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Japan Poppers

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by tokyo_sonata
on Fri, 25 Jan 2019 at 07:11

tokyo_sonata said on Fri, 25 Jan 2019 at 07:11...

I cannot find poppers anywhere in Tokyo. I visited before and remember seeing them but now ZERO? What happened. I asked discreetly and was met with a wall of silence. I need my poppers 'cus i am away from home for a while and wanna play, so any ideas where to look, or have the Japanese stopped selling.

Mam said on Mon, 28 Jan 2019 at 19:48...

I suspect they are prohibited now in Japan, just the same as in Canada. Maybe Australia will follow suit. So now that is Norway, Canada, Japan...anywhere else? I watched a documentary about Tokyo not long ago, given some of the things that go on there, it is surprising that something as relatively innocent as poppers is a big deal. It seems that poppers in Singapore are not a problem, and Singapore is supposed to be strict!

Rosa Klebb said on Sun, 3 Feb 2019 at 12:23...

Japanese only recognize poppers as RUSH... nothing else. This means it is pretty easy to stop them (and the Japan has done that) There was a scandal involving an air steward. Poppers in Asia used to be easy to find but now it all changed. Easy to find in KL & Singapore though.

wall of silence - sure, do not talk about poppers or you will get the silent treatment.

out said on Mon, 4 Feb 2019 at 10:28...

You cannot find popper in korea same as japan.

Rosa Klebb said on Tue, 5 Feb 2019 at 08:03...

I found out for you:

Isobutyl Nitrite is outlawed by a thing called ASEAN COSMETIC DIRECTIVE and so is "amyl nitrites" No sign of our old buddy isopropyl though.

"The ASEAN Economic Ministers signed the Agreement on the ASEAN Harmonized Cosmetic Regulatory Scheme at the 35th ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting in Cambodia in September 2003"

Hearsay: Chinese poppers are labeled as Alkyl Nitrite and contain formula blends.

As for Japan: they were imported for over 20 years (Rush) by Rittsu in Shinjuku. In 2006 they got shut down. The Japanese have a term - dappo - so like a grey area and they do not like that. There is a lot of concern over drug abuse in Tokyo and elsewhere and poppers have wrongly (in my opinion and the UK lawmakers) been put in that basket.

My guess is this: poppers in ASEAN countries are mainly coming from China / are labeled as either isopropyl or general term "alkyl nitrite" - and are imported as being compliant with ADC as they are not excluded.

kt said on Sun, 16 Feb 2020 at 15:16...

My attention was drawn to this topic because the singer Makihara Noriyuki was just arrested for possession of stimulants (kakuseizai)—a tiny amount (0.083 gm)—and all the reports say that he was also found to be in possession of the "kiken doraggu (dangerous drug) 'rasshu'" (Makihara was also arrested for possession of kakuseizai in 1999). I thought, "Are poppers illegal?? They didn't use to be."

It turns out that 2006 is the year things changed, according to the Japanese Wikipedia article "Rasshu (yakubutsu)". In that year, the substance in question was designated by law a "scheduled drug" (shitei yakubutsu) and went from being "evasive of the law" (dappō-) to being frankly illegal (ihō-).

So this why you won't find poppers in Japan—and why you won't use them there unless you want to risk deportation (for a foreigner) or prison (for a citizen).

武 said on Mon, 17 Feb 2020 at 13:57...

Im so desperate to get a poppers here in Japan, having fun without a poppers is not fun at all 😂. Yes, there are hattemba but it would be more fun if there's poppers around. last week I went to BodyBreath in Shinjuku and surprised when the Japanese guy started to sniff a poppers, I asked him where did he get it and how he managed to bring in Japan. he said, He brought the poppers from Korea. I sometimes think if its really possible to bring atleast 1 bottle in Japan, can I put it to other container?

Takeshi said on Mon, 17 Feb 2020 at 14:00...

Im so desperate to get a poppers here in Japan, having fun without a poppers is not fun at all. Yes, there are hattemba but it would be more fun if there's poppers around. last week I went to BodyBreath in Shinjuku and surprised when the Japanese guy started to sniff a poppers, I asked him where did he get it and how he managed to bring in Japan. he said, He brought the poppers from Korea. I sometimes think if its really possible to bring atleast 1 bottle in Japan, can I put it to other container so it wont be look like a poppers? is poppers can be detect thru xrays machine? can a sniffin dog recognized the smell of a poppers? those questions.

