Best Poppers
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by BuzBoy
on Wed, 23 Jan 2013 at 17:58
BuzBoy said on Wed, 23 Jan 2013 at 17:58...
what are the best poppers these days guys? A lot of the old favorites seem to be changing or maybe it's me! is it true that PWD don't make Rush anymore..I used to buy that popper for quite a while and then some others. Just seems different. Cheers!
Man4me said on Fri, 25 Jan 2013 at 10:26...
Depends what you like I guess. Some guys like poppers sweet and some like it best strong, then again there are some that like the new "sharp" aromas...oh and don't forget about those ones scented with eucalyptus. It seems to be that there have been some changes, yes. Watch out for "Judge Dredd" when talking about these changes! He likes to pass judgement on poppers gossip...for what it is worth I rather like Rochefort Poppers.
Anonymous said on Fri, 25 Jan 2013 at 20:52...
which r "sweet"??
BikeDad6 said on Sun, 27 Jan 2013 at 21:33...
Rochefort is a sweet kinda aroma. When you think about it they kinda messed up the name, as it don't smell like the name! more heavy honey kinda thing going on. Did you try Tres Fort Poppers? legend has it they are the best...never got mind hands on any, but some leather dudes swear by them.
BuzBoy said on Wed, 30 Jan 2013 at 13:43...
Who is Judge Dredd... that is a cartoon. I was reading also about some change of PWD now and I still don't get it!
Man4me said on Sat, 2 Feb 2013 at 13:28...
A name given to an angry poppers forumite He goes berserk about anything anyone says about PWD. Best to say nothing on that subject really....or if you must ONLY say that PWD doesn't exist anymore (even though it does) and Rush 'aint what it used to be. Basically if you are bad tempered, belligerent, and full of @*%$ you'll like JD.
Anonymous said on Sun, 3 Feb 2013 at 12:27...
LOL! Yeah PWD doesn't exist, Professor Dawkins. The fact that they just produced a new popper called Super Rush is an optical illusion...PWD Rush and all used to be best when you were looking for isoB. There were some changes like they stopped making in Indiana, maybe they changed formula now.
JJ Player said on Tue, 5 Feb 2013 at 18:14...
so which is the better popper? pac west used to have glossy labels and cool designs for sure. the old skool poppers tend to be less glitzy
Ford said on Wed, 6 Feb 2013 at 14:42...
I am wondering of you mean those little grey slips of paper on the labels. Cannot find them anymore! They are all flashy plastic shrink wrap. Whatever that means I don't know BUT the old fashioned JUNGLE JUICE (yes it smells like a fruity jungle) had a grey slip of paper on it.
BootGod said on Thu, 7 Feb 2013 at 11:43...
Rush Ultra Poppers are my favorite. Real strong and powerful aroma that lasts. I know what you are saying about 'ol fruity, Ford. That formula is OK sometimes, but Ultra is better for my needs Anywhere here to post popper experiences? my boy needs something to do while I am away in Cayo Hueso ...ha!
MuscleWorship@ said on Thu, 7 Feb 2013 at 15:40...
Best poppers on the market? (what BikeDad6 said) Tres Fort
In Berlin March 20-27 (currently NYC) ask for my profile
Sub4TT said on Wed, 27 Feb 2013 at 21:45...
Hi, thanks for the tip! I just ordered a couple bottles, luv Berlin and was there last Fall...oh wow! good a profile, Sir??
jonnylovesjocks said on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 at 21:45...
Can you get Rush Ultra in the UK?
Anonymous said on Wed, 24 Apr 2013 at 10:32...
if you mean in a private shop, no. u can get it from a web shop though
jcdutchy said on Sun, 28 Apr 2013 at 04:21...
I started up again with jungle juice too weak, slam super strong not the best also, iron horse recommended for newbies and I have started British extra strength. Good in first few usues and i put poppers in frig to preserve them longer it does help. If any good recommdations pass it on. Thx
Zaheen said on Sun, 2 Jun 2013 at 13:25...
What is this
Blade said on Sun, 18 Aug 2013 at 10:33...
Tres a good un.
MCHO said on Mon, 19 Aug 2013 at 17:24...
Whats the next big name to PWD. I mean which other branded poppers are on par with PWD's. And can share some names ...series that can give a good kick. Many Thanks.
Force said on Tue, 3 Sep 2013 at 17:26...
There are numerous manufacturers - SVT in PA, Lockroom, Perpol, Push Production, Belgo-Prism, and now there are a lot of poppers coming from China. The point being that since PWD closed it is like a great fog! Yes you can get good poppers but it is a question of trying and seeing and then sticking with that.
dc said on Tue, 10 Sep 2013 at 19:38...
ordered out of canada and the poppers came delivered from China....smelled horrible and had to put them outside after opening a bottle.
Rogue said on Sat, 19 Oct 2013 at 05:58...
