eye-damage from isoprobyl
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by isoprobyl warning
on Thu, 20 Mar 2014 at 02:46
isoprobyl warning said on Thu, 20 Mar 2014 at 02:46...
ive been taking poppers since 2000 and have never had any problems or side-effects..... untill 6 months ago when i was sniffing alot of isoprobyl (the new much more dangerous poppers) and after that i have problems when i have to focus on things, its just like my vision is blurry.... my vision is now getting better day by day... after stopping using it........ but most say that i was really worried in the start when i was not sure if my vision would get better.....
my advice : dont sniff isoprobyl... might fuck up your eyes....
Jako said on Thu, 20 Mar 2014 at 07:43...
You're not the only one, there are many reported cases of Propyl eye damage. It wipes out your central vision if you hit it hard enough.
Danny said on Thu, 20 Mar 2014 at 09:57...
And what about pentylnitrite? I use them.
Basil said on Thu, 20 Mar 2014 at 11:53...
Intraocular pressure from over use of a nitrite is well known - the OP states usage as "alot". This is connected to pressure, hence "getting better day by day... after stopping" It is very easy to understand.
joe said on Mon, 31 Mar 2014 at 01:53...
where can I get poopers in vancouver bc
B dude said on Wed, 13 Aug 2014 at 00:00...
23 years of popper use. Never a problem. 2 weeks ago I over did it with rush brand the yellow/red bottle. Woke up and my central vision was GONE. Real bad. Totally unbelievable. I was very blue ( but not the first time ) and I know thats bad. This is completely unexpected. If I look at anything directly. .it disappears. Starting to get better. MAYBE. Im taking vitamins for retina health an eating tons of kale ( great for eye health ). Im completely abstaining from poppers. Internet says takes several months to heal but theres NO guarantee. Be careful people. Its a real danger. Total bummer because I love poppers but after this its a game changer.
Popper maculopathy. Google it. Be informed. Its real. I never have done a forum in my life. But im all over it now trying to warn people. I hope to make a full recovery.
hotbottom said on Mon, 3 Nov 2014 at 17:41...
I used poppers for the first time and accidentally by my friend it went into my eyes ,It was so itchy ,I washed my eyes with water throughly but now ,i'm.worried .please help me out !
bttmdt said on Tue, 4 Nov 2014 at 01:58...
Used poppers for almost 20 years, then a few weeks ago in Hamburg, I hit it hard and long. I remember seeing the yellow spot and continuing to inhale. Next few days I noticed that I couldn't recognize people's faces. This has persisted now into 8 or so weeks. Went to eye doc, but still no diagnosis. Finally threw away all bottles... going to be a challenge to learn to have sex again without.
Bmj said on Tue, 25 Nov 2014 at 17:46...
Any of you chaps got an update on how you are doing. Did poppers for the first time about a month ago, a couple of times a weeks. Maybe 4 or 5 times. Then 2 weeks later (after no poppers) my central vision suddenly went blurred in both eyes. At a distance people's faces are missing and letters on road signs seems painted out as they are blurred. Had an OCT scan and got the standard is/os disruptions I've suddenly learnt about. Hoping things will improve, especially as I stopped using them about 2 weeks before my eye problems came on.
Andy said on Wed, 3 Dec 2014 at 18:24...
Did your eyesight improve after stopping taking them? Happened to me and i'm very worried after several days..
Bmj said on Tue, 16 Dec 2014 at 10:51...
No improvement as yes, approx 6 weeks since I stopped using them and approx 4 weeks since the symptoms appeared. I hope things do get better but it is likely to take soon time if it does. Andy / bdude - what about you?? Anyone else??
Jammy said on Wed, 17 Dec 2014 at 00:30...
I tried some last year and didn't notice any problems, but this year I had read about vision problems before I bought some Amsterdam Gold. The first use I saw a big yellow patch in the centre of my field of view and it really worried me. I tried a few days later, and got the same result. The yellow patch fades after about 10 mins and disappears, but I guess if I was to continue then eventually the spot wouLd become permanent, or as above, the centre of my vision would just disappear. I have tried a couple of times again, hard not to, but each time I get that yellow patch. Reading other peoples experiences tells me that I have to ditch this stuff, otherwise I really will do permanent damage. My advice to anyone is to pour the stuff away, it isn't worth your sight. Difficult to do, but the best thing in the long run.
Simon said on Tue, 30 Dec 2014 at 20:44...
I've been worried about 2 weeks now, after using poppers, Berlin XXX barcode, and jungle juice brands, my long vision eyesight is extremely poor, when I used to have excellent eyesight. I hoping this is temporary vision loss, now seeing eye specialist on 12th Jan 2015, as my opticians do not understand the reason for such drastic eye loss with good previous test in May last year, as I wear glasses for close up only. The penny dropped when the optician said have you changed your diet, are medication, what have you done differently recently. Poppers is what has done this I know after seeing other forums with all the same symptoms, I just hope its temporary, thus yellow spot directly in my vision is really worrying me. Never touching them again, there should be a health warning on them, like cigarettes. I used poppers in 1990's with no problems, they change the drug ingredients in 2007, which is now brining up all these eye vision loss cases, really scary.
Simon said on Tue, 30 Dec 2014 at 20:58...
BMJ, Andy and B Dude, I will be watching this forum daily, this I can not believe has happened, I will keep you all posted with reference to my case, I trust you guys will also. I hope we all get better again soon, general view from specialists, in France US and N.Ireland have carried out surveys, and notice the people that stopped using poppers progressively got better, I can post you these links if you have not already seen them, but it may take several months or longer, although there have been cases where people have recovered in weeks who knows...
Jako (UK) said on Wed, 31 Dec 2014 at 21:48...
Don't be too alarmed, I have exactly the same problem, its a relatively new eye condition, 'Poppers maculopathy'. I have been diagnosed by a highly qualified eye doctor. I’ve been using poppers since 1994 not realising the formula had changed to IPN in 2007. The good news: If you stop altogether your eyesight won't get any worse. My vision h 1994as stayed the same for 4 years after diagnosis.
This article in The Lancet reveals the truth:
Simon said on Thu, 1 Jan 2015 at 01:35...
Hi Jako thank you for the update, so your vision stayed the same for 4 years ? so are they better now. I getting really anxious, vision still the same.
Jako (UK) said on Thu, 1 Jan 2015 at 10:37...
Simon: There has been some improvement after cutting down on poppers. I'm absolutely convinced if I didn’t touch the stuff again my vision would return to normal. I’ve now quit poppers for good. Don’t worry too much, it will take time.
Simon said on Thu, 1 Jan 2015 at 12:25...
Hi Jako, thanks again for getting back to me, I have totally stopped once I put the connection together, I used them for about 3 months Oct to Dec 2014, I had not touched poppers before then since 2001, and never had any issues, but I know they have changed the formula to IPN as you say. Well happy new year ))
Simon said on Thu, 1 Jan 2015 at 12:41...
To all that are going the recovery process, I am taking vitamins from Holland and Barrett specifically for central eye vision, only started yesterday, they have a natural ingredient to main central vision.. Just a thought for you all...
Jako (UK) said on Thu, 1 Jan 2015 at 12:57...
Simon: Happy new year!
When you see your eye specialist tell him exactly what you believe it is. (IPN Poppers) they know about this condition. I was asked 'had I been using poppers'. It's better to be straight with them from the start, it will save time having lots of tests and they can pinpoint the problem straight away.
Good idea taking H & B stuff, I do!
Simon said on Thu, 1 Jan 2015 at 15:02...
Yes I will say its Poppers IPN, as I don't think there is anything they can do. When did u fully stop taking poppers?
honestly it's not worth it.... all this stress and anxiety is doing my head in. I pleased I got this forum to communicate. There was another forum which has stopped in 2009, but still all the same symptoms, and all that stopped seam to recover over several months, took one person nearly 9, but he is much better now....
Jako (UK) said on Thu, 1 Jan 2015 at 15:49...
Simon: Only stopped fully a couple of months ago I'm afraid, but in 2014 my popper use wasn’t much - compared to previous years. I'm hoping this year my vision will improve further, maybe drive again?
I also have suspicions IPN has been watered down recently, probably due to all the people ending up at eye hospitals after visiting their opticians.
IPN was banned by The EU In 2007, so the idiots would now have to ban what they thought was safe 8 years ago. To my knowledge their was no reports of eye damage before 2007.
Jako (UK) said on Thu, 1 Jan 2015 at 15:58...
Simon: I mean Iso Butyl Nitrite was banned by The EU in 2007!
After lots of tests the doctor told me there is no treatment available, just stronger glasses to read, good diet and of course - no more you know what!
Simon said on Thu, 1 Jan 2015 at 17:58...
Jako: Yes I seen the post reference EU 2007 have banned it, why doesn't the UK, it's stupid this product is so very dangerous, I sure more will start joining the forum as time goes on, I feel that we should campaign for a ban, this really can't continue. I'm sure their are many people out there suffering not realising what has caused vision loss. Well definitely keep of the stuff, and I'm very pleased you are showing signs of recovery, surely it can only get better. The body works in mysterious ways.....
Simon said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 19:02...
Really stressed now, not sure if it's getting worse, I am still stunned with my situation.. I will take legal action if this does not improve this is not fair, yes I am in panic mode and I am so stressed... Let's start a campain group called (STOP IPN POPPERS BLINDNESS) I happy to be the chair main and organiser of this group, your thoughts please...
Simon said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 19:11...
warning warning warning ....... Help stop (Poppers IPN Blindness Group) please send me your details if you wish to join. WE CAN NOT LET THIS CONTINUE, Its like smoking cigarettes you may get cancer!!! Help me join this group and NOW please .......
Simon said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 21:02...
I will donate a substancial amount of funds to get this charity going, I will start campaigning against the sale of poppers in all major stores e.g, Clone Zone... Help me campaign against this terrible chemical which is suppose to be fun!!!! Let's get our act together and fight back now!!!!!!! Please help me setup this charity and stop the sale of the IPN blindness chemical. This can not continue !!!!
Jako (UK0 said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 21:20...
Simon: Take it easy! I panicked at first 4 years ago.
Clone Zone will accuse you of 'Homophobia' and get you arrested.
I’m convinced IPN Will be banned eventually because The Royal College of Ophthalmologists will have enough evidence to get it banned.
Simon said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 21:26...
Jako: I am so stressed I can't believe it. I d am not a drug taker ever and never thought poppers would be dangerous, why would Clone Zone think I'm homophobic I'm gay!!!!
Simon said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 21:43...
I will not let this fade easily without a fight.. This has devastated me and my future... I got nothing to loose now because I feel like I'm fxxxing blind!!!
Simon said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 21:43...
I will not let this fade easily without a fight.. This has devastated me and my future... I got nothing to loose now because I feel like I'm fxxxing blind!!!
Jako (UK) said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 21:44...
Simon: Clone Zone know damn well IPN is dangerous, but they sell shed loads every week and they make good money from it.
How about a Government petition to Ban IPN?
Simon said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 21:48...
Ok that's at good idea, will you help me campaign against this, how can I contact you?
Jako (UK) said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 21:56...
Get a petition up and running I will sign, and it would be interesting to see the response, there must be many more victims out there suffering in silence.
Simon said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 22:01...
I've already started a crime case with the London police, I need to chase this up actually to see what they are doing, I have also contacted "Trading Standards" on the devastation of this product to human health, this can and will not continue, it's like going to hell...
Simon said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 22:06...
Jako said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 22:15...
Simon; Well said, I wish you well in your quest for justice.
Simon said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 22:24...
I'm a fighter, trust, I am a well established business man, I sense your not committed to support this group, let me tell you I have already been dragged to hell and back, and this will not get me ...
Simon said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 22:27...
My next step is to get banners outside all retail units selling these blind less drugs watch this space, I hope I will get more people supporting this cause......
Simon said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 22:31...
ANYONE reading this thread, avoid poppers IPN, It might make you go blind... Avoid Avoid Avoid ... I prey to god you do......
Simon said on Mon, 5 Jan 2015 at 16:13...
Nearly 2 weeks since I last took poppers, then totally stopped, first time today I have been able to see faces in the street, although not clear I can make out all features at a distance. The burning light bulb appears to be fading, and I am seeing txt on my computer screen more clearly, I hope recovery continues... Just thought I let you all know..
Jack said on Mon, 5 Jan 2015 at 23:27...
So one week ago, I used poppers - a lot! I don't use them often (once a month maybe?) and I haven't noticed problems before, but this time I clearly overdid it. The next day, my vision seriously deteriorated. I could no longer read the TV guide on the screen. Reading text on my computer screen is hard. People's faces look somewhat lacking in definition. Not blurred exactly. Just kind of....ghost like. No change after 1 week. The 'Talk to Frank' helpline helped me determine poppers were the culprit. I immediately went to A&E at an eye hospital and they agreed it was probably Poppers Maculopathy. I was very, very upset (on the verge of tears) when I was talking to the doctor because I thought it was permanent. Our sight is so precious yet we take it for granted. When it fails, the shock is absolutely crushing. But he was so nice and understanding and told me that it was highly likely that my condition would improve over time, although a 3-6 month recovery time was what he expected. I'm pleased there are other people on here who are making me feel less alone. I promise to update everyone on my (hopeful) recovery over time. Please, anyone reading this: DO NOT USE POPPERS. They're so great, but is your eyesight worth risking for them? No!
Simon said on Tue, 6 Jan 2015 at 00:06...
Jack: really sorry you going through the same as me, it is really hell, I've never had any eye issues until poppers, I am making a fast recovery, and hope you do. Please read my thread you will see how I've been feeling about the subject, . I am now contacting as per
Jako thread above the "Royal college of Ophthalmologists" tomorrow world leaders in eye care, I will post my feedback as soon as I can, in the meantime keep of that shit....FYI I went to Holland & Barrett and explained my eye vision loss, they sold me Blue Berry Eyebright plus, specifically focuses on central eye vision, well not saying this had what has done it for me, but only been on it 5 days and it's like I got my life back again, it's about 24.00 quid for a months supplies, don't get the cheeper one for 11.00 . Sorry mate another victim.. We really should start a campaign.....
Simon said on Tue, 6 Jan 2015 at 00:21...
Just to be clear, it's "holland and. Barrett" blue Berry Eyebright plus, mega strength version in a purple box, 30 tablets, natural vitamins lutein, Vitamin A, Zinc and copper. Specifically focuses on central eye Vision which has been damaged with poppers. Seems to be working for me.....
Jack said on Tue, 6 Jan 2015 at 00:30...
Hi Simon. Thank you so much for the tip. I shall go to H&B tomorrow and buy what you suggest. I am so happy you are recovering well - that really is wonderful news (and gives me a lot of hope for me own recovery too).
Simon said on Tue, 6 Jan 2015 at 01:25...
Jack, when you say you over did it this time, did you notice any change in your colour of your lips and fingers nails, mine went purple, also were you drinking alcohol at the same time, and did you pass out ?
mumbaiguy said on Tue, 6 Jan 2015 at 08:45...
it happened to me too...sniffed a bottle of poppers in a gay orgy....vision bourred even after two weeks..dont wanna wear specs..i can read but only havng problem focusing and reading black font on white background
Jako (UK) said on Tue, 6 Jan 2015 at 09:14...
Simon: More cases here, it really is frightening. IPN poppers need to be banned. Eye Hospitals know about Poppers Maculopathy, they must surely be telling the government to ban this dangerous chemical which can be bought over the counter anywhere. The purple tinting is caused by a massive drop in blood pressure, this shows in the fingers first. (combined with any other drugs it could prove fatal).
Jako (UK) said on Tue, 6 Jan 2015 at 09:39...
It's important to relax your eyes. I found this and think its excellent:
'Meir Schneider's Miracle Eyesight Method'
Its a mind / body health audio book for improving vision naturally.
Simon said on Tue, 6 Jan 2015 at 21:26...
Hi Jako....Wow I don't know what to say, this is horrific.. Let me do some more research I will call "Royal College of Ophthalmologists" tomorrow and point them to this forum, sorry Jako didn't have time today being first day back at work. Yet again my vision appears to be improving now at a rapid rate, still got a spot in both my eyes but gradually going... Have you got those vitamins I mentioned above ? I seem to be recovering very quickly compared to most!!!
Jack said on Tue, 6 Jan 2015 at 22:58...
Simon: I didn't notice any change to the colour of my lips or fingernails. I wasn't drinking alcohol and I didn't pass out. However, I was inhaling them deeply and fairly often for a couple of hours. It's probably the most poppers I've ever done in one go.
Jako (UK) said on Wed, 7 Jan 2015 at 02:15...
Simon: Sounds like you have been very lucky if accelerated improvement is taking place right now. My plan is to restore my vision this year using vitamins (H&B) and relaxation techniques.
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists need to know the exact 'alkyl nitrate' responsible is Iso Propyl Nitrite, and not any of the other nitrites which were used in poppers before 2007.
Simon said on Thu, 8 Jan 2015 at 21:23...
Hi Jako.
My eye vision is getting better day by day, its now a small spot, and not as big as it was from Monday. Long vision is still out of focus but I am seeing lit up signs much better, and people faces and starting to come back at a distance... I did phone The Royal College of Ophthalmologistics yesterday, and pointed her to this forum, she said she would look into. I will chase up again in a couple of weeks.. I guess once the spot in my vision has totally gone, I think my focus will come back, well I hope so and it is much better 5 days on. Keep to your eye plan Jako and I hope your vision improves soon, ans no more poppers...
Junior eye doctor said on Thu, 8 Jan 2015 at 21:42...
Hi, I am studying Ophthalmology and this is a subject I currently have an interest in. It is good to read peoples stories on this so thank you for sharing. Sometimes doctors would prescribe a steroid to deal with a problem like this, others will offer nothing but keep patients monitored. May I make some recommendations for those suffering to change their diets slightly and purchase some supplements (of course i would check these over with your doctors first since I am only an undergraduate) You can also look these things up online.
Omega Oils (EPA, DHA, ALA, GLA, OA, LA)
Primrose Oil (LA, GLA)
Vitamin E
Vitamin B to aid repair of damaged nerve cells.
Vitamin A (also known as Beta-Carotine) is very essential for eyes
Lutein (Very essential for this problem)
Zeaxanthin (Very essential for this problem)
Bilberry Extract (not blue berry)
Turmeric+ some kind of pepper extract like bioperine
Rosemary (contains Carnosic acid which studies have shown promising results in eyes- make a tea out of it or something)
Lions mane (does something similar to rosemary in that it stimulates something called nerve growth factor, a protein which may heal damaged nerve cells)
Resveratrol- some studies have shown results comparable to stem cells
Black seed oil - helps cells repair by boosting metabolism.
Also try to eat berries as much as you can, purple fruits/veg contain Anthocyanins which are the photo receptive pigments in your eyes, Bilberry has the most, blueberry, blackcurrant, cranberry and chokeberry also have the highest levels of each of their respective type of anthocyanin, others also, but these have the most. Try making a smoothie everyday; I know someone suffering from this problem who does this and had decided to take all of the above, he is claiming his recovery is rapidly accelerating. If I were you I would no buy a single "eye pill" that contains some of the above supplements and obtain them separately you get hardly anything from a combined tablet and much more from the individual substances. And lastly but most importantly give up poppers completely as well as nitrous oxide or other inhalants- including the older amyl nitrite and butyl types, the newer isopropyl is more harmful but any of these disturb the metabolism of the cells in the back of the eye, I have seen reports of these causing/exacerbating problems like these. There are other things you can use to get high - marijuana for instance which do not cause this type of damage.
Simon said on Fri, 9 Jan 2015 at 01:29...
Junior Eye doctor
Thank you so much for this post, it's really going to help so many people to excel recovery. H&B Blueberry Eyebright plus, mega strength which includes all the major ingredients u recommend, really appears to be working for me, and I have made much improvement just this week. I eat a lot of fruit anyway. Last time I took poppers was 26th December, so my recovery is really moving quick, I just hope it continues. Thanks again for your advice...
Jako (UK) said on Fri, 9 Jan 2015 at 20:08...
Junior Eye doctor:
Many thanks for your list of essential list of eye supplements, I will follow your recommendations. Iso Propyl Nitrite should never have been unleashed on the unsuspecting public as a 'Popper'. Most people think of poppers as a harmless novelty item. Far from it, it's toxic.
Simon said on Sat, 10 Jan 2015 at 23:28...
More improvement today, I can now see very small text on my computer though there is a slight blur to where my small blind spot is, due to the original big flashing light bulb I had earlierb, spot in my eyes is now getting very faint, but has not disappeared...
Jako said on Sun, 11 Jan 2015 at 00:51...
Are you still going to the eye hospital appointment on the 12th?
I would, even if you think it's not necessary, they need to know.
Simon said on Sun, 11 Jan 2015 at 17:24...
Hi Jako, yes still going tomorrow, but I will not want them To do any tests on me e.g put ink in my eyes, I know what I got, IPN poppers damage, couldn't be anything else.. They are healing well and I do not want to disturb that process... I let your know how I get on....thanks for asking...
Jako said on Sun, 11 Jan 2015 at 19:47...
Don't worry about ink tests, they will give you plenty of notice. Just scans will show the problem. Be relaxed.
Simon said on Wed, 14 Jan 2015 at 21:21...
Jako, I went to the eye specialist Monday, well he didn't really know to much about the condition, looked into my eyes with a few tests and said they look perfect, and said my full vision should return back in 4 weeks and no need to see me again. Anyway my eyes are atill improving, the spot is getting smaller and not so bright, but my long vision is still out of focus, but much improved..Hows you coming on, any change? Any feedback from anyone else?
Jako (UK) said on Wed, 14 Jan 2015 at 21:40...
Simon: Great to hear, results a lot better than me (stupid person) who has hammered IPN. My vision improves everyday, so you will too.
Junior Eye doctor said on Wed, 14 Jan 2015 at 21:52...
Did he do an Optical Coherence Tomography scan? This damage is not evident to an everyday eye examination. Someone with no knowledge of this would have just looked at the back of your eye with a retina scope and would have seen nothing unusual, since the damage is beneath the layer that is normally visible to a person using this scope. Here is some info you can scroll down to a pic of a scan of someone who has taken poppers:
Did he do these kinds of scans? If not you should go back/to another Ophthalmologist
Simon said on Wed, 14 Jan 2015 at 22:29...
Junior Eye Dr...
Yes I have seen these links, and I informed the eye specialist as much as I can about IPN damage, and that it's not detectable through normal eye tests, but I just got the feeling that he really didn't know much or anything about the condition, nor did he seem to interested, I was literally 5 minutes in there... I wasn't impressed, but this is no different to many other cases I have seen on eye doctors, and patience feed back on forums. I am improving, and I hope it continues. I will never touch the stuff again, and I'm sure we really all value your comments and feedback on this forum, which is a lot more advice I got from you, and not from any sold called eye Dr specialist. Thanks again...
Jako (UK) said on Wed, 14 Jan 2015 at 22:56...
Junior eye doctor: l had the full range of tests including fluoriscene angiography before diagnosis. 5 minutes isn't enough, you know this?
Junior Eye doctor said on Thu, 15 Jan 2015 at 19:31...
The most revealing test will be the optical coherence tomography, it literally shows the damage that has been done to the cone cells in the fovea at the back of the eye, in the link I posted you can see where the arrows are on the pics of the scan show an area (which should on an otherwise healthy eye show up as two clean white horizontal lines) which has been disrupted. I do have first hand experience of doctors who encounter patients who have taken drugs and I can say that the general opinion of people in your situation is unfortunately low. You must recognize your right to medical care and persist to get the right tests/ treatment, your medical issue was not brought about by your own fault but buy misinformation and mis-legislation. It is a genuine accident which you have had. The law was changed sometime around 2007 I believe which banned isobutyl-nitrite and was not amended to cover for any future analogue of that substance such as isopropyl, so the loophole has been clearly left open. Also I am sure you bought these in a shop (why they have not been banned is the height of human stupidity) believing they were a novelty. Government legislation on legal highs is lacking there are upwards to 150 legal highs (all dangerous) if the government does not wish to spend the time and money sorting the law or doing simple police work, they and their departments (NHS) should be willing to fix their mistakes. Demand your GP refers you to the right specialist- and when you go print out that PDF and show them. I think it even mentions somewhere that from a certain angle you cant see the damage. Look after yourself dude, because in this world only person who can really do that is you.
Jako (UK) said on Fri, 16 Jan 2015 at 10:18...
Junior eye doctor:
Many thanks for your valuable information. Yes, my OCT scans did clearly show the damage, I’ve had this test a few times. Not sure about the FA tests, not much emphasis was put on that.
I’ve absolutely no doubt about the lack of sympathy for people like me, who have self-inflicted themselves (although unknowingly). Perfectly understandable from any doctors perspective.
I have to say though, the way poppers were 'changed' in 2007 was completely underhanded. The 'New Formula' was advertised on every bottle. (still is - 8 years later!) A formula that is toxic and can ruin eyesight. They advertised it in a way that makes it sound more safer, healthier and even EU approved! Certainly I will be looking after myself now. Thanks Doc.
Simon said on Sat, 17 Jan 2015 at 17:38...
Hi Jako, my eye condition appears to of stabilised these passed couple of days, so not sure if they are going to improve as quick as they have been doing. I have now turned my brightness back to normal on my computer screen and phone. I went for an eye test again today, not a full one but just to read the letters at a distance, I can read smaller print, but not all of them, I could only read one letter from a row of 4, I managed to read 3 on the same row today, although wasn't easy... I'm am safe for reading letters for driving, so that's a positive... Well that's my update for now, a little confused to what's happening to my vision at the moment to be honest. Hope your doing well be good to hear from you.
Jako (UK) said on Sun, 18 Jan 2015 at 13:01...
Simon: I'm surprised you didn’t have a OCT scan as these are crucial to establishing the amount of damage. Anyway, if they said that you are still within the driving standard that’s very good. It shows you have visual acuity better than 6/12. I'm a lot worse than that. Full recovery will take months, the cells in the retina have regenerate. Be patient.
Simon said on Mon, 19 Jan 2015 at 00:17...
I see, well the eye Doctor didn't seem that concerned I must admit, and as previously mentioned I do not think he knew much at all about the subject, he said it will be back to normal in about 4 weeks...and I don't need to go back... Well my eyes are certainly better that what they were, I think I am worrying about it to much, I am seeing things a lot better, still not able to focus clearly on faces yet at a real distance, but I can see all the main features now, and using my computer screen is no where near as painful as it was originally, so I must be making progress I guess. Thanks for getting back to me Jako, you still taking the H&B vitamins, and the advise from "jnr eye doctor"
Jako (UK) said on Mon, 19 Jan 2015 at 19:41...
Simon: Yeah, I’m taking H & B 'Vital Eyes', Lutein from eBay. I’ve also bought a pair of black 'Pinhole Glasses' off eBay as these can sharpen central vision and relax your eyes too.
Junior Eye doctors information is absolutely correct.
Simon said on Tue, 20 Jan 2015 at 13:38...
Jako, that's good you keep on track... You can only get better. I don't know to much about the condition, but what I have see on the net, is a good rate of recovery, although time scales are varied from full recovery in weeks, to several months and over a year. I am getting better, but the pace has very much slowed down, I gauge my improvement from a road sign outside my house same place and distance and weather conditions, nearly 3 weeks ago I could not read it at all, I can now read it not fully in focus but definitely can see all letters and it is quite a distance away, more than required for driving. Although I have been told I can drive, I have stopped a lot of my driving activity.. Maybe I'm just panicking again. I just want my vision back((
Simon said on Tue, 20 Jan 2015 at 14:58...
Important please read.. Many apologies to Barcode, they don't even have a store in Rupert St and they do not sell Berlin xxx, so very sorry, it's Prowler I bought jungle juice from and Berlin xxx, this is the store we should target not Barcode they do not sell these products, and again very sorry to Barcode..
Simon said on Tue, 20 Jan 2015 at 17:23...
Let's get Down to details , Prowler sell the most dangerous products on the market, which contains isoprobyl, guess what Prowler MD Simon Tropman was to busy in a meeting all day to speak me representing Prowler phone numbers 0207 424 7400, , I tried over 20 times to contact him will no effect,and left a truthful voicemail What ever... Trading standards are now fully aware of the dangerous products Prowler sell and , I trust they will be fully investigated shortly... Please don't suffer in silence because you are gay, bang it on big time and now !!!'mmmm
Simon said on Tue, 20 Jan 2015 at 17:29...
Do Not ... Purchase poppers from Prowler, Rupert Street, Piccadilly London, they have a good chance to make you blind.. don't purchase jungle juice or Berlin xxx which is the worst.. Avoid avoid avoid...
Zoey said on Wed, 21 Jan 2015 at 03:35...
Hello dear friend,
I am original rush poppers with Hologram supplier .
Rush poppers 10ML is $1.55/bottles for USA customers which ship by HKEMS.
I hope you can check my products .
Please contact me by email:406700424@qq.com
It will be my great honor to be your rush poppers supplier.
Burn said on Thu, 22 Jan 2015 at 18:36...
Hi Simon, I'm glad there are people like you out there.
I've had central vision problems after using the brand Ice Mint just one time, and it really is scary as shit when it happens. In my case its a pinhole sized spot that's blurry but not exactly white or black. I can read a book, but my eyes get more easily tired. Let's just say that reading the back of a DVD cover gets very hard when its more than a meter away.
Already I have forgotten what my eyesight was ACTUALLY like before this happened, but even a slight degradation in such a short time is frustrating and scary.
I'm now on day 2, and I think it's ever so slightly better. It's easy to lose hope when you read the medical journals, but this thread made me more optimistic.
I'm extremely hesitant to see an eye doctor this early if there's nothing they can do to help me anway. I don't think I'm seriously afflicted, so for now I will just eat healthy, take supplements and pray that I notice improvement within the next week.
I can only see two ways this problem will be fixed. Either by allowing Amyl Nitrites back or by putting a strict ban on all poppers with no loopholes. By continuing to produce poppers with constantly changing ingredients, these cases of serious eye damage will just continue to rise and there will be more unexpected results.
Burn said on Thu, 22 Jan 2015 at 18:41...
Question: was it ever noticable for any of you when your eyes were travelling around a room or the like?
When I look around i can't see any black, white or blurry spots, it only becomes noticable when I focus on something or try to read small text, especially on a computer screen. Watching TV with subtitles is fine though.
Simon said on Fri, 23 Jan 2015 at 05:04...
Hi Burn. another victim wow, this is a much bigger problem, sure if nothing is done on banning poppers I think NHS will be seeing more patients who have got IPN popper damage without them realising it, until they can put the link together and start searching on the net. I hope this forum is helping people cope. I think your condition sounds not as bad as some cases, mine I think is improving the spot (Flashing light bulb)in my vision in both eyes is getting smaller and starting to become dull. I can now read quite small print on my screen again, and I can read road sighs at a distance I get very stressed at times, but Jako on this thread has been great, you just got to give it time and be patient, hard to do I know..
Jako (UK) said on Fri, 23 Jan 2015 at 11:38...
Simon: Thanks for the compliment! I can understand your anger at that particular shop where you bought JJ and Berlin xxx. But, there are many thousands of shops all over the country selling exactly the same strength IPN poppers - under many different labels. All the labels have warnings (in very small print). Liquid Gold actually has 'Toxic' printed on it! This is how retailers cover themselves and it would be very difficult to prosecute as IPN is a legal chemical.
I always use to buy my poppers from high street sex shops (Clone Zone included). I remember on one occasion a shop assistant (who had served me many times) actually said to me ' But what about your health and your wealth?'. Obviously he was genuinely concerned.
I'm positive IPN will be banned eventually.
Simon said on Fri, 23 Jan 2015 at 23:13...
Both my eyes feel very relaxed today which has been very sunny day, I went for a 5 mile run and the day light seemed to be kind to me.. Again although not in total in focus I am finding my eye sight to be much more calming and not so violent to bright lights.. I keep my fingers crossed and pray to god this is just a nightmere... I know If this was a permanent I would be devasted... Please all let us know how you are doing.. I hope this is a really good support line to all victims, of this very toxic but not widely known and some what infant problem, please all wise up and promote and tell your friends, don't let them go through this scary experience, I'm sure if we all knew we would not touch this shit!!! Which retailers are profiting from big time...
Simon said on Fri, 23 Jan 2015 at 23:28...
To all retailers selling IPN poppers, perhaps we should get you on the "Watch Dog" programme, with Ester Ransom, I would like to know how many would turn up for the test. E.g Prowler, Clone Zone, to test there high end money making products.. I think we should put this scenario to the test. Let me know your thoughts and I happily facilitate, I wonder if Simon Tropman from Prowler sniffs his products for quality assurance regulations.... I think not!!! Get my drift
Burn said on Sun, 25 Jan 2015 at 00:35...
I'm now taking blueberry/cranberry pills and multivitamins, eating some berries, drinking more water, avoiding getting to tense and trying to stay positive. I can't afford to think about this being permanent, and I'm optimistic about it getting better. 3 days in and it feels like my eyes are getting less sensitive and it's not as noticable except when I simply can't read something. I'm testing my vision every minute it seems like.
But it's still like a dark cloud hanging over me, and every once in a while I'll feel completely alone and I start to fear for what my life will be like if I'm no longer able to focus on anything, havingthe vision of an 80 year old. I don't know who to tell, how to tell them, etc.
Sadly the eye heals slowly so it's easy to freak out when you don't know what to expect. I'll have to see my physician on wednesday if there's no sign of improvement, but as of this moment I've been up all day and driving and my eyes get noticably less irritated. It'd be interesting to see the statistics for unexplained diagnoses of maculopathy since 2007. I'm pretty sure there are people who wouldn't admit to using poppers, and you'd think SOMEONE would start to wonder why its suddenly increasing.
Burn said on Sun, 25 Jan 2015 at 00:45...
For instance, I'd be interested in hearing how everyone would describe their vision and how it's affected their day-to-day lives.
Jako (UK) said on Sun, 25 Jan 2015 at 10:01...
Burn: You are right, a lot of people must be feeling alone on this, a forum as you suggested is a good idea. This forum is on its way out, no more new topics can be added and its not been updated for 3 years. It could be taken down any-time, this valuable collection of information for poppers maculopathy sufferers would be lost. (Including Junior eye-doctors)
I’ve said it before but, relaxation is important, avoid getting stressed, I know that’s difficult when you are told you have the vision of an 80 year old. That happened to me too!
Brad. said on Sun, 25 Jan 2015 at 13:01...
Hope some readers on here will find the following of interest and Junior doctor,.I live in England near Leeds.
