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Had poppers tipped up nose....

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Poppersrock
on Sun, 1 Sep 2019 at 20:36

Poppersrock said on Sun, 1 Sep 2019 at 20:36...

So, I had someone administering them for me and they accidentally tipped half the bottle up my nose.. It ran up my nasal passage and down the back of my throat...

As you would, I immediately started to panic as I could feel it burning. I ran to the sink and started inhaling water to try and clear it. Needless to say this put and end to things pretty quickly.

8 hours later, everything seems to be alright. My nose is running pretty badly though. I feel like a hay fever sufferer in the middle of a meadow.

Is there any cause for concern? I suppose the worst is over now.

Lesson learned, always sit upright!

Finger Bob is a cuck said on Sun, 1 Sep 2019 at 22:00...

This happened to me once. I immediately ran to the kitchen and drank half a gallon of milk. Long story short. I survived and didn't even go to the Doctor but I am not a Doctor so use your best judgment. I never allow other people to put a bottle under my nose. This was a case where the bottle was so full that I sucked up the liquid into my nasal passage. As a result, I stopped buying popper bottles where the liquid-filled up the neck of the bottle but only get 30ml bottles where the liquid starts where the bottleneck starts. If that makes sense. LOL! I think it's a good idea to find a Doctor who is LGBTQ friendly who understands these products or won't past judgment on these issues.

If you are having issues, I'd get to the Doctor ASAP. Maybe google gay friendly Doctors in your area.

IRockTheBlackCock said on Sun, 1 Sep 2019 at 22:01...

Just go to the Doctor.

Madeplentypoppers said on Mon, 2 Sep 2019 at 15:18...

Never let someone else shove poppers under your nose. And if you are bottoming, really.....tops can be so rude and unaware of how difficult it can be for a bottom to take a whiff while getting banged. Some tops just don't care and others just don't know that they should ease up....when a bottom is taking a whiff.

Poppersrock said on Mon, 2 Sep 2019 at 19:54...

Right, a day later I can happily report that everything is back to normal. Acting fast at the time seemed to ease the worst of it. I always make sure to take copious amounts of vitamin C and B12 + water after sessions and subsequent days later to help my body return to normal (occasionally get blue lips)

FYI I’m actually hetro. I know that’s an anomaly among poppers users lol

Anyway thanks for your replies :-)

PJ said on Tue, 3 Sep 2019 at 12:17...

Vitamins help do they? That is a new idea to me. Never really felt any real after-effect, anyways can't hurt to take those 2 you mention.

Poppersrock said on Wed, 4 Sep 2019 at 10:46...

Vitamin C is known to treat methemoglobinemia which is what inhaling nitrites causes temporally. I’ve read that nitrites can also deplete B12 stores through the same action.

Don’t get me wrong, poppers are generally pretty safe, just on the side of caution.

Gaz said on Thu, 5 Sep 2019 at 21:44...

Happened to me to once, guy accidentally tipped it too far under my nose as he was away to fuck me, I just ran to the bathroom and drowned my nose in water. Unfortunately it killed the moment and left. Thankfully i didn’t suffer any problems, other than a scare!

Al said on Fri, 6 Sep 2019 at 02:28...

I would get the doctor to check it. The worst case is you get chemical burns and irritation on the inside, and that can provide an entry point for infection.

Wowza said on Sun, 22 Sep 2019 at 21:21...

Good point, Al.

Oh Em Gee said on Mon, 7 Oct 2019 at 09:50...

This is potentially lethal. I read a case study of someone who did this and nearly died. DO NOT let this happen.
Looks like you learned the hard way and got away with it.
I often do poppers after a few drinks and sometimes, in my euphoric/horny state worry that I am going to take a sip from the bottle (rather than my glass of whisky) by mistake. You have to be careful.

The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Sat, 14 Dec 2019 at 09:00...

Never a good idea to do poppers when drunk! One other danger is a habit of dipping cigarettes into the poppers bottle. OMG indeed! Yes idiots used to do that...of course if you then accidentally light the cigarette BOOM...you can audition for the next James Bond movie villain. People do stupid things...unfortunately...then again not only poppers, danger is everywhere for the mentally challenged dumbo. Maybe try those ones with the safety caps? they provide a first defense for the genetically inherited condition of being a total moron.

Patulia said on Sun, 22 Mar 2020 at 04:17...

Just happened me, feels like the back of my nose and throat are burned hard to swollow 😭😭😩

Sidari said on Fri, 11 Sep 2020 at 14:35...

Just happens to me in Greece like a fool laid down to take these next thing bang all down my throat water up my nose but still very very painful and feeling like u have a bad cold and sore throat

BCM said on Mon, 21 Sep 2020 at 04:46...

