Jungle Juice
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Rod Duke
on Mon, 8 Oct 2012 at 12:36
Rod Duke said on Mon, 8 Oct 2012 at 12:36...
Can anyone here explain what the deal is with Jungle Juice? There are like totally so many names - Jungle Juice Plus, Black Label, Platinum, one poppers is made by Lockerroom and one by RAM Productions, and another etc.
HiBoston (sling) said on Tue, 9 Oct 2012 at 02:00...
Yeah there is even one called Tribal Juice and Jungle Juice Ultra.It is an old brand so you gotta say it has a lot of followers.
luvdude said on Tue, 9 Oct 2012 at 16:41...
u can see the "original room odorizer" on a bottle of Jungle Juice, but it was changed to leather cleaner sometime in the past few years...or are they copies, not sure. When you look at an original it has that grey paper label? I bought a bottle in Amsterdam once and was real surprised (yeah i read labels LOL) to see it was described as amyl and made in Canada...I am just about to buy a few bottles so I'll let y'all know how it goes
Frankie said on Fri, 12 Oct 2012 at 03:19...
bought some Jungle juice from a store in PA has a blue label and some bs about nail polish
Papa_Pop said on Wed, 17 Oct 2012 at 14:55...
Let us know how that goes, luvdude. Jungle Juice probably refers to a poppers formula that has a sweet smell. Jungle Juice Platinum is filtered after manufacture I believe. Been around a long while and was always from Europe I thought?
Popper Expert said on Mon, 29 Oct 2012 at 01:00...
The original Jungle Juice is made by Lockerroom out of BC Canada. Others are fakes. I went to Canada and bought 3 bottles and I didn't care for it. Nothing I have been buying online or at retail outlets in the last couple years seems like the isobutyl nitrite Joe Miller of RUSH had been making and distributing for decades. The new stuff is more likely to be made of rubbing alcohol since it's not illegal. I have made nitrites from both rubbing alcohol and isobutyl and isobutyl is by far the better in terms of good effects and less side effects. But any nitrite will degrade into something awful if not properly made and preserved.
liam4u said on Tue, 30 Oct 2012 at 10:42...
Isobutyl and amyl are like chalk and cheese aren't they? Totally different, some people hate one and love the other (and vice versa) What is rubbing alcohol, Popper Expert? Can you explain something about all these different formulas please. Wow... is this confusing or what!
LimeyinOZ said on Sun, 4 Nov 2012 at 08:16...
But answer came there none! Popper Expert thinks that since Pac West closed down nothing is any good, i.e he likes isobutyl. New poppers are made with rubbing alcohol (cheap) and therefore are rubbish. He does not like Jungle Juice Plus. BUT, not all isopropyl nitrite is necessarily made with rubbing! Surprise, some folks know the difference. Trouble being there is a pack mentality that says, oh isopropyl is like total @#$%! I had a bottle that totally sucked ipso facto all iso is @#$%. Back to old style poppers, Jungle Juice Plus is one brand in the rainbow, was it the original? Yes, I think so, but I cannot remember.
Anonymous said on Tue, 6 Nov 2012 at 20:28...
rubbing alcohol is what causes nose burn
Lovebubble said on Sat, 1 Dec 2012 at 10:18...
I guess Jungle Juice Plus is the original poppers? or is that Rush...thnx
Carter said on Sun, 2 Dec 2012 at 19:33...
Rush is the original one (but it was a capsule of amyl and not a bottle of isobutyl poppers) Jungle Juice is a Canadian brand, Rush is American.
Pig Master said on Wed, 26 Dec 2012 at 02:25...
He guys - there is a really good article on how to tell if your JJP is the real deal or not- as far as i am aware JJ Platinum and JJ Plus are the ONLY real poppers produced under this label by LockerRoom Marketing in Canada. The rest are cheap knock offs made in some disgusting guys bathtub.
Check this article out -
AKECHETA said on Tue, 29 Jan 2013 at 20:41...