I stopped using poppers about Christmas time in 2013 because of vision problems,English poppers,Rush and other brands.It was something i read on the net that pinpointed the vision disturbance to poppers and when i think back now the vision problem started around 2011 ish.To describe the vision problem i would say trying to read print on the newspaper was impossible and also small writing on computer also not readable unless made bigger.I have not been to see an eye specialist,The vision does improve over time slowly if you stop using poppers.My eyesight before i used poppers was excellent.Its now about 13 months later and my eyesight has improved a lot but it is not back as yet to how it should be so recovery is fairly a slow process.I can read the paper.
Jako (UK) said on Sun, 25 Jan 2015 at 17:55...
Brad: Sounds like classic PM. 13 months off it, but you are still improving - excellent!
Junior Eye doctor said on Sun, 25 Jan 2015 at 20:49...
Hi Guys sorry I haven't had time to chk recently, just to clarify some of the things for this thread. Isopropyl nitrite is legal so some of the other formulas may be advertised as "old" types such as amyl or butyl (Butyl has had problems with eyesight too) may actually really be isopropyl. There is no way of testing this (short of sending it to a lab) so even if you buy alternative brands they still carry that risk. Also there have been records of patients conditions being made worse by these older types because they have similar chemistry and so they still effect the same enzyme in the back of the eye. Advisable to abstain 100% from these substances. (they are also shown to damage the immune system) Also for people who have just noticed symptoms what you are referring to is a scotoma (blind spot in central vision) after 4-6 weeks this should fade and you should be able to see without problems, it will not go away totally however in that when you experience color/light changes you will see it, blinking also, it is partly a symptom of the cells reactivity to changes in light. Vitamin A and Anthocyanins (berries) should help the cells regenerate their photopsins (light reactive pigments) Also advisable to check in with an Ophthalmologist because he/she will be able to prescribe something like prednisone which will may help. Keep on trukin guys- and Simon good luck with the trading standards thing.
Simon said on Sun, 25 Jan 2015 at 21:43...
Well when I'm in the house, my eyes feel like normal, when I go out on day light I still have this flying saucer in my total vision, it is dying down, but I still not sure was the future will bring, but I an certainly 50 percent better that 4 weeks ago, that was very very scary...,
Burn said on Sun, 25 Jan 2015 at 22:13...
I'm feeling better about this every day, although I'm aware that I might start healing more slowly after the initial week. Really awesome to hear that everyone else is getting better, as those medical journals gave the impression that only a few people will get better. I think it's not out of the question that those patients (so called chronic users) who didnt show signs of improvement after 6 months , kept on using poppers but didn't tell.
Like many others I have certain benchmarks that I check in on, and I'm confident that more and more detail is shining through as time goes by. In general I've just been really relieved today because of the information I've gotten from people here + the fact that I'm noticing improvement, however small. I'm also past the point where my eyes are sensitive and I'm able to forget about it for longer stretches of time.
Really glad to have Junior Eye Doctor here, and it made me really happy that you say the scotoma will recede. The thing is, once something bad like this happens to you, ANY improvement is a godsend. The most important thing for me is my vision, and I can live with a ghostlike image that isn't severely interfering with my ability to function.
That being said, I haven't really noticed a prominent spot when I close my eyes. Interestingly, when I've inhaled marijuana and I close my eyes, I can see a tiny little dot dead center that's like a little ball glowing with colors.
Speaking of marijuana, I've read that marijuana and alcohol can relieve intra-ocular pressure, while caffeine can increase it. I'm assuming that I want to abstain from too much coffee (and alcohol obviously) but that marijuana isn't harmful or impeding progress (I vaporize).
And yes, abstaining from poppers completely is definitely the only way to guarantee that it won't happen again. People need to be aware that it's not something you can avoid with moderate use. It's a fucking wildcard and you don't want to walk around for weeks/years with impaired vision to learn that lesson.
Simon said on Sun, 25 Jan 2015 at 22:17...
As I said I would start a campaign on this matter, and start with retailers, but I can't do it on my own, we need to make people aware, this is only going to get worse , and I expect some will have no reversible cases, I'm not fully recovered for sure, but at least it's manageable. Give me couple of days to set up some direct comms where I can be contacted..retailers are now looking at this web site, and if you are Fuxxing deal with the consequences, I can see this being a court summons immanent... I will be chase trading standards tomorrow....
Simon said on Sun, 25 Jan 2015 at 22:29...
Burn, think positive ok, we are all on this forum for the same reason , and if you want to make an impact then fight for what is right, you didn't sniff this shit knowingly it will make you go blind, retailers don't care about you... So why should we give a shit about them, fight back and be strong, we can all do this together....
Jako said on Sun, 25 Jan 2015 at 22:45...
Burn: save webpage & reedit before they delete us
Jako (UK) said on Sun, 25 Jan 2015 at 23:09...
Simon: save page, this forum may not last , but we will.
Jako said on Mon, 26 Jan 2015 at 10:06...
Video Report:
Simon said on Mon, 26 Jan 2015 at 10:34...
Thanks for the post Jako, that was 2012, there's not much taken place since, I think this forum is the most up to date knowledge base to how people are suffering.. How's your eye vision coming on, mine are getting better but slowly, I'm not in such a panic now....
Jako said on Mon, 26 Jan 2015 at 11:14...
Simon: I have been a long term habitual popper user, so I have accepted vision improvement will be slow. My eyes now feel much more relaxed after stopping a few months ago. There has certainly been no worsening of the condition, and there is NO reason for it to reason for it to worsen after stopping. I had a OCT scan last summer - before I stopped! It showed no further damage to the macula part of the eye. So considering this was before I stopped this was in fact good news.
Junior Eye doctor said on Mon, 26 Jan 2015 at 20:20...
Hi Guys, I will follow you to redit if I have to but had intended to look for some other forums out there to make some ppl aware of things. If you can help out with things that would be great. - Shout out to Burn who was taking about Marijuana; those visuals you talk about have nothing to do with your eyes more the visual part of your brain which is affected by the THC in marijuana, it is of good use for people with glaucoma yes but take it in moderation because toxins (form smoke) may have an affect on the cell repair you so desperately need. If you want to decrease intra-occular pressure see Ginkgo on my list because it make the blood thinner and therefore flows around those tiny micro blood vessels more efficiently (as does keeping hydrated with good quality water). I really encourage everyone who reads this post to have a look into every one of the supplements I have mentioned, be your own judge and look for them online, they are mostly natural and can be taken together. I remember one study I read where they got some rats (I am against animal testing in these instances) and they burned the backs of their eyes out with lasers and then fed them Rosemary and the scan later on showed how many cells they were able to save compared to the group of rats that had none. A few of the things on my list are like that- what I have to say is the patient I know who has basically that whole list and pretty much every day eats about two cups of those berries (on list) is on his home streak in terms of recovery. I also know an elderly lady (age related macular degeneration) who started taking Bilberry for a month and had noticeable OCT scan changes and noticeable sight improvement. Consider your eyes are worth millions to you, they will aid you to earn a living and to enjoy life, and if you are using them for sex DONT; consider why you like sex, is it perhaps you like to LOOK at your partners body? Also consider Coconut oil, is something not on the list and something I also need to read up more on.
-Take care
Junior Eye doctor said on Mon, 26 Jan 2015 at 22:52...
Sorry I meant using poppers for sex - not your eyes lol- anyway just wanted to update; one of my theories, which is also why I am interested in this subject is that the cone cells reactivity to light is damaged and one way may be possible to improve this (given that your eyes are doing quite well - dont try this until the scotoma is only visible when you blink or change light levels rapidly, and definitely not in the early stages when it is there 100% of the time, and that you are comfortable of course) get some eye drops, use them to get your eyes moist and look at that dot and see how it reacts to say a light in a dimly lit room with a light shone against a wall; don't look at the bulb directly (use a shade) since I cant imagine direct light being comfortable, but look at the wall. See the dot in central vision and see how long it takes to dissipate after you have opened your eyes to the light. Do this blinking sometimes slowly, sometimes faster. Really get acquainted with the size and the shape of the defect in your vision, you will get to see any improvements happen this way. You will probably notice after some months that it reacts quicker to you blinking (improvement) and that it gets smaller over time (improvement) be careful not to strain your eyes or expose them to bright lights in this exercise (or ever even) You could try this in another way with a computer monitor, since you are retraining your cells to light (they pick up 3 main colors btw) try going on paintbrush and filling the sceen with that color photopsin in the cell reacts to, go on this link:
Have a read about photopsins; you see the three colors have their peak ranges in the table, take a few values in that range (in nanometers nm) and convert it using this site:
take the RGB value from that to find your color in paint (RGB colors)
and color the screen with that. Try those colors out they are the ones the cone cells react to most. Play about with the brightness settings ou your monitor. Retrain your eyes using those colors They are the best. My interest is the way cells react to stimuli so this is why I'm here really!
BTW patient with fast recovery is using Bilberry 13000:1 Thats one brand of 4000:1x2 Pills and other brand of 5000:1x1 also uses Vitamin a anywhere between 25000 IU to 50000 IU per day, amongst the other things there.
Jako said on Mon, 26 Jan 2015 at 23:27...
Junior Eye doctor: Keeping it short right now due to time constraints, will get back to you soon in more detail.
Do you think at the moment patients with PM should monitor their progress with 'The Amsler Grid'?
Junior Eye doctor said on Tue, 27 Jan 2015 at 00:24...
Just quickly before I crash- amsler grid is good in first instance- prob have a few people running off to get thier eyes checked when they first hit the Isopropyl they wont be able to see some of the lines/ dot, but after that scotoma becomes something you can only when you blink/ see rapid light color changes (4-6weeks) amsler grid is shit in my opinion because you should see all of it anyway. You'll know what I mean if you stay away from the poppers for a while and notice improvements with that dot.
Simon said on Tue, 27 Jan 2015 at 17:34...
Jnr Eye Doctor, I kept off them now for 4 weeks and my flashing spot is definitely getting smaller, I noticed on the tube today I was able to read the station names although not in full focus the underground maps pasted on the wall. You are correct only really see the spot when I blink very quickly, and is getting smaller. I hope it will go altogether.. Only time will tell..
JasonX said on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 at 20:09...
I have had eye problems for some time now approx 2 years and realise that poppers are the cause. I have been to see neurologists, opticians and ophthalmologists that have so far been unable to find a problem with my eyes. I have used poppers on and off for about 3 years not in excess only 3 or 4 inhalations at a time in one day and not necessarily on a regular basis, sometimes once a week for a few weeks and sometimes not used at all for several months. but my focus and vision can be blurred and a pain in my left eye and it sort of feels stiff and dry. I struggle with bright lights particularly artificial light and also white walls, its as though someone has just taken a photo and a flash has gone off in my eyes. I started reading about the vision problems caused by poppers a year or so ago and have tried to abstain from them the longest I went was about 6 months of not using them then used them one night and again 3 months later and again this week. I did find that when I hadn't used them for several months my eyes were a lot better and hate myself for going so long and letting myself do poppers again knowing how bad they are for your health. Reading this forum today has helped me and I will now try again to stop altogether. It is horrible to go 6 months and then use them again it makes you feel crap and that you have let yourself down. Its is re assuring to know people are learning more about this problem and becoming aware, I hope a people read this and stop using them and help spread the word. Most of the things I have read about poppers were outdated and not very helpful this forum is the best I have found and will now check regularly to see what updates and news people have. I am more than happy to communicate directly with anyone interested in sharing their experiences and progress with this issue.
Jako (UK) said on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 at 20:59...
What say we all get together and sue the european union for allowing IPN to be sold to the public?
Brad. said on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 at 21:37...
Jason..your usage of poppers sounds about the same as mine.I stopped using them late 2013.I could not see the writing on the computer screen and the newspaper would not come into focus.This was prior to making the link with poppers and vision .Vision has recovered a lot since i stopped using them but it does take time though to recover.
Jako said on Thu, 29 Jan 2015 at 01:05...
JasonX: Classic PM symptoms which reoccur in this thread.
Make no mistake, Its IPN that has caused it, no other chemical sold over the counter can do that amount of damage to eyes. I’ve been through it and would like to see a complete ban of this hideous stuff that can ruin peoples lives.
Simon said on Thu, 29 Jan 2015 at 10:33...
Jako, how do we meet together, what can we use as a contact base to bring this audience together, I thinks it's excellent idea to meet and share our experiences...
JasonX said on Thu, 29 Jan 2015 at 17:08...
Thanks for your comments guys, I am glad I have finally found other people who understand what is happening, more definitely needs to be done to make people aware that this is not just a bit of fun without any consequences. I just hope I haven't done any permanent damage this time and I can recover from it. My heart goes out to anyone experiencing this problem and I will be on here regularly looking for updates and to share my experiences moving forward.
JasonX said on Thu, 29 Jan 2015 at 17:21...
And I also agree that they should be banned, young kids can get hold of this stuff not knowing what it is, I have even heard of poppers being sold on shelves in the sweets section of small convenience shops. So many people just don't know the risks.
Jako said on Fri, 30 Jan 2015 at 07:30...
JasonX: I couldn’t agree more about kids. Just read this, although the cops have got it wrong, it's not amyl nitrite. It's iso propyl nitrite.
AJ said on Wed, 4 Feb 2015 at 22:58...
Can anyone recommend any brand? I had the same experience last year, I hadn't used poppers for a long time but enjoyed the effects and the feeling. SO I decided with my new partner to get some and didn't know there was a change in the formula.
I lost my central vision, a spot right in the middle vanished, I couldn't read as the middle letters of words would vanish so I had to read around the words, this as you can imagine was so tiring, it caused vertigo, I was exhausted, constantly feeling ill. I went to the doctors they prescribed all kinds of tablets to ease the symptoms and it lasted for 6 to 8 months.
In changing the formula to try and ban these products they have turned a relatively harmless odorizer into something quite dangerous. A shame really because thousands of people are now putting themselves at risk with a product that has been around so long they assume is the same and safe.
AJ said on Wed, 4 Feb 2015 at 23:04...
Oh and there was the problem with faces, couldn't spot a friend at ten paces, couldn't even see a face it was just a blur mess, almost like the contrast was wrong in a picture.
I will add, it did repair itself, I was taking vitamins and other supplements, I also was prescribed drugs for the vertigo which helped get rid of the sickness, the doctor thought I had Labyrinthitis I couldn't face telling him I'd been huffing poppers!!
It will get better for anyone out there with the symptoms, but it can take a while to ride out.
Jako said on Thu, 5 Feb 2015 at 17:45...
AJ: Your experience sounds very familiar (not realising there had been a change of formula). My experience with doctors is: They will tell you it's all kinds of things, UNLESS you actually tell them you have been huffing IPN poppers. Nitrites also tire the body out and cause a drop in the immune system for about 3 days after. It does take time to get back full vision, possibly several months, be patient.
Extasy for men said on Fri, 6 Feb 2015 at 11:33...
Hello Simon, Jako and the rest of you.
I have bought this french bottle called "Extasy for men" it says Contient Nitrate de propyle. Is it the same as Iso propyl nitrate??
I worried I have used it just for one night(but hard sniffing), while I was using it I started to see some changes in my sight, something like if you get overexposed to the sunlight. I thought it was just tired eyes. So I continue.
Now I still have this condition after I woke up. SHIT! What to do?
I see unclear now, so I hope it will go away. Any ideas for vitamins that might help it go away?
Extasy for men said on Fri, 6 Feb 2015 at 11:42...
RE: Jako (UK) said on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 at 20:59...
What say we all get together and sue the european union for allowing IPN to be sold to the public?
I like the idea about sue the european union. If they are responsible for allowing this damaging drug, we should get some compensation and healing from the EU!
Jako said on Fri, 6 Feb 2015 at 13:01...
Extasy for men: Nitrate de propyle is almost certain to be Iso propyl nitrate.
One heavy session can bring on visual problems. See Junior eye doctors recommendations for supplements to speed up the healing process.
Extasy for men said on Sat, 7 Feb 2015 at 09:19...
Thanks Jako and Junior Doctor.
Did any of you recover after time, or with this supplements? Or should I go and see a doctor for some stronger medicine?
Sniff Berlin said on Sat, 7 Feb 2015 at 11:22...
Hi Guys,does anyone know if the PM problem it's only in Europe? And Means that the poppers formula in the USA doesn't have the PM problem?
Jako said on Sat, 7 Feb 2015 at 13:35...
Extasy for men: I have been to a leading eye hospital several times, had the full range of tests.They told me no treatment / medicine is available for PM. However I am recovering slowly but surely with a good diet + supplements. Important to realise that further huffing sessions can set you back months. It isn't worth it.
Jako said on Sat, 7 Feb 2015 at 13:48...
Sniff Berlin. Different situation in the USA I believe. Their poppers generally don't seem to be IPN. They have Iso butyl and pentyl nitrite based poppers. So, until we get some reports form the States I wouldn't like to say if PM has hit over there yet.
Sniff Berlin said on Sat, 7 Feb 2015 at 15:49...
Thanks Jako! Do you maybe know what about the poppers:Rave,Red, Hard Were, in all of the three of them it says on the bottle contiens Isobutyl nitrite(and not Isopropyl) but says it's made in the Uk, so is it a lie?
Junior Eye doctor said on Sat, 7 Feb 2015 at 18:09...
Sniff Berlin: It may be a lie, you dont know, they may be labeled that way to make you believe they are good but still if the people who make the stuff are held up by the law they will say its isopropyl, also I have heard of this substance being the cause for the same type of injury and whats more its very toxic in the sense that causes cancer. The only type wont cause you too much injury is Isopentyl Nitrite or Amyl Nitrite, these still cause damage to the immune system, and whats more if you have had eye damage due to Isobutyl or Isopropyl types these will likely make the condition worse. I know no way to test the differences (like there are purity tests for other drugs) and some unscrupulous manufacturers may be labeling Isopropyl as Isopentyl to make people who want the old kind interested. They are all risky because you cant truly know whats in it, better to give up altogether.
Jako said on Sun, 8 Feb 2015 at 09:29...
Sniff Berlin: Rave & Reds USE to be popular butyl poppers in the UK. So unless those bottles were manufactured over 8 years ago - its a scam.
Iso Butyl Nitrite was banned all across Europe in 2007. (Hardware is a popular US popper name)
bihairy said on Mon, 9 Feb 2015 at 00:54...
I had the same thing happen. I loved poppers and hit them pretty hard, Noticed that everything was kinda glowing. This glow was present for days and I went to an eye doctor but he couldn't find anything wrong.
Very slowly I noticed that it started to go away. It took weeks (maybe 6 or 8 weeks) for the glow and blurred vision go away. Probably used Jungle Juice or PWD brands. I don't hit them too hard now. I'm in the US so maybe it was the formula?
Jako said on Mon, 9 Feb 2015 at 09:14...
bihairy: Interesting, can you let us know what the nitrite formula is?
Venatoir said on Mon, 9 Feb 2015 at 22:13...
Found this page after experiencing a green tinge to my vision after starting to use poppers for the first time. I'm usually pretty diligent about researching any highs (legal or othereise) I'm going to try and noting any side effects to watch out for. Having not seen anything like it elsewhere, I'm glad I found this so soon.
Fortunately the discolouration was only temporary and there seems to be no persistent black spots or problems focusing. Needless to say, I've thrown the three bottles I had in the bin.
For the record, they were purchased online from Esmale which is a UK-based e-store. The branding on them are "Kum", "Fist" and "X Ultra Strong" and all list Isopropyl Nitrate as the active ingredient.
Based on Simon's experience, Jnr Eye Doctor's advice and the vision changes I saw myself, I implore anybody who sees this to just move on if you're thinking of trying poppers, or to stop immediately if you currently use them.
The thought of damaging or losing my vision terrifies me, and I'm so glad that I found this thread as quickly as I did.
Simon said on Mon, 9 Feb 2015 at 22:42...
Hi All, well Jako I am amazed really how many people this problem is hitting, and this is just the tip on the iceburg. I have totally stopped now for over 5 weeks never going to touch the crap again, not worth the stress and anxiety... My vision still recovering but slow, still have the dot in my main focus, it only gets worse when I'm tired. A question for the "eye doctor" I did go out on a heavy works drinks night recently, just wine but I did notice the dot in my vision did seem to get worse the next day, it's now quickly got back to where I was, but does alchohol slow down or effect recovery do you know ? Yes we all should get together on this subject. Again I'm sure this forum is going to get bigger, and some people reading these experiences are really going to kick off knowing how dangerous a product it is, and his badly labelled it is...
Jako said on Tue, 10 Feb 2015 at 08:09...
Venatoir: You’ve nipped it the bud and it's the best thing could ever do. I bet when you first saw those "Kum", "Fist" and "X Ultra Strong" fancy-labelled bottles you were in for a good time?. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The vision loss comes on quick if you carry on. You are very lucky to have realised in time.
Jako said on Tue, 10 Feb 2015 at 08:20...
Simon: I like a drink! Yes, I have experienced a certain sensitivity to light the next day. A bit more blurred too. I’ve known this for some time, but it only seems to be only a temporary effect the next day, so I wouldn’t worry. Alcohol does cause tiredness the next day and it probably has a side-effect on the eyes too.
Extasy for men said on Tue, 17 Feb 2015 at 10:37...
Hi friends. I just want to make an update about my eye condition. Since I began eating all these supplements (recommended by Junior eye doctor) I started to see some positive changes, my vision is less blurry I can now read some signs on a distance.
I still do have a flashy dot in center of my eyes, and hard to see peoples faces on a distance. But I hope it will be better. Thanks Junior eye doctor!
Rob said on Wed, 18 Feb 2015 at 06:13...
American here.
Used English brand poppers extensively during visits to saunas in London/Birmingham last year. I had central vision loss, which cleared up 2-3 weeks after stopping (ie when I got back home to America). I use poppers daily at home (isobutyl nitrite), and have not experienced anything similar.
Definitely the Euro formula that's causing this.
Jako said on Wed, 18 Feb 2015 at 09:16...
Rob: Thanks for your report. It strongly backs up evidence that the Euro formula (IPN) is damaging central vision.
As far as I know there was no large scale reporting of eye damage before 2007 (when the IBN was banned across Europe).
Rob said on Wed, 18 Feb 2015 at 13:59...
You're welcome Jako. It was a terrifying experience, and not one I'm hoping to repeat.
Tried to post a new topic on this forum - but it wasn't accepted. I'll ask my question here (sorry for going off topic briefly):
I'm traveling internationally to London this spring. Can I put American formula poppers (isobutyl nitrite) in my checked luggage? Hand luggage?
Not sure what's legal/not legal, in terms of safety, etc. What have your experiences been? If I just take off the labels, and put the two bottles in with my toiletries, is that good enough? Should I carry them in carry-on?
Jako said on Wed, 18 Feb 2015 at 23:11...
Although IBN is illegal in the UK it isn't a class A drug.
My guess is, even in the unlikely event of UK customs identified your small quantity they would just confiscate it and no legal action would be taken. Nitrite's are highly flammable but, so are e-cigar ettes (as far as I know you can board a plane with them).
Personally I would carry them in your hand luggage as sealed popper bottles can leak under cargo hold pressure.
The irony is, if you import IPN they would probably see it as being as harmless as aftershave.
Rob said on Thu, 19 Feb 2015 at 15:30...
Is there anywhere in LondonI get get Isobutyl? Really don't wanna forego getting poppered up at the saunas.
Jako (UK) said on Thu, 19 Feb 2015 at 16:41...
I very much doubt you can get butyl anywhere in Europe. Unless someone can enlighten us.
Simon said on Fri, 20 Feb 2015 at 08:29...
Rob... Been reading your threads and to be honest we all had a shit time on here with poppers create your forum for still wanting sniff that shit.. We're not interested and most on here have given it up..,
Rob said on Fri, 20 Feb 2015 at 14:42...
Simon - Nitrites are not dangerous in most of their formulations. Isopropyl has been shown to be more bioreactive in the eye. So, those of us who enjoy poppers - but want to be safe - should discuss ways to get other formulations.
Just because you have a bad meal at a restaurant, doesn't mean you give up eating in restaurants completely. You try another restaurant.
Jako said on Fri, 20 Feb 2015 at 18:22...
The trouble is: All the restaurants are serving the same dish - Iso Propyl Nitrite.
Junior eye doctor said on Sat, 21 Feb 2015 at 15:32...
Just stopping here really quickly as in a hurry- I will catch up with all messages in due course. But note really for Simon; Alcohol will make things worse if you drink to the point where you will have a hangover you will be dehydrated and that can affect the eyes too. Also alcohol depletes oxygen in the blood so...
Sniff Berlin said on Wed, 25 Feb 2015 at 13:10...
Hi Guys, I have done an OCT last week at the eye Dr. And thanks God no any damage, (used to sniff poppers for the last 15 years). The Dr said that it's only about 2% that can have PM, I had a few hours yellow spots problem and after it all was ok again and that's why I went to see the Dr, he said that if I will do it once a week "soft sniff" than there no risk of PM.... Not sure about it, but I miss the poppers a lot.
Jako (UK) said on Wed, 25 Feb 2015 at 17:26...
Sniff Berlin: Good news! I'm a little taken aback by your doctor's advice? It's only the ones who admit to using poppers that would account for his figure of 2%, bear in mind many don't or won't .
Sniff Berlin said on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 at 08:29...
Jako: well you are right, how is your eye condition right now? Is it better?
Jako (UK) said on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 at 09:04...
Sniff Berlin: Like yourself I have been a long term user (20 years) and the eye problem started 4 years ago. I only really quit a couple on months ago, so improvement will take months. It's certainly no worse since stopping.
Personally, I would not recommend even a once a week 'soft sniffing' session. I'm convinced this would undo any improvement (however small) that has taken place over the previous week.
Sniff Berlin said on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 at 11:51...
Jako: so your eye problem is permanent at the
Moment? Have you had an OCT? Do you have any idea for alternative for poppers?
Sniff Berlin said on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 at 11:51...
Jako: so your eye problem is permanent at the
Moment? Have you had an OCT? Do you have any idea for alternative for poppers?
Jako (UK) said on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 at 12:36...
Sniff Berlin: I’ve had the full range of tests, including OCT and the Fluorescein Angiography ink test. I had no eye damage until iso propyl replaced iso butyl in 2007. The are no legal alternatives and anything illegal could be dangerous.
anon said on Sun, 29 Mar 2015 at 23:09...
Yep, this problem is real. It's been 3 weeks and my vision is still not 100% with the same symptoms described. It is definitively the iso-propyl causing the issue. Stay in denial if you want, but there is no safe way to do iso-propyl unless you want to go blind....
nomorepropyl said on Mon, 30 Mar 2015 at 16:36...
It's bad stuff, value the gift of vision.
Kay said on Thu, 9 Apr 2015 at 09:59...
Hi I was in hailing poppers a week ago on a nyt out the next day woke up n drove my friend home , that's wen I relised summit was wrong I cudnt see people's faces who wer walking along the street they wer all blurd out , and cudnt read Reg numbers on cars they wer all fuzzy n felt like Iv been stiring at the sun , went to eye hospital last Friday they cudnt see any damage been bk today and they mentiond PM I hav to go back for scan , shitting myself been a week now no improvements been to H&b and got sum vitamins see if these help
Jako (UK) said on Fri, 10 Apr 2015 at 09:01...
Kay: All the information you need is above thread, I’ve been warning people for a year now. The scan is important as it will show the problem with your central vision. Don’t worry, but it can take time to improve.
Just want to help others said on Mon, 13 Apr 2015 at 09:03...
Hi everyone,
This is the first time I ever post an entry on any blog but I felt the need to share my experience in the hopes that it will help others in my position. I am not a chronic user of poppers although I do and have used them in the past every now and then. My damage was mainly caused by a night of heavy use. The symptoms started immediately after this heavy session of about three hours of regular sniffing on poppers. Definitely way more than I've ever done in the past in a single session. If you read about popper maculopathy, you will find little but useful information on the subject because it's suspected that this side effect is caused by a new formula in certain brands of poppers that just hit the market end of last year. Most cases have surfaced during this year, supporting the theory that popper maculopathy is caused by a new component in the formula of certain brands of poppers. If you are not a heavy user, you will more than likely develop something similar to what I am experiencing, which is referred to as acute toxicity, or damage to parts of the retina that affect the central vision. The main symptom of this type of popper maculopathy is the presence of phosphenes or "bright lights" in their central vision, similar to the "lights" that anyone would see if they stared at a bright light then looked away. The presence of phosphenes also causes a loss in detail and hypersensitivity to light. Computer monitors, cell phone screens and TVs become extremely hard to read and bothersome to the eyes due to their brightness. The other type of popper maculopathy is called prolonged use and it applies to those users who have used poppers chronically for many years. The damage is done gradually and cumulatively over many years of use as opposed to one single heavy session.
In my case, my acute toxicity is about 80% better and improving daily because I completely stopped use upon realizing I had popper maculopathy and I took every single supplement recommended by junior eye doctor. Here is the list of everything I am taking and have been taking for about one week now with great results (including the berries at the end of the list):
Omega Oils (EPA, DHA, ALA, GLA, OA, LA)
Primrose Oil (LA, GLA)
Vitamin E
Vitamin B to aid repair of damaged nerve cells.
Vitamin A (also known as Beta-Carotine) is very essential for eyes
Lutein (Very essential for this problem)
Zeaxanthin (Very essential for this problem)
Bilberry Extract (not blue berry)
Turmeric+ some kind of pepper extract like bioperine
Rosemary (contains Carnosic acid which studies have shown promising results in eyes- make a tea out of it or something)
Lions mane (does something similar to rosemary in that it stimulates something called nerve growth factor, a protein which may heal damaged nerve cells)
Resveratrol- some studies have shown results comparable to stem cells
Black seed oil - helps cells repair by boosting metabolism.
Also try to eat berries as much as you can, purple fruits/veg contain Anthocyanins which are the photo receptive pigments in your eyes, Bilberry has the most, blueberry, blackcurrant, cranberry and chokeberry also have the highest levels of each of their respective type of anthocyanin, others also, but these have the most.
It is important to stay calm and focus on your recovery as soon as possible. You have the best shot at recovering if you stop using poppers and start taking these supplements as well as getting lots of sleep (good for regenerating the damaged nerves), eating as many plants and berries as possible and staying hydrated. Worrying too much about it is counterproductive as it causes anxiety and disrupts sleep which is an essential part of the recovery.
I spent about $175 on Amazon getting the supplements plus $25 on fresh berries so far. My vision started improving on the third day of treatment.
I will keep you posted along the way, once a week and if anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to post them here. Information on this very new condition is very scarce, every little bit of it helps others be informed and help them in their recovery as well as informing possible future users of the dangers of doing poppers.
Good luck to everyone and stay hopeful--a lot of users recover. Keep this in mind!
Just want to help others said on Mon, 13 Apr 2015 at 09:07...
...and a huge "thank you" to junior eye doctor who was a key factor in my recovery. Without his suggestions I might have never recovered from this condition.
Just want to help others said on Mon, 13 Apr 2015 at 09:08...
A great article on the subject:
Dany said on Mon, 13 Apr 2015 at 16:17...
Hello Everybody,
So it seems that I have been the last one hit by popper's damage on this forum. I have had an experience similar to "Just want to help". I have used poppers at times in the past couple of years, but all my problems started after just one night of an excessive usage of it, two days ago. I have waken up with my eyesight heavily blurred and a bright spot in my central vision, very similar to what you normally experience after having focused your attention on a bright light.
I was shitting myself and this morning I been at the eye casualty Clinique in St Thomas’s hospital, and they have found a swelling in the central vision area of my eyes; I think the guy called the area Macula, hence the name Popper’s maculopathy I presume.
I can read and type, but I feel I am forcing my eyes a lot, as there is this light spot in the middle of my vision, which makes difficult to read properly. In the middle of the street is worse as I can’t see clearly the faces of people walking in front of me, if they are too distant.
I just can’t believe this happened….
I am looking at the list that Junior doctor posted, where can I buy many of the vitamins? Do they sell them in Holland’s and Barrets? As Simon did, the first thing I have done coming back from the hospital, was to pop in the shop and buy the Blueberry tablet to help the central vision. I will start buying berries too. Needless to say, I am feeling very very scared.
Kev said on Mon, 13 Apr 2015 at 20:09...
Im suffering from the same thing! My eyes have gone so bad I was thinking I'm going blind! Fml! Im so stopping poppers! Thanks guys!
Just want to help others said on Tue, 14 Apr 2015 at 19:41...
Hi Dany,
I'm sorry to hear that you got poppers maculopathy.
From what you describe on your post, you probably also have acute toxicity. This is good news because your chances of making a full recovery or something close to it are pretty good. The first thing you should do is stop all popper use. Getting the blueberry vitamin is a great step. Getting real berries is even better because no supplement will give you as many benefits as the real thing. I also found out that kale and spinach are very good for the eye sight in general so see if you can add those to your diet at least for the next few weeks until you recover. I bought all of my vitamins at Amazon. There are many good brands: Now, Jarrow Formulas, Solaray, Swanson, Seeking Health are just a few. It's very important that you get the Lutein. I purchased the Jarrow a Formulas brand in 20mg soft gels. It's suspected that Lutein is a key component in Macular Health and in popper maculopathy recovery so don't skip out on that one.
My vision has contours to improve, little by little each day. It is a slow recovery so be patient, take your supplements, eat lots of berries (especially blueberries), drink lots of water and get lots of sleep.
Please keep all of us posted on your progress. The more we share with each other, the more chances we have at recovering so share as much as possible. The first few days are very scary because the vision doesn't improve at all but a few days into the treatment you should experience a considerable improvement so don't get too alarmed at the fact that your vision is really bad now. It will get better if you take all the necessary steps. Also, make yourself some Rosemary tea (google how to make it, it's very easy) and some Tumeric tea and drink a cup of each a day (more if you can and have the time. The more the better).
Good luck and keep us posted!
Burn said on Wed, 15 Apr 2015 at 22:36...
Burn here, I thought I'd stop by and give some hope to the afflicted.
I don't know the exact number of weeks, but after about 6-8 weeks my vision was as good as normal. It didn't happen suddenly. First I got used to the blurry vision, only noticing it 2-3 times a day, then I would forget that it even happened. After a while I concluded that I had made a full recovery, and was grateful to have my vision back. I'd estimate that it took me 3 months until my vision was back to normal.
I took blueberry tablets for a few weeks but really nothing more than that. Progress is slow, the key is to not get yourself worked up about it and remind yourself that it'll get better if you stop doing poppers.
And whenever you find yourself tempted to try poppers again, rub one off and read this thread.
Jako (UK) said on Thu, 16 Apr 2015 at 17:37...
Just want to help others:
You said: 'this side effect is caused by a new formula in certain brands of poppers that just hit the market end of last year'.
