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poppers mask

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by tomtom1
on Sat, 6 Aug 2016 at 02:46

tomtom1 said on Sat, 6 Aug 2016 at 02:46...

I heard there is some sort of poppers mask. Anyone know where to get one? What's it called?

Frt said on Sun, 7 Aug 2016 at 11:41...

I've seen a few online on sites that sell poppers. I would however stay away from poppers masks. They definitely make it easier to overdose and I've even read articles where people have died using them.

Anonymous said on Mon, 8 Aug 2016 at 16:26...

Masks only deprive you of oxygen and you need plenty of oxygen to enjoy a popper in between hits.

PJ said on Mon, 8 Aug 2016 at 17:52...

No need to get involved with things like that. As others say STAY AWAY.

RobHog said on Sun, 4 Sep 2016 at 21:55...

Stay away from things like that. If you want a bigger hit, there are ways around it. Be careful, stay safe

Gadders said on Sat, 25 Mar 2017 at 17:39...

I made my own circuit. Perfectly safe to breathe through and a squeeze of a resuscitator bag delivers a nice hit. Probably cost about 15 quid in materials from ebay. Info or images send me a message...loadsafetsuk@gmail.com

I only ever buy from Snake...nothing else touches his liquid!

maskman said on Mon, 23 Oct 2017 at 08:09...

i use a cloth surgical mask

sexyman said on Sat, 2 Dec 2017 at 11:20...


It's the best ever!!!!! You can't beat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!



sammie said on Sat, 24 Feb 2018 at 10:35...

I once seen a guy use an old ww2 gas mask, but it is stupid to do it

Sniff "Ma" Pitts said on Tue, 17 Apr 2018 at 11:53...

Do not use poppers masks. Simple as that guyz, don't!

PopperbaM said on Thu, 4 Oct 2018 at 08:28...

Nice little cap/lid inhaler here....


sugarplum said on Wed, 5 Jun 2019 at 09:18...

oh wow I remember some crazy scene in the 1980s where a guy stuffed a popper soaked rag in an old World War 2 gas mask too! it was at a pretty wild party but i gave the guy a talking to after then....he produced a can of ethyl chloride. i told the host to eject him and got shown the door myself! irresponsibility and poppers go hand in hand! it seems that some guys are stuck in a loop seeking more and more intense pleasure. Use responsibly or expect legislative responses. i am not even too sure about all this "gay identity" and poppers idea - like it is even homophobic to speak negatively about the brown bottle. Mask = don't. Thank you!

gayads said on Wed, 3 Feb 2021 at 20:35...

In the heat of the moment, ended up burning my nose many times when sniffing from the bottle. It seems like an ancient way to administer. I have used a gas mask which had the eyes blacked out. It is like your head being in another diamension.

Alternatively I have used an Surgical Mask which is attached to a valve and a spacer. The trick is to mix poppers with air in the spacer. Much better then the bags. No burns, controlled intake. Mind blowing. When using this items, you need to be sensible.

MadPopper said on Fri, 1 Oct 2021 at 19:58...

The mask is perfectly safe to use and as others have mentioned putting the bottle in contact with sensitive skin under your nose can really burn. The mask prevents that injury. It also has 2 large oxygen holes to prevent overdosing even by accident unless you are an idiot and tape them closed, you will be fine.
Not to put a huh over the whole popper scene but since it is so hard to get in some areas (Canada) I decided to let fellow poppers in on a little secret; Isopropyl alcohol, 99% pure is $10 for a big bottle (Walmart), Sodium Nitrite is $20 for 500 grams(Walmart), 30%hydrochloric acid...AKA muriatic acid is $15 for a huge jug (will last 3 lifetimes..lol) and the fancy glass wear needed to throw your little WTF dinner party is about $50 one time purchase. Now, idiots aside, if you can make a complicated cocktail, have enough common sense not to smoke near gasoline. Everyone at your party will pop all night long and you will need several glass bottles, around 50 10ml bottles.
Be safe out there.

Justine said on Tue, 5 Oct 2021 at 16:18...

Very interested in what MadPopper had to say is there a "Method statement", equip list and recipe to be found anywhere?

Amyl chemist said on Fri, 3 Jun 2022 at 04:51...

Guys if you want an excellent hit which is both safe and extremely effective then never sniff directly from the bottle. Always take a piece of tissue and place about 0.5 mls on it by quickly inverting the bottle quickly to get some of the sheet of ( kitchen role or a few sheets of toilet role) and quickly place this in a large jam jar or Bolognese jar and close the lid. The vapour will build up and you will be able to enjoy a nice hit several times during sex without any danger of spilling liquid or getting some liquid up for nose (painful) you will also be able to regulate your dose whenever you want during your session. Make sure afterwards you throw the tissue away as it will only go yellow and be oxidised and nasty. Also you can know that you have a hit just waiting to be easily opened at your own convenience (have towel incase of lubed up fingers).
Incase of Side effects I found ammonia from smelling salts good for counteracting the cough as it neutralises the nitric acids in the lungs immediately. Have safe horny fun guys.

Wenis said on Wed, 4 Jan 2023 at 18:03...

MadPopper do u just need those 3 chemicals? Nd then just dump em togeather nd stir? Or is their a recipe method? Do u need science equiment?

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