrances.

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