Interesting? The biggest change in poppers was in 2007 when Iso Propyl Nitrite replaced Iso Butyl Nitrite. If you know these new brands please let us know. The condition 'popper maculopathy' was unheard of, or possibly didn’t even exist until the formula change 8 years ago.
Recovery is indeed slow and Burn is absolutely correct about how to stop doing poppers.
Poppers Macolopathy said on Fri, 17 Apr 2015 at 12:41...
Jako - You've read an article which got the chemicals the wrong way round, it was Isopropyl that replaced Isobutyl in 2007.
Don't want to rain on anyone's parades but I'm experiencing all sorts of bad things. Typical use was sporadic - If I bought a bottle I'd use it two or three times a day for three or four days until it was the last 25% which has no effect, aside from bringing about excruciating headache. Then it might be months before I'd use it again. Since about 2008 I'd say. Five or six bottles a year perhaps. At one point I went two years without touching it. Last year I had one bottle once over 12 months. Last use was five months ago. I tried to estimate how many bottles I'd had in my lifetime and I think it's no more than 30, but 20 would be a good ball park.
I actually used poppers for a mild euphoria whilst watching comedy, it changes the dynamic of humour to maximum interest. In other words, everything is 50 times funnier, strange, but, it is.
Have noticed rapid deterioration over the past year. Again, I've used it once over that period, but the deficiencies have been gradually accumulating since 2012.
The blank spot was always temporary and would disappear within a couple of hours. I recall it bothered me for two or three days once but you just put it down to the poppers and, because it rights itself, you don't think it causes lasting damage. Because of this I felt no cause for alarm. Blueness from lack of oxygen was a staple, expected, immediate but temporary side effect with all instances of use.
Symptoms presently include; terrible reading ability, I tested my right eye earlier and could barely read text a foot away. Double vision. Trails. Red, yellow and blue spectrum colours hanging from the outline of real world objects. And all of the aforementioned symptoms on screen imagery like films or computer. It's worst in the mornings. Trouble focusing in general no matter what the distance, but long distance sight has deteriorated greatly.
A little damage to the macular goes a long way.
I had assumed It was just time for me to have glasses but I've recently put two and two together and come up with the answer. This thread was encouraging after yields of the same two or three articles on various optical profession websites.
I've just ordered four or five of what Junior Eye Doctor suggested in his list... but I'm pretty scared.
I was tested approx 18 months ago. The optician said I had 20/20 vision but I was already experiencing noticeable deteriation at that point. She seemed primarily interested in the money to me, it was quite rushed, but I was reading the second line from the bottom at the time (probably the first time I haven't jumped straight to the bottom line) and I'm apprehensive about which line I'll be able to manage next time.
I'll bookmark this thread. Thanks for your terrier-like attitude Simon, and for everyone else's input.
Poppers Maculopathy said on Fri, 17 Apr 2015 at 12:47...
Oh, Junior Eye Doctor: Am I right in thinking that, if the photoreceptors in the macular are damaged permanently, and difficulty with focusing results, that glasses wouldn't help matters?
Jako (UK) said on Sat, 18 Apr 2015 at 08:01...
Poppers Maculopathy: I haven’t got it the wrong way round! Please re-read.
Jako (UK) said on Sat, 18 Apr 2015 at 09:39...
Poppers Maculopathy: You really need to see an eye-doctor, not an optician. My optician sent me to an eye hospital because he could not diagnose my condition (PM). Its important to have your eyes scanned too (Optical coherence tomography) as this will show the exact condition of your eyes.
I had a couple of really bad bouts of being unable to breath after a heavy session huffing propyl. It was really frightening, I almost phoned for an ambulance.
Poppers Maculopathy said on Sun, 19 Apr 2015 at 14:19...
Same thing happened to me, apart from the ambulance, felt like my heart stopped , no pulse, I thought I was going to die. Thanks.
Tony said on Mon, 20 Apr 2015 at 03:31...
If you all stopped trying to shove your dicks in places too small for them, maybe you wouldn't need poppers at all
Jako (UK) said on Mon, 20 Apr 2015 at 07:32...
Tony: That's a point !
tobams said on Wed, 22 Apr 2015 at 07:22...
So which brands are safe to buy in Europe? Struggling today after using Jungle Juice Premium yesterday which I bought in Berlin.
G said on Wed, 22 Apr 2015 at 19:16...
I used IBN 2 nights ago , was sniffng quite heavily, only for around 10 minutes, and I have the bright spot . When I turn on a light from darkness I can see it in both eyes, it seemed like a big green hole 2 days ago and now looks half the size and black. I had perfect vision at all distances only 3 days ago, now I can't make out the time on my laptop or read emails without really focussing. I am somewhat concerned, it does already after 2 days seem to be slightly better. I've also had this a few years ago after poppers use, I remember one day I couldn't make out peoples faces in the sun, it was concerning but I guess I was a little less anxious back then and I didn't think of it and it must have got better on its own. So I know I've made a full recovery once from this, my concern is now will it go away completely again.For my job I am heavily dependent on eyesight. I'm an infequent user, I've used them a few times over the past few years the same way and not had this.
How did people get on long term- has anyone from the thread made a complete recovery?
Jako (UK) said on Thu, 23 Apr 2015 at 07:45...
G: Are you sure it was IBN and not IPN? Your relatively light session has affected your central vision, as long as you don’t hit the stuff again you should recover OK. However, the general opinion is it can take several months of abstinence to make a complete recovery.
G said on Thu, 23 Apr 2015 at 13:03...
Sorry I meant IPN. I have had this before about 5 years ago and it went. I've used them maybe 20 times since, IPN, and never had this again until a few days ago. I won't be touching them again- I think it is slightly better but I still have the yellow flashes when reading computer text and anything bright. Looking online it seems to suggest the damage is permananent. I'm not sure I could live with this - it's driving me a little crazy already and I feel a bit dizzy as I can't see properly. How did others get on- some -people were getting better then dissapeared from the thread
G said on Thu, 23 Apr 2015 at 13:11...
I know I'm being somewhat dramatic and that other people live with poor eyesight due to no fault of their own. If I had a serious accident or took a really big risk that lead to poor sight I'd be upset but I'd learn to live with poor vision. But my eyesight being like this long term for sniffing poppers for a few minutes- it would be too much to take on.
Simon said on Sat, 25 Apr 2015 at 08:17...
Jako.. Not been on here since 9th February, well my eye sight has almost recovered, can make out people faces at a distance just generally much better.. Sigh of relief..........I don't see the flashing light bulb as much as it is now faint and I can see through it... When I blink quickly I know it is still there, but no where near as bad... I hope every one else recovers just keep off it ))
Simon said on Sat, 25 Apr 2015 at 08:30...
All ... Just been reading all the other posts, yes I was very scared and thought the worst, it's taken 4 months for my almost complete recovery about 80% there, just keep of the crap, if your a drinker either stop or reduce your alcohol as this just aggregates the matter. As Jako says just be patient try not to panic and I'm am sure yours eyes will recover... I feeling much better now and will never touch that crap again.....
Simon said on Sat, 25 Apr 2015 at 08:30...
All ... Just been reading all the other posts, yes I was very scared and thought the worst, it's taken 4 months for my almost complete recovery about 80% there, just keep of the crap, if your a drinker either stop or reduce your alcohol as this just aggregates the matter. As Jako says just be patient try not to panic and I'm am sure yours eyes will recover... I feeling much better now and will never touch that crap again.....
G said on Sat, 25 Apr 2015 at 12:11...
Glad you've recovered simon, it's reassuring to know. i think mine is a bit better, I just hope it recovers fully, it's only been a few days so should be patient. I'll never be touching them again. They should make people aware of this, If this is a common side effect they are more dangerous than a lot of illegal drugs. It's about time they stopped banning mild well established drugs /l, at least the long term effects are known , when drug companies get around the law altering the chemical structure slightly people have no idea ehst they're taking. Same with all these "legal" highs, people dying as they're basically taking random chemicals, when things like MDMA are relatively safe she well tolerated
Simon said on Sat, 25 Apr 2015 at 13:22...
hello G, I know how you feel, please read mine and Jako threads we All feel the same... My eyes are not 100% there, but I'm not thinking about it all day now, and my eyes are getting very much on the mend. If you like sport do some running that helps anxiety, where sun glasses when it's bright, and minimise your phone and computer screens brightness for a while, this will help and I'm sure in a month you will see some good improvement. I took Jakos advise when I first got on here and it was quite a comfort to know that there is hope... I sure you are going to be fine but your going to have to be very patient, in some cases it can take upto or over a year to fully recover, I still got some time to go, but I know each month now there is much improvement...
Jako (UK) said on Sat, 25 Apr 2015 at 17:25...
Thanks for the compliments Simon, I'm glad I've been able to help.
G said on Sat, 25 Apr 2015 at 18:24...
I have had this in the past and made a full recovery, I was a student then so didn't really notice as students don't do much. I won't be doing it again. It is a shame as I do like popeprs during sex
mark said on Sun, 26 Apr 2015 at 10:47...
Hello everyone..just to say...i stopped doing poppers 15 months ago..did not do them too much as i thought but realised eyesight was effected later. .Did not no it was poppers at the time.I could not focus to read text on mobile phone or read newspapers whereby not too long before my eyesight was perfect.Eyesight was effected rapidly with poppers use.. brands used old english ..rush... liquid gold in uk leeds area. ..After 15 months eyesight is still on the recovery.. i must say a lot better now than 15 months ago..Eyesight seems to fluctuate at times...like i said earlier i did not use them a lot but they do effect vision.Eyesight does improve over time but it does take time.
AL said on Sun, 26 Apr 2015 at 14:19...
This has been an incredibly useful forum.
I've been a regular user of poppers once or twice a week for years now, and as with so many peope above, have noticed some sight problems in past few years.
Classic symptoms. Am now ditching the poppers - more people need to know the dangers!
Jako (UK) said on Sun, 26 Apr 2015 at 16:49...
AL: Indeed more people need to know the dangers and the way to recover. Many months of complete abstinence and patience being the key.
G said on Mon, 27 Apr 2015 at 20:48...
So I went to the optician for a full eye-test, he didn't know what poppers were and asked me their use (awkward). I told him they increase blood flow and were used as a sex aid, and he asked why, I didn't feel particularly that reassured, though he was very sweet and seemed to do a throrough eye test. Apparently I have 20/20 vision- yet I feel partially disabled due to my vision. He suggested I go to the emergency eye unit, I went and it was a 5 hour wait with no guarantee of being seen so I left and may go back tomorrow, unless I wake up and it's improved more.
I think my signt is gradually improving. Did anybody else get eye ache, like somebody is pressing on the eye at the back? Also it has been twinging a bit a tthe back of the eye- like a pull. My eyes also look a bit dull/bloodshot, not sure if the eyes have just been overstrained and this will go away on its own. It's been about 5/6 days now.
Looking at the medical literature, one article said macular revocery from poppers use was "very rare" based on a sample of 7 men where only 1 fully recovered in the time they observed where no controls or any form of statistical analysis were used (how anbody can determine an event is rate based on a sample size of 7 is insaneat any rate). I get the impression this problem would only persist long term if you did not stop use indefinitely- which clearly some people haven't. For me not having poppers again to avoid losing my eyesight seems like no price at all to pay- if this carried on indefinitely I'd likely be suicidal, I could handle getting bad vision with glasses to fix it, but having this flash in my eye indefinitely would drive me nuts and glasses would not solve it.
Never using again. I will post my progress. I hope everybody else gets better. Avoid them at all costs- even just a "light sniff", esp. if your vision has been impaired already.
Jako (UK) said on Tue, 28 Apr 2015 at 08:49...
G: High street opticians only have a limited knowledge of eye conditions and don’t have to hi-tec equipment needed to diagnose exactly. If you’re in the UK you need to make an appointment with your GP who will get you an appointment at your local eye hospital. Eye hospitals know about poppers and you will get proper treatment and advice.
Simon said on Tue, 28 Apr 2015 at 13:22...
G, you can go to your doctors but there is not much they can do, you know what you got, there is no immediate cure, I've not touched poppers since December, mine was whilst clubbing Hahaaaa, but if you keep off them I'm sure you will make a rapid recovery.
G said on Tue, 28 Apr 2015 at 14:48...
I will never go near them again. I find it madness that some people go back to them even whilst their eyes are deteriorating. Even when recovered I will never do them again. I get the impression non-recoverers will be going back for more. The literature on this is terrible, the data and statistical analysis (I'm a statistician) are dreadful and it seems there is absolutely no scientific knowledge of why it causes this. The bigger question is does this causes cumulative long term damage if taken frequently- I'd hazard that it probably does. If it can do this to your eyes in one session- it cannot be doing them much good.
Did anybody else also get eye floaters? I've often wondered why over the years sometimes I get eye floaters then they go away, and it is always when I use poppers.
I definitely think the dot has halved already in just one week. Last week I could not really read average sized PDF font without reading around the word, now I can read it with a very slight blur in the middle of the word. I probably won't go to the eye unit and clog up the already ailing A&E. As Simon says they may find some swelling or small issue at the back of the eye, but likely there is no treatment.
When I went in to the waiting room at the emergency eye unit it was rammed full of some very unhappy looking people with black eye shades. It did put things it in to perspective a great deal, and made me value my eyesight even more than I did before.
Jako (UK) said on Tue, 28 Apr 2015 at 19:43...
G: Yeah I have floaters, most of the time actually but they don't really bother me. I asked the eye hospital doctor about them last year and he said its normal as we age (although, I think poppers make them worse).
Just stay off the crap permanently and take the supplements that junior eye doctor recommends.
tobams said on Thu, 30 Apr 2015 at 18:19...
Firstly, a big thankyou to all the posters here, your input has been invaluable.
Today I have seen the eye specialist (referred by my Doctor yesterday) here in The Netherlands. Dr Kok - oh the irony!
Luckily he knew what poppers are and used for, totally non-judgmental. My eyes were dilated with drops and examined, no obvious damage and my eye sight was the same as my last test, thought the test was tough to read the letters with the lights jumping around in my eyes.
I asked for the Optical Coherence Tomography - totally painless, it is like a scanner going over your eye. Results are immediate, and indeed he could see a small yellow lump obscuring my retina. Luckily, it is small. He advised to purchase a six month supply of the following:
AREDS2 from www.vitamineoprecept.nl
This contains most of the ingredients as mentioned in an earlier post.
I have a check up in four weeks, I'll keep you posted.
On slightly different note, I have found it incredibly hard to find out what ingredients go into which poppers. I was using Jungle Juice Platinum when this occurred. Has anyone found any useful resources to list ingredients, and then further where to safely purchase IBN poppers?
tobams said on Thu, 30 Apr 2015 at 18:23...
Just checked www.vitamineoprecept.nl, they do ship outside of NL, they just charge extra postage. Contact them in English via the form on
You can pay via bank transfer.
Mark said on Fri, 1 May 2015 at 10:13...
Just an update..if you stop using poppers uk the vision does reverse over time.After 16 months recovery of not using poppers i can actually read the newspaper again this morning.Sight is still improving as time goes by so it is reversible but it is slow.
Jako (UK) said on Fri, 1 May 2015 at 11:47...
Mark: Encouraging news! Always bear in mind though, just one more session can reverse that 16 months of healing.
G said on Wed, 6 May 2015 at 01:26...
The dot seems to have reduced a lot, it's been two weeks , hopefully this will go completely.
The question is does amyl nitrate lead to the same issue? Id still like to be able to use poppers but will unlikely ever try IPN again
It must be IPN plus something else? I've used IPN many times over the years. sometimes having multiple sessioms day and eyesight not sufferered. Then after months of not touching it and one moderate session and my eyesight deteriorated rapidly for many days is still recovering,
Must be more to it
It's really hard to not sniff it . Not worth losing eyesight though.
Kevin (USA, west coast) said on Thu, 7 May 2015 at 04:47...
OK, my story is a bit unusual. I am an American, and to the best of my knowledge they don't sell isopropyl nitrites here - its still isobutyl. However, I am freaked out a bit because I have been reading about eye damage, and though I have no symptoms, I did have a pretty comprehensive eye exam and it did look like there was a yellow spot that looked identical to ones I have seen in case reports. The difference is that i don't have any visual symptoms at all, and unless I bought a bottle that was isopropyl (like I said, I don't think they are sold here in the US but who the hell knows?) I would seem to be a very very unusual case if it turned out to be a spot caused by poppers, but I will tell you this has scared the living hell out of me and I ditched poppers a few weeks ago and vowed to never do them again. I think I dodged a bullet, but will be on edge until the next time I get a comprehensive exam and see if it was a fluke or if there is still a spot on both eyes. I am curious to what people think about this, and if anyone knows if isopropyl poppers are available and sold in the states. Thanks!
Jako (UK) said on Tue, 12 May 2015 at 17:38...
Kevin: it's possible propyl has been introduced to the USA market. Check all labelling closely. I think the PWD shutdown in 2010 has made a big change in the popper world.
John said on Fri, 22 May 2015 at 12:41...
So which brand is safest? Definitely isopropyl nitrate is not good.
G said on Fri, 22 May 2015 at 16:34...
How are people getting on? It' s been about 5 weeks now and the dot in my eye is about 20% of the size. It only really causes issues now at v long distances. I could live with it, though hopefully full eyesight will return.
Ban Rush said on Mon, 25 May 2015 at 18:57...
I've had exactly the same thing. I had a heavy session at a gig with Rush and my hands and lips turned blue. I felt dizzy and stopped using. The next day I've been struggling to read anything on my phone and I have a small blob in the centre of my vision which I can see clearly when I blink quickly. I'm 3 days in and it's still the same. It's freaking me out as a lot of the information I've been reading for the last 2 days says it can be permanent. It's good to read that you guys have been recovering. Can you update me on how you are getting on and how long it's been since you started. Is it worth going to see a specialist as my research says there isn't anything that can be done.
Not touching this ever again
G said on Mon, 25 May 2015 at 23:56...
I've been about 5 weeks now. One night of moderate use and I had the dot you speak of. The day before had 20/20 vision. The day after I couldn't read this text without squinting and reading around the word. Now I can read it fine. You notice gradually by signs you see daily, over time you'll find they become clearer and clearer. Try not to stress, this slows down healing.
If you look up at the sky and blink you can clearly see the dot. You will then notice it will get smaller. Reading all the boards some recover in a week, others a few months, some longer. So expect to wait a while.
I went for an eye test 4 weeks ago and it was a waste of time - came back I had 20/20 vision even though I felt almost disabled due to the condition. No point even bothering with GPs or eye tests. This seems to be a common thread to most people with this. Leave it at least a month, you should find it gets better. There's certainly nothing they can do at any rate.
My eye sight still isn't perfect, I used to have perfect vision, now I struggle a bit with readingsigns far away. I could live with this if I had to, if it was like it was 5 weeks ago I probably would have commited suicide, mainly out of sheer frustration.
Don't get too taken away with the negative comments and literature. The limited evidence out there is not statistically reliable. Also going by forum chats is risky- you don't know whether people are still using and not saying, you also don't know how severe their use was, their lifestyle factors etc.
I know it is really worrying. But I have stopped and it gets better. Eat healthily. I've been taking Bilberry + Lutein tablets from Holland & Barrett. Not sure how much they've helped. They contain nutirents crucial for good eye sight. Can't do any harm.
Chances are you will recover fully if not close to fully. I still hope to fully recover, not just 80%, but if I can cope with it as it is now most people will be able to.
G said on Tue, 26 May 2015 at 00:02...
Did you have painful/bloodshot eyes?
My eyes had a dull pain at the back for quite a while.
I think it may be too much pressure in the eye from expanded blood vessel, possibly blood on the back of the eye, or some such like.
If it damaged the retina I am pretty sure it would not heal the way it does. It must be more a physical complain which eases over time.
I'm not a medical doctor, so this is obviously conjecture, but given some people fully recover and the limited information I know about the retina, it probably isn't irreversible damage.
Jako (UK) said on Tue, 26 May 2015 at 04:38...
Hi fellas, I dont think I can really contribute anymore to the forum - 61 posts! ( its been over a year! ) and I've think I've now exhausted my knowledge of my unfortunate condition - Poppers Maculopathy.
Dont worry, but the only real cure for PM is complete abstinence and patience. Take care fellas and good luck.
Ban Rush said on Tue, 26 May 2015 at 07:45...
Thanks guys. I have a dull ache behind both eyes and a spot in my vision like when you look at the sun. This is the only thread I've found where there's a time line of the healing process. I appreciate you giving your feedback especially when the thread is so old but it helped me so I'll post my healing process here too which will hopefully help someone else or stop someone from having the same problem.
Ban Rush said on Wed, 27 May 2015 at 08:18...
For those that end up in this situation I wanted to give some updates for you on my recovery. I'm 5 days in and have had an ache in my eyes for the last few days. Today the ache seems to have subsided a bit for the first time. Bright lights cause a lot of confusion and I struggle to concentrate. This covers being in a supermarket, looking at screens or being in sunlight.
Reading is a little easier today but I'm reading with peripheral vision as I still have the burnout in the centre of my vision. It's hard to describe but the spot is half the size of the end of my index finger if I hold it out at arms length. I can read signs at a distance without parts missing but nothing's sharp. I had an eye test a few weeks ago and my eyesight is fine and don't need glasses.
I'm not sure how far I've come but the pain has reduced so it's a start. I'll keep you updated but I'd rather this be a deterrent to people.
G said on Wed, 27 May 2015 at 17:55...
It takes a while , it's very gradual.
Jeff said on Fri, 29 May 2015 at 11:18...
Here is a copy of a report which (to me at least) gives some hope to recovery. Total abstinence from here on in. See the part about cumulative effects and long term use.
Concerned said on Fri, 29 May 2015 at 19:35...
I have finally found out what has happened to my formerly perfect eyesight. When I focus on something they appear blurry, when I look up at a plane in the sky, it appears and disappears, when I walk/drive down the street I can't make out peoples faces. Number plates on a white background are very hard to make out.
I am a now former poppers user and have read about the various ways in which my vision can be returned t normal. I just hope it can be.
I will be checking this page daily for updates.
Jeff said on Sat, 30 May 2015 at 12:22...
I bought some lutein. It may help. It arrived today. I'll let you know how it goes.
G said on Sat, 30 May 2015 at 16:45...
They really need to stop selling this form of poppers. This is just one example of EU law that aims to protect people and winds up harming people. I never had any issues with amyl nitrate.
I am about 6 weeks in from all the symptoms you describe, now I can read computer text fine and faces are almost clear, depends how far away/how bright it is.
Ban Rush said on Mon, 1 Jun 2015 at 08:22...
Well I'm just over a week and my vision has started to sharpen. I can read text on my phone and computer without too much trouble and can turn the brightness up to what I normally would have. I don't have the full ache in my eyes either so there are signs of recovery.
I can see the spots if I look at the sky and blink fast but I've noticed that this has reduced slightly.
G said on Mon, 1 Jun 2015 at 18:08...
It's such a relief isn't it. I am about 6 weeks in and the dot in the sky is almost gone. Never will I touch that stuff again, whatever it does, even if you recover, it cannot be doing the eyes much good long term.
Ban Rush said on Tue, 2 Jun 2015 at 17:05...
It is indeed. There's not that much on this subject which is pretty worrying. I didn't even know this was possible. I feel lucky that I've had this level of improvement when others have struggled for months.
Don't get me wrong, I liked poppers and it's brilliant at a gig but would not touch it ever again after this experience. If that's all it takes to mess with your eyes potentially permanently then it's not worth it. You can get your buzz from something else that won't damage your eyesight.
I just hope the recovery continues and doesn't come back to haunt me later on
Concerned said on Tue, 2 Jun 2015 at 17:52...
I'm 9 days since this problem occurred and no real difference yet, from reading the forum I am aware that this will be a slow process, if that's so then so be it, you have to cling onto the hope that the damage will not be permanent.
I went to H&B and bought some Blueberry Eyebright plus the Mega Strength type. Hoping they will help my recovery.
It's not a good place to be in right now, it's causing anxiety and regret. Sadly, I guess people only discover this thread when they link the possibility of visual disorders and their use of Poppers.
Jeff said on Mon, 8 Jun 2015 at 17:12...
For those who are interested; Lutein seems to be helping....bought from Amazon. Taking 1 daily.
G said on Tue, 9 Jun 2015 at 12:33...
7 weeks and the dot almost gone.
Lizi said on Mon, 15 Jun 2015 at 13:37...
I used to use glases when I was young then stoped since I felt I didnt need them. I dont have the simtoms you guys have but I have only used poppers for about a year.However in the last 6 months I have started to use my old glases. but I only use them to read books. But people as they get older loose some vision so I dont know if its because of the poppers or just from getting older. Reading all of these post has gotten me to think however.
Lizi said on Mon, 15 Jun 2015 at 13:40...
Do any of you spend alot of time on your computer? I recently heard and found that they have these computer glases and that they are Yellow. Interesting how they are Yellow.They are supose to aliviate the strain in your eyes from computer use.
Lizi said on Mon, 15 Jun 2015 at 13:44...
I also read that you shouldn't drink to much coffee since it can put presure on your eyes.
Ban Rush said on Mon, 15 Jun 2015 at 17:15...
I'm 3 1/2 weeks in and the dot seems to have gone from my left eye and is very small on my right. Let's see what the next few weeks has in store
Lochian said on Tue, 16 Jun 2015 at 22:52...
Thank you everyone who has posted on this thread. I'm not nearly as terrified as I was this morning. I'm in the states and have been using poppers for almost a year. Always saw that yellow ball after a heavy session, but it was gone by morning. Had 20/20 eyesight this time last year, but wear glasses at all times now. Both my parents got glasses around my age, so I just figured it was my turn. Didn't associate my sudden loss in vision to the poppers. Last night, had a particularly heavy popper session, and woke up this morning unable to see anything on my phone or computer due to the large yellow blob in the way. It's gotten a little better as the day wears on, enough to find and read this thread. The yellow color is mostly gone now, but my center vision is very blurry, even with my glasses. Thanks to this thread, I know what I have to do, and how long it will take for my vision to fix itself.
And I thought poppers was a safe way to get a high. I guess most people think that. People really need to become educated about the dangers. Losing eyesight is not worth it!
Concerned said on Wed, 17 Jun 2015 at 19:48...
Just thought I'd post a follow up, been reading the comments on here and Lochian in reply to your comment, my central vision is still wiped out, anything around that is as good as it ever was.
Central vision or focus is gone, maybe it will return maybe not, who knows?
I'm surprisingly calm about this if not sad also, but more frequently I am annoyed at the substance that's caused this and what I can do to get back at the producers of this toxic material.
Lizi said on Thu, 18 Jun 2015 at 11:15...
Is it posible that some people have this bad reaction to Poppers while others might not? What if you close your eyes or wear protective gogles would that stop the bad reactions? I read somewhere someone say that it was the fumes going into the eye that caused the problems.
Ban Rush said on Sat, 20 Jun 2015 at 18:25...
Hi Lochian. Just lay off it and help the healing process. It is slow but does happen in a lot of cases. I was the same as you thinking it was safe but this is what happens unfortunately.
Liza, this seems to be an issue with sniffing rather than vapour in the eyes. Glasses can't help the damage that is made to the back of your eye as it wipes out the central vision so if it's not there, it can't be helped with glasses.
My vision is 90% back after 4 weeks but there's not a chance I'll be touching this crap again
JDC said on Mon, 22 Jun 2015 at 00:07...
Another sufferer here. I've posted on a couple of threads including the top thread. I suggest this thread URL be posted on all remaining threads to warn and educate people who find any of the other threads via a search.
Lizi said on Wed, 24 Jun 2015 at 19:02...
I have chated with other people who have never had eye problems with poppers. Could it be that it only affects some people. I wonder if its like peanuts were some people can get very sick from eating peanuts but others can eat pounds of it.
Jeff said on Wed, 24 Jun 2015 at 19:50...
Who knows. Eat peanuts once and have a bad reaction ; you don't do it again.
JDC said on Wed, 24 Jun 2015 at 19:57...
Lizi from reading lots of posts and reports about this it would appear that some formulations of IPN are more dangerous than others. The problem being that one synthesis of IPN will be quite different from another, and I have also read that some may even have ethanol amongst the ingredients. Rather like unregulated drugs it's impossible to know what you are actually buying / consuming without it being tested in a laboratory. It also appears that some of the more recent stronger formulations are causing the most damage. Our eyes are for the most part made the same way. I suspect it's more to do with individual formulations that any one individuals susceptibility. I have used IPN in the past with minor visual issues, but nothing like the devastating central vision loss that has occurred from one session with one product. My advice is to steer well clear. It only takes one episode like many others have reported for serious eye damage to result. Be safe.
Lizi said on Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 06:29...
Hi JDC, I to have been having some eye problems but I dont know if its from poppers use or not. I spend allot of time on my computer which causes eye strain. About 2 years ago was when I first noticed I had a harder time reading small letters. I also use to wear glases when I was a kid but stopped wearing glases when I got to highschool. I just didnt feel I needed them. Also these past few months I have been reading alot of books.So I dont know if its from reading so much plus spending alot of hours on my computer. I started using poppers last year july 2014 but I dont feel like I use them that much.
I just read the ingredients on the poppers I have and none of them say that they have have Isopropyl Nitrite or Isoprobyl.
But yes I agree with you its best just to stay away from everything. Hopefully the popper comunity can start banning together and do some research so that someday poppers can be used safely for everyone. You can drink water but if you drink to much you to can die. "Earlier this year, a 28-year-old California woman died after competing in a radio station's on-air water-drinking contest. After downing some six liters of water in three hours in the "Hold Your Wee for a Wii" (Nintendo game console) contest, Jennifer Strange vomited, went home with a splitting headache, and died from so-called water intoxication." http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/strange-but-true-drinking-too-much-water-can-kill/
I would like for people that have had eye problems to tell us what exact poppers they used.
JDC said on Fri, 26 Jun 2015 at 16:08...
Hi Lizi
Go outside and look up at the sky / clouds. Blink rapidly. Can you see a spot in the centre of your vision? If so I'm afraid that could well be poppers maculopathy. It can affect your vision in different ways, commonly being unable to focus on text, peoples faces at a distance, number plates etc as other have reported. Generally things that you would use your central vision to focus on. Also as mentioned it can make you more aware / sensitive to illuminated objects like traffic lights, brake lights, light bulbs etc. That light sensitivity is very noticeable after a session with IPN. It can leave you with a general feeling that your vision just isn't 'quite right'.
I accept you say your bottles don't state isopropyl as the key ingredient, however we have no way of knowing without laboratory tests what is actually in there. For example plenty of people have purchased bottles labelled as IBN only to discover they are IPN. The usual side effects (burns, breathing difficulties etc) from IPN are easy to distinguish from genuine butyl or amyl as those who have experienced the latter will testify. Stay safe.
Anonymous said on Tue, 30 Jun 2015 at 01:50...
Hi JDC, What I read on wikipedia.
Isopropyl nitrite is one of the compounds used as poppers, an inhalant drug that induces a brief euphoria. Isopropyl nitrite has largely replaced Isobutyl nitrite in poppers.
The chemical compound isopropyl nitrite (or 2-propyl nitrite) is an alkyl nitrite made from isopropanol. It is a clear pale yellow oil.
- Has been associated with Eye Maculopathy visual impairment with central scotomata, associated to bilateral foveal yellow spots and IS/OS junction disruption.*
Simon said on Wed, 1 Jul 2015 at 10:17...
Hi all, not been on here for a while but just to let you all know that my eye vision is nearly back to normal, only when I blink really quickly up into the sky I can still vaguely see the flashing light, I recon another 2 months then my eye sight will be perfect again, but I'm so pleased I have recovered to this state. Golden rule keep off poppers and your eye sight will get better some quicker than others, it's been 6 months so far with me, just thought I keep you all posted, Jako how is your vision doing, be interested to know....
Jeff said on Wed, 1 Jul 2015 at 15:34...
Simon, thanks for the update and specifying how long it's been. It gives a little hope to those affected.
Still taking the luetin here and it does seem to be improving. 6weeks(ish) here and definitely more difficult in bright conditions.
Jako (UK) said on Thu, 2 Jul 2015 at 10:34...
Simon, glad to hear you're on the mend. I've not gone any worse, although I (rather stupidly) huffed some IPN crap recently in a vain attempt to re-create the 'Golden Days'.
Anyway putting that silllyness aside, Ive just purchased some high-strength Lutein (26mg). This does seems to be the most effective and popular supplement for eye health.
Jeff said on Fri, 3 Jul 2015 at 15:24...
Jako, next time you're tempted, get some IBN from Snake off of here. Tried it, good stuff, no side effects.
I've decided to give it all a rest for a LONG time to see if my vision ever returns to how it was.
Jako (UK) said on Fri, 3 Jul 2015 at 17:39...
Jeff, many thanks I need a long rest too.
Jako said on Fri, 3 Jul 2015 at 21:21...
PopperAddict: Unlicensed sex shops always give off an aire of mystery and allure with their hand written signs in the window advertising ' Potions and Room Aromas'.
You keeping asking yourself 'could this dodgy looking shop hidden away in this city centre backstreet actually have the real stuff? Perchance even some old IBN stock (pre 2007) that has matured on the shelves like a fine Bordeaux wine?'
Invariably, the shop assistant will either be a university graduate or, an ex-convict (under orders) who will try to coax you into buying 3 bottles for the price of one.
/r/popperpigs said on Sat, 4 Jul 2015 at 23:43...
who's Snake?
Zap said on Sun, 5 Jul 2015 at 15:59...
Haven't done poppers in many years. Received a bottle of Rush 2 days ago: after one session - lasting less than an hour - have a grey patch in the center of my visual field, right eye. Just read these posts and looked up everything I could find on 'poppers IPN" - This is scary stuff! Be careful, guys. Looking for the euphoria of yesteryear just ain't worth it.
JDC said on Tue, 14 Jul 2015 at 01:50...
Hi Zap
Well at least you found this forum and are now aware of the dangers. If I were you I would get rid of the Rush before you are tempted to try it again and cause more / possible permanent damage. You need to google 'poppers maculopathy'
Nearly a month on since the single episode that caused my eye damage, and my vision is still not back to what it was. I still have the hole in the centre of my vision, which is clearly visible if I blink rapidly whilst looking up at the clouds.
amk said on Thu, 16 Jul 2015 at 12:07...
I've been really lucky; twice or thrice I went overboard and felt like I've almost gone blind but thankfully that effect lasted only a few hours; my vision came back. Although it isn't perfect; trouble focusing, trouble with colours and glare, etc. I'm so pleased to find this discussion. I'm going to try never to touch isopropyl again. That's the bad one right?
