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Do isobutyl nitrite poppers make you dumber?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Concerned
on Fri, 27 Sep 2019 at 01:25

Concerned said on Fri, 27 Sep 2019 at 01:25...

Hey guys,

I did poppers for the first time last weekend. I didn’t know that you’re not supposed to do it all the time, so the first night I did it I took about 10 inhalations and the day after I took another 10-15. After that I haven’t taken a single whiff more. The poppers I did were isobutyl nitrite. Maybe it’s me just over analyzing things, but I feel a bit dumber and slower to react to things.

Is it possible that I got dumber from these two days I took too many hits?

101st Chairborne said on Fri, 27 Sep 2019 at 05:53...

Two answers for you:

1. No, of course not. Nitrites (including IBN) act swiftly and there is zero effect after a few minutes. The results leaves the blood stream swiftly too.

2. Yee ha! sure do! i heard they make y'all grow horns, get fungi infections and talk in tongues.

You choice. It depends on whether you enjoy facts (not so trendy right now) or hearsay, gossip, and old wives tales.

The other point is: you are overdoing it, don't do that.

Poppersrock said on Fri, 27 Sep 2019 at 12:47...

It’s funny this post has come about.

I’m relatively new to poppers and i’ve definitely noticed some decline in cognitive ability - mainly word recall.

It improves after a few days, but I always steer clear if I know I have a mentally intensive task coming up...

Hey I guess that’s why they call us gooners 😂 😂😂

101st Chairborne said on Fri, 27 Sep 2019 at 18:54...

I stand corrected. Watch out if you start growing horns...jeez.

Wowza said on Sun, 29 Sep 2019 at 07:40...

Here's the deal guys: volatile nitrites degrade into nitrogen oxide and enter the blood stream - this is like a neuro signal to trigger vascular dilation. That is the simple principle that gives poppers their effect. Nitrogen oxide will remain in the blood stream for maybe like 24 hours? Could an overload of NO create cognitive dysfunction? Maybe, but this is not a known effect of poppers, so I guess we are really talking over-use. You can get a cognitive response if you binge on a high sugar product too.

Madeplentypoppers said on Sun, 29 Sep 2019 at 15:32...

When I was working in the lab, I made some really dumb mistakes that amazed me. Everyday I was hitting IBN right before work for about 15 minutes. I noticed it made my muscles more tired and had less oxygen, but perhaps it impacted my cognitive ability too. Heavy whiffing of IBN in particular will definitely make me feel drunk for about 5 to 10 minutes afterwards.

Frilly said on Mon, 30 Sep 2019 at 19:55...

Sounds like one of the old poppers myths....poppers destroy brain cells. They don't, dear. Why? because I can still do the crossword.

B-Ding said on Tue, 8 Oct 2019 at 10:05...

I have noticed that a heavy session can give me lactic acid issues in my legs 12 or so hours after use, but it passes. As for cognitivity issues, I have those but I think that's more to do with age and my alcohol consumption.

T said on Sat, 7 Mar 2020 at 01:07...

I feel dumb for days after using IBN, and I have a rather technical job. It's annoying. Not sure if brain cells are getting burned or if I'm using up dopamine from ridiculous orgasms. Definitely dumber, though.

netplaceus said on Mon, 23 May 2022 at 20:06...

I get very high blood pressure a day or so after using poppers like, 190/100, and that's with a mild night of them. It can last for a week!

Normally my blood pressure is great, under 120/80. Of course I don't use anymore. And no, it's not chance, tested too many times for that.

I am in extremely good health, not on any meds.

Anyone else have this problem.

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