Purple, is HANDS DOWN, the best popper I have ever tried. Super Rush is a super joke.
PNBoy said on Sat, 23 Nov 2013 at 18:02...
But what is an online source where I could purchase Rush poppers? Thanks!
Shane said on Wed, 4 Dec 2013 at 21:28...
I am looking for something SUPER strong that will last. Love to be relaxed when having huge things put inside me. I am looking for something that makes the room spin!
Johnpop said on Sat, 11 Jan 2014 at 11:48...
it is all very confusing
PopperMasterBator said on Mon, 13 Jan 2014 at 19:59...
Amsterdam and Hell Fire are the best, in my opinion. Very strong reactions. Rush is also good but it's a different type of high. Try them both, you will fall in love with Amsterdam and Hell Fire though. 4poppers is a great place to get them.
ConfusedPopperLover said on Thu, 30 Jan 2014 at 16:54...
So I went to the local shop in Houston the other day and bought some poppers. When I balked at the price of some of them the clerk told me it was because they were an 'old formula' that had to be sold off. Something about the FDA passing new rules and formulas having to be changed in order to comply with the new rules he said. So I bought the less expensive poppers that are supposed to be a new formula. Uh yeah they sucked.
So does anyone know if he was full of crap/just trying to sell off the crappy ones? Or is this in poppers are going to be weaker/different etc.
Nastyboyri said on Fri, 7 Mar 2014 at 04:25...
Been buying from lately. They supposedly have their own formulas and they've worked great for me in the past with fast shipping. The problem with them is the name changes and you can't get what you had the previous time.
hotguy25245 said on Sun, 4 May 2014 at 00:01...
New to the whole poppers thing. 2 days ago tried one really strong. what's the best for us new guys.. didn't try any sweet pops, only those that smell kinda like petrol (lol).
Dnky said on Tue, 6 May 2014 at 05:07...
Where can I find a coupon code for: 4poppers. Com?
hardcore28 said on Sat, 17 May 2014 at 12:04...
i find most of them make you go soft any suggestions for anyone that dont....
lovepoppersalot said on Sun, 25 May 2014 at 16:14...
Does anyone know how I can get fist poppers in bulk. Those things are like good weed of poppers. So good and very laid back.
lovepoppersalot said on Sun, 25 May 2014 at 16:19...
I think rush is online now. There's been some new rules put into place. From my experience the best poppers are in Europe so you need to buy online. The "replacement rush, jungle juice" is garbage. Shop online for a good European brand.
lovepoppersalot said on Sun, 25 May 2014 at 16:24...
So how is the high with tres fort? Relaxed or intense?
rubberrat said on Fri, 4 Jul 2014 at 17:23...
Just bought Berlin brand from Expectations shop in London. The best I've had in years - effects last for Minutes not Seconds!
Frank Booth said on Fri, 8 Aug 2014 at 12:45...
(the canadian one by Lockerrom, of course)
Mechanic said on Mon, 18 Aug 2014 at 17:38...
'Cept you can't get that one anymore
Blargo said on Wed, 20 Aug 2014 at 11:27...
Yes you can... if you're outside the US... heh heh heh!
Richuk said on Sat, 15 Nov 2014 at 19:14...
Which is the best UK online shop to get good quality poppers from?
Daveeed said on Sat, 13 Dec 2014 at 21:11...
Well i tried amsterdam gold fuck the first day i was shocked abolutely good hard smell. After a week if i used every day for a few sniff did not work at all.... I do jot buy that shit again...
MrOhYeah said on Mon, 15 Dec 2014 at 00:04...
Jungle Juice (in a big bottle) seems to not go stale quickly like other brands.
Are there other brands where the potency lasts as long?
What are the strongest?
Grindshaft said on Thu, 18 Dec 2014 at 08:55...
Gotta say my favorite for a long time has been English Royale (big bottle). Love that shit. Sniff lasts a good long time, my dick's leaking, and my lust is up good.
JJ can also be very good, had good experiences with Platinum.
Addicted to anal said on Mon, 29 Dec 2014 at 20:06...
Personally I love Amyl Nights and Rush. I alternate between the two during play - both work well. I'm trying a few different ones - I just ordered the Amsterdam and Bolt as suggested above. I have always ordered from 4poppers dot com You can find coupon codes to save 10% - just google 'coupon codes 4poppers'. Right now it's 'Xmas' to save 10%. Happy holidays, everyone!
Kristismith714 said on Wed, 31 Dec 2014 at 21:21...
I lived English Royale. These new poppers don't get a rush at all.
Chavboi92 said on Thu, 1 Jan 2015 at 21:35...
I tend to buy mine from They have a pretty good range and have these ones called English, always do the trick for me!
grmantoy said on Tue, 27 Jan 2015 at 01:04...
i have found the new formula tend to kill a hard on. when i use the british old formula i stay hard . try the new stuff and i go soft, really sucks to kill a hard on. so i am going online and ordering one of everything to find a new one that works, i cant find old formula britsh
Occasional User said on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 at 02:46...