"JJ Platinum and JJ Plus are the ONLY real poppers produced under this label by LockerRoom Marketing"
Totally incorrect, which brings into question all that you say. They also make numerous other brands. Zee-Best, Rochefort, Amsterdam...the list goes on. The line about "disgusting guys bathtub" is an old pack of crap. It was dreamt up during the "poppers war" of the early part of the last decade. Isobutyl nitrite is isobutyl nitrite and so is isopentyl nitrite (and all the other descriptions of that formula) - it is true that purity varies though. It is also true that there are some isopropyl nitrite brands that carry similar labels.
If you look at the weird article that Pig Master links to you can see that it was written by him. Elsewhere is is claimed he has "a degree in PIGology" Enough of this nonsense please!
CentsAndSensibilities said on Thu, 31 Jan 2013 at 21:07...
The original Jungle Juice comes from BC, Canada. These include Jungle Juice Plus and Jungle Juice Platinum. If the objective is getting the original Jungle Juice because it still uses Amyl N like in the 60's and 70's, then that would be Locker Room of BC, Canada who holds the bragging rights to that. They were already there in those years mentioned even B-efore C-hrist, Canada :-/ Pardon that please.
Though selling Amyl N is illegal in Canada (as in USA and everywhere else without medical clearance for medical use), Locker Room was able to get around this by exclusively selling them only for Export effectively shutting out the local demand. They do sell locally but does not contain Amyl N as it is illegal to even posses it.
I don't know how Locker Room could have blinked and found other companies with the same product name as theirs.
About the argument about buying other "Jungle Juice" being fakes or not the original Jungle Juice. Now, I've tried the original Jungle Juice by Locker Room B.C., Canada and it packs a horse's punch ! I need to be sitting down or immobile to avoid losing my balance. Other Jungle Juice branded products also are quite strong too. I don't think you will be shortchanged if you accidentally bought other Jungle Juice that's made in USA. This one still quite a punch. Look at it this way, All poppers branded as Jungle Juice must be rated way up there for them to be branded and pitted against Jungle Juice by Locker Room. Though I can still make a safe assumption that in my experience using six kinds of Jungle jungle with the knowledge that two of six are made in USA and two are Made in China, and one these from China is even made to look like Jungle Juice Plus by Locker Room with Made: B.C., Chanada (again, that's Chanada). The clincher being the slogan stating this is the Holy Grail of all poppers and the "proof" being it Made Before Christ in Chanada even ! My bro and I found it in those stalls beside office buildings in Hong Kong central. We thought it was a prank. But the guy selling it had a tester bottle and that was a punch too (hint of menthol on my nose later on but the hit was shorter than Amyl N hence bottle is fast as you'd like to devour it. Cost 150 Hong Kong but so cheap from Guangzhou (?) and even locals told me to get it at Ali Express. I was astounded at the selection and prices ! ! ! I don't know what the active ingredient was as it did not say. But if you keep using it you easily build a resistance to it as with the rest of all other poppers with different formulations whether original or fake or not. The key is lining-up a selection of poppers that you find best suits you as being strong. Rush for some reason gives me headaches even the day after when no alcohol was consumed by drinking the night before so I can't use Rush so it is not in my line-up. Also I found that Isopropyl packs a soft punch so I don't have this in my line-up as well. You need to change brands to let your body loose it's memory resistance over whatever formulation you are taking at that time. Then go back to Amyl N after two weeks then you see it packs that same horse's punch again. This is how to use Poppers. You need to be dynamic with your usage. Change brands after using up a bottle. One thing though is that formulations using isopropyl is much more inferior to the others like isobutyl, alkyl so best not to include this in your line-up. My line-up is this: Starting with a bottle of Jungle Juice Platinum using it up in less than a five days, best to share as it does not really keep well due to its volatility which is the key as to how best to use it. More on this later. After using up the Jungle Juice by Locker Room, I take original Brown Bottle, and after that, JJ blue label. There is no Jungle Juice written anywhere on the blue label but it is made by Locker Room so I assume this is to satisfy the Canadian market but sadly due to the restriction of selling Amyl N, it uses Isobutyl N. This one packs a lingering punch !. I then use Iron Horse, then Xtrash, then Bolt, then back to Jungle Juice Platinum again. This way you allow your body's resistance memory to lay low on Amyl N as you are using Isobutyl and so on....