Brax said on Tue, 25 Feb 2020 at 11:50...

Sorry, but no one can answer if you want to commit a crime. Would you ask yourself if it‘s possible to bring cocaine or ecstasy into the country? No? Then why do you ask about poppers now that you know they are considered illegal drugs in Japan? If you try, be aware of potential consequences.

Mntra Lanto said on Mon, 25 May 2020 at 03:49...

Who need poppers in tokyo contact me

rado said on Mon, 25 May 2020 at 14:10...

Mntra Lanto... I don't know how to contact you... write to me at radoslavsokolove@gmail.com

Adam said on Mon, 25 May 2020 at 23:56...

@ Mntra Lanto
Please contact me at l33220020@163.com

Nerima guy said on Thu, 28 May 2020 at 14:48...

Mntra Lanto contact me at romzurbino@ gmail.com

Mino said on Thu, 28 May 2020 at 19:22...

Mntra lanto
Please contact me minoharaya@gmail.com

Boris said on Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 20:53...

@ Mntra Lanto I want too
Please contact me at borishei1991@outlook.com

Bree said on Mon, 8 Jun 2020 at 22:55...

Hi! I am interested. Contact me at breelopez2020@gmail.com

Samei said on Thu, 11 Jun 2020 at 01:49...

@ Mntra Lanto
I need that too,please contact me🙏🏻 liaozuoming@gmail.com

@kullboy6969 said on Sun, 12 Jul 2020 at 05:15...

I want too

kk said on Sat, 25 Jul 2020 at 00:39...

Mntra lanto
Please contact me at sskk05950@gmail.com

Sd said on Sun, 16 Aug 2020 at 12:38...

@Mntra lantro. Please contact me at: dominicjp@gmail.com

Brian said on Thu, 24 Sep 2020 at 08:15...

@Mntra lanto
please contact me braineugenio2018@yahoo.com

ZZZZ said on Thu, 24 Sep 2020 at 08:17...

last year, I tried to bring 1 bottle from my country. I did not know it is illegal in Japan. Good thing I successfully went through the immigration.

BottomsUp said on Sat, 26 Sep 2020 at 13:03...

@Mntra lanto
Please contact BFM81@yahoo.com

Brian said on Fri, 2 Oct 2020 at 04:02...

please email me, this is my correct email:


Left said on Wed, 7 Oct 2020 at 04:00...

@Mntra lanto
Contact me

Mntra Lanto said on Fri, 9 Oct 2020 at 06:45...

Mntra Lanto
Please contact me

Yolo said on Mon, 12 Oct 2020 at 15:10...

I want poppers

Yu said on Tue, 13 Oct 2020 at 01:39...

Mntra Lanto
Please contact me

Yolo said on Sun, 18 Oct 2020 at 14:14...

Mntra Lanto I sent you an email why no reply? 😞

Junjp said on Tue, 15 Dec 2020 at 08:56...

I would like to buy popper. How to buy it

Likou said on Fri, 8 Jan 2021 at 05:00...

@Mntra lanto - I sent email. Did anyone else get reply?

POPPERS ORDER said on Tue, 12 Jan 2021 at 09:41...

I am planning to order outside Japan.
Who wants to order?

e-mail me:

Likou said on Fri, 15 Jan 2021 at 07:32...

Re.. POPPERS ORDER said on Tue, 12 Jan 2021 at 09:41...

I am planning to order outside Japan.
Who wants to order?

e-mail me:

I sent email :-) fingers crossed!

Latinoguy said on Mon, 25 Jan 2021 at 13:21...

Likou I want contact me please catova724@gmail.com

Mino said on Fri, 29 Jan 2021 at 16:53...

If you had any information about poppers. I really want a poppers
Please contact me

Niko said on Mon, 1 Feb 2021 at 09:32...

I want information about popper rush
Please email me.


G-san said on Sun, 7 Feb 2021 at 07:24...

There is some poppers in sex shops, written Rashi in it.
It was not poppers. Felt like whiskey !
Do you know we're I can find poppers in Tokyo?
If anybody is ordering please let me know

Buffy said on Thu, 29 Apr 2021 at 05:32...