Is isopentyl safer? What about isobutyl?
Jako (UK) said on Thu, 16 Jul 2015 at 17:24...
amk: All nitrites are bad for the eyes. But, the market Leader for vision loss is isopropyl nitrite. Many people report one single session has cause eye problems.
Ban Rush said on Fri, 17 Jul 2015 at 15:47...
Yeah, that was my experience. I've used poppers occasionally over 20 years and in 1 night of what I would describe as heavy but not dissimilar to what I've done before I got blue lips and parts of my skin and the next day my central vision had gone. I had to read through peripheral vision.
I'm about 8 weeks on and my left eye is fine but still have a patch in my vision on my right although smaller than it was.
I'm glad this thread is helping people, it helped me. There's no way around this guys, you'll hit a dose at some point and you'll damage your eyes and you'll wish you hadn't. It's simply not worth it
done but bummed... said on Wed, 22 Jul 2015 at 05:27...
I've experienced two brands, with two different chemical compounds sited.
The first was isobutyl. It was crazy strong, to the point of dropping it- leading me to pick up a different bottle. Use was every other day, with 2 sessions on the last day. A session would consist of no more than 3 sniffs each nostrils over an estimated 30min time frame. The last day left an oblong, "looking at the sun," afterburn. Though this was frightening at first, it disapatted within an hour, and was gone the next day.
After one month, I picked up a different bottle- with the naive hopes of a finding a "cleaner," longer lasting effects. All of the products I investigated seemed to have identical ingredients (isobutyl,) a couple boasted their own products unique makeup- with out any specification, and then there were 2 cycloamyl- which I ordered.
My partner and I bother noticed a marked difference between the two. Before getting back to to the visson issue, here are our observations:
isobutyl packed a bigger punch, lasted longer, and was my preference, as a bottom, -but did more to disorent, than... inspire my partner.
The cycloamyl was more mild (its effect diminshed greatly over its 2 week of use- 3 or 4 sessions) and wore off quickly. Though I wasn't impressed myself, it turned my top partner into a wild beast in heat.
However, the first I used it created a huge visual distortion that became minor by the next day, and gone after another. After a week I tried it again, 2 or 3 more times, with the visual effect becoming less prominent, and taking les time to bounce back from. My partner says his only visual problems with either formula was caused by the cycloamyl after his 3rd session (in 2 weeks.) His experienced was discribed in a similar manner-but was only momentary, and only at the moment of climax.
I'm done with them now, despite temptation, but seemed worth mentioning. Mostly becauase the cyclo seemed much much more harmful, with the rest of the details mentioned as a point of wanting to include all observations, not just the one. Just to be thorough.
John said on Thu, 23 Jul 2015 at 15:11...
After using a bottle today labelled Isobutyl nitrate, I noticed my vision (both eyes) had a yellow cloud on the area I focused on. I've been using it for years and this was a first time I noticed it - possibly because I used it during the day and not at night. Will not be using it again.
JasonX said on Mon, 27 Jul 2015 at 22:11...
I have used poppers on and off for a few years and even though I know the risks I have been tempted again a few times. I posted my experiences on here in January of this year after using them and then I didn't use them for the last 6 months. My eyes did get better and I foolishly used them again last week but only a few sniffs. Sure enough my vision has gone a bit weird again and had a bit of eye ache. It definitely does get better if you stop using. I feel really disappointed in myself for using them after abstaining for 6 months but hopefully I will recover again. Please anyone reading this stop using poppers immediately it is not worth the risk no matter how tempting that feeling is.
Jako (UK) said on Wed, 29 Jul 2015 at 09:07...
JasonX: You have made a very important point. Getting better and then hitting the Propyl one more time. I too have been guilty of this silly backtracking and know well the feeling of disappointment.
The 'eye ache' is really annoying and is a clear indication something is wrong. Stay off it forever is the only way to improve.
B dude said on Thu, 30 Jul 2015 at 05:17...
Ok update. I stopped poppers for 3 monthes. I got considerably better. So i began experimenting with just once a week, only about 5-6 hits. I continued to improve. Progress may have been slower, but not confirmed. My theory was that huffing it was the problem, getting blue. Basically overdoing it. Wanted to see if general use was the problem or huffing. I continued to improve. I got to about 85% recovery. Now heres the kicker in may of 2015 i got lax and overdid it again. Woke up and saw i had dameged my eyes again. Not as bad as the 1st time but it was significant. I was VERY upset. It had taken approximately 9 monthes to get where i was. I decided again to abstain. After about 6 weeks i did a little rush, going on the premise i could still heal if i dont huff, just do a little. Well....i did about 8 hits from an old bottle and again damage occurred. Unbelievable. Worse than 6 weeks prior where I did alot...i mean.alot. so i guess i was susceptible somehow because not enough time had passed ? Dont know really. Did not expect that. Now check this out. Its only been 6 days and i have improved quickly. As if i never did the damage last week. Im already improved from the damage 6 weeks ago. Again..unexpected. heres my regimen. I eat almost a half pound of raw kale 4-5 days a week. I also have a juicer. I juice 5-6 days a week. I take Lutein and zeaxathin supplements. Im abstaining again like i did 9 monthes ago. Its a must. I recently added inverting. I have an inversion table. My theory is blood heals.blood carries oxygen. I do about 3 minutes. Deep breathing. Get blood to the macula. My juice i drink is carrots,beet, cucumber,apple,lemon,ginger.i also take fish oil and every vitamin the body requires. My goal is to find isobutyl. Isopropyl is the problem. I believe i can heal. Something really progressed my healing in one week. Not sure which one it is. How can i find isobutyl so this wont happen again ?
B dude said on Thu, 30 Jul 2015 at 05:33...
Ya the recovery is SUPER slow. Internet says several monthes.
Several is more than 5 but less than many . And it was true. I noticed a sliver of change each week. But not until after almost 3 monthes. It was like each MONTH I noticed a little improvement. I also suggest cardio exercise. This is the 3rd time. I CANNOT let this happen again. Like i said.. 23 years doing poppers. Im super healthy. This very unexpected. I see no real alternative other than dont do isopropyl poppers.
Isobutyl is out there.. it has to be. Thats the only way to continue poppers. Im on a mission.
Wheres the chemists ????
Jako (UK) said on Thu, 30 Jul 2015 at 11:04...
B dude: The butyl is out there, but it's not good butyl. I've tried some of it from China and France. The original formulas are not around anymore, they did things to butyl that gave it that extra kick. Believe me I know I'm a 20 year man.
Lizi said on Mon, 3 Aug 2015 at 12:59...
B dude What country are you buying your poppers from? Have you tried poppers from the usa? There is a company where the company owners are chemist and also lovers of poppers. You might want to try theres uspopshop d o t c o m
lisadressing (australia) said on Thu, 6 Aug 2015 at 11:12...
just used my poppers heavily & when i look out the window into the street & town all the street lights and headlights are green
Skinboy said on Sun, 9 Aug 2015 at 14:22...
I have had the issue twice with Isobutyl and isopropyl, but using it pretty heavily (lips turned blue) and combined with mephedrone. Never had the problem with Amyl. After abstaining from poppers for 2 months my vision was back to normal. However the retina is affected and it will apparently take time for it to recover.
So abstain from it or revert to simple amyl
B dude said on Tue, 11 Aug 2015 at 23:06...
Lizi Thanks for the info. Im in usa. I found some some pwd rush. It has every indication its not a fake. I checked the pwd website on how to identify fakes. I compared to a fake pwd rush i had that damaged my eyes. Big difference. It says its isobutyl nitrite on the bottle. The fake doesnt. The fake doesnt even say isopropyl. Says 5% hcl 5% h2o.5% other....something like that. All the poppers were $10 each but this pwd with captain rush and the hologram on top was $20 Each. That being said, im still abstaining for at least another 4 monthes so i can really move well into healing before I even try it. Ive read isobutyl can damage if you are already damaged. So want to heal. Ive been through this before. It takes time. But i want to find a popper i can occasionally enjoy without ever having this happen again. Jako thanks for the info. I think i used this popper before after i had this happen the first time back in august of 2014. I went abstinent for about 3 monthes, healed alot and was able to do light sniffs once a week and continued to heal. I even had two heavy nights and had no problems. I think this is the popper i used. The other rush..the fake did the damage. If this popper is no good i will try that website Lizi. Thanks again
B dude said on Tue, 11 Aug 2015 at 23:15...
Lizi. Uspopshop looks like a legit goldmine. !! Thank you so much. Once im healed up im going to try thiers. Have you tried any ? Do you recommend any ? If you have used them , how were your eyes ? Any heavy use nights ?
Any i should avoid ? Once again thank you.
They look legit.
G said on Thu, 13 Aug 2015 at 23:22...
I had all the symptoms mentioned above earlier this year after huffing a brand called XXtra Strong (or something like this) containing IPN. After a few months eyesight returned to normal. I started using again- a different brand (English and Gold) just a tiny amount and built up and haven't had it again, even using quite a lot. The night I got the eye damage I did notice the poppers caused my heart rate to increase much more than usual and noticed vision disturbances I don't usually get . I am not sure if it is something they put in to certain brands to heighten the effect. I am guessing as these are sold as "room odorisers" they don't need to state all ingredients as they make it clear they are not for human consumption. I am pretty sure it isn't the IPN directly causing this- as I've used poppers containing IPN hundreds of times, going many months without touching them, only twice had the eye thing, and linked it very clear to one episode of use. The last time I got the eye damage it was the first time I'd used in a year. In sum- I don' t think it's gradual, I don't think it's purely from IPN, I think with the right brand and not huffing until your heart rate is through the roof, all should be good.
B dude said on Fri, 14 Aug 2015 at 07:38...
G . I like your perspective on this. I too noticed sometimes I could use heavily with no eye problems. I've had this eye damage 3 times now. Im healing up good. I bought ALOT of the suggested suppliments suggested in the post. The key ones. They are REALLY is speeding up my recovery.im also abstinent as i heal. Im currently looking for a new popper. Every time it happened to me, it was Rush brand. But i think was a knock off. No hologram, or captain rush on bottle, no never fake it around cap. Trying uspopshop.com. claims isobutyl. Thanks Lizi . If isopropyl is problem, need to avoid. Im a 24 yr popper guy. Never a problem.
G let me ask you this....did you notice a high level of ecstasy accompanied the night of damage ? All 3 times I had damage i also was seriously turned the fuck on. Though was an odd coincidence. Like big time turned on, but fucked my eyes up.
B dude said on Fri, 14 Aug 2015 at 08:00...
Jako, have you tried uspopshop.com ? They make thier own stuff thdy claim. Also on main page of Popperguide.com theres a link to "watchdogs" of junglejuice. I guess since 2006 they police all fakes and point out the real deal ??
Anyway i just purchased 2 bottles of jj plus from
Powerpoppers.com. they recommend them as real isobuty or amyl ( cant remember ). But not isopropyl. I will let yall know. I also have 3 different bottles from uspopshop.com. on the way.
Will let u know
Jeff said on Fri, 14 Aug 2015 at 14:06...
I get real butyl from "Snake" who has posted on the forums here. Never a problem, it's like going back ten years. MUCH better than the IPN.
I'm using his stuff and my eyes are still improving. I'd never trust any official online retailer now.
Jako (UK) said on Sat, 15 Aug 2015 at 09:04...
B dude: I placed an order 2 years ago, through uspopshops euro supplier - eupopshop. It was crap, more like cheap aftershave. This is when I realised the good stuff isn’t around any-more and its a goose chase.
B dude said on Sat, 15 Aug 2015 at 19:17...
Jako. Bummer on uspopshop.com. but thanks for the info. Im also trying Liquidaromapower.com. they're from Europe.
(Im in US). Im hoping with France lifting popper ban, some good poppers may arise.
Jeff. Thanks for info on snake. I want to try him.
Im in US, is he in Europe ? If so I wonder if he can deliver to me. I think I tried to email him but had no success. Email wouldn't deliver. Good info though. Thanks
B dude said on Sun, 16 Aug 2015 at 08:18...
Got a hold of snake. He ships to the US. Im REALLY hoping its good stuff. Besides Jeff, has anyone else had a good experience with his product ? ( or bad for that matter ? )
Claims pure isobutyl. Looking to avoid eye damage ever again.
aqua said on Sun, 16 Aug 2015 at 12:48...
B dude - when you say you did the key supplements on the list, exactly which ones are you using and what quantities?
That would be helpful, thanks.
Jeff said on Sun, 16 Aug 2015 at 16:38...
It's good stuff. I thought I'd try him after reading a couple of other people's feedback on here. Glad I did - his comms are good too. Thought I had nothing to lose if it was dog shite. Turns out its spot on. Let me know how you get on.
B dude said on Mon, 17 Aug 2015 at 01:33...
Jeff. Thanks for info on snake. As long as it gives me a decent rush...or great rush would be better, BUT DOES NOT damage my eyes. I will be fine. Just dont want to give poppers up for good.
Aqua.... I take Lutein, zeaxathin, ginko,bilberry extract,vitamin a ,b,c,d,e, all recommend dosage (plus some). I also eat tons of Kale 4-5 days a week. I also have a juicer. I juice 4-5days a week (carrot,beet,apple,ginger,lemon,cucumber). I also run 3 to 5 miles two days a week. Tons of water. Look at this thread , theres more suppliments you can add. I may in future.
B dude said on Mon, 17 Aug 2015 at 04:20...
Skinboy..where do you get your Amyl ?
That sounds like the best path.
B dude said on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 at 05:23...
Jeff. I saw your post on another thread after my initial thread back in august 2014 when I first damaged my eyes. I see that you found butyl from snake. You say its good and your eyes are continuing to improve even while using it. That is great news ! Question. How long have you been using that particular popper ? Also hows your eyesight now ?
Jeff said on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 at 08:09...
b dude: I've had a couple of bottles from snake and have been using for a couple of months. My eyes are still not perfect but are gradually improving. My test is whether I can read the door number of the house 30m or so on the house across the street.
It's definitely harder to do on a bright day but it IS improving. I'm also taking lutein daily which I'm sure helps. I can now pretty much function without struggling reading a paper or reading off a monitor for example. If I blink rapidly at the sky I can still see that dot though.
How are you getting on?
Passionpants1 said on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 at 13:15...
I started to notice central vision loss back in 2011 after 20 years of fairly heavy use. I have tried to cut back and find it really hard, it takes me about 6 months to get vision back to where it is nearly normal ie i can read a numberplate of a car parked over the road. But Im trying to steer clear despite having a relapse last week which again wiped out central vision using rush! Mare
G said on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 at 21:08...
B dude: The last time I got the eye problem I used a moderate amount- I don't remember going overboard- I do remember getting a very high heart rate and head pounding and not realty in a very pleasurable way. I was watching porn and horny wanking, I remember the light on the screen flashed in the centre intensely. When taking loads of poppers you can get this a bit- but I thought it was unusual. I could tell it was unusual, I've done IPN poppers loads- sometimes daily for months, and never had any eye issues. I have perfect eye sight. If this were gradual/chronic then it wouldn't go away and come back all of a sudden when using a different brand.
When I get the eye symptoms I hadn't used them for months before.
I went to the bathroom after I used, and I thought there was a green piece of plastic in the toilet basin. Then I realised it was in my eye. The "hole" in my eye vision was huge, then it went down very quickly. I could tell by turning a light on and off. It was about 1/2 an inch wide and seemed hexagonal. My eyes felt heavy and full for a good few days and looked dull/bloodshot. It seemed like pressure/fluid on the back of the eye.
There is definitely more to it. I had drank a lot that weekend and taken quite a bit of Cialis at a sex party (no other drugs). Not sure if this contributed.
I guess I can be frank here. Not that I'm not that frank in person.
I just stick to the English brand now. I always sniff them a bit- to see if they're unusual.
I got checked at the opticians soon after. The optician didn't know what poppers were. awkward.
B dude said on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 at 23:44...
Jeff. Its good to know that snakes poppers can be done and healing can continue. This supports both isopropyl being the potential problem and his product being true isobutyl. I also have markers to monitor my improvement. I found that once initial damage happens, if you use a damaging popper again close to the intial day of damage, ie a week or 2 later, you will notice a setback even with a light session. So the fact you are getting better even while using is very promising. I have experienced that before as well. So thats great. Once i get more healing under me, im going 5o order bis product. Thanks for the info.
B dude said on Wed, 19 Aug 2015 at 00:00...
G dont mix Cialis and poppers. Prob why your heart was pounding. Unsafe drop in blood pressure . Sounds like your heart was trying to bring it back up. Thats a deadly combo.
I agree that some isopropyl doesn't damage but i think the ones that do damage are isopropyl. If that makes sense. Im gonna heal and find good butyl. Thanks for info.
Jeff said on Mon, 24 Aug 2015 at 23:39...
Thanks for the link. Some good articles there, many of which I've seen before. Nice to have them all in one place.
Would it be worth putting a link on there to this forum page? There's a wealth of advice and first hand experience here which could be documented.
Jako (UK) said on Tue, 25 Aug 2015 at 09:27...
Nitrites: As Jeff said the invaluable information on this page needs to be kept safely.
B dude said on Tue, 25 Aug 2015 at 18:38...
Jeff. On a scale of 1-10..10 being best. 10 being like old school poppers of 80's. How do you rate snakes product?
Jako (UK) said on Tue, 25 Aug 2015 at 18:45...
B dude: and even more importantly, is it easy on the eyes?
Jim said on Tue, 25 Aug 2015 at 22:38...
Realy glad I have read all these posts,I have been a fairly heavy user for about 20 years and to be honest my main fear was always " is this stuff damaging my heart" ! eye problems never realy occured to me, my eyesight has got worse in terms of blurred vision whilst reading etc but I just out it down to hitting my mid 40's and finaly needing glasses, putting two and two together though it's clearly the IPN thats contributed to it, I have never had any of the other problems of spots etc that other posters have mentioned but I guess if I carry on I may well do. It will be very hard for me to stop sniffing them as they are a main highlight of my life for many years and I never hit the heights anywhere near without them but I will just have to try and stop and hope that at some point in time this stuff gets removed and they allow back IBN.......always gets me when they say poppers are NOT addictive.could have fooledme,i ampractically running upthe wall without them for 4 days !!
Jim said on Tue, 25 Aug 2015 at 22:42...
Just to add I do know that they are not chemically addictive in the way other substances are but boy.....sometimes it realy feels like they are !
Jeff said on Wed, 26 Aug 2015 at 00:27...
B dude: difficult to objectively say as it was a long time ago. As soon as you sniff them, you know. If I had to give a figure, I'd say an 8.
Jako: even more difficult to say as my eyes are already damaged. What I can almost certainly say is that I haven't regressed whilst using Snake's goods.
Not sure if that helps either of you but I know that i feel more comfortable using Snake's stuff than ever buying online. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
Jako (UK) said on Wed, 26 Aug 2015 at 07:42...
Jim: Poppers are addictive. Not chemically of course, but mentally - like gambling addiction. The problem we now face with IPN is, we are now gambling with our eyesight.
I started wearing glasses in my mid forties, but I had been sniffing IBN based poppers for almost ten years and only had normal eyesight deterioration. IPN caused my poppers maculopathy after the formula change in 2007. Addictions are difficult to deal with I know only to well. But I have stopped the propyl and my eyes feel more relaxed and are slowly improving.
B dude said on Wed, 26 Aug 2015 at 08:50...
Jeff. Thanks you helped. Main point : not causing more damage. Awesome !!! and an 8 is great ! I will take it.
You say it was a long time ago ? I thought you were currently using his product.. are you not ?
Im still trying to figure out how to order from him. Not familiar with how paypal using an email works. Etc etc... i will figure it out. Thanks again
B dude said on Wed, 26 Aug 2015 at 08:50...
Jeff. Thanks you helped. Main point : not causing more damage. Awesome !!! and an 8 is great ! I will take it.
You say it was a long time ago ? I thought you were currently using his product.. are you not ?
Im still trying to figure out how to order from him. Not familiar with how paypal using an email works. Etc etc... i will figure it out. Thanks again
Jeff said on Wed, 26 Aug 2015 at 10:17...
I meant the 80s was a long time ago!
Jim said on Wed, 26 Aug 2015 at 18:54...
Your right Jako, they are addictive in that way and I am having a realy hard time quitting right now, I have an unopened bottle in the draw right now as I type thiis just waiting to be opened, 5 days now and its not getting any easier,it was my nightly ritual for many many years and a thing to look forward fo every evening at the end of the day,and I am very angry that due to the change in 07 to this stuff I cant do it anymore without the risk of eye damage, I have started drinking a lot more now which is simply just trading one bad habit for another I suppose, become an alcholholic instead but hey at least my eyes are in good shape ! I was always jealous of smokers as they had so many ways of finding support and for this addiction there is hardly anything, it's so nice to have found this place and hear you guys stories of how u have given up, Thinh is i know I amgoing to lapse sooner or late and then the paranoia, ,self loathing etc.......just doing without themone day at a time at the moment.
Jim said on Wed, 26 Aug 2015 at 19:01...
One technique I am using is to evaluate my great love of reading and books that give me endless hours of pleasure to that of the 5-10 minute euphoria of the poppers......in my mind I can make the conclusion its no contest and not worth it,helps me a bit to hink of it that way at the moment.
B dude said on Wed, 26 Aug 2015 at 23:18...
Jeff. Sorry you meant poppers from way back was a long time ago....i get it. Duh....
B dude said on Wed, 26 Aug 2015 at 23:38...
Jim . Im a 24 year popper guy. I LOVE poppers. I too am angry about the having to stop. HOWEVER heres my perspective. Im going to abstain to heal. Its a disciplined decision im going to make SO i dont lose poppers forever. Or my eyesight !! Meanwhile im doing research to find a formula that doesnt damage my eyes. Then i can re introduce them. If I dont do this i will suffer. So dont look at it as permanent. Use the healing time to find a non damaging popper. It will be worth the sacrifice. This popper maculopathy is a new thing. Just avoid the IPN
Happy healing.
Jako (UK) said on Thu, 27 Aug 2015 at 07:55...
Anybody notice the most popular / biggest topic on the poppersguide forum?
jesse said on Thu, 27 Aug 2015 at 15:28...
Poppers itself might not be addictive... but super-enhanced sexual desire that the poppers facilitates might well be addictive, thus causing poppers to become addictive via proxy.
It's possible that poppers opens up blood vessels and neurological canals in such a way that massively amplifies the dopamine response to sexual desire, in a manner seen similar with addictive substances like cocaine.
So poppers on it's own might not be addictive, but could cause a dopamine addiction response to the hypersexuality that poppers creates.
Jim said on Thu, 27 Aug 2015 at 15:31...
B dude : , I like that healing time phrase a lot , thats a great title for what I suppose a lot of us are going through at the moment, time out for a while until the time when we can sniff without fear again ! what do we reckon we are looking at in terms of timescale until this IPN stuff finaly gets cleared of the shelves ? and the big question of course is will it just go altogether or will something come along and replace it ?........there definatley now seems to be a groundswell to get rid of this stuff.
Jim said on Thu, 27 Aug 2015 at 15:35...
Your so right Jesse, addiction by proxy, absolutely !!
Jim said on Thu, 27 Aug 2015 at 15:35...
Your so right Jesse, addiction by proxy, absolutely !!
B dude said on Thu, 27 Aug 2015 at 18:38...
Jesse. I agree. That feeling is addicting.
Jako (UK) said on Fri, 28 Aug 2015 at 19:39...
jesse: You are indeed right about the dopamine connection! Good 'old style poppers' (pre 2007) produced an unforgettable strong pulse in the head, rapid heartbeat followed by a smooth intense pleasurable warm long lasting rush. Combined with sexual arousal this powerful aphrodisiac- like effect must surely increase dopamine level's in the brain?
Maybe, even the very nature and foundation of popper addiction?
Poppers Macolopathy said on Sat, 29 Aug 2015 at 02:43...
I first posted on Fri, 17 Apr 2015 at 12:41...
Five months down the line, no noticeable recovery. I don't drink, try to keep my diet as good as I can, have generally had one of the Lutein tablets per day since, and naturally I haven't touched poppers. I never will. So, last time was approx Feb 2015.
People's facial details meld into each other on a TV screen at 15 feet, still seeing trails on text. Anything with definition and lines it's noticeable. Grass and leaves in nature are a maze.
I'm so angry at myself for dabbling in this stuff. Oftentimes there were no labels whatsoever, just a smal brown bottle with a raised triangle on the base.
Haven't been for a full eye exam yet, scared of it being on my medical records.
So sad, as a very occasional user I feel like I don't deserve this, especially since there wasn't anything sexual involved typically.
It's not looking good, and it's constantly there everywhere I look.
I'll report back in another 5 or 6 months.
If you're still playing with this stuff, stop.
B dude said on Sat, 29 Aug 2015 at 08:11...
Poppers Maculopathy.
Eat as much dark green leafy vegetables as possible.
Kale....raw Kale is the best thing for your macula. I went to the Doheny eye institute for solar retinopathy. Looked at the sun for a few seconds. Burned my rods and cones. ( long story) they told me nothing could be done . destroyed my central vision. Burned it. I asked them ,whats the ONE THING i can do to benefit my condition. They said this.....eat as much raw dark green leafy vegetables as you can. I did this and it healed. It took almost 6 years and who knows how the poppers were in the way. But it finally healed. I have had popper maculopathy before. And it got almost completely better. Then i F-ed up and damaged my eyes again from poppers. But its the same area. The retina/macula. Im healing again...slowly. but im improving. You need green ...dark green. In your diet. Eat a large Kale salad every day. It will heal....raw Kale. Massage it with olive oil...easier to eat. Buy a juicer...i juice every day. Raw vegetable juice. Carrot. Beet. Apple. Cucumber. Lemon. Ginger. Either the juice or the salad ever day. I know this makes a difference. You need live enzymes. To regenerate. Cooked food is dead. One or the other every day...juice or Kale salad. ..salads a must... Also take your suppliments. It will heal.
Poppers Macolopathy said on Sat, 29 Aug 2015 at 10:33...
B Dude
I'm fairly impoverished, won't pay tax or claim benefits, so I generally have to eat what I can get, but growing some stuff might be possible over the next four or five months. I'll make it a priority and report back further down the line.
Thanks friend.
B Dude said on Sat, 29 Aug 2015 at 17:49...
Popper maculopathy.
I hope your situation allows. Good luck.
Happy healing. I truly believe this is what caused my healing.
Cruiser said on Wed, 6 Jul 2016 at 10:47...
Wow, thanks to all of You. Made a similar experience. Used poppers on and off, maybe once a months for a few years. Never any problems..
Recently had a heavy BDSM session and clearly overdid it. Started to see a white spot, but didn't stop inhaling at this point...
Next day blurred vision as described in a number of posts above.
Now, 1 week later much improved, though still some problems to recognise faces in the distance...really freaks me out, but after reading this post glad to hear it will improve.
Never again!!! Stay away from it!
tim northern soul said on Wed, 6 Jul 2016 at 22:50...
Started doings this (liquid Gold )quiet heavily as i like doing drugs and was getting a short but very high Boom, which was great (not gay)my advise is steer clear of this dangerous drug,chesty and poor vision, its like looking at a person from a short distance and their head looks like a shiny spoon, your vision will return after a few months, but its quiet scary When you think your going blind. Won't be trying it again anytime soon.hope this helps anyone worried
tim northern soul said on Wed, 6 Jul 2016 at 22:58...
Started doings this (liquid Gold )quiet heavily as i like doing drugs and was getting a short but very high Boom, which was great (not gay)my advise is steer clear of this dangerous drug,chesty and poor vision, its like looking at a person from a short distance and their head looks like a shiny spoon, your vision will return after a few months, but its quiet scary When you think your going blind. Won't be trying it again anytime soon.hope this helps anyone worried
Motorhead Sherwood said on Thu, 7 Jul 2016 at 07:25...
How are you doing now, Poppers Macolopathy?
tim northern soul said on Mon, 11 Jul 2016 at 18:25...
Eye site is back to normal but took about 5 months, my advise is to stay clear of poppers, if you experience blurred vision don't worry to much about it as it should return to normal in time .
johnson&johnson said on Sun, 31 Jul 2016 at 03:40...
I have tried a few brands of poppers: Rush Ultra Strong, Jungle Juice, Amsterdam (and one with a bigger rounder bottle which I can't remember the name). I have been using poppers for many years but always when I am with others. Recently I started using it when i am pleasing myself and therefore quite frequently. I never had any issue with the old brands. However, whenever I was using Amsterdam, even for the first time, I saw really bright yellow spots in the centre. It goes away in 10 or 20 minutes, however the more I used, the longer it took for the yellow spots to go away. After reading all the comments and doing some research online, I have realised the damaging impact. I am going to stop using it. Don't want to lose my vision or have sever headache any more.
Anonymous2 said on Thu, 4 Aug 2016 at 18:12...
I've been using poppers about four or five month and a few days ago I noticed that i see a white spot where the eyes focus . Reading other comments I realized that this will get worse , so I'll leave poppers . The question I have is that the little white dot I see in the middle of my vision I will heal or no, I'm pretty scared about this...
Motorhead Sherwood said on Wed, 14 Sep 2016 at 07:14...
This thread seems to wither, but I would really like an update on the vision problems of the people who posted. Are the probs completely over, or is there still a minor problem? How long did it take before your situation stabilized?
Motorhead Sherwood said on Tue, 4 Oct 2016 at 11:08...
Anonymous2: it will slowly go away. But in some cases the central vision will remain slightly affected.
How are you doing now?
anonymous said on Tue, 4 Oct 2016 at 14:52...
i smelled accidentaly a popper it was liquid aroma silver...can someone tell me if the inside of the bottle the liquid i mean is suppose to be like milky???
Motorhead Sherwood said on Fri, 7 Oct 2016 at 09:52...
the liquid should be clear (not milky)
Steven52 said on Sat, 19 Nov 2016 at 13:17...
I have been using poppers since 1990ies and realized some eye damage 1 year ago. Ophtlmologist confirmed what has been described above. Ich have decreased my use of poppers by at least 95% since then and do not do heavy sessions at all anymore.
Since then both eyes are improving and ophalmolgist has confirmed improvement according to his special tests (as described above), but not completely healed yet.
Nex to dramatic reduction of use i am also using Brimonidin Hexal 2mg/ml, eye Drops, applying 1 drop per eyer per day, which has been prescribed by ophtalmologist. He sees > 30 cases like mine. 2 of them cannot work anymore because of dramatic loss of Vision.
My questions to the Group:
1) it is difficult for me to completely stop poppers and i am wondering if there is a brand / seller (isobutyl?) where there is evidence that eye damage is less / reduced or non-existing at all? Any idea on this? E.g. the new brand Titanium, which is supposed to have a new ingredient?
2) All cases from my ophtalmologist are gay and HIV+ (all on HIV drugs)
His theory is that genetics of the patient + poppers + some HIV drugs are the combination that can cause the describe maculopathia. Any thoughts on this? Any of the contributors here who are HIV- or did not yet take any HIV drugs?
Thanks for your answers in advance !!
Motorhead Sherwood said on Mon, 21 Nov 2016 at 08:59...
1. Can't help you with that
2. I am HIV- and consequently don't take HIV drugs
Steven52 said on Mon, 21 Nov 2016 at 12:10...
Thanks to Motorhead !
How Long Did you take to heal?
Steven52 said on Mon, 21 Nov 2016 at 12:10...
Thanks to Motorhead !
How Long Did you take to heal?
Motorhead Sherwood said on Mon, 21 Nov 2016 at 13:03...
As for my vision problems: they are still there since i cannot abstain from using oppers. When i am horny and drunk i crave them and forget about the consequences. I know-i know... But i use them mildly and my vision slowly improves everytime. When i find the time i will write some more lines on my use and experiences. (BTW with HIV- i mean HIV minus: i do not have HIV).
There is a lot of information nowadays to be fopund on the interner regarding vision loss and poppers. Spend some time googling!
This thread has become rather inactive unfortunately. You can conrtact me (if you wish) at: MotorheadSherwood@hotmail.com
DerbyMan said on Sun, 27 Nov 2016 at 22:36...
I'm middle aged, been using poppers every night for 2 years.
Been wondering what the hell has happened to my vision so rapidly...?
So searched side effects of poppers and found your forum !
Have long and short vision -depleted.
No more sniffing for me ... Thanks for running this forum
Motorhead Sherwood said on Mon, 28 Nov 2016 at 09:22...
Well, welcome to the club...
Could you give some more information:
- brand name?
- how much did you use per session?
- the precise vision problems (extra troubles with reflecting surfaces eg?)
- are you improving?
- seen a doctor?
DerbyMan said on Mon, 28 Nov 2016 at 22:03...
Liquid Gold
I can't see my food from say... 12 inches to my mouth.
I can't focus on any text beyond 15 feet away
I really notice it on railway platforms and supermarket isles ..
Been to the optican twice in 8 months.
I'm using bifocals as a penance 😐
Motorhead Sherwood said on Thu, 1 Dec 2016 at 09:04...
Derby man: i am sorry to hear that. Could you tell something about any improvements? In my case the effects slowly seem to go away. But not with you? How long ago did you stop? What kind of treatment did your optician suggest? (Do you really mean an optician? isn't an eye doctor a better idea?)
Bdude said on Sat, 3 Dec 2016 at 09:20...
Follow up. Has happened to me six times now. This is what I've learned. Best poppers in the US are from Uspopshops.com. They make the stuff, they are chemists, not distributors. It's fresh it's good. My favorite is the industrial strength. Best bang for the buck. And I've tried most of their stuff. Better than all the other junk that's out there from other companies. Not easy to damage your eyes compared to all the other stuff that's out there.
As far as healing goes: this is what I have learned. abstinence is KEY once you have damaged your eyes. Period !!! After the initial damage you cannot touch poppers. It's like running on a sprained ankle, it will just stay irritated and not heal. Step away for at least three months if you want to enjoy poppers. What has helped me heal immensely is eating kale every day. Lots of it. It's cheap and it is the Best thing for that part of your eye that's been damaged. every time this is happened to me as long as I eat kale and abstain I always heal. I also highly recommend wheatgrass shots. It's the LIVE GREEN that will heal you. the live green will heal you better than any pill or supplement out there. And you will save a ton of cash on all those supplement pills. Of course throw in exercise ,lots of water, healthy lifestyle , sleeping well, exercise , etc. etc. etc. here's the bottom line once the damage has occurred you must abstain for a significant amount of time. Minimum three months. And stay away from junk products. US popshops.com in the United States. The industrial-strength is very good. KALE everyday. Wheatgrass ..2 oz in the morning and I recommend 2 oz in the evening. 4oz a day total. But the abstinence and the kale are the key. Happy healing
Jacktvv said on Sat, 3 Dec 2016 at 14:20...
