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Verifiably Made Poppers

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by bdladdy
on Sat, 9 Feb 2019 at 04:34

bdladdy said on Sat, 9 Feb 2019 at 04:34...

We used to live in Amsterdam and discovered even the local shops there change suppliers routinely by price--and the bottles are very poorly copied. Obviously fakes of fakes.

The first ones we had from CH were great, this last order, hideous.

Anyone know of home brewers or domestic producers that sell their own? I'm tired of poison and or garbage.

Pappa Badmouth said on Sat, 9 Feb 2019 at 08:32...

What is CH? Explain your thinking about "home brewers" - before known as bath tub producers. Why should some guy in a basement be making safer or better poppers....just sayin'.. maybe they do, but how do you know that?

is CH meaning China or Swiss?

bdladdy said on Sun, 10 Feb 2019 at 03:00...

CH Switzerland. I'm tired of people not caring where their products come from. It's Russian roulette. My two different Swiss orders have noticeable different labels

PJ said on Mon, 11 Feb 2019 at 20:24...

Never heard of poppers from Switzerland. The Swiss Federation is one of the most highly regulated nations on earth. What were the labels and what was the difference you noticed, bdladdy?

luvin the pain said on Wed, 13 Feb 2019 at 20:43...

Someone should check the Swiss News. I bet they stopped pentyl from being imported at the border, but still allow propyl. bdladdy: where did you buy your poppers in Amsterdam? If it was some shop in the center then it would be the wholesaler, not the shop, who changed. Do not blame retailers for what the tier one distributors do. Poppers are not manufactured in Switzerland. Belgium, Yes, France, Yes UK, yes. ...Suisse, Non!

Home brew aka artisan poppers are hit and miss. Ask for them under the counter in some leather bars / stores. The guyz that have this are usually into FF. I have retail experience and I can tell you that some gay men COMPLAIN about poppers being sold. Not all gay men approve of poppers.

bdladdy said on Sat, 23 Mar 2019 at 22:54...

Sorry for a very late response. They were sold from a swiss website but vended via belgium. KZP Poppers is the retailer. The stuff I got a yr ago was fine. These were awful. 4 bottles of awful. If you look at the bottles, the glass stamp on the bottom is wrong, the logos are sloppily wrong in the wrong place and some of the information is even missing. If I were to fake a bottle, I'd try at least a little. My greatest concern is that I don't want anything made in China that qualifies as straight-up poison. Since counterfeiting is so rampant, looking for scrupulous sellers is desirable. Why did I shop abroad? JJ isn't allowed to sell in Canada where they are made but can export (to europe). As for home brewers, don't know any. And I'm not allowed to ;-)

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