Would like to get poppers too. email is groteskou@gmail.com for anyone selling

Latingay said on Thu, 6 May 2021 at 13:43...

Would like to get poppers too. email is catova724@gmail.com for anyone selling

Want to

Taka said on Fri, 14 May 2021 at 15:59...

I'd like some to! Contact me if you have any info or selling some


heavymetalmachine said on Sun, 6 Jun 2021 at 18:45...

Dose anyone could sell me a poppers? Pls, contact me. tkmdmv@protonmail.com

TJ said on Sat, 24 Jul 2021 at 17:18...

I am looking to buy some poppers. Email is tj_26_1989@hotmail.com

YY said on Sat, 21 Aug 2021 at 17:51...

I want popper
I live in tokyo 26years old man
Someone send me mail at

NeedPoppers said on Mon, 22 Nov 2021 at 23:10...

Hi who sells poppers here?! Just need one. Pls email me handsdown111@yahoo.com

NeedPoppers2 said on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 at 23:26...

Hi look for someone who sales poppers or can get the to Japan. 28 Years old. Email me at jayjayryder93@gmail.com

cockthrobin said on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 at 12:45...

If anyone can supply me with Poppers in Tokyo, please email me at alanw1967@gmail.com

JJ said on Tue, 17 May 2022 at 06:02...

Hi, if anyone can sale poppers in Tokyo, please email me at clerk.sleeves0y@icloud.com

Kk said on Sun, 12 Jun 2022 at 10:21...

Same please contact me I want one too


AA said on Fri, 23 Sep 2022 at 18:42...

If anyone can supply me with Poppers in Tokyo or know where to get them, please email me at


Thank you!

Anonymous said on Tue, 11 Oct 2022 at 16:09...

Me too if anyone have it email me at akhtarshadaba634@gmail.com

Information? said on Thu, 27 Oct 2022 at 15:29...

Dozens of people leave their email addresses, but has anyone had any success in learning anything?

If so please email me at warmmugentenshin@gmail.com

Ric said on Sun, 30 Oct 2022 at 12:40...

A friend who is an expat living in Japan was stopped and searched and they found a bottle of poppers. What are his rights? The brand was RUSH. They took a urine drug test and are having him return to the police station in one week. This took place inToyko.

EKO Tang said on Wed, 16 Nov 2022 at 14:54...

Any one sale RUSH in Tokyo?please email to ekotang23@icloud.com

Bass said on Wed, 23 Nov 2022 at 15:41...

I want buy poppers c4 or jungle juicy. Please contact me somomalam55@gmail.com

Bose said on Sun, 4 Dec 2022 at 18:52...

Do you know where I can get this in Tokyo?
Please email me.

Ran said on Sat, 10 Dec 2022 at 17:43...

Who sells poppers in Osaka. Please email me Nathanranesis@gmail.com

Anonymous said on Tue, 28 Mar 2023 at 03:44...

I want order poppers. Please email me

Big hug said on Mon, 3 Apr 2023 at 22:05...

Want poppers too
I am in Tokyo ! please email

Yamanote said on Wed, 26 Apr 2023 at 12:54...

Where can purchase poppers in Osaka. Please email me

Kb said on Fri, 12 May 2023 at 04:47...

Anyone selling poppers in Osaka? I want to order
Please email me

Anonymous said on Sat, 5 Aug 2023 at 01:49...

looking to buy poppers in shinjuku please email me maincmark@gmail.com

troyietrycur said on Thu, 10 Aug 2023 at 02:23...

I want to buy poppers too

please email me troyietrycie@gmail.com

Poppersfan said on Fri, 1 Sep 2023 at 01:27...

What about this website? https://www.cool-mania.jp/pati/poppa/rush-ultra-strong

Popperlover said on Thu, 26 Oct 2023 at 11:37...

Has anyone tried buying in the cool-mania.jp web page above?

JC said on Sun, 3 Dec 2023 at 15:45...

Is anyone selling a popper in Osaka? please email me. mapa301995@gmail.com

Anonymous said on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 at 16:33...

Anyone selling popper? Please email me.


Meas Chantha said on Fri, 19 Jul 2024 at 15:45...

Want buy

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