B dude how long did it take you to no longer have blurred vision when reading, and no more yellow spot in vision?
I'm finding it very hard to work with eye damage after using liquid gold.
Bdude said on Sat, 3 Dec 2016 at 21:01...
The healing is extremely slow. This last time that I have damaged my eyes it has been almost 2 months now and I'm just starting to have progress in the right direction. The last time this happened it took me nine months to be about 90% healed. I have never healed 100% because every time I was almost to 100%, it happened again. I got lax and let my guard down and did too much. I never had what I would consider a yellow spot per se I just had a central vision issue. I had to look directly above something to see letters clearly. If I look directly at letters they were blurry or for example an airplane in the sky would just disappear if I looked at it directly. I don't do rush every day anyway. Maybe on the weekends a couple of sessions. But what is key after damage is not doing it at all for in my opinion at least three months. After that I was able to use it wisely once a week and I still continued to improve. Whereas if I try to use it even a little bit after the initial damage it sent me even further towards more damage. So you cannot use it after damaging your eyes. You have to stay away from it for a while and after you have gained a significant progress to where you can say ,yes my eyes are getting better for sure. Then it's up to you to try to use it just a little bit. But if it hinders your progress in anyway shape or form you must stop. You can only use it if you continue to move towards healing. Otherwise it's going in the wrong direction . but be very very patient it takes a very very very long time to start seeing results. What I did notice is that after about six months the healing begins to get faster. It's like digging yourself out of the sand pit in the beginning. Real slow but picks up speed as time goes by.
Bdude said on Sat, 3 Dec 2016 at 21:06...
I was convinced that the last time this happened would be the last time. I thought this because US pop shops industrial-strength gave me a great buzz and I had used significant, let me say again significant amounts of it in the past year and my eyes continued to heal. I thought that this popper would not damage my eyes at all well one night I got a little crazy and wild and did way way way too much. I was very blue. Not good. And it did damage my eyes. So now I know that even with the industrial-strength from US pop shops if you do tons of it you can damage your eyes. So now I will not let that happen again. So hopefully this will be my final time having this happen and I look forward to healing to 100% I was about 90% healed before this. Healed up so much that it was not a hindrance in my life at all, I had actually forgotten about it. And I had pretty bad Eye damage. I would say on a scale of 1 to 10 definitely an eight. Very severe.
gsb said on Mon, 5 Dec 2016 at 02:32...
Usually immediately after I do poppers (I go through phases on and off for past few years), my vision is a little hard to focus, I have have occasionally noticed a little dot in the center of my vision if i blink quickly, which now i understand after reading this thread. But, generally everything is back to normal within hours. I bet this is probably pretty common among users and usually not noticed or reported.
Chritty said on Mon, 5 Dec 2016 at 08:38...
Been using jungle juice from 4solvents dot com for about 2 years. Although I am not experiencing any symptoms mentioned above, I was told the pressure in my eye was rather high. We will do some further testing this Tuesday. Since receiving that information I have thrown out my poppers.
I'm having trouble finding the exact ingredient used from the poppers mentioned above.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Mon, 5 Dec 2016 at 13:42...
Thanks for all the feedback!
How do you monitor your improvement? Is there a certain test you take regularly which gives a measurable outcome?
I look at certain objects in the distance from my office and try to remember how bad or good it appears.
Looking above and below letters to see them clearly...
Faces blur in the distance...
Reflecting objects very bright...
Does anyone relate usage of poppers with Urinary tract infection, pneunomia, respiratory problems, hay fever? I have the impression it is devastating for your immune system as well....
D Andrew said on Fri, 9 Dec 2016 at 22:18...
I used poppers for a little over 1 year and recently noticed my vision has slowly deteriorated. When I used them I hit it hard causing blue lips / fingers etc but thought it was just temporary side effects doing no lasting damage: stupid I know.
I have now stopped using them, my central vision is good (not as good as it used to be) it's my peripheral vision which has blind spots (both eyes) and it's really worrying me as all the posts I read mention central vision loss, leading me to believe the damage I have caused may be irreversible.
If I watch TV or look at something it's ok, but as soon as I look away from it I have a large area in my vision which is just a black blind spot.
I did get my eyes checked 2 months ago at an opticians to which they said my vision was good, I told them about poppers but they had no idea what it was.
Any help or information on what I may have done would be fantastic as saying I am worrying is a huge understatement.
gsb said on Mon, 12 Dec 2016 at 20:04...
I looked through some case studies on Pub Med (I have access through med school, there are dozens more case studies that aren't publicly published, many from Spain), and it seems that the majority of people recover close to completely after stopping ALL poppers use cold turkey. For the few cases where there was no recovery or limited recovery, there is not enough follow-up time (patients not followed for more than a year), nor any way to tell that these patients did not relapse with their poppers use. Also concurrent eye-related problems, like diabetes, HTN, Glaucoma, etc. were not accounted for.
If you have existing maculopathy, i would not recommend using ANY poppers, not even isobutyl- they all have some effect on the eyes.
D Andrew said on Mon, 12 Dec 2016 at 22:45...
I used Isobutyl and PentylNitriate... but then again who knows what inside these bottles we get sent.
I am cold turkey since the 1st of December, eating blueberries and taking eye supplements but no progress yet, too early to tell I would say.
Just worrying that the general discussion is with central vision loss, but mine is in my peripheral vision which when not looking directly at an object it pretty much disappears. As above any information in regards to peripheral vision loss due to poppers would be appreciated as I am worrying for the future.
Hope everyone above has recovered all eyesight loss, this is awful.
SS said on Tue, 13 Dec 2016 at 01:52...
Another victim here.
Not a regular user, well only for this year.
Bought some TNT from a UK site fucked my eyes as people here has decribed got better then used pure butyl got vision back but when using butyl have the blanked white signs and blank face and really bright light, including the sun, ffs.
Started huffing October (2016) still doing it when drinking, like Motor does (when had a drink) dont know when to stop until it so bad i can't drive O.o
SS said on Tue, 13 Dec 2016 at 02:09...
Only like to huff when I wank or fuck the mrs, only she dont know as I try do it discreetly lol. This shit aint right.
Butyl doesn't seem to give the blackout central vision or black out computer text vision (couldn't read anything) which i had but still makes sensitive to light.
I am borderline diabetic but have regular checks and nothing showed on my last check which was November (2016).
All in all the butyl is fine until messed with the pentyl (in think) so DO NOT TOUCH IT.
Just have to huff like your breathe not sniff it like coke.
Touch wood (lol) my vision improves after about 3/4 days but after an all nighter it is really bad, the artificial lights. So just huff easy or stop completelty which I am going to try and do in the new 17th year.
SS said on Tue, 13 Dec 2016 at 02:19...
Oh forgot to say felt like I was tripping today in the local supermarket where the lights seemed to be so bright and the cars when I was on the way there.
Not nice!!
Felt like I was the only alien there and everyone was lookin at me O.o
Motorhead Sherwood said on Tue, 13 Dec 2016 at 09:13...
gsb: your comments were very comforting and it strengthened my will to kick the habit completely. Thanks for that.
I am interested in those case studies. Could you tell a few things:
- how big was the damage
- how long did it take to recover
- were there any recommendations regarding consumption of certain foods and supplements and vitamins etc?
Anonymous said on Tue, 13 Dec 2016 at 09:20...
and BTW how is poster "Poppers Macolopathy" doing? Anyone has an idea?
D Andrew said on Tue, 13 Dec 2016 at 18:05...
I have seen a doctor today, who referred me to the hospital regarding my eye sight. The hospital checked my field of vision, eye pressure, optic nerve, back of eyes etc... but found nothing which was a relief, but as My tunnel vision still troubles me I guess only time will tell like many others have said above.
I will keep you updated on progress, vowed to myself to not touch the stuff again as vision is too precious and should not be taken for granted.
Thanks for the information SS, wish you a fast recovery Motörhead,
All the best
Ronaldo BR said on Fri, 16 Dec 2016 at 20:03...
Hey Guys, greetings from Brazil. I´m a new victim of poppers maculopathy and started to take the supplements recommended by junior eye doctor. Simon, Jako UK and Junior Eye Doctor… thank you so much!!!! You have been my main source of information and I´ve started to share with friends about the risks and damaged caused by poppers. A lot of them tried some self examination and realized that they are in the beginning of the damage process.
I´m gonna share with you the evolution of my recovery!!!!
Ronaldo BR said on Fri, 16 Dec 2016 at 20:06...
BTW, I already did all the exams and now I´m gonna frequently check the evolution with the doctor.
D Andrew said on Sun, 18 Dec 2016 at 23:23...
19 days since stopping poppers and progress is here, I have regained some of my lost field vision, blind spots are noticeable smaller... I can enter supermarkets without feeling blinded by lights.
Eyes are still bloodshot red, headaches come and go... vision isn't as sharp as I would like it to be but still early days.
It's hard. wanking without poppers is like chicken dinner without chicken !
Richard said on Tue, 20 Dec 2016 at 13:47...
Hi all,
I have had similar problems.
I've started a secret group on Facebook (so none of our friends will be able to see it or that we're in it) which I thought we could use to support each other with abstinence and to monitor improvements.
If you'd like to be added to this group please email me richrawlings@icloud.com and I will add you.
geoeco said on Thu, 29 Dec 2016 at 10:20...
Tried fresh Amsterdam poppers a couple of nights ago-last time i used was a couple of months ago,same brand,meaning that i m not a regular user-suddenly while in the process i realized a blurred vision and stopped immediatly.At first i thought i might had kind of irritation from the gas out of the small bottle and washed my face with soap and water but it didn t go away...Symptoms the same as described above.Hope we all get well as soon as possible.
And please let's spread the message.
Don t have a facebook to follow this group,hope some of us will continue every now and then leaving a post here.
Happy healthy year
D Andrew said on Tue, 3 Jan 2017 at 16:18...
I have kept off poppers for 34 days now and seeing improvements, however it's difficult, the temptation to sniff again is getting to me.
My question - has anyone suffered withdrawal symptoms when refraining from poppers I.e Dizzyness, tiredness, depersonalisation etc
I have not felt myself for the past few days and wondered if it's down to poppers ?
Motorhead Sherwood said on Wed, 4 Jan 2017 at 10:53...
Hi, Andrew. I, for one, have never experienced any withdrawal symptoms. And this is the first time I hear about it (concerning poppers).
Try to resist the temptation!
I have forgotten to mention another even scarier phenomenon regarding eye sight: I have noticed on two occasions the appearances of "water bubbles": it appears as if part of my vision is seen through a large drop of water. Very spooky. It lasted 15 minutes or so.
Stay off of those chemicals!
D Andrew said on Sat, 7 Jan 2017 at 14:06...
Thanks for the reply Sherwood, much appreciated.
I think this recent unwell feeling is related to a virus or flu.. bad tinitus in my ears, dizziness, cold & shortness of breathe
I have not experienced water bubbles, but I do have floaters in my left eye which appear more when looking at plain white surfaces - never had these prior to poppers.
D Bob said on Sun, 8 Jan 2017 at 07:56...
Hello and all...
I never connected my eye problems with popper use...until I found this forum.
I never had anything wrong with my eyes until I tried some product in China. I developed what seem to be an allergic reaction : red itchy eyes, blurred vision. I tried antihistamines with very little effect....
Anyone else had anything similar?
D Andrew said on Mon, 9 Jan 2017 at 14:14...
Let myself down yesterday... Gave in to the temptation & sniffed some while watching porn...
I was careful, hasn't affected my vision as sniffed 4-5 times over the space of an hour and everything remains to look the same, poInt is I was doing so well for over a month & gave in!
I feel so down about it which is a good thing as it should help me not do it again ! Poppers suck !!!! Wondering if I am the only one who has had a poppers relapse while trying to stay away from them ?
Motorhead Sherwood said on Tue, 10 Jan 2017 at 08:58...
As for "poppers relapse": the same thing with me. I am able to stay of the stuff for several weeks and then in a moment of weakness I give in and take a few puffs. And I hate myself afterwards. But the rush feels so good...
My advice: do not have it in your house, do not get drunk and then go cruise, if you still find youryelf sniffing: climax quickly (then the craving will be over)
Motorhead Sherwood said on Tue, 10 Jan 2017 at 09:02...
As for "allergic reaction": I doubt that it is really an allergic reaction, Bob. The blurred vision is a known phenomon and can be attibuted to loss of photoreceptors and extrmely low blood pressure. The redness and itch is new to me. See your doctor, if you worry!
D Andrew said on Wed, 11 Jan 2017 at 20:22...
Yea I feel your pain sherwood, It's very difficult. I'm going to focus on exercise & steer clear of porn altogether.
I forgot to mention on my first comment, has anyone else experienced hearing loss? My hearing is noticeably worse along with bad tinnitus! Not to mention memory loss.
Feeling very down at the moment, I have become dependant on a drug which has ruined my body. Sick of feeling spaced out with poor vision!!
I hope I recover fully from this.
test said on Thu, 12 Jan 2017 at 09:07...
Motorhead Sherwood said on Thu, 12 Jan 2017 at 09:10...
as for hearing loss: I attribute bouts of tinnitus to poppers (but of course I do not know for sure)
as for memory loss: I attribute it to alcohol
for all of you who read to this point: it is absolutey clear that poppers can have horrible side effects and it is hard to abstain or recover.
D Andrew said on Thu, 12 Jan 2017 at 11:38...
I ended up in hospital last night, As I tried to fall asleep, all of a sudden my heart rate boosted and I couldn't feel my limbs... I felt out of sorts & got a taxi to the hospital in sheer panic.
My HR was 149, took over 2 hours to reduce with breathing techniques & IV, my arms and legs tremored & my hands clasped shut like claws due to oxygen/calcium shortage. I got quizzed on relational drugs but denied it through shame (they probably knew anyway.)
I was sent home 4hours later, heart rate returned to normal levels, oxygen levels normal, blood pressure normal but still feel dazed, out of sorts, slow - I am so worried I have damaged my brain / nervous system... I have read for hours about inhalants damaging the brain so I have probably wound myself up more.
geoeco said on Thu, 12 Jan 2017 at 23:15...
D Andrew,did you use poppers before all these...?
Motoerhead Sherwood said on Fri, 13 Jan 2017 at 08:21...
For fuck's sake Andrew: kick the habit!
I assume this all happened after using poppers? How much, how long, which brand?
My personal opinion is that things will slowly get back to where they were healthwise. But you should really stop using poppers. And stop worrying and reading about it.
And BTW: always tell those docters everything you know about your situation. This is the only way they can correctly asses your situation. Incorrect and maybe dangerous treatment could follow if they are unaware of your drug use. (They've seen some weird shit coming in at the emergency room. A doctor once told me about a man who "fell on a shampoo bottle" to explain why the lid of a bottle was up his bum...)
Motorhead Sherwood said on Fri, 13 Jan 2017 at 08:26...
oh and keep us informed about your situation. If you want to, you could mail me at: MotorheadSherwood@hotmail.com
Things will be a-ok. But try coffee as a drug instead...
D Andrew said on Fri, 13 Jan 2017 at 10:34...
Geoeco - I used them 48 hours before that happened
I have used them for just under 2 years, bought from PoppersRus (Jungle Juice Platinum) I only use them when watching porn so can get carried away with high dosage. Averaged use once or twice a week.
I tried going cold turkey as above but gave in on Monday & used a small amount which seems to have really messed me up ! Mentally more than anything else! I can't sleep, eyes are back to being blurred, tinnitus in my ears, hands shaking, monster headache along with constant dazed feeling..
I know I said it before, but this really is the end of poppers for me... I will keep you updated.
JR said on Sat, 14 Jan 2017 at 11:39...
4 days ago I sniffed too hard and I have lost colour vision and everything is sepia and blurry. I guess it was the only way I would stop using them.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Mon, 16 Jan 2017 at 08:16...
@JR: that effect is new to me. Could you keep us informed about your progress?
@Andrew: how are things now? Survived the weekend?
D Andrew said on Mon, 16 Jan 2017 at 14:40...
Hi MSherwood, thanks for checking up on me I haven't told anyone around me about this so it's nice to actually have some sort of release.
I feel better, eyes still unfocused, feeling disoriented / anxiety, but overall better. How are you anyway? When was your last sniff & do you have any side effects ?
I have given up poppers / porn... deleted the stash I had which was hard as it was awesome!
New year, new me
geoeco said on Mon, 16 Jan 2017 at 22:39...
D Andrew it s good to read that you are better!
I deleted the porn stuff I had,too...
Can watch rapid videos if I want a jerk relief without poppers and not that often anymore.Plus that my 'apetite' for sentimental release towards another man has increased-if you know what I mean...Regarding my vision the progress exists but it is slow.
Hope we all are healthy and happy!!!
D Andrew said on Mon, 16 Jan 2017 at 23:46...
Thanks Geoeco, Im a straight guy with a girlfriend so no doubt she will see an increase in the bedroom over the coming weeks !
I guess it takes a game changer like ending up in A&E to make one realise enough is enough. I will check back from month to month, let you guys know how things are & see your progress, All the best.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Tue, 17 Jan 2017 at 08:27...
I hate myself for it but this year on two occasions (jan 5 jan 12) I sniffed some. Although it is absolutely clear that the stuff is dangerous, it is very hard to abstain. I regulalry have sex with other men and the sniffing gets me real horny. Without it, I don't enjoy it as much.
The adventures of D Andrew and other things I read (like the sepia thing from JR) should serve as a real warning. Yesterday I had sex with no drugs. I was very tempted, but resisted. So Geo and Andrew: let's keep each other informed and on the right track...
My eye sight is slowly recovering each time. But I have been somewhat disoriented for months now. Dizzy. Hard to explain.
Angry Poppins said on Thu, 19 Jan 2017 at 17:57...
Hello to all,
This is a great forum and have learned a lot. I am a semi healthy 42 male living in the U.S. I have been experimenting with poppers for a few months. I would say I have used them maybe 6 to 8 times over the IT CAN MAKE YOU GO BLIND!!!
last six months as provided from my regular bud. Last evening I bought my very first 2 bottles. It was explained that one was stronger than the other and there were no additives. The brands were Fukker and Boot Camp I believe. I have previously used jungle juice and as a side effect there was a mild form of chest congestion that lasted no more than 24 hours after use but is never had an impact on vision. Last night during my regular meet with my bud, we used both brands and snorted maybe 20 times over a 90 minute period. The feeling was great, a nice head rush and dizziness. BUT, I noticed in the already darkened room my vision was distorted. There was a blue dot in my central eye when I tried to focus. It seemed to becoming from my right eye and a mild distortion in my left eye.
I noticed on the drive home at night, when looking at house and street lamps that it seemed like the lights were flickering and fading when looking directly at them. I also still felt rather dizzy even though I hadn't taken a snort of popper for at least twenty minutes. Road signs were almost unreadable, as I could see letters via my peripheral vision, but was unable to focus on the letters themselves. I had an hour drive, as I got home, my vision had not improved.
Waking up I assumed that my vision would be back to normal, but it is not. NOW I am worried. When I turned on the morning news, the TV seemed to have a glare that I couldn't escape. I noticed even looking outside that I had difficulty focusing directly on a subject. The sensation is that of looking at a bright light for too long, and then looking away and not being able to see things directly.
I am encouraged by news that others vision has been restored. I will post weekly to update my progress. I am going to follow others peoples leads, by first NEVER DOING POPPERS AGAIN. Also taking supplements to aid in eye recovery. If this worsens or does not improve, this could cost me my job. This is scary stuff. Good Luck to all, Please take warning here, Abusing poppers is not worth it. RESEARCH BEFORE USING POPPERS!!!! WARNING IT CAN MAKE YOU GO BLIND!!!
geoeco said on Thu, 19 Jan 2017 at 22:37...
Angry Poppins it's natural feeling angry... Just remember you are not alone and it's good you are going to take supplements! Just be patient and positive-you will surely get better!!!Let us know
Motorhead Sherwood said on Fri, 20 Jan 2017 at 08:26...
Angry Poppins: don't panic. Your vision will probably but slowly improve. The vision problems that you desribed are recognizable to many. I've had them too and it is scary. But in my case (as in many caes) it improved... Best thing for you is to abstain completely. Get those luteine pills. Monitor improvement. And see an eye doctor.
xrd said on Mon, 23 Jan 2017 at 01:22...
Haven't used poppers since the 90's but even then on IBN I started to get problems with loss of central vision. I guess I must have been most sensitive to the problem because until I found this page I never heard of anyone else. Thank goodness I never tried the newer products. Now I just have spinal problems, diabetes, replacement knees and nerve damage to worry about. The eye problem never lasted more than a couple of weeks each time.
D Andrew said on Thu, 26 Jan 2017 at 13:54...
On the mend, very slowly recovering, still feeling out of sorts etc not much to report.
Something bugging me, eye floaters ! I have quite a few of them which are becoming increasingly irritating, will or can they disappear after poppers use or am I now stuck with these for life ? I had perfect vision prior to poppers use.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Fri, 27 Jan 2017 at 08:21...
Andrew: thanks for the update.
As for the floaters: I don't think they are caused by poppers. But I am sorry to say that they will not go away. There is no cure. I have them as well, and initially it is enormously frustrating. But you'll learn to live with them.Trust me.
D Andrew said on Sat, 28 Jan 2017 at 18:38...
That's a real gutter, I never had them prior to this. Overall my vision isn't great which I hope improves like all have mentioned above. Still feeling out of sorts, occasional rised heart rate for no reason, body overheating & sweats... Just riding the storm prayImg it gets better
If I have fucked my body I only have my self to blame. 2 weeks and 3 days since last poppers use.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Fri, 3 Feb 2017 at 08:19...
Quick update: things continue to improve. It is rather dark outside since it is winter. That helps. But I seem to have less problems with phosphenes. Havent had a sniff in over two weeks. Though tthe temptation was there. I am very interested in the progress of some of the older posters...
Dr Hole-Bust said on Sat, 4 Feb 2017 at 10:48...
OMG! STAY AWAY GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just been diagnosed this week with the condition. Never been a heavy user; couple of wiffs with a wank and maybe ten upon deliverance of an anal annihilation session, maybe once a month, or every two months for the last three years and I wake up the next day blue and with central vision damage, which appears to me like I have stared at a light bulb for a couple of seconds, but left with the last stage of visual disruption constantly. Went to Brighton Eye hospital, as advised by my optician, having gone in for an eye test. Going back for another eye scan in a month to look for improvement. This happened four weeks ago. Things have improved already. What I am left with is manageable. TV needs to be a little less bright, along with computer screens and i-phone. Very upsetting, creating a lot of anxiety. But, I can cope with this. My consultant wants to use my eye scans in a medical editorial as this is so new to them. No treatment available as they don´t know how to treat it. Lets just hope these tissues will renew themselves. As a light user with my symptoms I can only imagine with horror, what a heavy user could suffer from. QUIT SNIFFING THIS SHIT NOW FFS - YOU ARE LOST WITHOUT YOUR EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Motorhead Sherwood said on Mon, 6 Feb 2017 at 11:34...
Welcome to the club, DHB.
Don't worry too much: things will improve, but slowly (as you know by now i guess). You could refer Brighton Eye Hospital to this forum that contains a lot of info and relevant links to scientific journals.
You could try to get some luteine for yourself. That seems to help.
I for one am hoping for a complete recovery. But I wonder how long it will take. Still no central vision as I used to have (but manageable now). Reflections and iphone screens manageable (but not as it is supposed to be)
Keep us informed!
Motorhead Sherwood said on Thu, 9 Feb 2017 at 08:57...
geoeco, D Andrew, Angry Poppins:
could you give a quick update on your situation?
I have the impression that things initially improve quickly (matter of weeks) but after that there is only very slow progress (or even none).
Jake1 said on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 at 22:17...
Any updates on recovery by anyone on the earlier posts?
D Andrew said on Tue, 14 Feb 2017 at 18:05...
Unfortunately I do not have any progress, over a month since last use and it's still the same.
Huge blind spot in both eyes, skin around my eyes has a purple/green tinge, not only this, My heart starts beating unusually fast at least once a day making me feel dreadful (over 100bpm resting) which I never experienced prior to using. My mind is still spacey with poor memory along with always feeling fatigued.
blood test came back normal, eye tests normal, blood pressure normal. All organ levels normal.
I used to sniff roughly 20-40 times over the space of 1hr 30mins, deep inhales, lips blue, fingers blue etc
This was done almost weekly for 2 years.
Can you guys inform me of your usage to compare, as at the moment it's all I can think I have done differently to have such drastic effects over a month later. I'm feeling pretty low at the moment, wishing things change quickly.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Thu, 16 Feb 2017 at 09:12...
D Andrew
Very bad news for you and I feel your pain.
My usage was roughly as follows:
Started in 2004. I guess a bottle a month. Sniffing a dozen times per session or so. A sessions being like 45 minutes. Two sessions a week or so. No problems for years.
Around 2008 or 2009 i guess, I started to get insanely blue after usage and I felt somewhat dizzy. But the effects very quickly disappeared.
I continued to use it for two or three sessions a week, but somehow I seemed to be needing more to reach the
same effect, so I guess at times I emptied half a bottle (the small Rush) but mostly I would say about 20 huffs or so. I felt my bloodpressure drop and there was a very clear blind spot in my central vision. But it all came back to normal in a day or so it seemed.
A few years ago for the first time I really overdid it and for 6 months I stopped completely. After that things seemed to be ok and I picked up my old habit (hate myself for it). There were still 2 sessions a week, but i had cut it down to usually just a few puffs per session.
Last month I quit completely and I will never use it again, having read the horror stories on this and other websites. And now being genuinely scared of that stuff...
So now i have manageable eye problems but my central vision certainly while looking at bright things is noticeable not ok. I just hope it will return to normal in a few months.
Andrew: remember that most if not all people with this condition improve over time to back where they once were (sort of).
I regulary check this website and I am really curious about the long term effects.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Thu, 16 Feb 2017 at 09:23...
Further info and correction: The last two years (after picking up the habit) I had two sessions *a month* (not a week)
I took notes of my usage. These are the dates (19-1 = jan 19th).Between brackets the number of huffs approx.
19-1-2016 (10)
3-2-2016 (5)
9-2-2016 (20)
16-2-2016 (10)
24-2-2016 (20)
1-3-2016 (5)
10-3-2016 (20)
19-3-2016 (5)
4-4-2016 (5)
22-4-2016 (30)
10-5-2016 (5)
13-5-2016 (5)
22-5-2016 (5)
30-5-2016 (5)
8-6 -2016 (20)
10-6-2016 (30)
16-6 (10)
12-7-2016 (whole bottle)
13-7-2016 (20)
28-7-2016 (20)
29-7-2016 (30)
6-10-2016 (1)
10-10-2016 (10)
x-10-2016 (20)
17-11-2016 (10)
D Andrew said on Thu, 16 Feb 2017 at 10:42...
Thanks for the reply Sherwood, much appreciated.
Interesting to read your usage, thanks for the insight. How much improvement have you seen ?
You have central vision problems like most others but mine is in my peripheral vision... I have researched my blind spot and it sounds identical to a Scotoma
"A partial loss of vision or blind spot in an otherwise normal visual field."
Something I never had prior to poppers.
The size of the blind spot has not reduced and is pitch black so my worry is it will not return, it's in both eyes, had my eyes checked which apparently they are showing no signs of damage so my thinking is I may have damaged my brain in some way as inhalants are apparently one of the harshest drugs on the brain.
Not only that, having heart palpitations, poor concentration & fatigue daily. All I can do is ride the waves and hope for the best !
Also, my guess is the earlier people who posted here have kicked the habit completely, improved so much they no longer feel the need to check back here as they are happy with their recovery status.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Fri, 17 Feb 2017 at 09:21...
- improvement was quick initially and I believe (well, hope) very slowly reflecting objects and bright skies are returning to normal
- i indeed have the "normal" central vision loss. You seem to struggle with something else. Lord knows what was in that bottle...
- The reason why people don't report back could also be that they have accepted the situation and know they are to blame themselves and that there is nothing you can do about it...
(two indivduals contacted me via email, one gave an update on his situation: hardly any improvement anymore)
Gardin said on Mon, 20 Feb 2017 at 17:31...
First message here.
Straight, 24yo male here.
I've started to use poppers 2 years ago in parties mixed with alcohol and sometimes cocain (not for sexual enhencer). In November 2015, i sniffed a lot of poppers (half a bottle) and the next morning I had a huge black dot in the central vision. I started to freak out but this thread really help me. The eye doctor knew about this condition and tell me to wait 6 months and come back if I'm not cured.
It took around 3 months to recover at 95% (without medecine). You never totally recover from this, the black dot dissapear but the sun in summer kills my eyes now... My eyes are really light sensitive.
Even so I was happy to feel better and as a pure dumbass I've started to sniff again. Saturday night big party with alcohol, cocain and poppers. I've sniffed a bit (maybe 8 - 10 sniff), and the next morning, the dot just reappeared. I'm lucky because it's way smaller than the first I had in 2015 but still... I think it will take one month to recover.
This time I'll try to eat bilberry, I hope it will faster the healing process. I will update when I'll see improvement.
Now I'm done with poppers, it's too dangerous and I can loose my job because of this crap.
This thread must not die, it's important for the moral support and advice.
My english is not so good sorry
Motorhead Sherwood said on Wed, 22 Feb 2017 at 09:02...
Hi Gardin
Thanks for sharing the information. This forum is indeed a help for me and others.
You wrote: "You never totally recover from this (...)". Is this your opinion or did the eye doctor tell you this?
My eye sight has improved immensely, but (like you, i guess) reflecting surfaces in the sun (like faces or traffic signs) are still not what they ought to be.
I really am curious about the effects of very long term abstination...
Gardin said on Wed, 22 Feb 2017 at 18:17...
Hi Motorhead
You got it right. When I say "you never totally recover", I think your eyes will not be like they used to be before the damage. The black dot dissapear, but the eyes still getting hurt by heavy light, like the sun in summer (I can't look at blue sky without sunglasses). Beside this, you can have a normal life.
I'm curious too about the long term. Beside the light sensivity, I had no side effects between my 2 damages (1 year), but it's not like it used to be.
I don't know if bilberries have boosted the healing process, but this time I get lucky. The dot almost dissapeared !
Got my eyes checked yesterday: 8 on left eye and 10 on the right eye (10 is the normal level for an eye).
I will update.
D Andrew said on Thu, 23 Feb 2017 at 20:59...
Hey guys,
Still no solid improvement... Eyes still have the black blindspots either side of my vision, when looking at white walls or the sky I can see floaters & small circular droplets which are all across my field of view.
6 weeks since last use so maybe I am being hard on myself, but I feel I should be seeing some good improvement as I eat healthy, including blueberries & All eye supplements as suggested in previous posts.
Daily migraines are bugging me, fuzzy mind is slightly better, memory has minimal improvement, daily tasks are bearable only just. I still get random racing heart moments for no apparent reason which is worrying considering I never suffered any heart issues prior to using poppers.
Note: Anyone else noticed when using poppers the skin under eyes turns purple / indented ? Well, my under eye skin seems to remain this colour which I thought would have faded by now.
peter said on Sun, 26 Feb 2017 at 14:21...
For those who find it hard to abstain... vist a Narcotics Anonymous meeting.
I know, you're thinking: it's not a narcotic, it's... well, whatever you think the substance is, this forums shows, that even those who know its dangers, are still craving it.
NA meetings help stay away. Goodluck.
freaked said on Tue, 28 Feb 2017 at 14:23...
Gardin, can you work on a computer without the screen being too bright?
Motorhead Sherwood said on Wed, 1 Mar 2017 at 08:11...
Thanks for the update, Andrew.
You really seem to be suffering from something else. I do not recogonize your complaints and I haven't seen them mentioned in other posts.
The only change in my skin was that it turned ridicuously blue all over my body (especially fingers). This blueness lasted for about 2 or 3 hours and then disappeared completely.
There was nothing particular to be seen in the skin under my eyes.
I am 6 weeks clean and by now I am sure I will abstain for ever.
There seems to be very very slow progress...
Motorhead Sherwood said on Wed, 1 Mar 2017 at 09:56...
The following recently published article contains a lot of interesting information: The prevalence of visual symptoms in poppers users: a global survey (http://bmjophth.bmj.com/content/1/1/1)
E.g."Of the ‘last year’ users, when asked the question: ‘Do you think poppers use has affected your eyesight?’, 29 (2.2%) people responded ‘yes’, 130 (10.0%) responded ‘maybe’ and 1146 (87.8%) responded ‘no (17 people did not answer). "
"As age increased, respondents were more likely to report ‘maybe’ instead of ‘yes’ that the use of poppers affected eyesight. "
"Of the 53 participants who ceased using poppers during the past year, 27 (51%) reported that their symptoms disappeared, 4 (7%) stated that their symptoms got worse and the remaining 22 (42%) reported that their symptoms remained despite ceasing their use of poppers."
D Andrew said on Wed, 1 Mar 2017 at 16:18...
Well, that sucks!
Motorhead Sherwood said on Thu, 2 Mar 2017 at 11:43...
Well... of the 53 people who used poppers last year, but ceased use during that year, 27 claim complete recovery and 10 partial recovery. I wonder what those percentages would be another year later.
On an unrelated note: can someone open a new topic that refers to this one? I am unable to do it and I think it would be a great idea to broaden the audience...
Eye Problem said on Sat, 4 Mar 2017 at 14:39...
Motorhead, wrote you an email.
Jayc said on Sat, 4 Mar 2017 at 21:51...
I used Jungle Juice about 10 times between July 2016 and December 2016. This was one big snif, or 2. I do not know the chemicals that are inside this brand for sure, but it seems not to be isoprobyl. But few days after the last weekend when I used it ( December 2016), I suddenly noticed a clear deterioration in my sight, both close and long distance, for one eye only. I noticed it when I close one eye when looking at a presentation. I did not link it to the poppers used in the weekend before I noticed the change because I was unaware of the possible relation at that moment (I found out end February 2017). So I went to the shop where I buy my glasses and they confirmed an unexpected sight deterioration. I come there once in a while and my eyes always were quite stable. They sent me to a special eye doctor. I can not formally prove it was the usage of poppers, but I suspect it because of the other stories that I did read here. Altough the people here seem to have problems with both eyes?
A Very Stupid Sissy said on Thu, 9 Mar 2017 at 00:04...