Also happened to me a week ago. It went through my nose and down my throat, as well as in my eyes. I immediately washed my eyes with lots of water and irrigated my nose. My eyes were fine by the next day but I still feel congested and my nose keeps running. If it doesn’t get better by the end of week 2 I’ll make an appointment with my doctor.

Chaz said on Sun, 1 Nov 2020 at 21:59...

so.. Did anyone really see a doctor after spill it into your nose? or the irritation will go away itself?

Mike said on Tue, 27 Apr 2021 at 05:39...

Yep this just happened to me

Damon said on Thu, 27 May 2021 at 17:30...

Ugh this guy just came over and put it under my nose (I was blind folded) and poured down into my nose and thoart. I immediately went to bathroom, blew it out of my nose and cough out the mucus/liquid and water it down. My God some of these Tops are clueless. After 20 mins later I still had a “burn” sore throat so I irrigated some water into my nose to throat and wash it down and plenty of water. This happened like an hour ago... ugh.

Chilean Bottom said on Mon, 21 Jun 2021 at 21:35...

My secret technique: I pour 1 or 2 drops of popper in a cotton ball, then I put this on a small plastic bottle, close it, and inhale it from there when needed. No dangers at all. Try it !! Greetings from Chile 🇨🇱

Jarrod said on Fri, 30 Jul 2021 at 13:44...

I was in the middle of masturbating. My masturbation has a lot involved. For this example I had a mask on ;-). I couldn’t see so using only touch to feel where things are. Found my poppers and went to sniff, hand leaned a bit too far and up the nose and in the mouth it went. Not the whole bottle but enough to ruin the entire night and mood. Rand to the bathroom, flushed mouth and nose and sinuses out just gagging and coughing in the sink. After about another 15 minutes of trying to clear my mucus, everything calmed down, there’s still a little slight stink in my nostrils and the back of my throat. This all happened 20 minutes ago. I feel fine, just kinda resting now. Probably will put face moisturiser on to hydrate and heal the skin

Jayson said on Mon, 22 Nov 2021 at 21:24...

Happened to me today, was laying in my back and didn’t want the top to stop so I had to try the horizontal huff and down my nose and sinuses it went maybe some went into the ear canal (EUSTACHIAN TUBE) kind of scared to go deaf from this, but flushed my sinuses with NORMAL SALINE and a commercial bought irrigation bottle and I think I’m good, just feel the ear pressure. Did anyone have a bad burn or irritation?

Vane0903 said on Wed, 1 Dec 2021 at 12:47...

I accidentally tipped popper's into my nose and have had a constant pressure / pain on the left side of my head. It's been 4 days now. Does this go away gradually do you know.
I don't have a gp.

Kalderano said on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 at 03:37...

Ok so i came here 1 week ago trying to find a answer but nothing concrete so i'm back after healing. First day, it sucked. I rinsed my sinuses with a tube i had and i had a bad sore throat. The 3 next days, i had a sore throat and a lot, i mean a LOT of snot. I even had difficulty speaking because of the mucus. I rinsed my throat with water and salt once a day and by the 6th day the pain had decreased completely. Now it feels like nothing ever happened. If you can get antibiotics in case of infection that's better. I'm lucky i didn't get anything.

ta said on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 at 23:39...

happened to me last year and still feeling the effects from it.half the bottle went up my nose and chemical burns all in my nose and ears. months later i started getting vertigo and shortness of breath next thing you know i’m getting ear problems. doctors keep telling me i have an ear infection but it seems like it hasn’t gone away for this whole year. from what i can tell i have very poor blood circulation and the blood vessels in my temples swell up every single day i have flare ups and information. Seeing the doctor soon for a diagnoses of GCA (vasculitis)

IslandGuy said on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 at 04:19...

This just happened to me and my nose and throat is slightly burning….did anyone have a quick solution to stop this🙏🏼

PopperKingMyanmar said on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 at 17:21...

It happened to me yesterday. First of all, I breathed in water from the nose and spit from the mouth. I did at least three times immediately. Second, I drank 3 to 5 litre of water. Third, I kept a cube of ice in my mouth and near my throat. After I did it like three time, it was getting better. But my nose is still blocked. For the burning throat, just keeping cube of ice in your mouth and near the throat. (burning area) I can tell you will be better.

Jag said on Wed, 22 Jun 2022 at 21:33...

Just happened to me. Poison control told me to drink small sips of water and rinse my nostrils. They also recommended steam.

Jade said on Tue, 23 Aug 2022 at 10:10...

Funny how many idiots there are in the world like me. Happened to me on Saturday forgot it had liquid in the bottle! Straight up nostril, burned a lot, water immediately to flush it. Next day completely snot blocked, nose red raw from blowing it, little yellow scabs on the inside of nose have formed, I'm using an Aloe Vera gel which is definitely helping and soothing the uncomfortable feeling, the blocking is easing up slowly. When the plane was landing it was very painful for my ear as nose so congested.