I tried poppers from the local pron shop last year. They were ultra expensive and they sucked. Next, I go to the internet and do some reading. Manufacturers for stuff sold in stores have had to change their formula to get around laws. The result is a really shitty product. Online is something of a coin toss because some poppers have been associated with blindness due to some impurities in the mix. It isn't an epidemic, but there is no way to determine if the bottle I'm getting is the real stuff, a knock-off or even if the manufacturer gives a damn about what they put in the bottle. How do you determine quality? How do you know that the label is the real thing or a knock-off? I'm going to get a bottle. I just don't use them enough to know the difference from one bottle to the next. To me, it's just a bunch of random names on a web site.
Occasional User said on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 at 02:55...
Poppers make you loose your erection because they dilate the blood vessels. An erection comes from the blood building-up in the penis. When you dilate the blood vessels, you also dilate the blood vessels that create your erection.
wokka said on Tue, 10 Mar 2015 at 23:30...
Personally i liked MAN SCENT. Nice and strong with a sticky smell that lingers. Also doesnt go stale to quickly. My lover and i were in really hot playtime and the bottle slipped due to lube on my hands. Lost half the bottle on a old blanket. Not being wasteful, we started huffing the blanket while he was plugging me. It lastted a good soild hour!
ManilaBoi said on Tue, 17 Mar 2015 at 09:01...
Does anyone know of on-line sites which deliver genuine poppers in my area? Tried inquiring from several sites and they only deliver in the US or Europe. Thanks.
D said on Wed, 15 Apr 2015 at 02:45...
where can i find good quality poppers, i ordered from 4poppers website, and quality was poor. no punch at all. would like to find some quality product.
Merica said on Wed, 13 May 2015 at 04:35...
Looking for best poppers here in the states. I'm in NYC so I'm hoping people can suggest powerful poppers that last for a while after each hit. I have tried Amsterdam and a couple others, but I think the pron shop I go to here in Brooklyn is selling knockoff stuff. I remember the old days when you were able to get stuff that made your toes tingle!
Merica said on Wed, 13 May 2015 at 04:35...
Any suggestions of shops and brands in NYC would be appreciated!
Always horny, said on Wed, 13 May 2015 at 07:19...
Ive been using rush for a quit sometimes, but now it doesn't effective at all on me.. Suggestions for this problem?
Merica said on Thu, 4 Jun 2015 at 01:32...
Ok so I am going to start reviewing the poppers I am trying here in NYC.
English Royale (Extra Strength)
-not for me, I got an instant headache after only a couple huffs
-also saw spots...never a good thing
-fairly potent, decent rush, but not close to euphoric
-discarded due to awful side effects
Will post when I try something new. If anyone knows how to get the good stuff here in NYC, let me know!
Popperlvr said on Fri, 12 Jun 2015 at 04:11...
I have tried a few popper brands and am going to try many more. Will post my experience with any particular label and rate said experience on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being very bad and 5 being very good. I will also provide info as to where and when I purchased said "condiments"
1. JJ Platinum - Large bottle (purchased from Blue DVD 165 8th Ave., NYC) - Generally a good experience. A good "Beginners" style popper. Not too strong and has a decent duration. Beginners will have a good experience with this one. More advanced users may find this a good popper, but not a great one. RATING: 3.5 stars.
2. Brown Bottle poppers - Small bottle (Purchased from Leather Man - 110 Christopher Street, NYC) - A mild popper that has a warm, "Slow-hit" rush that passes a little bit faster than I like. Upside, I have NEVER had a headache from these poppers. I did notice that I developed a tolerance and so i would often interchange my usage between this Brown Bottle variety and another variety. Generally a pleasant but subdued experience. Good for beating off. RATING: 3 stars.
3. English White Label - Large Bottle (Purchased from a store that is approximately 2-3 doors west of Leather Man on Christopher Street). This is a very strong popper and the first few times I used it, I developed a headache about 20-30 mins afterward. The high comes on somewhat slowly and then BAM it hits you and knocks you for a home run. It is incredible. Definitely NOT for first-time popper users. I noticed that if I used this variety a lot during any session, I would have a discoloration in my vision (a yellow/purple haze) that would last for about 5-10 mins after. Definitely a FANTASTIC experience, but NOT for newbies. RATING: 4.5 Stars.
4. Rush Ultra Strong - Small bottle (Purchased from Blue DVD - 165 8th Ave. NYC). These were fairly decent. Nothing to write home about but also not to be scoffed at. A satisfying hit that comes on quickly but also dissipates just as quickly. Still, keep them close by and sniff them regularly and you will have a pretty darn good time. RATING: 3 stars.
I will try more and will post more as I do. Hope this info helps.
Drummer said on Sun, 28 Jun 2015 at 12:56...
Thanks Popperlvr and Merica!