Used poppers for about two years, maybe once a week but then almost daily near the end. Never had any problems in that span. Eventually without warning, around new years this year I woke up with blurry vision and floaters/black spots. Last use was a few days before new years, and it's now march and I still have floaters and light sensitivity. The floaters are extremely distracting when trying to read text on a computer screen with a white background. The blurry vision is mostly gone but it seems to vary with how much eye strain I've had during the day.
To me it's extremely obvious that this only happens with the alternative formula. The bottle that gave me problems was from my local sex shop, and was regular Rush, but it smelled and felt different than normal.
Disappointing that the exact same brand and source suddenly changed on me and 1 use fucked me up, but I knew it was a risk. Poppers were the only thing that ever completely gave me relief, albeit briefly, from my self-hate about being queer and in the closet and I guess I'm being punished for my inability to accept who I am.
Every singe time I notice the floaters I get depressed and think about killing myself. It's hard to imagine being 70 years old and still having a reminder that you crippled yourself in your 20's. I worry about deterioration over time as well. But who gives a shit right? It looks like the world is ending with current events anyways.
I hope you all have better luck than I have, the Lutein supplements seemed to help a bit but I'm giving up on ever seeing improvements for myself. It seems like most people in the thread have seen more significant progress than I have, so if this just happened to you don't panic.
If you get the urge to use poppers again I suggest coming and reading this thread, and then looking at a plain white computer screen to remind yourself why you shouldn't.
Also thanks to Junior eye doctor for giving a lot of very scared people some hope.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Thu, 9 Mar 2017 at 08:26...
AVSS: calm down and don't panick (and don't kill yourself)
As for the floaters: apparently there is a minority of users that attribute the sudden appearance of floaters to the use of poppers. When you first see them, they are extremely annoying (to say the least) and you think you'll never get used to them. But you *will* get used to them. Like I have. Thirty-odd years ago I found out that I have floaters. It really depressed me, but after a few years I hardly noticed them anymore. This a common for sensitive people with floaters: initially panick and depression, but acceptance over time...
So the blurry vision is slowly disappearing? That is good news!
I guess the light sensitivity is something that only very slowly disappears. (I really do wish that the older posters would give an update on their situation)
Do see an eye doctor, anyway.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Thu, 9 Mar 2017 at 10:02...
To all: read this forum http://poppersguide.com/forum/10266.
Similar stories there. And a few very hopeful stories as well. Basically this: stop using them en you will heal over time (it takes months)
D Andrew said on Fri, 10 Mar 2017 at 10:16...
A very stupid sissy - I am in the same boat, similar usage, over the same time, and now hating myself. I also have floaters which we now have for life unless the brain learns to ignore them.
I really hope we haven't ruined our lives (also in 20s)
Motorhead sheerwood - Latest on your journey / progress ?
Motorhead Sherwood said on Mon, 13 Mar 2017 at 08:58...
Slow, very slow, improvement...
Motorhead Sherwood said on Thu, 16 Mar 2017 at 09:02...
A very stupid sissy: how are things now?
Motorhead Sherwood said on Tue, 4 Apr 2017 at 08:14...
Quick update: i have been clean since jan 19th (and taking blue berry and luteine) and there is noticable progress. My eyes are still too sensitive to bright lights etc, but slowly things are getting better. Today is a bright and sunny day but i don't experience the known problems with the same magnitude as say two months ago.
So I hope D Andrew, Sissy, geoeco, Angry Poppins, Gardin et al are also recovering. An update on your situation would be great.
D Andrew said on Thu, 6 Apr 2017 at 16:21...
Since stopping poppers from the 9th of January I have taken luteine, bilberry and other macular tablets, however my symptoms are still the same.
Floaters in my vision, peripheral blurriness accompanied by blind spot in both eyes, sensitive to lights both outdoor & indoor.
I am extremely upset, I have visited A&E eye doctors 3 times over the past 6 months but none have found any problems with my vision. I assume when you guys visited eye doctors they found problems?
I am left worrying that I have damaged my brain in some way. Potentially ruined my health in my 20's and will be stuck like this for the rest of my life !
Motorhead Sherwood said on Fri, 7 Apr 2017 at 08:29...
D Andrew
i don't think A&E eye doctors have the right equipment or perhaps not the right training to spot the problem (or the time or willingness to help you). I went to an optometrist and he made an OCT, but he didn't find anything disturbing. Maybe you need more advanced devices or a doctor with more knowledge about these matters (I assume A&E doctors see people with eye wounds, not cases like yours). I really advice to see a real opthalmologist. Oh, btw, I also went to a regular optician and he did notice that there could be something wrong with my macula (and another optician didn't notice a thing).
I really do feel sorry for you, and I am happy that my problems are relatively mild and seeming to go away... I could easily be in your situation. Again: seek professional advice (not A&E). Brain damage is not impossible, but in this case too: seek real medical help.
Maybe you can find some solace in other people's stories and that sceintific article that I refered to earlier: most people get better within a year!
Hang on and please update after a month or so...
D Andrew said on Fri, 7 Apr 2017 at 16:36...
Thanks for replying M.Sherwood,
A&E have recently referred me to the ophthalmologist but it's a 4 month waiting list, not sure how I can see one sooner? What should I expect when I see one compared to A&E/Opticians ?
I figured the eye doctors in A&E who looked at the front/back of the eye could see everything hence when they said all looked good I have searched other avenues. After much research online poppers fall into the 'inhalants' catagory which many health professionals deem to have irreversible effects on the brain & other organs in the body. Not saying your wrong, just putting it out there.
I would class my poppers use as moderate as other people have used them for 10+ years, I used them for 2 years, most weeks, but I did get carried away and sniffed heavily in quick succession which must be why I am having these effects.
Effects are;
tinnitus in both ears
constant burst blood vessels in both eyes
blind spot in both eyes (scotoma)
blurry peripheral vision (especially under bright lights)
Floaters (spots & cobwebs)
tingling fingers (numbness)
Poor concentration
short term memory loss
Any input from other users regarding the above would be greatly appreciated as I am beside myself, I struggle daily & anything to put me at ease would be amazing as I'm a nervious wreak.
D Andrews said on Sat, 8 Apr 2017 at 07:48...
Here's some reading for you Motorhead Sherwood
anon said on Sat, 8 Apr 2017 at 18:44...
Hi, my story - I sniffed rush poppers on Tuesday and have had the blinding flash since. At first I couldn't see faces in the street unless they were close but I have since seen an improvement. Today is now Saturday and I still have the blinding flash to some extent but have seen an improvement since Tuesday. Computer screen and fine text is still blurry and difficult to read and my eyes are really light sensitive. When I shut my eyes I can still see the flash a tiny bit.
I have been pretty anxious about this and unsure if it will ever go away. After reading other peoples stories I am slightly comforted.
I am a very mild user and will never use again.
At the moment, I haven't seen anyone about this, working on the assumption that no one can really do anything anyway and slightly embarrassed, lol.
I have been taking "vital eyes" from H&B since Thursday. Can anyone tell me if the flash has disappeared for them and how long this takes?
popped out said on Mon, 10 Apr 2017 at 18:41...
I have the flash and Computer screen and fine text is still blurry and difficult to read and my eyes are really light sensitive. When I shut my eyes I can still see the flash a tiny bit.(copied since its exact). My job requires me to look at a monitor all day.. Last use was Saturday, The Thursday was heavy usage, been months before then and only was once or twice. Been taking the Lutein 50mg for 2 days. How long before a success story? Also considering class action lawsuit if anyone is interested.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Tue, 11 Apr 2017 at 08:09...
don't take poppers anymore, continue to use "vital eyes" (if there is luteine in it), live healthily and I guess you'll be fine. It can take a few months... You still could try see an eye doctor, though. I still have the blinding flash, but it seems to get better over time. You'll be fine
@popped out: stop sniffing! That is the only real solution. Luteine is good, but curing takes months! Don't treat it as if it were a headache after a night of boozing. This is different and maybe permanene!! As for "class action law suit": good luck (irony). You could scroll back several months and there was this guy with the same idea. I wondered how that turned out...
Motorhead Sherwood said on Tue, 11 Apr 2017 at 08:27...
D Andrew
Thanks for your respons. The article you cited contains these lines:
"Indeed, the results of an ophthalmological examination may be considered normal if the careful search for a yellow foveal spot and damage to foveal cone outer segments has not been carefully done. In this regard, the recent availability of spectral-domain OCT technology considerably facilitated such diagnosis because of the higher speed of acquisition and of the higher resolution."
I think this is the reason why A&E didn't see anything wrong with your eyes. An ophthalmologist has better equipment, more training and more time to investigate you. He/She might find something the others missed... It might not be brain damage after all. If the eye doctor doesn't find anything, let him refer you to a neurologist.
Floaters and tinnitus are ver common in the population and you'll get used to them. It is not a health hazard. The specific effects on the eyes that you mention are worse than most report, but in essence the same. I guess in your case blood pressure plays a role as well. Panicking about your situation doesn't help, but makes things worse... This also could be the reason for memory loss etc. The eye doctor might have some medicine that also adresses the blood pressure part of your problems.
I am not a doctor so my words mean nothing, but when you start to google your illness (whatever it is) you always wind up to have terminal cancer. So be carefull on the net!
Keep us informed. I will update irregularly as well.
(And if his forum has been shut down : motorheadsherwood@hotmail.com)
popped out said on Tue, 11 Apr 2017 at 14:02...
Ive stopped, and if it has been permanent for anyone, has glasses or contacts been able to correct the issue?
Motorhead Sherwood said on Wed, 12 Apr 2017 at 06:20...
@popped out: no glasses can't correct this (it wouldn't be such a problem otherwise)
D Andrew said on Wed, 12 Apr 2017 at 19:33...
Let's hope this raises awareness, recent study from DailyMail
A Very Stupid Sissy said on Fri, 14 Apr 2017 at 19:38...
It's been about 3 months now and I haven't really seen any improvement. Less eye strain to some degree, but the black spots/floaters are still there if look at a white wall, computer screen or white sidewalk. It's pretty upsetting but I didn't mean to make such a negative post previously. Everybody clearly has different reactions/effects to this but I'm trying to mentally prepare myself to live with this for the rest of my life.
To everybody reading this thread though, I hope you have better luck that I have, and anybody who is reading this who hasn't had any issues yet....please just stop now. It's not worth it.
D Andrew: I really won't post anything from the daily mail. Studies need to be done obviously but I wouldn't trust anything from that garbage publication.
Also fwiw, thinking back I'm fairy sure it was actually jungle juice that did me in not rush but it's kind of moot.
Good luck everyone.
Chris said on Sat, 15 Apr 2017 at 23:30...
Hi all,
My last use was in late March, was using jungle juice and have been using for 6 months. The last few occasions I used JJ was somewhat regularly. I now have sensitivity to lights, floaters and what can be described as smallish lights swarming within my vision. I am hoping this is something that will rectify over time. I am now getting headaches dizziness from lights both indoors and out. Have started taking the supplements as recommended by eye dr.
Btw my OCT scans came back clear so I am hoping that's a good sign...fingers crossed.
Anyone else reading this, stay off that stuff. It feels great but not worth it!
Chris said on Tue, 18 Apr 2017 at 07:58...
Dear Andrews: I think you and I have the same symptoms. Most likely a result of the light sensitivity. Keep us posted with how you go, I will do the same.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Tue, 18 Apr 2017 at 10:54...
Hi Chris
What kind of person looked at your OCT?
Chris said on Tue, 18 Apr 2017 at 21:50...
Hey MS,
He is a qualified opthamologist. He compared my results to those found in peer-reviewed literature on other people who have suffered toxicity.
I am just hoping the side-effects subside somewhat, I now have to wear glare specs at work to avoid feeling dizzy from the fluorescent lights. I guess I am lucky in that I can still read etc.
D Andrews said on Wed, 19 Apr 2017 at 17:42...
Chris, I also find the fluorescent lights a nightmare... my peripheral vision is like smudges at the side of my vision, it hasn't got any better since I stopped using poppers which is a huge worry.
My floaters remain the same, along with blind spots.
4 months into my recovery with healthy eating / supplements with little / no improvement.
Chris said on Wed, 19 Apr 2017 at 21:37...
D Andrews:
Hang in there buddy, we're going through the worst of it. I have been in touch with Isabelle Oudo, co-autgour of a French study on this. It takes months but we'll get through this shit.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Thu, 20 Apr 2017 at 07:27...
If it isn't retinal damage, then what was it?
Great that you are in contact with Oudo! Does she have more quantitative information about long term effects? From what I understand most people heal almost completely. But what are the data on that?
The "fluorescent lights" and similar lights (reflecting surfaces like traffic signs in the sun) are the only things that I still wory about. Apart from that I am fine (thank God). I wonder why D Andrews is sufffering so much...
Chris said on Thu, 20 Apr 2017 at 08:51...
Hey MS,
I don't doubt it's retinal damage.
While I didn't ask for time periods of recovery, she did indicate that those who didn't recover were long term users (I.e. for years on end and 2-3 times a week). She also was certain that they had not discontinued use.
As for light sensitivity all she said that "Light sensitivity indeed decreased slowly with time after discontinuation of the drug". Sounds like it's one of the last things to mend..
Chris said on Thu, 20 Apr 2017 at 08:53...
She suspected sorry, she didn't say she was certain that they kept using
Chris said on Thu, 20 Apr 2017 at 08:53...
She suspected sorry, she didn't say she was certain that they kept using
Motorhead Sherwood said on Thu, 20 Apr 2017 at 09:35...
Hi Chris
That's sort of good news then. (although i was a long term user)
Could you post some of the communication with her in this forum? Maybe not verbatim, but the essence of what she said?
Did she publish these findings that you refer to somewhere?
Did she mention anything that could help the healing process (besides abstination)? I wonder if that luteine thing really works or if it is just psychological.
I hope your remarks cheer D Andrews up a bit. Poor bloke needs it (as do others in this forum)
Chris said on Thu, 20 Apr 2017 at 10:34...
Hey buddy,
Her communication was very brief. I think she was mindful of not offering medical advice which is why she kept it brief.
Hang in there guys, especially DA! We're all in the same boat and there are enough success stories here to give us justified hope!
Dillard said on Mon, 24 Apr 2017 at 13:56...
Hi ive been using poppers since early 80's and just discovered this site. I usually use poppers from uspopshop poppers but they have gotten very weak, no afrect i recently ordered poppers from another site. I ordered 40 ml Rush Anniversay edition i read the ingredients and it said contains Propyl Nitrite and not Isopropyl Nitrite is it the same thing? I havent used it yet and wondering if i should disgard it? Dont want to have eye problems.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Mon, 24 Apr 2017 at 14:36...
propyl nitrite = C3H7NO2
isopropyl nitrite = C3H7NO2
The prefix "iso" is used when all carbons except one form a continuous chain. This one carbon is part of an isopropyl group at the end of the chain.
So it is not the same thing.
Still my advice would be: don't use it. If you do decide to use it: first try small amounts:
Do your finger tips get blue/greyish? Do you notice something odd in your vision? If so: STOP.
(Have you ever had any problems before after using poppers, btw?)
Dillard said on Tue, 25 Apr 2017 at 01:05...
Ok good to know thanks for the response. I have noticed in the past with Isobutyl nitrite, and Isoamyl nitrite my finger tips were slightly blue tint but didnt last long. However havent noticed any eye issues, but im definitely going to watch for them. Some one in a prior post said he had hit the bottle pretty hard one night and the the next moring he vision was kinda blurry! I may try it in small doses and watch for any if the signs you mentioned. I will post a follow up after using it, thank you
mox1992 said on Tue, 25 Apr 2017 at 22:24...
Took a huff of something and noticed the yellow tinge stronger than ever. Its been three days and I can still notice it.
Not sure about any blind spots or blurriness but I'm worried as hell. Has the yellow tinge ever lasted this long for anyone?
Motorhead Sherwood said on Wed, 26 Apr 2017 at 06:42...
A few days is not that strange. A few weeks would be.
Dillard said on Wed, 26 Apr 2017 at 13:57...
No ive never experienced a yellow haze when huffing. I tried the Rush anniversary edition with the propyl nitrite as i had mentioned in previous post. Ive never experiended propyl nitrite. It was strong and the affect felt different but good lasted long and really knocked my socks off! I was very careful only took 5-6 huffs during my session and didn't notice any eye changes after use. Just felt a little light headed for awhile after my session. Its hard to stop huffing as its a great guilty pleasure. My main reason for using poppers is for my huge toys which im not ready to give up yet. I may need to get another hobby. And thank everyone for this blog
its very helpful and informative. I will report back later
POPPER SURVEY said on Sun, 7 May 2017 at 00:39...
Hi all,
Since we're all writing in a mess here, I've made a survey to try and collect the information we are interested in (recovery, timeframes and changes made to help recovery).
The purpose of this survey is to collate the results of those who have (and have not) recovered, to help determine the factors that influence recovery.
If you have had any significant changes since your last entry, feel free to make a new entry.
Make a survey entry here: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!ArRxGrQKKJUNgZgeptlAO19OpZQz8Q
You can see the results of the survey here: https://1drv.ms/x/s!ArRxGrQKKJUNgZgehP6t4uQJXVi0pA
Motorhead Sherwood said on Mon, 8 May 2017 at 09:37...
Great initiative, POPPER SURVEY!
Motorhead Sherwood said on Wed, 10 May 2017 at 07:28...
furher evidence of the positive effect of taking luteine:
ncar2017 said on Thu, 11 May 2017 at 22:41...
Thanks Motorhead, a promising result.
gambil wesie said on Sat, 13 May 2017 at 08:24...
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ncar2017 said on Sun, 21 May 2017 at 03:25...
Out of interest - those with lasting problems, were you taking any other drugs at the time?
I stupidly took cialis and cannabis at the time, and I'm wondering whether the drop in blood pressure played a role (optic nerve atrophy?).
My symptoms one month on are:
- Yellow patch in central vision
- Light sensitivity (one week later)
- Longer-lasting afterimages (one week later)
I'm also interested if anybody else is experiencing the afterimages (e.g. when you look at something, and look away, you can still see it. This is normal, but for me they last much longer now).
Motorhead Sherwood said on Mon, 22 May 2017 at 06:48...
Motorhead Sherwood said on Mon, 22 May 2017 at 06:49...
trouble posting
Motorhead Sherwood said on Mon, 22 May 2017 at 06:50...
symptoms 1, 2: yes, 3: no
Motorhead Sherwood said on Mon, 29 May 2017 at 10:50...
Motorhead Sherwood said on Mon, 29 May 2017 at 10:54...
Well, nothing new:
"while retinal damage can often resolve on cessation of use, symptoms can be prolonged and the visual effects of chronic use of the newer brands of poppers are unknown. For these reasons, it seems appropriate that the level of harm associated with poppers should be reassessed."
Motorhead Sherwood said on Tue, 30 May 2017 at 06:50...
no other drugs (only alcohol)
no after images (but repeated blinking causes a weird spot to appear not unlike an afterimage)
Motorhead Sherwood said on Tue, 6 Jun 2017 at 07:20...
D Andrews, how are you doing?
D Andrews said on Sun, 11 Jun 2017 at 17:49...
Not much to report unfortunately.
Still experiencing blind spots in both eyes, floaters still giving me grief especially with the recent nice weather bright days we have had here in the UK.
Experiencing great difficulty when having to look at reflecting objects like traffic signs/fluorescent lights as it seems to blurr into one and highlight my floaters more.
Maybe I'm like this for good!! Hope you guys are having more luck ?
Motorhead Sherwood said on Mon, 19 Jun 2017 at 08:01...
Progress is very slow. Repeated blinking in most cases doesn't result in a pale spot and when it does it takes longer to appear and is vaguer than it used to be. Reflecting surfaces (faces in the sun eg) are still not what they ought to be, but it is less troublesome than a few months ago.
This forum is turning into a personal blog by now. Which is not my intention. From now on, I will only sporadically check it. I will post irregularly about my progress. (I wish others would have done it as well)
Anyone who wishes to contact me, can do so at:
Good luck to you, D Andrews!
Luke said on Wed, 21 Jun 2017 at 11:03...
Does anyone on here or views this know how long the eyes take to heal fully? are we talking months or years?
Philip Lanshire said on Wed, 21 Jun 2017 at 20:31...
Heads up for continuing users;
PoppersRus. co. uk are selling very potent "poppers" that unfortunately have done great damage to myself and others judging by other forums and meets.
Eyes, heart and circulatory system are all affected to which specialists have confirmed this is due to a new form of poppers. I have made numerous attempts to contact PoppersRus to gain information on the formula they use to better understand my condition and recovery.
Unfortunately they do not respond. Posting in the hope I save someone else from ill health from this selfish company.
B said on Sun, 25 Jun 2017 at 02:54...
Just took 1 big hit late at night out of boredom and instantly afterwards my vision in both eyes has a small yellow hue in the centre, about the size of my fist if I hold it extended out in front of me.
Within that hue stiff seems a bit more difficult to focus on. I'm hoping it's placebo or something, praying I wake up with it gone or at least not worse like some people report. In the UK, used a normal website and bought an extremely popular brand I've used before.
Bill said on Mon, 26 Jun 2017 at 08:26...
It took me about 9-10 months of complete abstinence for my vision to return to normal. Scary shit. I couldn't read anything. I had to read around the words.
D Andrews said on Mon, 26 Jun 2017 at 20:03...
Hi Bill - thanks for sharing your recovery... gives me hope.
What symptoms did you suffer? Blind spots ? Light sensitivity? Floaters or all? Any information would be great.
Bems said on Thu, 29 Jun 2017 at 13:35...
Hi everybody
To introduce myself I’m a 18 years old French (sorry for my English) student and 3 weeks laters I abused on poppers isoprobyl (we have emptied 2 bottles in one night with 5 friends) and I was the second time of my life I was taking this stuff. The next day I felt like I was dazzled, I could not read on the computer and see faces at a far distance and had a high light sensivity.
I did not worry about it thinking it would pass the next day but when 3 days after the symptoms persist I decided to go to ophthalmologic emergencies. They didn’t detect anything after all the exams possible (OCT,…) and said my vision was good (9/10) and that it would probably resorbing in the week (they argue it’s the effect of vasodilatation).So I waited 1 week before going to see an other ophtlalmolog which directly detected the problem on the OCT: micro-lesions of the macula and said to me that I would take severals weeks to go back to normal. He gives me Food supplements for eye sighting. So now I feel my vision is improving very little by little (I can read on the computer for exemple but very near of the screen) and hoping full recovery back.
This triggered in me a real psychological shock causing me to make crises of anguish and tetany. Beeing a large consumer of cannabis I stoped all (also cigarette) and the alcohol (thanks to the xanax) and started to make a lot of sport.I think that even my vision will not recover 100% it’s a bad for a good beceause I opened my eyes on all the exces I was. I’m still young and I don’t wan’t to ruin my life beceause all of this substances.
I will post the evolution of my vision here. Once not twice.
Dillard said on Sat, 1 Jul 2017 at 16:09...
Hi I have been using Rush aniversay edition 40 oz since April 2017 about once a week only 3- 4 good huffs at a time. Its good strong stuff and has a great kick to it. Last week i huffed 3-4 times during my session and a few hours later was noticing flashes in my left eye which now have become eye flotaters! I also noticed my eyes are slightly sun sensitive when sun is very bright and even when wearing sunglasses its difficult to see street signs until im at a close enough distance. The product contained Propyl Nitrite which is something ive never used however i was aware of the isopropyl link to eye damage and was aware of the possible risk. The website that carrys it is called Poppers-Shop.DE so just beware im also not here to bash the website just wanted to warn others of the possible risk of eye problems. Please note the eye floaters arent interfering with my vision but just annoying at times specially at work when using comouter.
moose said on Wed, 5 Jul 2017 at 00:59...
I got poppers maybe a week ago. I think I went a little too heavy with them and got some yellow tinged ovals in the centre of my vision. After noticing it I looked up this forum. I think it is gone now, but I'm done with this. It's scary when that happens.
Also, I was feeling sluggish the next day after useage like a different form of hangover.
Used Jungle Juice Platinum and regular Rush.
Bill said on Sun, 9 Jul 2017 at 23:48...
D Andrews:
I suffered central vision loss: a tiny spot that prevented me from seeing any detail. I couldn't see what I was directly looking at whether it be words, faces, road signs, indicators/blinkers on cars etc. Very scary indeed. Worse in bright light too.
I took Lutein daily and I think it helped speed up the recovery. I'm never knowingly going to touch Isopropyl again.
So far I've been fine on pig black and sex line blue.
Complete prolonged abstinence is the only way (if any) to recover.
Best of luck. Just stay away from them for as long as you can. I know it's difficult.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Fri, 14 Jul 2017 at 07:32...
me again...
oh God I have been so stupid. I took a small huff from someone. That did not lead to anything negative. And for the past two weeks i have been huffing almost as i used to. (I try to hold pauses between sniffing and i try not ton inhale to deeply) What an idiot.
But the strange thing is: i don't get eye problems anymore (the blueness though does come (and go)).
Could it be that only heavily overdoing it leads to visual probs? Or maybe Rush has changed something in the way they manufacture their garbage?
D Andrews said on Sun, 16 Jul 2017 at 13:58...
Motörhead Sherwood - Please think back to when you felt low about using poppers, and how they leaded you to seek medical attention as vision was not what it used to be. You have done so well this year abstaining from it. You shouldn't worry about a bump in the road, but if you have returned to using it on a regular basis it would be a cause for concern.
Ultimately it's on you, I know you have been here with good advice when I felt shit, so I'm here for you. It's not worth it, who knows what's in the bottle... Eyes are worth more than a good sesh!
Motorhead Sherwood said on Tue, 18 Jul 2017 at 05:56...
D Andrews: thanks for your comment. Much appreciated... I don't understand how i could be this stupid... Sex without poppers is boring, but a few sniffs and suddenly i feel horny again...
But you are right: i must stop. Yesterday i had a very long session and i can hardly remember what i have done. But the blueness was scary as hell.
So i must stop... again. I will update.
Bert said on Sun, 23 Jul 2017 at 22:56...
I'm another casualty of poppet maculopthy. Like all the rest of you started with that yello halo when sniffing the poppers. Only over the few days after did I notice the hole in my vision looking at projectors and screens. I found the missing faces in bright sunlight most disturbing. I've been to the hospital and the ophthalmologist got to the bottom of it. Follow up in three months.
I was never a regular user of poppers, or particularly heavy.
It's been 6-8 weeks since I first noticed the offending white spot, it's getting better. Where 2 numbers were obscured on screens, now it's one.
Taking AREDS2 supplements as well as the berry ones recommended above in the hope that the macula will repair itself.
Good luck all and thanks for your honest posts, they helped when I was at my lowest.
Luke said on Thu, 27 Jul 2017 at 09:42...
Used poppers two nights in June 2017...last time before was September 2016..brand Amsterdam Gold in June 2017.Got the vision problem as described in a lot of posts above.Been nearly 6 weeks now and still got the spot when blinking and looking at the sky...unable to read fine print at the moment unless i shut eyes slightly...seems to be sort of double vision.Anyway using vitamins and a lot of kale and berries in the hope that will help..wont be touching isopropyl poppers ever again.Will try to update over the weeks and months ahead on developments..i gather from earlier posts that recovery will be slow .Also i wish everyone on here a quick recovery and thanks for earlier posts which are a great help.
Adam said on Sat, 5 Aug 2017 at 01:43...
I am so glad i discovered this forum.
I'm a male, from the UK, and I'm 35.
I have experienced the exact same symptoms as some of you guys. The vision disturbances. But I have also developed really severe asthma, and i feel as though my lungs have been damaged. I have recurring bronchitis. Severe episodes of anxiety and depression, and a huge amount of brain fog.
These poppers definitely suppress the immune system, and they definitely cause visual disturbances.
I have not used poppers since January 2017. I started in September 2014, just occasional use, maybe once a month. During 2015, i was using them fortnightly and that's when strange symptoms started to develop. Strange blurry vision, always becoming ill, especially related to lung/bronchitis infections, swollen/bleeding gums and mouth/gum inflammation and sores, and I unfortunately experienced mental disturbances like strange depression and anxiety, coupled with brain fog. I felt as though my I.Q had lowered tremendously, and I could not hold my attention anymore. Like i somehow developed adhd.
I went through periods of stopping completely, but then relapsing, and all the symptoms would return.
My last session using poppers was in January 2017. Very very light use. But since having stopped completely, I still don't feel right.
My vision had strangely decreased, after having years of great vision, i now, abruptly, need to wear glasses. My optometrist were also confused at my rapid vision decline and she had initially blamed it on smartphone use, but when i mentioned poppers, she said she has come across a handful of similar cases. She told me to stop using them, and to see how I get on with the glasses. They have helped but sometimes, i get these odd moments of blurred vision and floaters. It lasts for a few seconds at a time, around 7/8 times daily. It is quite scary.
I'm still getting recurring infections, of my lungs, and especially mouth/gums. My immune system feels like its been hampered. I was so healthy before. In impeccable health. But the past year I feel so run down. Everytime I'd use poppers, they would make me feel so incredibly horny and turned on, but i would always get blue lips after, and my asthma would be extremely bad, infections would develop of my lung and gums, and I'd feel so out of it and run down for at least a week and a half.
I'd always promise myself i would not ever use them again, but i always felt such a strong urge come over me, because my reliance on them had became so ingrained, i felt like i could not enjoy ejaculating and climaxing without them.
So the same cycle would repeat and I'd end up using them again.
It's really hard to decipher whether the poppers have caused some form of permanent damage to my brain, vision and lungs or whether it could be something else.
The anxiety and Strange depression is still there but it comes in waves. It comes and it goes. It's really difficult to explain, but I just don't feel right or feel like myself and I've felt this way ever since i started using poppers regularly.
There is definitely something not right about these poppers. I just hope that i do recover fully and feel like how I felt before i ever discovered them. I feel as though my stupidity in uing them has ruined my life.
D Andrews said on Fri, 11 Aug 2017 at 16:18...
Adam... I can relate to your post! I still do not feel myself and like you stopped using them in January.
Where did you buy poppers from?
I also feel I have ruined my good health.
I worry every day.
D Andrews said on Fri, 11 Aug 2017 at 16:32...
Adam, do you feel like the waves of Anxiety/depression are getting further apart or remaining the same. It's been hard the past few weeks wanting to buy some poppers for the immense feeling but trying to be strong. Your post has reminded me not to give in as it's too dangerous
It gets better, be patient and take care said on Tue, 15 Aug 2017 at 02:06...
Hi, guys, I’d like to share my terrifying experience with you, but first I’d like to say my eyes are getting better, so you may show signs of healing with time as well, don’t panic.
I had tried poppers a couple of times before my last session last Friday (3 days ago). On the following day, I noticed exactly the same symptoms you described above, mainly reduced visual acuity and increased sensitivity to light, especially artificial light. Being a translator, I got really worried about how I’d keep on working, as these side effects were really strong initially, but I’m luckily recovering very fast compared to other victims’ experiences I read online. In only three days I came from not being able to read at all to being able to read this forum and write my experiences. I’m far from being 100%, still very sensitive to light and with difficulties recognizing people’s faces on the street, but surely a lot better and hoping to improve further, so you guys may show some improvement over time as well, with individual variations, but, of course, stopping doing poppers is the most important thing one can do to improve/speed healing, apart from seeing and eye doctor as soon as you can. Having a good diet, taking vitamins to help the healing process, and exercising can only help our health in general, but these actions won’t help much if you don’t stay away from this poison. I went to the eye doctor today and had the regular eye tests done. Apparently, nothing wrong, but I’ll go through some more detailed exams next Friday, which will probably show some degree of damage, as the symptoms I’m presenting are not 100% gone. I told her about poppers and she said she had never heard about it, however, she said these symptoms are similar to the side effects people may present after taking medicines that are toxic to the eye. In summary, toxic maculopathy may be caused by a wide range of drugs/chemicals, including poppers, so we’re not alone at all. She said I’m likely to improve more with time, providing that I’m not exposed to any toxic agent again. Most of the cases of toxic maculopathy she’d seen before had a favorable evolution, however, none of them related to poppers use.
So, don’t panic, you’ll get better, but see a doctor asap, and don’t forget to tell him/her what happened and other medication you may be using, as they may be toxic to the eye as well and reduce recovery or even make things worse.
I’ll let you know the results of my eye tests when they’re made available.
Happy healing to all.
D Andrews said on Tue, 15 Aug 2017 at 13:06...
Motorhead Sherwood - how are you after relapse? Stayed away or still struggling ?
It gets better, be patient and take care said on Tue, 15 Aug 2017 at 16:29...
Hi guys, I'm back to give an update on my recovery. A bit better today, only four days after having used poppers, so I guess I'm going to be ok soon. I decided to get back to work and made a few adjustments to help out while I'm recovering so that I don't notice the symptoms that much. Appart from adjusting the brightness of my computer screen, I've also increased the scale in the video configurations of Windows (I guess Mac users have a similar alternative), so everything looks a bit bigger and this is making everything much easier. So I suggest you all make all adjustments/changes to compensate the loss of visual acuity so that you're going to feel less frustrated with this condition.
By the way, I'm taking a cocktail of vitamins and minerals (Centrum A to Z), lutein, Triple Omega 3-6-9, and cranberry capsules. I'm also taking carrot and beetroot juice every day (you can mix them with orange/lemon juice so that they become tastier).
I hope you all recover fully or at least up to a level this won't be a problem in your daily lives.
Take care and please share your experiences.
kerrypaul said on Mon, 21 Aug 2017 at 09:42...
Greetings to you all, i am here today on this forum giving a life testimony on how Dr.Aluya has cured me from HERPES VIRUS, i have been stocked in bondage with this virus for almost 2 years now, i have tried different means to get this sickness out of my body i also heard there was no cure to the virus, all the possible ways i tried did not work out for me, i do have the faith that i was going to be cured one day, as i was a strong believer in God and also in miracles, One day as i was on the internet i came across some amazing testimonies concerning how Dr Aluya has cured different people from various sickness with his Herbal Herbs Medicine, they all advised we contact Dr Aluya for any problem, with that i had the courage and i contacted Dr.Aluya i told him about my Sickness, He told me not to worry that he was going to prepare some Herbal Medicine for me, after some time in communication with Dr.Aluya, he finally prepared for me some herbs which he sent to me and he also gave me prescriptions on how to take the herbal medicine , My good friends after taking Dr.Aluya Herbs for some weeks i started to experience changes in me and from there, I noticed my HERPES VIRUS was no longer in my body, as i have also gone for test, Today i am fit and healthy to live life again, I am so happy for the good work of Dr.Aluya in my life, Friends if you are having any time of disease problem kindly email Dr.Aluya on { Dr.Aluyasolutiontemple@yahoo.com} or call him on +2347064851317} you can also visit him on his website Aluyasolutiontemple.webs.com for help God Bless you Sir.
