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Has anyone else lost boxes to customs

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Help
on Thu, 20 Mar 2014 at 12:34

Help said on Thu, 20 Mar 2014 at 12:34...

had a couple of boxes taken by customs has anyone else had this happen

Inquisitive said on Thu, 20 Mar 2014 at 12:36...

It did not happen to me but some people said it happened because of ordering from www.poppers-shop.com where did you order from? I'm still confused about a reliable website

Joe69 said on Thu, 20 Mar 2014 at 14:56...

Help assumes that everyone lives in the same place as him??

HELP said on Thu, 20 Mar 2014 at 17:57...


Lars said on Fri, 21 Mar 2014 at 12:46...

poppers-shop is a reliable website! Dutchdude is a known poster on popper forums @ hesays "They are very reliable, I ordered several times from them in the past" That is the fact for sure!

beware of crazy comments from MrWig and other name he usez saying all poppers from all places are not good. It is not true!!

chase the world said on Sat, 22 Mar 2014 at 07:04...

i ordered some rush from aliexpress.com....got a pack for$10.94(was a little skeptical with the price being so cheap) order was placed on 3/9/14 and arrived 3/21/14. Aliexpress sent me a confirmation when the order had been shipped by the seller (which was in China). they then sent me an email when the item was delivered. have only opened 1 bottle so far but it was fine. again,my experience with poppers has been that the brand is totally unimportant...It is totally hit or miss...sometimes you will get a strong one with alot of kick and other times you will get one that is weak with little to no effect. what i have also found is the more you do poppers the less effect you will feel as your brain adapts.

chase the word said on Sat, 22 Mar 2014 at 07:06...

correction: Got a 3 pack for $10.94 from aliexpress.com.

Five-O said on Sun, 30 Mar 2014 at 15:29...

Hey chase, I tend to disagree. After I first tried Amsterdam, Manscent and another, which name I can't 'member, I discovered JJ Plus, and I never went away from that one. I was buying from a local shop, but the JJP was always a-quality. They had the one in the squared bottle and I was reading IsobutylNitrite. But of course, 40 bucks for one 25ml bottle is a "bit" pricey opposed to online prices. As it turns out, the quality crestline of online products is pretty bumpy, at best. Yet, if there's only 2 or 3 bottles good out of 4 or 5 for 50 bucks, well, still a win. But we want the ultimate vendor with the best product that never fails, right?(seriously ;-))

Five-O said on Sun, 30 Mar 2014 at 15:34...

P.s. To answer the OP's question: nope, never.

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