Horndog said on Wed, 1 Jul 2015 at 19:13...
amyl nitrate in what ever brand is the good stuff if you can find it.
Popperlvr said on Sun, 12 Jul 2015 at 06:40...
G'day all.
After trying a few more brands and giving some others a 2nd chance, I have an update. But 1st, what Horndog says is 100% accurate. Amyl Nitrate is BY FAR the best stuff...IF you can get it. I got a bottle of JJ Platinum from a store who imports from Canada, and I'll be darned if it wasn't the real stuff. It was frigging INCREDIBLE. I can tell you right now, that if you are able to get a hold of the REAL Jungle Juice (JJ) Platinum, then you are in for a treat. Just go easy on them. I was sniffing them like they were the USA variety (Isobutyl Nitrite) and they were a lot more potent with NO vision spots (aka scotoma) or headaches and a hell of a lot more fun. I will say this, I noticed that if I went a little crazy with them, I stated to shake.
Anyway, I bought them from a place called World 2 on Keane St., West Babylon, NY. Rating: 5 Stars!!
Brown Bottle Poppers - Large bottle (Purchased from Leather Man, Christopher St., NYC). I decided to give these ones a second chance and this time I went wit the large bottle. I don't know why, but they were a LOT better and I am having a great time with them. I am not sure if they use a different blend for the large bottles as they do for the small (wouldn't make much sense) but for some reason, the large get a 4 Star rating.
English Royale - Large bottle (Purchased from The Blue Store on 8th Avenue, Chelsea, NYC). Really mediocre poppers. I received little to NO rush and they didn't enhance my orgasm much at all. I DID, however, get a headache. I bought these on the recommendation of the store owner who managed to scrape up a little credibility with me when he confirmed what I already knew...most of the crap being sold in NYC is fake. Anyway, after a reasonably long discussion with the guy and after he recommended me AWAY from several varieties, he absolutely promised me (even gave me 20% price reduction AND a money back guarantee) that they were the best. Well they totally sucked and I went back 4 days later to get my money back. don't waste your money people. These ones were truly bad. RATING: 1.5 Stars.
Last one for this month...Maximum Impact Spray.
Some will argue that these are not real poppers and I am absolutely inclined to agree with them. The chemicals used are completely different. The delivery method is via a rag that you sniff after spraying it several times and the high is very different. As a result, I am giving these a separate review.
My thoughts: Disliked the smell immensely, and the feel of a cold wet rag against my face was just plain weird. I will say this: The high is definitely there. It is very different from poppers and i would NOT recommend this for tops. While some tops can stay hard on poppers in limited amounts (some of the lucky bastards can snort them all day and stay hard) I have to be careful when topping. When bottoming, poppers are incredible. Maximum impact is a DEFINITE "NO" for me when I am topping, NOT because my erection doesn't stick around, but rather that I felt NUMB. My dick felt like I had been anesthetized and my orgasm was the most boring, uneventful thing ever. Maybe this reaction is unique to me, but I doubt it.
As a BOTTOM, its a WHOLE different story. While I definitely noticed that I was numb, that really isn't a bad thing when a top (especially a well endowed one) is going in for the to speak. Maximum Impact was DEFINITELY better for me as a bottom than a top. Just my experience, no doubt there are plenty of guys out there who would completely disagree with me.
Therefor I give Maximum Impact 2 ratings; one as a top and one as a bottom.
As a Top: 0 Stars. It was the most uneventful nut of my life.
As a Bttm: 3.5 Stars. It was a great help in getting me to relax and enjoy myself, but I still felt a little anesthetized from it all.
Happy to hear anyone anecdotes from anyone else.
Cheers all.
Popperlvr said on Sun, 12 Jul 2015 at 06:46...
To Horndog:
Mate, are you based in NYC? If so, any recommendations on where to buy REAL amyl nitrate poppers?
I'd be much obliged. Cheers mate.
Poppernew said on Sun, 26 Jul 2015 at 12:51...
I've recently started using poppers on the regular.. Last night I used rush (which I have used before with incredible effects (!)). All went well as always, intensified orgasm to the max, but when I stand up I fainted. First time that this happened with poppers. I just blacked out, and came to my senses a minute or two afterwards. I want to know if this has happened to anyone else? Must I freak out? Plus, rush poppers after some sniffs just don't do it for me. Any suggestions?
Little brown bottle - the worst! Instant migraine, that lasts at least a good 4-5 hours.
Rush - pretty ok.
I need something not too strong and not fruity. I like the stiff smells. Plus anything that can keep your hard on? First sniff always get me rock hard but third fourth make me go soft.
Yumyum said on Sat, 1 Aug 2015 at 11:52...