Jako said on Mon, 21 Aug 2017 at 19:36...
Hi, its Jako back from 2 years ago.
Looks things ain't getting any better and people are still winding up with eye damage. Just read this article in The Daily Mail:
D Andrews said on Mon, 21 Aug 2017 at 21:04...
Jako, have you fully recovered ? An update on remaining symptoms / progress if any?
Jako said on Tue, 22 Aug 2017 at 06:46...
D Andrews:
Just the same, no worse no better - due to my stupid addictive personality that keeps me buying IPN poppers. Complete abstinence is the ONLY answer, Ive known that for ages. The last time I saw an eye doctor he knew what had caused my central vision loss, but I couldn't bring myself to admit to him my problem.
I wear glasses to read, but cant read anything without them. Fluorescent lighting such as in supermarkets etc is uncomfortable and then I need dark glasses.
IPN should be banned, I believe it eventually will be.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Tue, 22 Aug 2017 at 07:56...
Quick update. The post from Adam exactly describes my history of use. I find it very hard to stop completely. After a serious relapse last month (after half a year of not using), I had another minor one yesterday. The stupidity is incredible, I know. The damage is less than it once was and I notice things get better (not 100%) in days. I hope that I can quit using that poison for ever now. (I guess one must accept the odd relapse)
Another thing Adam noticed: the depression and the odd mental feeling. Spot on! Sometines it seems like my mind is overtaken by some evil entity continuously shouting "Kill yourself" to me. Scary and very odd.
Jako said on Tue, 22 Aug 2017 at 11:55...
Motorhead Sherwood: Nitrites tire the body and mind out and cause the immune system to lower for at least 3 days after. It effects our mental well-being. It's just not worth it.
Adam said on Wed, 23 Aug 2017 at 01:01...
Hey it's Adam.
The vision disturbances are definitely alarming, but I feel as though not many people discuss the mental disturbances that appear to be side effects from popper use.
I don't think people are correlating the two, but I've spoken to many men who use poppers, and I've questioned them regarding this, and every single one has also noticed the mental decline, depression/anxiety/panic, brain fog, after popper use. Especially the day after a popper session.
Some have said the feelings just fade away, as they get back into their general life/routine, but others have said the dark feelings/emotions linger.
I'm still trying to research, with a view and hope to ascertain the direct mechanism that causes poppers to inflict mental/emotional damage. I have read a vast amount of research into the link between inhalant/solvent abuse and brain damage/personality changes.
But I'm not entirely convinced whether nitrites can induce such damage or whether it is another volatile chemical that is used in certain popper brands.
One common opinion that has been raised a number of times, from different men I have spoken to, is that the poppers that were used during the 80's and 90's never caused such side effects apart from headaches.
Many of the past nitrite users are adamant that it is something to do with the new chemicals being used.
Jako said on Wed, 23 Aug 2017 at 18:30...
Interesting how eye damage is the biggest topic, why is that huffers?
It gets better, be patient and take care said on Wed, 23 Aug 2017 at 19:44...
Hi, guys, just wanted to give you all a follow-up, reading your posts helped much when I was really afraid, I'd like to share my experiences with other victims.
I went to the eye doctor again and she made more detailed tests that should some damage to the macula, although I'm feeling a lot better. She said there's nothing we could do at this point and agreed the supplements may help, so I'm taking the vitamins, lutein, and omega 3-6-9.
It's been 10 days after I used poppers for the last time and my visions is almost fully recovered. Still very sensitive to light and having problems to recognize faces agains the light, but I imagine I'm going to improve a bit more if not 100%.
I forgot to mention my eye doctor prescribed me steroid eye drops when first saw her a week ago to be used for seven days, not sure if this helped speed up recovery.
I hope you all are doing fine and recovering well.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 at 07:13...
I think Adam has an interesting point: other negative side effects of poppers use. My two cents now follow:
1. As described above I feel suicidal, agressive, not-myself, weird and my mind seems to be running seperate from myself at times. This lasts for a couple of days after poppers use, then it slowly withers
2. In the past (when i used a lot and frequently) i have had an inexplicable pneunomia, later an inflammation of the bladder (i am a guy), later an infection of the salivary gland in my cheek + I feel sort of dizzy and unstable all the time
Keep us informed about your research, Adam! You might want to investigate similar problems caused by working in chemical plants eg.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 at 07:17...
BTW: my email adress is:
I wish more people had published their email, because I really would like to know how they are faring now, years after contributing to this forum. (And wellcome back, Jaco.)
Jako said on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 at 09:30...
Motorhead Sherwood:
Thanks, Ive never really been away - just observing and not posting.
I have found IPN poppers can definitely set you on a low for at least 3 days after use. This may sound stupid but I have found if I wash my system out with several pints of beer I feel much better and snap out of the malaise - the very next day.
It's only Iso Propyl Nitrite poppers that give you bad after effects.
'Old style' Iso Butyl poppers only gave you a headache which would clear after a few hours, the next day you felt normal again.
Jammy said on Sat, 26 Aug 2017 at 16:05...
Like Jacko I have observed and not really been away...
Symptoms are better since last posting like many others I struggled to steer clear of the poison like Motorhead.
My advice
1. try to limit amounts used per session
2. I buy from David who makes his own Amyl Nitrite -
As close to the old stuff I have came across and does not leave me feeling like a zombie
3. I use nasal rinse between sessions to rid any vapors from lingering in my mucus/nose after use
If you are like me, struggling to not use poppers I would recommend http://www.oldbrownbottles.com/
Jako said on Sat, 26 Aug 2017 at 17:06...
I've had a feeling for sometime that they've been watering down iso propyl poppers. I'm certain 10 years ago (when it became the poor substitute for iso butyl) it was much stronger. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is because of the eye damage factor.
Luke said on Sat, 26 Aug 2017 at 20:29...
Update..10 weeks on after completely not using poppers and i am beginning to see a bit clearer..eyesight is no where near what it should be but getting better.The star shape flash seen when blinking rapidly when looking at the sky is faded a lot.The black spot still seems to be there.Number plates on cars can be seen a bit further away than 10 weeks ago.If i close eyes slightly vision comes into focus..double vision blur otherwise on small print..will update later with complete stoppage of poppers how the sight improves..hopefully.....brand used isopropyl amsterdam gold.
Bert said on Sun, 27 Aug 2017 at 04:16...
Morning folks, 12 weeks on with total abstinence. I have noted a significant improvement. We've had a few sunny days and I've been out and about in the same places I was before but now i can make out the detail on people's faces.
Admittedly white/bright backgrounds can still be a bit of an issue (e.g. White vans with sign writing on them) depends how far/how big the font is.
I find the white spot (which is caused by the damage to the fovea) is only apparent when changing focus/looking at bright or well lit white backgrounds - it has definitely faded.
I'll be off for another opthamolist appointment in in a couple of months so I'll let you know.
I was using Jolt - Blackout
Milos said on Sun, 27 Aug 2017 at 07:57...
Milos said on Sun, 27 Aug 2017 at 07:57...
Hi everybody, this is my first post here. This msg board helped me a LOT so I wanted to share my experience.
I have been using different brands of poppers for years, usually in short time frames (buy a bottle - use it for a couple of days - short but very intense sessions - lot of sniffing - throw away the bottle after 3 days even if it's half full cause I couldn't sustain myself...)
Jako said on Sun, 27 Aug 2017 at 17:14...
Nice to hear guys recovering like Luke and Bert. Only complete abstinence works.
Bert said on Mon, 28 Aug 2017 at 14:49...
You're right, abstinence is key. Any evidence for the supplements I'm taking helping the issue is anecdotal at best, the body could have repaired itself without them... but it sure as hell isnt hurting!!
Trust me, I want to use poppers again, really can't replicate the intensity of feelings during anal play. I'm hoping to find some genuine IBN ones I can get delivered. I will never ever touch IPN poppers again.
Close-shave said on Tue, 29 Aug 2017 at 17:03...
Reading this forum, I think I may have had a lucky escape. I have been a very occasional user of poppers, probably 5 to 6 times in the last couple of years (I'm 40), using liquid gold. Previously only had mild side-effects like headaches and feeling a bit "chesty" for a couple of days.
I recently bought a new batch of liquid gold. After my first use, I came down with a really bad chest infection (so I thought) but didn't associate it with popper use. It cleared up after about a week.
Then this weekend, I had another go. The "chest infection" came right back; short of breath all the time, chest pains - like having pneumonia. Now I know it was the poppers. I also had a major scare with my eyesight. Not nearly as bad as others have reported, but a general discomfort with bright light, looking at a computer screen etc. Luckily I don't have a blind spot as such, but a very small "floater" when I blink quickly, about the size of a pea held at arm's length. After 3 days, it is very slowly improving so am keeping my fingers crossed for a complete recovery.
I had no idea poppers could be so dangerous until I saw this forum, and I feel I've had a very lucky escape. The rest of my stash has gone straight in the bin.
stones (Australia) said on Wed, 30 Aug 2017 at 01:50...
The brand "black diamond" is available at sex shops.
Literally the first time I've used it, and it fucks with your eyes. It says "Alkyl Nitrite" on the bottle and is sold as CD cleaner.
Never used poppers before this and I reckon this brand is one to avoid.
MotorheadSherwood said on Wed, 30 Aug 2017 at 07:31...
I'd like to refer the readers of this forum to the following site and i invite them to make an entry.
POPPER SURVEY said on Sun, 7 May 2017 at 00:39...
The purpose of this survey is to collate the results of those who have (and have not) recovered, to help determine the factors that influence recovery.
If you have had any significant changes since your last entry, feel free to make a new entry.
Make a survey entry here: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!ArRxGrQKKJUNgZgeptlAO19OpZQz8Q
You can see the results of the survey here: https://1drv.ms/x/s!ArRxGrQKKJUNgZgehP6t4uQJXVi0pA
Jako said on Wed, 30 Aug 2017 at 11:12...
Close-shave: Liquid Gold and all the other IPN poppers are poisonous. I've experienced all the same symptoms, unable to breathe properly, bringing up thick muceus, coughing, can't sleep. I never had any of that with old style poppers, before the iso butyl ban in 2007.
Jammy said on Wed, 30 Aug 2017 at 19:35...
Regarding my recent previous post, I am not condoning poppers use merely stating my experience. I am intrigued to know if others have used oldbrownbottles poppers with no side effects.
absolute abstinence is key , but this is not possible for me.
AVeryStupidSissy said on Wed, 30 Aug 2017 at 23:36...
Haven't used poppers since the 2nd week of january. Still have floaters and dark spots in my left eye. I can't look at a computer screen without seeing them, or look at the stars, or look at a blue sky or look at the horizon on the ocean. Sunsets just make me sad because they remind of what a stupid decision I made. When I look closely at a lover's face I can see them and it reminds me.
I just accept that it's permanent at this point. This site should be shut down and poppers should be banned that's all there is to it.
MotorheadSherwood said on Thu, 31 Aug 2017 at 08:46...
AVSS: sorry to read that things haven't improved for you...
i am interested (because your story deviates from most)
do these dark spots move the way the floaters do?
are you hyper sensitive to light/reflecting surfaces?
do you see "The star shape flash seen when blinking rapidly when looking at the sky "
can you read fine print?
have you seen an eye doctor?
AVeryStupidSissy said on Fri, 1 Sep 2017 at 18:33...
The dark spots move more crisply along with my eye movements, the primary floater which is a cluster of squiggly lines that looks like cells under a microscope moves with my eyes more like its on a rubber band.
Light sensitivity has gone down over the months but it was brutal for a while.
I don't see a star shaped flash but the floaters are more visible if I blink rapidly and force them to re-center.
I've never had great eyesight so I can't read *very* fine print but I can still read fine. Sleep deprivation and general eye strain seems to make them worse.
I have not seen an eye doctor but I will be soon. I intended to get lasik at some point but I assume that's out of the question now.
I used poppers very frequently for 2 years. It's my own fault. Don't sniff things.
Jako said on Sat, 2 Sep 2017 at 16:15...
CD cleaner! Black Diamond sounds like iso propyl. Alki nitrites is a cover word for all nitrites without being specific. If you don't want to end up half blind stop before it's too late.
SS said on Sun, 3 Sep 2017 at 01:19...
Responded to your survey MotorHead.
Haven't touched a sniff of that shit since I last posted as to when I did but now my eyes have gone again wtf??
Eyes are good as in a sense of visual reading but now the lights have gone instense (photophobia).
Docotors and opticians found nothing, had an emergency opp at the eye hospital but didnt get the appointment ffs.
Doing my head in now as things getting bad fucking shitting em now. How long and how much can my eyes take of this brightness as things are getting brighter every few days and this has being going on for the last 4 weeks now.
Driving is getting nearer impossible a night bought some glasses but the are not getting things better. Fuck!!
myeyesareruined said on Sun, 3 Sep 2017 at 14:52...
This is a serious problem and a genuine problem.
I was using poppers last week and walking home kept seeing flashes of yellow and green lights. It's been a week on now without touching the vile shite and my eyes are constantly like someone has just flashed a camera... It's hard to read, and hard to look at a screen which will pretty much screw up my entire career if this doesn't calm down in the next few weeks.
These things should have been made illegal last year and more people need to start drawing attention because something is seriously wrong here...
Jako said on Sun, 3 Sep 2017 at 15:20...
Again I urge people to read this, it's very accurate (for a newspaper) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4401234/Poppers-cause-irreversible-damage-eyes.html
D Andrews said on Mon, 4 Sep 2017 at 17:52...
Guys, is anyone having recurring chest infections / nasal issues / mucas build up ???
I keep becoming unwell with the same chest/sinus problems even after antibiotics.
Bear in mind I have not used poppers since 7th January 2017.
Jako said on Mon, 4 Sep 2017 at 19:04...
Dear Andrews: Yes, the muceus I was coughing up from huffing IPN was awful and took days to clear. This was the second reason I quit, the first reason being central vision loss.
Motorhead Sherwood said on Tue, 5 Sep 2017 at 08:14...
D Andrews: No, but i have had pneunomia, bladder inflammation and inflammation of the saliva glands. (not recurring, all only once)
Bert said on Sat, 9 Sep 2017 at 08:19...
So today is bright and sunny. It was June when I last touched poppers. Today I still have a little light sensitivity, but no more than I had before the damage.
The dot in my central vision is barely noticeable today, even when I blink rapidly at the sky.
All very encouraging.
Jako said on Sat, 9 Sep 2017 at 17:47...
Well done Bert, the only way to recovery total abstinence.
SpaniarD said on Thu, 6 Aug 2020 at 11:32...
Hi guys!
I had the same problem. Glow and blurred vision. It is not week 8th.
I notice the blurred vision during the hours of darkness when I try to read my phone. Do you notice it more during hours of darkness?
I’m so scared . Hope anyone can help me out. I notice the blurred vision on my phone when there is no light.
Fae said on Mon, 12 Oct 2020 at 21:49...
I notice it way more during hours of darkness...this is when I start feeling more anxious about it and worried that I’ll be like this forever. I’m on day 3 and scared shitless. Only tried poppers a few times. I thought they were safe cos I bought them from the sex shop. I’m so scared. But a little relieved that this thread exists so thank you to everyone who’s contributed in the past. It’s good to know that people can recover. I can’t believe this has happened to me. I daren’t tell anyone in my life, I can’t believe I’ve done this. I can’t read anything from a distance and have a permanent light in my central vision.
I will report back with how it progresses (hopefully it gets better!)
Fae said on Fri, 16 Oct 2020 at 10:33...
Hi guys - just wanted to update for any newcomers who are panicking like I am/was. So I went to the opticians and told her EVERYTHING. Was feeling so embarrassed before and wasn’t sure if I’d say anything about the poppers but I’m so glad I did. She was totally non-judgemental and very curious and interested as she’d never heard of it. She had it up on google and found about as much information as I did haha. So she scanned my eyes - there’s a slight shadow on my macular which she said she wouldn’t have noticed if I didn’t tell her about my symptoms. She said my macular was very healthy. We had a nice chat about where I wanted to go from here and suggested a referral to the eye doctor as they would know more and be able to take more detail scans/tests etc. She was also a nutritionist and said that he Lucein/ eye health pills I bought will do nothing.
So I am waiting for a call from the hospital.
It’s day 5 and I have no improvement in my symptoms but am feeling hopeful as I have healthy macular (even if I didn’t she said it can improve with treatment). I’ve seen on here that things improve with time so I’m just trying to be positive in my day to day.
Much love to anyone else who’s struggling with this. Try to stay calm. I just wish there was more info and someone to actually chat to about it.
If anyone wants to talk or finds this thread in the future please email me
Fae said on Sun, 18 Oct 2020 at 09:40...
Visited eye doctor at hospital yesterday - eyes look healthy, doc couldn’t see any probs. But they were very dry! She muttered something about alcohol drying them out (I couldn’t really get a word in edgeways...I was in with the doc for about 5 mins in total, she was rushed off her feet).
Anyway, I have eye ointment and drops for dry eyes and she said to come back in if the symptoms persist.
My minds at ease to know I haven’t done any lasting and physical damage to my eyeballs...I’ve been fucking terrified. This is not the only thing going on in my life right now...things are an absolute shitshow haha. So to have this on top of that....after an evening of trying to let go and enjoy myself....yeah. It’s put me off poppers for life...
My eyesight now after a week.. I’d say it’s the same...maybe a slight improvement? Or maybe I’m just used to it. Don’t know. I’ll update a bit further down the line if and when it improves
Spanian said on Mon, 19 Oct 2020 at 09:49...
Hey Fae.
Do you feel the blurred vision more noticeable during the hours of darkness? It’s 4 months for me now
Fae said on Mon, 26 Oct 2020 at 03:18...
Hey Spanian - how are you at 4 months? I definitely have improvements but I still struggle to see faces and read things at a distance. I would say that it’s still hard to look at screens in the darkness, yes. But for me, it’s more noticeable on bright days...the overall flashing is worse and I struggle to focus. I hope you’re doing well, friend.
Spanian said on Tue, 27 Oct 2020 at 13:00...
Hey Fae,
Hope you are doing well. I’m o the way to recover but still not 100%. I only notice it when it is completely dark and I try to read on screens.
It is almost 5 months. I have to say that it is much better but still not back to normal...
hope it will get back to normal but I’m not sure if it is already too late ...
Anybody know if you can recover 100% after 5 months?? Please someone ...
Take care Fae, and hope to get better soon
pissed off person said on Wed, 28 Oct 2020 at 19:19...
Yea they got me too, not that it matters why i bought it... but it was kinda a cool ,i wouldnt say ''alternative'' , but that kick i used to get from a cigarette, you see i quit during the south african lockdown , figgured i might as well make something good out of it... first tried a local rush , then there was a , i think the guy said italian make, cheap R110.00 , onset was like after a right after a rather solitary hedonistic inhebrehated weekend, lets say a week and a half ago, when i think about suing , wich i hope not to ,since i hope this crap will go go away , or those nerves nerves are just in some state of atrophy for a month or so..., i think about the scathing headlines (mabe pushed onto media by some scumbag lawfirm to deter or force a setlement), ''Masturbation DOES make you go blind''...
all jokes aside, this is some morraly irreprehensable evil shit to keep selling to people, total psycopaphy, it fucking blinds you in a day !
if you blink fast on a light toned backdrop you can see the affected area where the fovea is damaged, mine is like a petrol on water horozontally stretched hexagon ,laterally flat ended, last week i coul'nt make out faces from like 100 meters, now it feels like half that, there is no real solice...
Both short-term (including one-off) and long-term poppers users seem to be at risk of developing maculopathy. Published cases suggest a degree of dose–response, with more chronic users appearing at greater risk of more profound and long-lasting vision loss. It is not yet known whether the retinal damage is permanent, although several cases have had long-term reduction in vision in spite of cessation of use.
i keep thinking of that line in ''the Happening'' Zooey Deschanel's character says: Alma Moore : [watching news report about the toxin] It makes you kill yourself. Just when you thought there couldn't be any more evil that can be invented.
well this thing clearly mames people , and somewhere somebody seems to think it is ok because of it's status quo... I'm going to give it a month, and then take legal action. or plot stabbing someones ehes out...
pissed off person said on Wed, 28 Oct 2020 at 19:26...
btw, i read that lutein supliments help, you can find it in spinach and broccoli , there is also some specialised steroid, fucking over the counter perminant arc-eyes in a little bottle why not bring back laudinum or opium ! wtf ? people should class action this bitch asap.
pissed off person said on Wed, 28 Oct 2020 at 21:11...
the thing that also concernes me is that i can see a certain tonal range is affected, i never had biology in highschool past st.7 so i missed the good stuff, weird that it has <=> ,that shape, and that it zones in on the fovea, it's above the nerve cable going back to the back of the brain, this is soo fucking weird because during lockdown my later batches of moonshine came out of the still smelling manky and wrong to the sences, i knew right then and there my yeast was fucked after one batch and i was inept at brewing, and great at disilling methanol, never drank it, chucked it in the fire... after reading about the dangers..., then this... unbelievable, i wonder if they ever used this in Guantanamo bag ?
pissed off person said on Wed, 28 Oct 2020 at 22:01...
the fucking french were behind this...
blinding orlitans, for decades and being unruly and deceitful by nature, weird because the french are gay as shit, might as well invent a misile tip honed for aquiring rudeness... shoot it west. afraid to do this nownow, but as kids we used to sometimes press on our eyeballs and a nexus, a spectrum of colours would arise, sort of like that 2001 a space oddity mid ending thing¿ Anyway , i'm not doing it until someone else does it or not and fake posts doing it , and that it helped. any mensa members present? ok cool honour code then... this is crazy how it targets something so specifically, and no quandry is given , if they made a soda that turns nails green it would be a hit, if i was Egyptian and wantet slaves not to read or write, i'd use this access of evil.
Fae said on Wed, 11 Nov 2020 at 16:29...
Hey - how long since you did poppers? Was it a one off?
I’d basically just discovered them. Used them for maybe 10 mins each night over ...3 nights??. Cannot believe that they legally sell this shit. Like you I’ve been going out of my mind in lockdown. visited the sex shop to cheer myself up and here we are. Just my fucking luck ha.
A month later and my eyes have improved a lot. Still flashing and still a blind spot in some lights but a MASSIVE improvement. Still using eye drops for dry eyes. Still pissed off but less so.
Jay said on Wed, 16 Dec 2020 at 02:13...
Omg just found this forum, Im
Hetrosexual and been using them to masturbate for years like daily, use to get that weird yellow light for 10-15 minutes sometimes but recently Im struggling to read like numbers on my computer screen or tv screen like its just blurry and kinda hurts a bit to look at too long, been using berlin xxx with this woman i see frequently as i introduced her to them and she ordered them for us and i swear i was fine before like 3 weeks ago when we started using them, cant believe they have done this to all of us just cause we wanted a bit of extra fun! Just ordered some LUTEIN AND ZEAXANTHIN pills online hope they do the trick and I can fully recover, my case dosnt seem as bad as what some of you others are explaining tbh bjt its still pretty bad and scary really hope we can all make a full recovery from this, thanks for all the info too guys.
Jay said on Wed, 16 Dec 2020 at 02:14...
Omg just found this forum, Im
Hetrosexual and been using them to masturbate for years like daily, use to get that weird yellow light for 10-15 minutes sometimes but recently Im struggling to read like numbers on my computer screen or tv screen like its just blurry and kinda hurts a bit to look at too long, been using berlin xxx with this woman i see frequently as i introduced her to them and she ordered them for us and i swear i was fine before like 3 weeks ago when we started using them, cant believe they have done this to all of us just cause we wanted a bit of extra fun! Just ordered some LUTEIN AND ZEAXANTHIN pills online hope they do the trick and I can fully recover, my case dosnt seem as bad as what some of you others are explaining tbh bjt its still pretty bad and scary really hope we can all make a full recovery from this, thanks for all the info too guys.
Andrew said on Sun, 24 Jan 2021 at 15:18...
Hey guys. A month ago I came to the sex shop to buy another bottle of poppers. I used to use "slave", but it was sold out so they offered me some new one, canadian, strong formula. The thing is I have a boyfriend and we have great sex without any stuff, so I use poppers only when I masturbate few times a month when my BF is on work trip. So I got this new bottle, came home and... this stuff was extremely strong. It felt quite good during the session, but then I was all blue, felt exhausted and got terrible vision, like I was watching the sun in the middle of a bright day. I decided to sleep, being sure that all the bad effects will be gone in the morning, but they didn't. I woke up with a terrible headache and my could see quite nothing. It was a DISASTER. I couldn't see people's faces at all. Could read signs at all. Couldn’t look at display. Traffic lights seemed grey or something like this, I can't even explain. I was so scared... Loosing a normal vision means the end of my career, cause I'm a photographer and graphic designer. Thanks god it was a time of new years holiday, so I had some time to recover. And I almost did. My vision has improved a lot! The firs week was terrible. When I met my boyfriend, I couldn’t see his face! But then, week later, I starting to notice the improvement, and day by day it was better and better. Now it's still not perfect, but sometimes I even forget about this problem. 85% of my vision is back. It's still a little hard to look at the display, but faces and signs are okay. I realise that maybe I will not recover fully, but I can live with this.
So guys. Please, be careful. Don't use this shit. When this happened to me, I realise how addicted I am to the poppers, cause I still don't feel fully satisfied after masturbating without poppers. I am so happy that I didn't use it for sex...
JoshVR said on Wed, 17 Feb 2021 at 10:44...
It is clearly stated by these companies that it is not for human consumption - If you know that there is a 50% chance that your vision could be affected by using poppers - would you really take the chance or the risk?. Unfortunately the reason why some of you find this site is when you are having issues after using these products - some people have no idea that their mental health / other physical issues are as a result of their popper usage. It's a solvent - and your abusing a solvent. It's called Solvent abuse / Chroming. Let's call it what it is - just because its been used by gay guys to make sex easier doesn't take away from what it actually does to you. Don't trust these companies who make these products as though they have a duty of care to you. They wouldn't even bother contacting you back if you damaged yourself as the result of using their product. Give them the finger that your not dumb enough to believe that they really think their products consist of Gay men who have an obsession with polishing their leather harnesses in night clubs, an ongoing nostalgic use of VCRs, and wanting their home to smell like a pungent volatile substance such as dirty socks
Stay Safe - Stay away from Poppers.
5555 said on Mon, 22 Feb 2021 at 21:04...
Fayris said on Sat, 27 Feb 2021 at 22:31...
I bought a label of isobutyl nitrite, and every few weeks I would indulge in the bottle. It's been a few months, last night I went ahead and treated myself to a bottom's dream night. So, after a couple huffs: center of my vision was tinted yellow for about 5 minutes. It's not isopropyl, but regardless, this is my cue to ease off until better research is publicized. What a shame, it was insanely fun while it lasted.
Hongshlong said on Thu, 29 Apr 2021 at 11:42...
Hello all,
Let me open by saying, I am so glad I found this forum post!
Having used 'old' poppers recreationally (as a bit of a laugh with friends when smoking marijuana) between 2002-03 I only really discovered the 'benefits' of using poppers for sex - be it solo or with a partner - in the last couple of years. This led to many infrequent but intense sessions (sometimes once every few weeks, sometimes once every few months).
A year or so ago, I noticed a change in my vision. I'd describe it as a cloudiness? Accompanied with confusion when trying to focus on things. In particular in my left eye. I never imagined it would be connected to poppers. Subsequent eye tests (including a full eye 'scan' that I paid extra for at a high street optician) revealed no damage, or indeed vision loss. I was so confused!
This cloudiness would come and go (up to 100% normal vision). I understand now (do to reading all the above posts) that this is connected to the gaps in between using poppers.
I was first alerted to the connection between poppers and sight loss when reading the comments underneath videos on Hypnotube and everything fell into place. I believe that a user who posted above was the one who left this comment, the syntax is incredibly similar. But whoever you are, thank you! I immediately checked the label of the brand I was using (Rush I believe) and sure enough.. IPN.
Having read the above comments, I believe I am incredibly lucky in that the damage seems to be minimal for me and I'm confident that through abstaining I will be able to return my eyesight to normal. My habit was to breathe deeply and then hold my breath for as long as possible for the maximum effect. Foolish in hindsight, but I didn't understand the risks. I knew nothing of the change in formulation from the poppers I enjoyed in my youth.
It's a shame because, as everyone here does, I really enjoy the effects and the intensity. But I can't believe that the EU would ban the formulation we all enjoyed in favour of this highly dangerous mess.
Right now I am five days post-poppers, the cloudiness is there and had receded. Sex parties will be a test, and there is a temptation to look at non-IPN formulations to get my kick, but is it worth the risk?
Again, thank you all again for the information above. Please spread it far and wide.
Billy said on Mon, 5 Jul 2021 at 15:44...
Hallo Hongshlong!
How are you doing now?
Billy. said on Wed, 7 Jul 2021 at 20:29...
D Andrews are you still around? You said you had
"small circular droplets which are all across my field of view"
something that I also have after two months besides blury Faces etc.
How is it for you at the Moment. Or anyone with this symptome. Please someone!
Josh said on Sun, 29 Aug 2021 at 22:21...
Thetruthaboutpoppers.com - Come up and read on this website
jakartan said on Tue, 7 Sep 2021 at 06:57...
eat a lot of lurein!
jakartan said on Tue, 7 Sep 2021 at 06:58...
Eat a lot of Lutein up to 20MG a day, try find this supplement online or in pharmacies. And stop using poppers!
Stupid poppers said on Sun, 14 Nov 2021 at 18:56...
Anyone fully recovered
Sunofagun said on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 at 11:34...
Just got in and just as quickly I’m out. Thanks for this thread peeps. No symptoms arose luckily. However I didn’t suspect that my vision was being strained, something felt like the beginnings of deterioration. Precursor in left ear as well.
Not risking my vision. F that.
Hello1234 said on Tue, 1 Feb 2022 at 21:21...
How long does it take for the light sensitivity to go away? 6 months in and things still appear brighter than they should....
Jamie said on Mon, 28 Feb 2022 at 12:30...
Straight guy here, started to use poppers cuz my gay friend said they were good, and have been using for 2 years. Not much, like a single deep sniff a few times a week. It was pretty good. My eyesight is ok but I do remember sometimes a yellow spot in the centre of my vision which faded after climax.
This forum has terrified me, will throw away all my poppers. Can't believe they banned a safe version in favour of something that can do this. It's just like BPA, when a country bans it they just switch to a different chemical which we know less about.
I hope everyone here is doing ok and your eyesight recovers!
Dr J said on Mon, 14 Mar 2022 at 15:40...
Hi everyone
My name is “J” and I am a medical doctor (but not an Opthalmologist) from London, UK.
Unfortunately I am posting in this forum from a patient’s perspective as I have had many of the eye symptoms as described above after taking poppers. Unfortunately I was also unaware of the possible side effects of poppers and I failed to do my research prior to taking them.
I would describe myself prior to this experience as a moderate user perhaps once every 3-4 weeks for the past couple of years.
Symptoms initially after taking poppers: ink marks in the centre of my vision, blurred central vision, bright circular light when adjusting my vision from a bright, back-lit screen/daylight to a darker surrounding, unable to see faces at any distance/difficulty reading signs/ text on a computer/mobile phone as a result – having to constantly look around letters to read the words. I had a general haziness as though I was in a smoky room. I also experienced symptoms of pressure to both eyes, as another person on the forum mentioned (by the name “G”) that this was like “pressing on the eye at the back”. I was tired all of the time and had a constant headache due to these symptoms and the associated stress and anxiety.
My immediate thoughts after taking the poppers Dec 2021 and having the symptoms as described above: this will ruin my life and any enjoyment as I rely on my eyes for most of my work/entertainment, I won’t be able to work, won’t be able to drive, my life will never be the same again, above all – I cannot live like this.
HOWEVER, after some pretty good advice, particularly from “Junior doctor” and digging a bit deeper both from posts of people on this forum and being critical of “studies” into those afflicted I would say with pretty high confidence that most of you will recover (like I have) provided you abstain from poppers. However be patient, you will need to ride this out.
Even some of the posts of people who have said they haven’t recovered go on to say in other chats/on other sites that they eventually recovered once they have abstained (I assume that the identical username means this is the same person). However I have read that people report recovery anything from hours/days to up to 18 months…
Early case studies into this make conclusions that damage “maybe permanent” based on early follow-ups on a handful of subjects who are never subsequently followed-up or only followed-up after a short to medium length of time. More recent case studies (the only type of study we really have on this) show with follow-up over a longer period of time that most patients fully recover symptomatically and their OTC scans show either full recovery/partial recovery (in patients who abstain from poppers).
My own advice would be:
1. NEVER touch poppers again. THERE IS NO SAFE FORMULA. These are unregulated products and you do not know what you are taking when you use them. Just because you’re inhaling them and not injecting/smoking/ingesting them does not make them less harmful in any way.
2. Visit an eye hospital and be upfront about what has happened. They do see this condition and you will need an OTC scan particularly to assess your fovea. If you do not mention the poppers they will not necessarily know to look at the fovea in greater detail – these are subtle changes and they need to know what to look out for, part of their investigation relies on you being honest to them. Having said that, if you feel as though you are being judged for whatever reason you have every right to be there. In my opinion it is their own failure as a specialty to have alerted the public to the dangers of these substances and they know that this is an issue and have done nothing meaningful about it in terms of public awareness and prevention. Their advice will be to abstain from poppers and they will likely follow this up with another appointment. In some cases they may prescribe some steroid eye drops – I personally cannot see the benefit in administering these (but again, I am not an eye specialist). PLEASE attend any follow-up retina clinic appointment even if you have symptomatically recovered.
3. Do not visit an optician immediately after your vision being affected, this will not provide an accurate representation of your sight. Your vision will likely improve over time, if you have a scotoma (blind spot) this will likely start to fade in 4-6 weeks although this can take longer. Your high street optician does not have the equipment/expertise to investigate this. Do visit an optician later down the line. If you have another reason to go sooner (pre-existing eye conditions) then of course arrange for this as you normally would but inform them as to what has happened to explain reduced visual acuity – be aware that they may not be aware that poppers can cause this issue, indeed they may not even know what poppers are.
4. Rest
5. Avoid/reduce alcohol consumption. When I did drink, the day after this often exacerbated my symptoms.
6. If you are a contact lens wearer, wear glasses (lenses decrease oxygen to eye, increased risk of infection through contact lens use etc)
7. I took the following supplements: Visionace Plus, H&B Blueberry Vision, H&B Lutein. I do not think that taking these would do any harm provided that they don’t interact with any current medication that you are on/have any allergies and they maybe beneficial. Consult your GP if you’re concerned about taking these with any regular medication concurrently.