Rocco said on Wed, 24 Aug 2022 at 06:40...

The yellow/red scabs formed everytime im using poppers, its will be there at least 2 weeks if im stop using poppers and repeat if using it back. But I will applied Vaseline cream to reduce the burning as pure aloe vera difficult to get. May this help you'll out there too. Cheers

Eugene said on Sun, 25 Sep 2022 at 11:59...

43M. I found this thread tonight thankfully. About an hour ago I dripped some down my right nostril when drying to huff on my back having a wank. The responses here gave me relief that I wasn't going to poison myself or worse. I quickly got the bathroom and rinsed my nostril with water and gargled too to make sure nothing when down my oesophagus. Have the same burn/irritation that others before have mentioned. Thanks guys for sharing your experience here for the benefit of others.

Js said on Thu, 13 Oct 2022 at 00:12...

It happened to me 2 days ago, but my ear is pain and I can't see well. Which doctor do I need to make an appointment?

Brown said on Tue, 8 Nov 2022 at 05:32...

Happened to me an hour ago, washing eyes and rinsing nose with slightly warm water helped a lot with the burn irritation and snot

Brown said on Tue, 8 Nov 2022 at 05:32...

Happened to me an hour ago, washing eyes and rinsing nose with slightly warm water helped a lot with the burn irritation and snot

Sam said on Sat, 1 Apr 2023 at 14:55...

Thank you to all who posted here. Had an incident today, my Mistress spilt some in my nose. Unsure how much but enough to make me panic. Probably a tea spoonful at most. The high was making me panic as I saw spots but that passed and I flushed it out with water. Back of nose feels inflamed but no pain. I also had about 6 vitamin c tablets based on the advice above. Definitely don’t let anyone else hold the bottle and probably best to follow the cotton wool advice above if you are nervous.

Nick said on Wed, 17 May 2023 at 00:17...

Thank goodness this chat exists, i spilled some in my nose/ face on accident and I immediately went and washed my face/ rinsed my nose. But hours later the throat irritation, and this clogged sensation in my nose and ear is still there. What should I do from here? I’m having trouble hearing from one of my ears

David said on Sat, 1 Jul 2023 at 03:21...

I spilled poppers in my nose about three weeks ago. Pain was not bad but has increased to strong, constant si us pain. I am on a trip out of the country in Italy and got Nasonex from a local pharmacist. Congestion is really not the issue and it does not help. Fairly strong, constant pain throughout my nostrils and into my upper sinus. Emailed home doctor (scared to mention the poppers) suggesting a possible sinus infection and was told they could not write an antibiotic for Italy and suggested going to a doctor over here. That is very difficult. Still have a week vacation to go, but it is being ruined by bad anxiety that I did permanent damage. Any suggestions? See an ENT when I return to the U.S.?

Samuel said on Tue, 28 Nov 2023 at 11:28...

Ok, here is my contribution to this chat:

I was at a club and opened a newly bought bottle of poppers. First piece of advice: Be careful with new bottles! They are full to the brim. I was pretty drunk and inhaled too hard so the liquid shot up into my right nostril. I immediately sneezed out the liquid and started to panic, all while getting extremely high from the literal overdose.

My nose started to hurt and I went straight to the club toilet to rinse it with water (Very good advice as well!!!). After that I actually felt ok, apart from the fact that my nose was running faster than Usain Bolt.


I woke up the next morning, feeling like a piece of shit (not a surprise after all the alcohol and poppers). The right side of my nose was swollen to the max and I looked like Ronald McDonald. It was completely blocked and kept running like crazy for the rest of the day, with small yellow crystals coming out every time I blew it. I also felt pressure on my right ear, due to the blockage.


Things started getting better. My nose was still swollen and felt very irritated, but started to run less towards the evening. I still felt tired, not sure if I was getting sick or just had a massive hangover.


Felt much better. Still a little tired, but my nose wasn’t swollen anymore. I was able to breathe through my right nostril again, from time to time. It only started running occasionally. The yellow crystals were still there when I blew my nose, but also less in numbers.


Didn’t feel tired anymore and went back to normal, more or less. The swell was gone, I could breathe normally and had no ear pressure. My right nostril still felt a little irritated.

I had a doctor’s appointment on that day. Given that I had partied all night after the incident, I was a little concerned about infection. The doctor was not surprised by my story, as this happens to a lot of people apparently. After having inspected my nostrils she said that they looked fine and prescribed a cream to support the wound healing.
She also told me to come back in case I developed the following signs of an infection (although unlikely): rash inside the nose and around the nostril, with yellow crusts on top. (Not to be confused with the yellow crystals that come out when you blow your nose. These are a normal reaction to chemical burn).

So far I am doing fine. If I actually develop symptoms, I will update you guys. No more poppers for me, in any case. I am done with this garbage. Peace!

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