New with poppers, tried around 10 bottles from
Buy-poppers dot com
Quite cheap and the Super Strong Rush was amazing, only bottle to last for over a month, Lids broke on ALL BOTTLES, except that one and a few medium 14ml bottles (Jolt brand)
Now ordered 16 bottles, JJ Black, JJ Ultra Strong, JJ Plus, Orgasmus, A couple of rush, highrise, liquid burning, xtrash etc, is this site legit or what? German site and mist poppers given a good rush even though Lids were utter shit quality. Will give reviews on new bottles, also, anyone can give me a heads up on what i orderez, most is stuff i didnt try!
Fatcock said on Sun, 2 Aug 2015 at 22:24...
I have tried every brand. I think the strongest ones are RAM (which are less than $10 a bottle) and FIST (go figure) from the UK - $20 a bottle online!
tommyrj said on Mon, 10 Aug 2015 at 11:25...
I also like FIST, it was the 1st one I ever tried & nothing has come close. I also went for Berlin which is a nice strong one, but too much prolonged use gives me a cough
JoelJacker said on Sat, 19 Sep 2015 at 10:09...
Personal recommendations: Iron Horse and Man Scent are probably the two brands that deliver a consistent punch. That said, have tried Berlin and felt that the aftertaste was too strong. Agree that it would give a headache and a likely unwanted after cough.
JoelJacker said on Tue, 22 Sep 2015 at 06:22...
To Popperlvr, great description of the effects of English White Label. Is a very discrete hit, but when it hits you start to buzz. Yes I have too experienced the yellow vision haze, but have also experienced similar effects from heavy Iron Horse and Man Scent usage.
I find that by not over doing the hits and taking them more steadily throughout a bate or while engaged in sex results in a far more relaxed and powerfully delivered cum release. Not impressed by the latest batch of Rush being flogged off in Australia, it smells weak and leaves a nasty nail polish after smell in the nasal passage.
Ramrod said on Tue, 22 Sep 2015 at 07:15...
Let's get to reality here. The Rush of the late seventies early eighties is gone. All of the stuff out on the market now is garbage I remember the old days when you would be sniffing and you would start hearing and feeling the wump, wump wump. Now with the junk out there nothing. The Government had to ruin our fun. Amyl Nitrate was the absolute best.
Ramrod said on Tue, 22 Sep 2015 at 07:23...
What really put the nail in the coffin for Amyl Nitrate was the the stupid a-hole school kids taking it to school with them huffing in class. That's when the crusade started to get it pulled off the market. The media brought it out in the open.........and that was it.
JoelJacker said on Sun, 4 Oct 2015 at 05:52...
Hear, hear Ramrod. I agree about the wump, wump, wump effect. Even JJ Platinum has gone a similar way which is why I keep coming back to the old standards 'Colt Fuel', 'Man Scent', and 'z Best'. They still have their distinctive aroma and are still available in the mini-flask with the bigger opening and not that horrible new long bottle now favoured by the JJ Brand.
I love nothing more than a popper-fuelled ejaculation when cumming, and the old school flask packaged brands still deliver.
Durtyd said on Tue, 6 Oct 2015 at 06:05...
Where do you get the flask style from. I am in US Florida, and all we have is weak garbage, can't find anything legit here.
big8inch said on Fri, 9 Oct 2015 at 20:06...
my man and i really enjoy that new super rush, yeah you need several hits during our hour sessions,but it delivers.Other times you can get limp dick,when edging alone to some porn, i enjoy this stuff.
Thomasscouse said on Thu, 12 Nov 2015 at 19:31...
@confusedpopperlover whqt was name of this shop in toronto where they sold old expensive poppers? Please reply
Houston10 said on Mon, 18 Jan 2016 at 00:38...
..need a place in Houston where I can get poppers. Tks for help.
masteralpha said on Thu, 11 Feb 2016 at 22:46...
Like most are saying on here it really comes down to preference and what you are looking for. If you're looking for a study level hi, then should probably go with Rush. Personally I feel like Amsterdam is the best that I've had and I've tried just about all. But it definitely isn't for everybody, it gives you an intense high that can last for a while and if you're not used to it might affect you in the bedroom. But if you're looking for something strong that doesn't give you a headache and will consistently give you a euphoric feeling. Amsterdam is the only way to go.
WannaPop said on Wed, 17 Feb 2016 at 00:09...
I think the recent posts above are from people who didn't use oor try poppers before the FDA mandated formula 5 years ago. All brands are such lower quality today that you cannot even compare. So other than flying to France , doesn anyone have a way to order the old formula poppers in the states?
pplover said on Mon, 29 Feb 2016 at 09:58...
Amsterdam is surely the best! Recently started using Berlin XXX, it is nice! Dont Rush for Rush..
NewPop said on Sun, 13 Mar 2016 at 10:18...
Hey, I actually just got into the whole popper thing so I could be wildly off base here. But I just got a bottle of Jungle Juice Platinum Original with a cas # of 463-04-7 on the bottle.
Now, the website I got this from specifically states they do not carry amyl nitrite poppers so I don't want to say the name and draw attention to it.
