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All the Rushes

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by DC
on Sat, 29 Jun 2019 at 17:02

DC said on Sat, 29 Jun 2019 at 17:02...

Does any know the differences or ranking of all the Rush poppers? Wanting to which one is best to buy. Thank you!

Super Rush
Super Rush Black Label
Gold Rush
Rush Ultra

Mam said on Sun, 30 Jun 2019 at 19:25...

Which ones are PWD, DC? There is also a UK Formula Rush made by a company in the UK, it says Perpol on the label.

DC said on Sun, 30 Jun 2019 at 21:29...

I think they are all being sold as PWD which I’m also unsure what that means too. I believe all the bottles are from the US though.

Anonymous said on Mon, 19 Aug 2019 at 02:07...

From what I can gather, authentic PWD as currently sold has red caps with PWD embossed on the smaller bottles and the bigger bottles have the PWD hologram label. I personally think the same liquid is in each bottle no matter what the sticker says. My go-to is the big Rush bottle with the hologram label and I'm fine with it. When I build up a tolerance to any popper, I take a break for a month then go back or just switch brands. I took a 90-day break once just to experiment. I realized how much poppers had become a mental crutch for me. Secondly, I realize that I'm still able to get super hard and it was totally the poppers killing my boners and not my age(45). Here are the top 4 favorites in order.

1. Locker Room(My Favorite) Hard to find in my area.
2. Rush (Big Bottle with the black cap and hologram sticker)
3. Jungle Juice Platinum (Never get the round bottle-it's fake)
4. English (Small sample bottle from the adult bookstore)
5. Maximum Impact or Bolt Spray(Not for the rookie. I only use these
3 to 4 times each year as a special treat. Primarily if I'm getting gang
banged. It helps me overcome my nervousness. LOL!)

I get my stuff from Condom sense in Houston, TX. With a coupon, it's under $19 for the 30ml bottle.

Worst popper I've ever tried? Hellfire poppers. Should be named warm water poppers.

Tag said on Wed, 15 Jan 2020 at 08:52...

My top 4 rankings are:

1. English Leather (has gold label)
2. English Royale (has a blue label with UK flag)
3. Jungle Juice Platinum
4. Super Rush is a good standby

I’ve tried English White, but I can only find it in a store in DC.

I want to try Maximum Impact. Very curious. I tried it once, but it was over 10 years ago—wanting to revisit.

I agree with switching to a different brand every so often. It certainly does break the monotony.

Any other advice for using Maximum Impact guys?

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