8. TALK TO SOMEONE. Even the slightest change to your sight is very distressing, the fact that this may happen suddenly and that you may be frustrated at yourself for this having happened (this is not your fault) means that you should speak to someone. There are eye charities/Samaritans etc if you do not feel as though you can talk to friends/family.
9. PLEASE advise other people who take poppers of your experience, spread the word that these are dangerous substances, ocular side effects not being the only serious one (methemoglobinemia being another for example). Ideally escalate this further: to your GUM clinic/Terence Higgins/even your MP - this may seem extreme/ridiculous but these actions can really make a difference. Many people will not classify poppers as a recreational drug, but they are… I was surprised when I told friends about my issue that they knew about this as a problem but had never spread the word.
10. If you do decide to post in this group we would all be really appreciative to hear about updates. More people read this and do not actively contribute than you may expect.
Timeline of my recovery:
Dec 2021 Took poppers – symptoms as described above.
2 weeks after: Able to look at myself in the mirror without holes in my vision/reflection looking odd. Less of an aura around certain light emitting displays eg digital clock face. Haziness subsided.
4 weeks after: Smaller ink spots, can see train signs more clearly. Faces still blurred at any distance more than 3 metres.
5 weeks after: Even smaller ink spot, cannot see it anymore when watching TV but vision still not right (cannot explain in any other words). Small central ink spot when seeing faces at a distance of more than 3-4 metres but definitely much smaller compared to a week ago and faded somewhat – does not totally blur and obscure a face. Eye discomfort still persisting especially when tired/if I had any alcohol the night prior.
6 weeks after – same as at 5 weeks not much improvement.
7 weeks blurred vision at a distance.
8 weeks – still blurred vision at a distance reading signs a long way away as though my glasses are not up to date but otherwise no other symptoms.
12 weeks - pretty much back to normal, perhaps a slight decrease in visual acuity but I am long overdue optician follow-up and I know that my glasses are definitely behind prescription wise.
Amsterdam - Poppers Maculopathy said on Wed, 30 Nov 2022 at 10:23...
This message is addressed to somebody who is in the same situation like I was to comfort they. It has been 13 month since I damage my vision.
Yesterday my doctor confirmed full resolution and recovery from my toxic maculopathy. Structurally my eyes are healthy, but I think my vision will never be the same again like it was before! I enjoy my life back. Since the damage occurred I completely stopped using poppers and will never touch this stuff again. My vision is more important then short acting high.
I also used lutein supplement. If you damaged your vision just stay away from the poppers and be patient. Recovery is on the way!
bilbao said on Wed, 30 Nov 2022 at 12:39...
Hello Amsterdam,
What symptoms do you have left?
Great to hear you can enjoy life again, thats the most important thing. Would you say the recovery has taken 13 months, or did most of it happen in the beginning? How long did it take for things to feel normal again?
Amsterdam - Poppers Maculopathy said on Tue, 6 Dec 2022 at 11:31...
Hey bilbao.
I have decreased night vision, very mild visual snow (don't know if it is related to poppers, I only notice it in a dark room). It is harder to read text from the screen, and see and read text in a long distances, afterimages. Also my field of view feels strange like a have blind spots in vision despite the fact the I don't have any blind spots at all (feels like Depersonalisation vision symptoms). Probably I need to retrain my neurological system, because it was seeing nothing in the middle of the vision for a long time.
The recovery was very slow, I didn't even notice how I recovered. Only when I went to my eye doctor and he told me that my eye is healthy it clicked for me that I made a very solid recovery. I was able to read and work normally after aprox 2-3 month.
Most people say that it took close to two years to fully recover, and I still have some hope that other symptoms will go away, but I'm already grateful for how much I recovered.
The only thing that I regret the most during my recovery is how much I was stressed, also this event triggered some trauma that manifested later as a complex issue in my sex life. The most important thing is to take care of your mental health during this time and stay away from this drug.
I'm very lucky and grateful that I was able to make a partial recovery
bilbao said on Fri, 6 Jan 2023 at 18:40...
Hello Amsterdam,
Thank you for answering. I can relate to your stress during the process. I am also extremely stressed and still can't seem to properly calm down about all this.
It comforts me that you said you're not stressed anymore and enjoy life again. At this point I don't even care about the symptoms that much anymore, I just wish I could not be so anxious and stressed about this. I want to enjoy my life again.
Hello1234 said on Sun, 15 Jan 2023 at 06:48...
Amsterdam… I also have visual snow syndrome, and like you it’s only noticeable in low light when looking at something dark. It’s very mild. I think it probably is related to poppers as I didn’t have it before.
The field of vision thing you described, I think I had something similar in the beginning - but objectively my visual field was normal, and still is. I put it down to stress. I don’t have it anymore.
What are you like with car headlights? They’re brighter - in fact, anything that emits light (LEDs especially) is brighter. It’s probably the one thing I find mildly annoying - not because it affects my driving, but more because it reminds of what happened.
Bilbao, honestly, try not to stress about this. Try to focus on the positives. It will get better, even though your vision may not be perfect right now, in 6 months it will be slightly better and 6 months after that even more better. And it could be worse, imagine you had complete vision loss! Whenever you find yourself on a dark place try to focus on all of the things that your thankful for
bilbao said on Sun, 15 Jan 2023 at 18:37...
Thanks for posting. I'm sure I will get over this eventually, but these first 3 months have just been very difficult. I guess I'm sensitive in that way. But I'm confident with time it will get easier, even if there's some permanent damage.
Symptoms sound very similar to yours and amsterdams. Mostly low light issues and bright lights. Some visual field stuff, but I agree that might be about stress and focusing too much on it. No wonder you start to feel weird when you focus on it 24/7 like I have done. Symptoms got better fast at first, but now it's harder to notice any improvement. I'm wondering how and where the improvement happens. Which symptoms heal and how much.
Perhaps some of it is your mind getting used to the changes. Doesn't really matter, as long as it helps. It comforts me that so many people say the healing process takes a long time. Compared to you I'm still early, 3 months in now. Thank you so much for the comforting words guys.
Peter said on Fri, 20 Jan 2023 at 08:54...
There is a website that lists alot of other issues to do with poppers on thedangersofpoppers.com although there eye section is blank
bilbobaggings said on Wed, 25 Jan 2023 at 07:06...
I'm wondering about the nature of recovery in poppers maculopathy. Generally people have described the process as fast at first but slow later on. It also seems many people have some mild symptoms left even after a long time, which suggests some may be permanent.
A question for those of you who've recovered over the period of several months or even over a year: How would you describe the slow improvement of symptoms? Which symptoms actually get better and which don't? Where exactly do you see the progress and where perhaps not? How much of it is getting used to it mentally?
Hello1234 said on Wed, 25 Jan 2023 at 22:20...
For me the central yellow spot (which I could see when rapidly blinking) was the first thing to improve - within 2-3 weeks. As it got better it becomes harder to reproduce the spot. Initially I could see it whenever I blinked, then when I blinked whilst looking at a white wall and then when blinking and looking at the sky.
The next thing to improve - again, within weeks, was visual acuity. Initially I struggled to make out faces at a distance, and reading text was a little difficult. I would say my acuity is fully back to normal - if there is any remaining deficit, it’s very mild and not noticeable.
Following that was light sensitivity. It took me almost a yr to be able to look at the computer screen at normal brightness. Whilst I’m functionally back to normal - ie I can get on with my day (work/hobbies) normally - I would say this aspect isn’t fully better. Car headlights appear more obviously brighter. LEDs especially appear more brighter. I also have very mild visual snow symptoms- again, it’s not bothersome - it doesn’t affect how i interact with and experience the world around me and that’s the most important thing to remember.
TomH said on Sat, 28 Jan 2023 at 19:08...
Hi there, what a great thread this is!
I had a really awful incident about 6 weeks ago after huffing IPN. After about 30 minutes post ejaculation I started feeling very dizzy and lethargic. Heart rate about 130bpm and lips face very grey. Decided to go to bed and sleep it off. Then a few days after floaters started appearing in my eyes and my vision was blurred. Also my hands and feet started going numb and a weird disorientation feeling started. To say I’m freaked out is an understatement. For the past few weeks I’ve been hammering the supplements. Vitabiootics vision ace, bilberry, lutein and zeaxanthin, omega 3, vit d and turmeric. My vision appears to be getting better but the other symptoms remain. I’ve got an appointment with a neurologist in 4 weeks so hopefully I’ll get to the bottom of the other symptoms.
Amsterdam - Poppers Maculopathy said on Wed, 1 Feb 2023 at 12:32...
Hey there. I'm no longer checking this thread very often.
The most important thing to remember is that if you checking your vision every day during the recovery you won't notice any improvement because healing happens very slowly and unnoticed. So don't try to check your vision very often like me, just know that you will recover or will get better anyway! The good metric is OCT scan. Usually the most healing happens during first 3 months. After that it is getting better more slowly. I myself was trapped in this mindset where I check my vision by looking far away or to the lights.
Only when I got my next OCT scan which showed full recovery it clicked for me that my vision is the same when it was before except light sensitivity, visual snow. but I no longer know if it was before or not, because I'm so mindful of my vision since damage. I understood that it was my mind playing the OCD and anxiety games.
Also it still takes lots of time to mentally heal from this trauma. It triggered lots of issues for me, I had to rethink my relationships with sex and masturbation. Also, consider that I use chemicals to escape from the pain in my life.
You need to understand that poppers are marketed as a safe thing, and many users don't even consider that it can cause such damage and It is not your fault that this happens. I myself did some research and read that it can damage vision, but didn't think that it will damage mine.
> TomH
Poppers damage hemoglobins in the blood, and they no longer able to carry oxygen, causing anaemia. The good news is hemoglobin life cycle is 120 days. It means that your damaged haemoglobin will be replaced by new one within next 5 month. So hold on to your butt and sit this out. Your immune system is very weak because capacity to carry oxygen is low. You just need to wait it out.
When I first discovered this forum next day after my damage. I read the advice to not stress about it much. and I wish I could follow this advice and not stress much about it. This trauma ended up triggered TMJ disorder with very nasty symptoms which I'm still dealing to this day.
> Hello1234
The visual snow, and light sensitivity sucks. But for me light sensitivity is fine by now(has been 14 month). It is really hard to say how much I recovered, because I can't trust myself to judge 2 month ago I was still thinking that I didn't make much of recovery when my OCT scan showed complete resolution. Visual snow sucks, but it doesn't bother me at all.
The only problem I still have is when I read at night in bed, from e-reader the text structure is off, it has become harder and visual snow is super noticeable, but for me it looks more like bunch of floaters, I have anxiety and TMJ and I think these symptoms are not from poppers.
Good luck you guys with recovery. Don't stress much. Health is fragile. Treat it as an opportunity to resurface, rethink and reconnect with your physical and psychological self. I hope you will stay off the poppers.
I want to mention that I used them to get high during anal play marathons.
Since the trauma I've never used them ever since, and will never use them again. I still do anal play and I'm more connected with my body then never before and don't need any chemicals to put me into orgasmic states.
Amsterdam - Poppers Maculopathy said on Wed, 1 Feb 2023 at 12:39...
> TomH
I think you need to talk to your doctor. When I damaged my vision I got to the emergency room because my lips and nails where blue and I had methemoglobinemia like you had.
The only thing they gave me was oxygen mask. The fact that you survied is good, so there is not much you can do about your symptoms right now(don't listen me I'm not a doctor). You can check with your neurologist for some brain/nerve damage but I think it is anaemia related.
TomH said on Wed, 1 Feb 2023 at 21:16...
Thank you for the reply, really appreciated when your mind is racing constantly.
So…I’ve told my GP everything and she wasn’t particularly knowledgeable on poppers etc. I live in a fairly small village in the UK about 60 miles from Manchester. Maybe I’m the only gay in the village…lol.
Anyway I’ve had a full blood count, liver function, kidney function, plus iron content and loads of others that I can’t remember the name of taken, and they’ve all come back clear. Yesterday I had an OCT scan that didn’t show anything and the optician, to my surprise, had heard about the issues with Isopropyl nitrite. My eyesight is improving day by day and I’m convinced this is because of all the supplements junior eye doctor suggested.
The only thing left is my appointment with the neurologist. I’m worried that I’ve done something that’s long term and won’t heal.
I feel fit and healthy apart from the weird tingling in my hands and feet, which appears every now and then, and the slight dizziness when I stand up or move quickly. It’s difficult to explain.
Amsterdam - Poppers Maculopathy said on Thu, 2 Feb 2023 at 11:06...
This is a good news, you don't have your eyes damaged.
This is exactly what happened to me after my poppers induced methemoglobinemia, except tingling. Your haemoglobin is there and it appears to be "normal" on a blood work, but in fact some of it is dysfunctional https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8325596/
As far as tingling goes it is better to ask doctor, but it seems that it is another symptom of anemia.
Amsterdam - Poppers Maculopathy said on Thu, 2 Feb 2023 at 11:24...
Another paper on it
TomH said on Thu, 2 Feb 2023 at 12:03...
Thank you APM…I just need to stop worrying and ride this out. Off for a run to get the heart pumping and the blood flowing
Hello1234 said on Fri, 10 Feb 2023 at 21:13...
Tom H, I’m an actual doctor from the UK (yep, I should have known better, but here I am!). Your GP won’t know much about poppers maculopathy… but great that you’re seeing a neurologist….. with weird neurological symptoms it’s worthwhile asking your GP to check your vitamin B12… though, I suspect that they probably have as it’s a fairly commonly run test.
The slight dizziness you get from standing quickly can be normal on lots of people - it sounds like postural hypotension - your BP drops slightly when you stand from a seating/lying position.
Just try to keep focusing on the positives! It’s really easy to keep ruminating. And I know how you feel, at the beginning I felt a lot of shame that I’d damaged my body in the pursuit of pleasure… even now I sometimes find myself in that thought cycle. But it could be a hell of a lot worse - I mean at least our eyes still do the job they’re meant to do!
TomH said on Thu, 23 Feb 2023 at 19:12...
Thank you Hello1234.
Yes I’ve have a FBC and B12 levels are fine. I’m wondering if APM has a point regarding the 120 day blood cycle? Maybe you can comment?
I’m feeling a lot better since I last posted apart from when I drink too much alcohol. Seems to set me back a day or two.
I also had the initial consultation with the neurologist on Tuesdays and he was happy enough with his physical examination. I’m now booked in for an MRI so hopefully nothing too sinister going on.
Ranstan said on Sat, 25 Feb 2023 at 21:15...
I came across this forum as the same thing happened to me.
It got to the point where I couldn't see faces from a distance, all light was too bright and car leds coming towards me where so bright. I was seriously worried, as you all are.all I can say is, give it a few weeks of not doing any and you'll be fine. I'm a straight guy, do it with my missus as a buzz during sex or I've used it watching porn, but I used to do it as a laugh, thinking its fine, you have to respect its effects.if you moderate it. It'll all be fine. My eyesight is backto normal.
TomH said on Tue, 14 Mar 2023 at 16:37...
My MRI was clear, no abnormalities. The consultant thinks it’s anxiety and put me on antidepressants. Regarding my eyes, slight improvement with acuity and less visual snow. Reading text from my phone and tablet feels like it’s back to normal. Night vision still awful but I can deal with that.
Another victim said on Mon, 3 Apr 2023 at 22:28...
I'm so baffled reading this. First reports back from 2014. It's 2023 and this happened to me. Used some poppers from a London sauna a vit more heavily and boom, blurry vision and drusen developed suddenly in both my maculas all of a sudden. Never needed glasses below. Now I struggle to see clearly anything that further than 50 meters, even with glasses on. I am 38. Ophthalmologist and opticians both have no idea of why this is. Head to read this to figure out it was the poppers. It's been six months since this started and a month since I stopped using poppers (as initially I hadn't realised it was because of them). No improvement still. Just started on all the vitamins and integrators above. Fingers cross it will improve. Of course, I'll never touch poppers ever again. I'm so pissed off that this could happen and that these are being sold to people with no warnings. I had no idea otherwise I would have never. Thanks all for sharing your experience. Let's shout about this. So disappointed by our society that lets this happens 10 years after people figured this out!!
TomH said on Tue, 4 Apr 2023 at 15:36...
Best of luck with your recovery “another victim”!
I can’t believe IPN is still being sold when it’s quite clearly damaging users sight. Something needs to be done.
TomH said on Fri, 16 Jun 2023 at 15:37...
Sooo…I think I’ve completely recovered. Eyesight back to normal, neurological issues gone. Thank the lord!
If anyone is in the same situation I was…there’s light at the end of the tunnel.
Amsterdam - Poppers Maculopathy said on Fri, 23 Jun 2023 at 10:07...
Happy to hear that TomH!
jessica kaerl said on Sat, 18 Nov 2023 at 00:57...
I have been suffering from Human papillomavirus (HPV) for 2years, I was given some tablets at the hospital but I refused to take it, They said I have to be on it for life so I don't want take a drugs everyday for life. No point in taking medicine everyday when u won't get cure from it and I was advice to seek for natural herbal cure, after some time I found Dr Akhigbe is the most trustful herbalist that have herbs to cure wicked symptoms, I emailed Dr Akhigbe, for 2weeks been his patient he cured my (HPV) with his herbal. I only used his natural herbs for two weeks it was 100% cure. I'm not (HPV) patient anymore. I'm happy about it i finally got cured out of this mess been in my body for 2years. I also recommend you if you're living with (HPV) or herpes symptoms i also want you to be free contact Dr Akhigbe with the email attach to my post. Drakhigbeherbalhome5@gmail.com or whatsapp him on +2349021374574
NoPoppersPete said on Sat, 30 Dec 2023 at 18:56...
Hi all first thanks for all the advice here it is really invaluable and this is by far the best forum for advice. I’m another sufferer I’m afraid - December 2023 in London, very occasional user and a session with not that many huffs. I guess my symptoms aren’t as bad as others - bad light sensitivity, cracking headaches that come and go and dizziness that comes and goes too - but it has been a real struggle coping with it alongside life work etc. 3 weeks on and I think it’s improving a bit and I’m going to start the cocktail of supplements recommended here.
My question is not that many people mention dizziness as a symptom that persists weeks later, a few do incl TomH and Motörhead above. Aside from the vision spots and fuzziness which I hope resolve for most - does anyone have experience of how long the light sensitivity and or dizziness that comes and goes takes to recover (in the absence of the more serious sounding vision spots and blurriness) or any experience they can share.
There hasn’t been a post on here for about 6 months and I don’t really have anyone I can talk to about this, so I hope people still use it as I think it’s an important resource in the absence of proper medical information and understanding. I’ll post how I’m doing later too which I hope will help others. Needless to say I’ll never do poppers again.
Thanks guys I appreciate any advice! Pete
NoPoppersPete said on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 at 10:32...
Hi guys one thing to add which I hope helps.
I’ve realised that my symptoms of light sensitivity and dizziness and floaters are much worse if I am dehydrated. Sounds simple but yesterday I forgot to drink much water and mostly had coffee and tea and had headaches and dizzy spells. Within 30 mins of drinking a pint or two of water the symptoms were significantly better (but not gone). Others have said alcohol makes them feel worse too. I now always carry a water bottle and drink constantly through the day - don’t drink too much though! Also no alcohol or coffee at all. Do follow all the other advice about supplements sleep stopping popper use being patient etc that you will see on the forum page mentioned here.
I will update on here at a later point which I hope will help others.
Thanks & I wish you a speedy recovery! Pete
Amsterdam - Poppers Maculopathy said on Sat, 6 Jan 2024 at 10:39...
Hey NoPoppersPete, I rarely check this page but occasionally come back to it, because it was a very big support for me at the time.
I experienced the poisoning 2.5 years ago with eye damage and light methemoglobinemia and was brought to hospital. Was a massive physical and psychological trauma for me. I'm fully recovered according to eye scans, but it took me a lot of time in therapy to figure out that my vision symptoms are not from poppers but from disassociation and trauma that this event gave me.
It is absolutely normal what you experience, poppers damage red blood cels and make them useless (they can'y carry oxygen) the good news the half life time of them is 3 months so in 6 month you will have a new red blood cells that will work normal and your dizziness will go away. You will recover 100% it is a matter of time.
Stay hydrated, do light aerobic exercise, treat yourself like a person who is recovering from a very heavy surgery. Stay away from the poppers, seek therapy and psychological help if you addicted or need to talk to somebody.
WE said on Wed, 31 Jan 2024 at 02:55...
Hello everyone,
I'm facing similar issues, and I don't use poppers frequently—maybe once or twice a month, if not less. Two days ago, after my last use, I noticed blurred vision. This is concerning for me because my profession relies heavily on my eyesight to discern subtle differences in colour tones or create brand images.
So,I visited the doctor, and she mentioned that, based on her experience, my vision should gradually improve and fully recover within 1-2 months. Despite a full eye examination, she couldn't identify any specific issues.
I was trying to ask her if there was any treatment or tablet I could take at this point. Unlikely, she mentioned that there's no treatment to expedite the recovery process. She said that time is the best medicine. I hope I can get better soon, and you all too.
Will keep you all update. XOXO
Unprepared experimentalist said on Tue, 21 May 2024 at 18:25...
Hi all,
Currently going through the same symptoms as many have described above. I did some research beforehand but stupidly thought I understood it before exploring further. I read isobutyl was banned due to it being suspected of being a carcinogen, a replacement - isopropyl - would be the new safer version. Well how wrong could I (or my sources) be.
I think my symptoms are moderate to relatively mild, but they are very noticeable currently of course. I'm hoping very much they will subside over time as some other have posted, I will keep you up to date.
I can't believe they allow more dangerous varieties to be sold and ban the more established safer alternatives. This feels the same with research chemicals, where unknown labs create structurally similar alternatives to LSD, ketamine and who knows what in order to circumvent te law. Leading to the safer better understood compounds being illegal, and the experimental more dangerous substances being readily available over the counter.
The world we live in..
Scared and yound said on Wed, 22 May 2024 at 21:36...
What are your symptoms unprepared experimentalist
Unprepared experimentalist said on Thu, 23 May 2024 at 13:28...
Hi Scared,
Currently I have a central scotoma, which is transparent/gray and small relative to fov but noticeable especially when trying to read letters or symbols. Besides this my vision seems blurred or unfocused sometimes, along with lightheadedness.
I am now on day 3, and I think I see some progress (pun intended). The evening after doing the poppers I could focus on my phone screen only with difficulty, now this is getting better.
I am taking a couple supplements which contain Lutein, Zeaxanthin and astaxanthine. Besides this I am eating greens and berries, as well as drinking matcha, in the hope that this aids in recovery.
I don't smoke, and have refrained from drinking and will do so for the coming time. I am not sure about exercising, I want to but maybe it is best to wait a couple days still.
Best Regards
Scared and young said on Sat, 1 Jun 2024 at 11:43...
Hey man I hope you are keeping well, so what you are saying is your scotoma is there permanently? I have one also and I feel sick everytime I notice it as it's a reminder I'm not healed . I feel so alone out here, I feel some what lucky from reading other peoples experiences as my only symptoms are a scotoma and light sensitivity mostly with car lights and traffic lights. I can read absolutely fine and watch tv etc. I only see my scotoma when blinking at a bright background like the sky or a white wall, I notice it also when my eyes move from dark to light backgrounds. How big does your scotoma look when you blink? Mines is about half the size of a pea held at arms length. It's been 2 weeks. I feel this is a promising sign I may heal quick and just want all the reassurances I can get, I only just turned 20
Young and scared said on Sat, 1 Jun 2024 at 11:49...
I also had a OCT scan yesterday and it came back with the smallest looking lesions on the macula. The optometrist says I should heal due to my age and ofc stay away from this horrible horrible drug. Don't get me wrong I love the rush and feeling during sex but this stuff is devastating for some people clearly... for anyone reading this please please do not touch this drug. I could have never imagined this happening to me and when it does it's heartbreaking and the mental effects it has on you and the people around you is just horrible. I URGE EVERYONE TO STOP IT! Eyesight is a blessing and we must treat it like one because once you take that away, there isn't much left to live for. Sending all my love to you guys who are struggling and if anyone wants to reach out and talk with me you are more than welcome, I could also do with the company x
Here is my email - deekosaan@icloud.com
Unprepared experimentalist said on Sat, 1 Jun 2024 at 15:43...
Hi Scared,
It's been a little less than 2 weeks now (12 days to be exact). At the first few days my scotoma covered roughly 1 letter when looking at text at my laptop from a normal distance. This has reduced where I only notice the scotoma when focusing on the dot of the letter i, then I see the dot becoming hazy. Overall I still notice reading text is slightly off, I can read fine but it is slightly uncomfortable and just does not seem right. It is difficult to describe.
I also have some markers which I use to check up on my visual acuity. I have the feeling it is improving but I want to be careful that I am not fooled by placebo, due to wanting it to restore badly.
One thing that has improved is the confusion in looking at further distances, while it is still blurry it does not mess as much with my head.
I'm 24 myself, and also hope dearly that things will improve in the future. I will keep updating this thread on my progress (if there is any), as it also helps me to calm down when reading other people's experiences.
Best Regards
Unprepared experimentalist said on Sat, 1 Jun 2024 at 15:46...
Also, to come back to your question Scared, I do see the same size of a black dot (about half a pea) when blinking quickly at the sky.
I have question for you as well, did the optometrist prescribe anything to you?
Scared and Young said on Sat, 1 Jun 2024 at 18:25...
Hey unprepared, I appreciate the communication here. It sounds like you are healing and making progress which is great, I'm happy for you! Improvement on your reading is good aswell. How easy is it for you to reproduce your scotoma and do you notice it when you go from dark background to light? Say for example you look below the window annd then up to the sky does it pop up quickly? and it should slowly go from black to a more see through colour as it fades. I'm assuming you must have went pretty hard on the sniffing? My theory is that the darker the scotoma the more dense it is in the tissue as it's harder for the light to pass through but as it heals it should get lighter and lighter. Something to maybe keep an "eye" on lol. I was out for a walk earlier today while the sun was it and I can't notice in visual disturbances what so ever while out in the natural light. I have OCD and find myself checking and looking for it all the time but I reckon I don't notice it much now without paying attention to it. You're welcome to email me also if you want a chat or to talk about this with me!
Scared and young said on Sat, 1 Jun 2024 at 18:27...
Also I've not had any thing recommended form optometrist, I'm supplementing, lions mane, bilberry, omega 369, 30mg of leutine, tumeric and vitamin A. I'm also eating a shit tonne of kale and blueberries. Hopefully this helps
Unprepared experimentalist said on Sun, 2 Jun 2024 at 17:14...
Hi Scared,
I don't think I can reproduce the scotoma by switching backgrounds, I do get a visual disturbance but I think this is rather from the switch in light intensity, instead of it being attributable to popper usage. Good to hear you are at least getting a bit used to it, that will allow your mind to rest a bit as well . I also keep on checking, I think it is normal as your sight is the most prominent sensorial input haha.
For now I think it's best to continue the discussion here, as then other people that share our condition can benefit from our stories too. Just like we can find solace in the previous posts here.
Wishing you the best as well as a quick and full recovery.
Best Regards
Scared and young said on Sun, 2 Jun 2024 at 17:52...
Yeah what you are experiencing is an afterimage they are completely normal. How is your overall vision getting on now and how noticeable is your Scotoma when blinking at the sky?
I also agree with your comment hopefully this can benefit others as much as the last posts did for us.
Scared and young said on Mon, 10 Jun 2024 at 19:42...
Just a quick update, my light sensitivity has decreased massively to the point where I'm certain it was the same as before. It's been 3 weeks. The dot is much harder to produce than a week ago and I can only really see it while blinking at the sky, it seems to be getting smaller and more see through. My advice would be to take the supplements, focus on practicing breathwork and relaxation techniques, drinking 3 litres of good quality filtered water a day. Eating high amounts of kale within 150-200g a day. And for the love of god stay way from this toxic horrible drug. It baffles me that people think it's a good idea to abstain and then go back and do it again. Use your head here guys. Is the orgasm really worth potential blindness. I can imagine there are guys on here who are still recovering and would do anything to regain their eyesight and then we have some people on here talking about ways to abstain to recover quickly so they can sniff that shit again.take care brothers and stay strong, your likelihood of recovery if you do the above is high aslong as you stay consistent and disciplined
Jojo said on Tue, 23 Jul 2024 at 22:10...
Hi guys. So glad to see this forum. I have similar issues with loss of central vision. Most things appear blurred. I have used poppers on and off for a few years. However, last week, some poppers accidentally spilled on my right eye. I washed it off immediately with water. Now my vision is bit hazy and blurred. Anything I can do to make it better? I’m taking the supplements as suggested. How long did it take to get better. I’ve been to the hospital and OCT confirmed maculopathy.
Sad and depressed said on Sat, 17 Aug 2024 at 14:09...
Any updates guys on how long it takes to recover?
I’m in a deep mess
Scared and young said on Sun, 18 Aug 2024 at 13:33...
Hopefully this will help reassure many people this is a great source of information.
Scared and young said on Sun, 18 Aug 2024 at 13:40...
What's your symptoms? I'm 3 months in and about 90 percent full recovery. Only symptom left is central scotoma while blinking rapidly at bright backgrounds and this is continuing to fade and get smaller
Jojo said on Thu, 22 Aug 2024 at 09:59...
Thanks @ Scared and young, my main symptom is that my vision is blurred and hazy and I have this fuzziness or dizziness and fatigue of the eyes. It’s 5 weeks now since I stopped using poppers and I don’t think it’s improved much. I feel so lost and have been off work. At the 5 weeks mark for you, how were your eyes? I have been taking the vitamins and trying to rest. Any thing else I can do to speed the recovery?
Scared and young said on Fri, 23 Aug 2024 at 11:17...
Hey Jojo so to answer your question I never experienced blurred vision just a blind spot which faded off pretty quickly, now I only see it blinking real fast at bright backgrounds. As for your situation I'm not to sure on how your progress will look as you mentioned you spilled it in your eye which can be more related to a chemical burn as compared to maculapathy. Your damage seems more external as compared to the internal damage done to the macula. I may be wrong this is my assumption. Maybe contact the emergency room and explain. My advice try not stress to much, easier said than done I know...The eyes are incredibly slow at healing so this could take time, my bets are your will recover but slowly. For now, focus on the things to be grateful for, you can still read and see to some extent which is much better than having no vision at al. Youve got this Jojo stay strong. <3
Jojo said on Fri, 23 Aug 2024 at 13:02...
Than you so much @ Scared and young. I have had an OCT which confirmed bilateral maculopathy. I think the spillage might have worsened my progression to maculopathy since I have also been an occasional user. I went to A and E and they’ll re wasn’t much evidence of chemical burn from the spillage. They plan to monitor the maculopathy.
I will keep taking the supplements. Thanks again.
Did you get an OCT scan that confirmed maculopathy?
Scared and young said on Sat, 24 Aug 2024 at 09:34...
Okay well that's great to hear that it isn't chemical burns and also yes I had an oct to confirm mines also. So on that note I would just keep doing what you're doing, from the studies I've looked at, the average time to start seeing improvements is 6 months up to a year so it does take time. You're going to be alright man just going to have to wait this out. And by god don't touch that horrible fucking shit again it should be banned full stop I don't give a shit what others have to say about that! It's an addiction that we all have. The people in here who say they get it from their first time are also full of shit, this takes time to get us to the point of injuring ourselves. The likelyhood of people relapsing and using again is high when they start seeing improvements and then boom back to being a victim and having worse symptoms.
Jojo said on Mon, 26 Aug 2024 at 06:29...
Thank you so much @Scared. It’s been a very horrible experience. Hoping it recovers quickly as I can barely function at the moment.
Heyllo said on Mon, 16 Sep 2024 at 07:39...
2 months in no change, any hope?
Unprepared experimentalist said on Thu, 24 Oct 2024 at 09:49...
It has been a while since I have been here, so I just wanted to post a quick update as the other people before me really helped. I am still recovering but my vision has become leagues better! I can read faraway signs again and there is no more dizziness, I would say I am back 90 - 95%. Hard to give an exact number of course, but there is hope! I just takes a long-long time with very gradual changes. The only thing noticeable is some light sensitivity when watching a screen, I always had astigmatism but it might be a little more noticeable now. This can also just be because I have been overanalysing my sight for quite some time.
Strength to all the people currently going through it, don't give up!
@unprepared experimentalist said on Wed, 30 Oct 2024 at 00:17...
Thanks so much. Happy to see there’s still hope. How long did it take to recover? I am 3 months in without significant improvement
Help said on Thu, 31 Oct 2024 at 17:56...
Hi all. Does. Any one have any experience of how the recovery looks like. Does it get worse before getting better? Did it fluctuate during the recovery period. Mine seems to be fluctuating with good days and bad days. Some times it feels like it s getting better only for the next day to be very worse.
Any similar experience? Did it eventually resolve?
Unprepared experimentalist said on Fri, 1 Nov 2024 at 16:59...
I am still on the way to recovery, it took me a little more than 5 months to be where I am at now. I think it is also important not to overanalyse, which I know seems impossible. For me it helped to do active things, so going out of the house and into nature, there the reduced vision also becomes less noticeable. To answer "Help": Yes I too have good and bad days, sometimes even on the day itself it can fluctuate. Over time the fluctuations do seem to subside more and more. Not entirely out of the woods yet so I hope improvements will continue, same for you!
Take care all.
Dizziness said on Sat, 16 Nov 2024 at 07:49...
Hi all. Help. I’m 4 months in and my dizziness seems to be getting worse. Any similar experiences? How long before it resolves ? I’m also still blurry with vision.
DaddyPasta said on Sat, 18 Jan 2025 at 06:54...
Hello Everyone,
For documentation purposes, as well as keeping this very important thread alive, I will be sharing my experience:
I noticed scotoma in my vision after a session with Jungle Juice Platinum (label on bottle claimed contents was IBN) 4 days ago. I've had spots in my vision from popper highs before, but this one wouldn't go away. I've heard of it happening before and feared it would happen to me one day... The bottle was flushed immediately.
As of right now symptoms include the aforementioned scotoma, trouble focusing, and everything is stupidly bright. I've been able to read and focus on things 'closer' to me, but trying to analyze detail in things far away is impossible. It's like a black hole, of no distinct color, either blows up the brightness or sucks up all the color. No floaters, dizziness, headache, or visual snow to document in my case.
Based off of most of the stories here I should heal, given time and abstinence. No OCT scan, but will probably get one soon so I can bounce future results off of it.
You can't tell what's in your bottle, be careful ppl.
Will update more as my condition progresses.

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