What do you guys think? Is my bottle mislabled? Is the website wrong and unaware? Or is this just some kinda a loop hole?
Paul said on Thu, 30 Jun 2016 at 18:52...
Where can I get Jungle Juice poppers in Houston ?
Anonymous said on Thu, 7 Jul 2016 at 01:04...
English are good for fucking and quality for getting your dick sucked.If you wanna go rogue,sniff a whole bottle on your own over 3 hours and have some awesome visions.English all the way.
Popcity said on Thu, 7 Jul 2016 at 01:04...
I have tried the old and new. The old is significantly better and never liked any of the new stuff until recently. A brand called blue boy is very legit. Downside it does wear off quickly and bottle goes stale fast so stuck with the small. However, the first night or two is closest to the old products.
Anonymous said on Sat, 23 Jul 2016 at 04:08...
PoppersRus is a good site for UK buyers.Good prices.Fast delivery.The mulipack deals are great value.
Pinkman said on Sun, 24 Jul 2016 at 18:59...
Gave the popper thing a try. Not for me. I'll stick with good ol fashion methamphetamine. Have fun with your whipits
Luckydionysus said on Tue, 2 Aug 2016 at 01:21...
In Houston: Adam and Eve in westhimer sells them. Also if you ask to buy "nail polish remover" from Club Houston, you can get rush or just there. I think there is another sex shop near sobe in montrose
hardrein said on Sat, 27 Aug 2016 at 03:30...
when it come to poppers..its totally hit or miss...i have found the brand/name does not really matter...i've tried mny different brands over time...sometimes i will buy from sex shop in time sq for $10....sometimes i will order online from oversees....sometimes i will get a great bottle n the 1st sniff will send me into orbit...other times i sniff n nothing but disappointment.....the more you sniff the less effect it will have i have gotten my best results when i lay off for like a month or two...
Asianjock said on Mon, 5 Sep 2016 at 13:20...
Does anybody get rashes or pimples on their back when using poppers? Specially RUSH or Jungle Juice? I get terrible amount of pimples and rashes on my back.
Piotr Kolowiecki said on Thu, 29 Sep 2016 at 06:22...
@Asianjock.. Hi No side effect if get proper product. I recommend where you can find quality tested poppers. Just try once you will recommend further.
DickingMe said on Fri, 30 Sep 2016 at 00:00...
What is the best poppers for sub bottom
Busoedov Alex said on Tue, 4 Oct 2016 at 02:23...
Man where I buy poppers that they deliver me to Russia
Anonymous said on Thu, 13 Oct 2016 at 23:48...
I was reading some descriptions of the English White Label effects, and I couldn't wait to try them. I ordered from I tried them, and they did absolutely nothing for me. Any other suggestions for the strongest poppers?
dirtdog said on Mon, 17 Oct 2016 at 16:18...
Just a tip from a frequent popper user. The underside of my nose used to get all red and raw from sniffing poppers. Now I use a straw and inhale through my mouth. Works great and no more raw nose but don't suck the liquid up the straw!
badharlee said on Wed, 9 Nov 2016 at 03:40...
I have found a trick that someone told me about, put your poppers in a small plastic water bottle, not only do you greatly decrease huffing any liquid, but it last a lot longer and seems to even get stronger over time, my fav. is BluBoy
Von Steiger said on Thu, 17 Nov 2016 at 00:36...
What is the best and most potent Popper?
Wolfgang said on Fri, 2 Dec 2016 at 14:32...
Truly over the decades (legal available on the free market) - Overall, it has been Rush products. Rush itself IS the most sold popper brand, not only in the US, but in the world.... ever. There is no contest.
LisaDee said on Thu, 22 Dec 2016 at 21:15...
Jacked. Put me into orbit, no headache and lasted longer than most. Downside is they are hard to find.
Bjoern said on Tue, 3 Jan 2017 at 15:34...
I like this quite new brand, HERO. I'm not a heavy user, so I only use small bottles. Recently a friend strongly recommended SEX BEST, but it's only in a big bottle...Is it worth it? Does anyone know?
New user said on Thu, 12 Jan 2017 at 12:07...
Can any one advise , which is best popper to use without getting burn nose and good strong effect also stay hard . Thanks any response will be very much appreciated . Thanks
Outdoor lad said on Tue, 17 Jan 2017 at 09:07...
I would recommend 3...
English: big bottle, good strong high!
Jungle juice: intense feeling, short lasting perfect for slamers.
Green, extra strong: no poppers burn, no head ache real good clean high!
Would love any other recommendations. I get mine from scallylocker. Always multi buy deals on.
Incognito said on Sun, 22 Jan 2017 at 20:03...
Poppers "Bears Own" is perfect if you like to masturbate to tube cams. It's the next best thing to LSD. It's spot on if you want X minutes high compared to an 8 hour trip. The orgasm are both equally as good.
Mollyman said on Fri, 3 Feb 2017 at 11:27...
So, Ive used english white and gold label. Gold label is intense, but I definitely get the headaches. I have done molly while using the white label and I get no headaches. It. is. effing. intense. Any tricks to prevent burns on your nose? I read about the straw but that seems a little scary for me. Also, what is the strongest for power bottoms? thanks
M said on Mon, 6 Feb 2017 at 07:43...
Blue Boy is in my experience some of the most potent stuff out there
murad said on Sun, 19 Feb 2017 at 00:56...
well, i prefer FIST POPPERS. makes my hole sloppier, and i take my double fist very easily
SLUT MAN said on Sun, 19 Feb 2017 at 00:59...
Fist poppers is good burn
SeaMagpie said on Sun, 19 Feb 2017 at 09:41...
Many years ago, before the popper market went totally pear-shaped, I bought some "Rush" in the Netherlands. The first time I used it was for a two hour private wank off. It was incredible. I had a huge cum that lasted for ages and drained me completely. My legs went to rubber and I actually couldn't walk in a straight line!
I used it a number of times with the same effect and always got a very intense urge to get very sexually outrageous very soon after the sniff. I also noticed that a bottle would deteriorate after about two weeks and the more it deteriorated the more I started to get a headache after a sniff. Keeping spare bottles in the freezer works very well for long-term storage.
Today, nothing comes anywhere near what I've described above and as of yet, many many bottles and different brands later, I've never managed to find a product that has the same effect on me.
As a point of interest, I'm a married guy and I tried a bottle recently on my wife whilst we were having a big sex session. I went down on her as she was watching a favorite bit of porn on her IPad and when she started to sniff the bottle her pussy got really wet and throbbed and the lips puffed up and when she came she had a huge orgasm. She enjoyed it, but complained that it gave her a bad headache too.
So what's the answer now? Amyl Nitrite seems to always get a big thumbs up from punters but where can I possibly get a bottle of this in the (nanny state) UK today??
Inhouston said on Wed, 29 Mar 2017 at 23:27...
Hi everyone. Looking to know if anyone can tell me where to get poppers in Houston, I'll be there tomorrow. My email, thanks a lot!
Leah said on Tue, 16 May 2017 at 09:07...
Well benzedrex and Berlin xxx will make any one slut bottom
holein1 said on Tue, 1 Aug 2017 at 08:57...
There is difference between what is best and what is strongest, it is not the same thing. It is a question of preference really and of course how fresh the bottle is. Fresh is best with poppers.
User147 said on Thu, 17 Aug 2017 at 21:37...
Recent order from of gate, tiger gold, ultimate and flag. All are really bad. Ultimate claims to be isobutyl, I doubt it. Gate claims to be amyl, came with a sticker on it listed as another ingredient. Flag also listed as isobutyl I doubt it. Tiger gold isopentyl and isoamyl mix. Tried them all ended up choking and coughing and seeing yellow spots when I blink. Couldn't even get hard. Horrible products. I used to get could poppers from but not for the last couple of years. Sadly the only other formula that's acceptable is pentyl. Bring back original isobutyl formulas.
Dicky said on Mon, 18 Sep 2017 at 20:09...
Can someone thels me what is different between poppers rush and poppers amsterdam. Thanks!
SubCub said on Thu, 21 Sep 2017 at 00:18...
I have been using poppers as a bottom now for the past 17 years.
Here in the UK we have a 25ml Bottle called English.
the first poppers I tried Anal sex on and....WOW.
I still buy English poppers but now also use a new type called Extreme.....and they are !
Titus, Kink, Bang Hard are others that I also buy to enjoy myself on.
Titus last's the longest during sex and Help me a lot as one of my Top Buddy's is very big, and so they help my anal muscles relax.
What I would say is don't hold the bottle while your having sex......this makes the bottle and liquid inside warm, and turn it into a vapour, that can sting your nose.
and if you want your poppers to last longer, keep them in the fridge.
When it comes to Gangbangs then Extreme is the best because they are so strong, and help you losen up very quickly.....and drop your inhibitions to the point where you want every guy in the world inside you !
so make sure everyone is using condoms, unless like me you are using Prep and are part of a club of regular guys.
To much poppers will give you a headache, but I have found Titus Poppers to be better as i can sniff them all night and not really suffer later or the next day.
where as English and Extreme caN give you a bad headache if like me you use them a lot and in some cases, make you bit chesty.
can spend the next day coughing.
But i don't suffer this side of things that often.
Hope that info helps.
All the best,
SubCub said on Thu, 21 Sep 2017 at 00:27...
" Can someone thels me what is different between poppers rush and poppers amsterdam. Thanks! "
Rush isnt as good as they use to be. dont last very long either.
Amsterdam is better and lasts longer, in my experience.
But there are lots of other poppers out there that are much better.
Like Kink, Berlin, Titus, English, Bang, Extreme, Bears Own,
Hardcore, DV8, and Throb Hard.
I have tried all of those and enjoyed them immensely !
DenverCalv said on Thu, 28 Sep 2017 at 05:39...
Ok, so much info here. Thank you all btw. But to help us quasi-newbs living in the US looking for a powerful and lasting high with no headache to be used for shagging and/or a wank what's the completely subjective concensus on what to type to buy and from which trusted site?
Thanks again all!
wankton96 said on Tue, 3 Oct 2017 at 19:16...
Never tried poppers before. I just bought a bottlr of jj platinum black from megaplex in austin tx.
kenken4 said on Fri, 13 Oct 2017 at 11:18...
where can buy RUSH bottle in HUSTON?
wankton96 said on Sat, 14 Oct 2017 at 03:05...
Well iv tired them a couple times, and the orgasms I have on them are super intense. I honestly perfer to use them by myself while masturbating. I plan on trying rush next.
Kris said on Sun, 29 Oct 2017 at 03:09...
I get the same buzz everyone else does with poppers and I enjoy it but it has been my experience that when over used, no matter the brand, it's headache time. Maybe it's just me, idk but I found that if I draw in at a slower pace, I don't get as bad a headache and they don't last as long. Also I've learned not to shake it to much prior to opening it the first time because you can hear the pressure escape and I think it loses its effect faster. Idk about others here but I like to take a hit and worship BBC like it deserves to be so if you're a brotha in the Houston/Galveston area and need a warm mouth when you want it, email me.
Terry said on Tue, 19 Dec 2017 at 23:04...
Do poppers have a shelf life.
78 said on Fri, 26 Jan 2018 at 09:44...
Sure they do! Poppers are a volatile chemical (nitrites) and will start to degrade in sunlight and if not in a cool place. Best to buy your poppers from somewhere dark and cold like a cellar. Best ones are the freshest PLUS some formulas degrade quicker than others. Harsh formulas have longer shelf life it seems to me.
Jayboi said on Fri, 2 Feb 2018 at 01:58...
I use the website 4solvents dot com. They have reasonable prices and they ship fast usually getting my treats within a week. I don't see that they have a lot of the seemingly powerful scents like man scent, fist, etc. That I want to try, but they still have some pretty good ones. I usually go for the European sampler pack of 3 that has varieties. Been going to this site for about a year now and ordering about once every month or so and they give you tracking info. BAD NEWS is no credit cards as you have to use bank routing and number info and there's no other option. Packaging is discreet as well as the info on your statement. They have been reliable and fast and I'm always happy with their service.
New2u said on Mon, 26 Feb 2018 at 16:07...
The poppers that are the best are the one you like - meaning some guys really like isobutyl and some really like isopentyl. It is that simple. Nobody seems to like isopropyl though. Brand names like rush and jungle juice do not mean so much these-days, as the market is flooded with Chinese copies (they are mixes so I heard?)
DonnieBoy said on Mon, 2 Apr 2018 at 22:25...
From what my extreme popperbator-pig friends tell me, the best ones to go for would be (in order from the strongest down) OverDrive, Nitro Supra, Berlin XXX Hardcore, Jungle Juice Black Label Extreme Formula, Amsterdam Special Strong, Extreme, Jacked, Tres Fort, Maximum Impact, Potent Blue Extreme, Maximum Impact, English White Label, DV-8, English Royale, Premium Iron Horse, Heavy Duty BOLT, English White Label, Amyl Nights, Brazil Potion Nr. 9, RiseUp, Hardware Original Formula, Super Rush Black Label, HardCore,QuickSilver, Atomic, Freak, Throb & Flexx Extreme Strong. There are a number of other ones that may also be just as strong but it would depend on your own brain-chemistry and personal preference...Good Luck !!
Cherry said on Wed, 4 Apr 2018 at 21:44...
Maximum Impact is not strictly poppers though! That is ethyl chloride spray. I had Tres Fort and Jungle Juice Black Label...yeah they are nice!
Serhio said on Fri, 22 Jun 2018 at 08:53...
Hi everybody! I really like the strong effect of Jungle Juice Black label extreme formula. Advise something similar: a longer action, but no less strong.
Nicow said on Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 00:37...
What about bearsown and over the counter poppers,which are the cheapest and which are the best?
Nicow said on Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 00:48...
Anyone up for popper fun?😃right now?😃
Popperluvr said on Sat, 2 Nov 2019 at 05:31...
Hows the blue boy? Was about to get but went for the bigger bottle of rush red instead
Lloyd said on Sun, 1 Sep 2024 at 14:55...
Jungle Juice Black Label Extreme Formula
AGREE with u WTF and i got Jacked, 2 x Black 2 x Jacked if the Jack is anything like the Black like omg yeah
dunno i always used Rush from a store but checked out some online when i was bored...
BIG TIP: ask this dude for an extra and you get some called Rave added


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