In my opinion, fake or not does not matter especially with Jungle Juice. I haven't tried a bad Jungle Juice yet, NOR TRIED ONE THAT IS BETTER THAN JUNGLE JUICE PLUS / ULTRA BY LOCKER ROOM, OUT OF B.C. CANADA.
But if you insist on using the real thing, the orig, source one, ground zero, when God declared: Let there be Poppers ! So then Locker Room in B. C. Canada was born.
Viva8 said on Sat, 2 Feb 2013 at 18:26...
Interesting post. It is a cool idea to get a line up of poppers...much obliged, will give it a try!
Standova said on Wed, 13 Feb 2013 at 10:54...
JJ Platinum and JJ Plus are the ONLY real poppers produced under this label by LockerRoom Marketing" Totally incorrect, which brings into question all that you say. AKECHETA said on Tue, 29 Jan 2013 at 20:41
Hey there AKECHETA I have read the article and the comment above and think that you may be a little confused - this guy is saying that JJP and JJPlus are real and made by Locker Room while JJ Gold label and the likes are not the real deal, that's why he says UNDER THIS LABEL. Before you go running your mouth you should really learn how to read pal.
The line about "disgusting guys bathtub" is an old pack of crap. It was dreamt up during the "poppers war" of the early part of the last decade. AKECHETA said on Tue, 29 Jan 2013 at 20:41
There was a Poppers War ??? who won ??? who was fighting ???? you are an idiot !!!! Take a look at the pictures provided in this blog article - would you BUY the fake one AKECHETA ??? because I wouldn't and since when does REAL JJP contain Isobutyl Nitrite ??? you are a fool that likes to mouth off and prove his ignorance, learn to read properly and digest the content of an article before you go shooting your mouth off. The line "disgusting guys bathtub" is in obvious reference to the cheapness of the formula the bottle and the labeling and is used as a metaphor- again - your'e an idiot
It is also true that there are some isopropyl nitrite brands that carry similar labels. AKECHETA said on Tue, 29 Jan 2013 at 20:41
SHOW US !!! show us one REAL AROMA that contains this crap isopropyl nitrite that is REAL and MANUFACTURED by LOCKER ROOM that carries a similar label --- go on I dare you !!!!
Until you can AKECHETA shut your mouth and crawl back into your hole
This guy is doing us all a favor by coming out and saying this is FAKE and BEWARE so my hat goes off to him - well done PIG MASTER
REAL POPPERS PLEASE said on Wed, 13 Feb 2013 at 13:44...
YEAH !!! take that AKECHETA
I totally agree with -Standova - this guy is trying to do us all a favor by pointing us to a blog that exposes the FAKES and how to pick them and all you do - AKECHETA - is try and pick holes with your nonsense rantings and ramblings.
AKECHETA I think you have a hidden agenda - perhaps you work for or manufacture the "disgusting bathtub poppers" and got caught out because you mention nothing positive about the blog article and what it is trying to do, except you bag it like someone with something to hide in their bathtub. ????
So if anyone wants to read a top article on how to spot a fake JJ of any sort - be it Platinum or Plus LABEL then read this article
Jez said on Thu, 14 Feb 2013 at 09:27...
LOL!! Talk to the hand, AKECHETA! <bitch slap> Charlie Brown says good grief!
equestrian mistress said on Sat, 16 Feb 2013 at 10:13...
"you should really learn how to read pal."
How do you read pal? I'm curious. You like reading books, Jez. Any ideas?
Standova said on Mon, 18 Feb 2013 at 22:46...
wow !!! 2 idiots in one conversation - are you both related "equestrian mistress" and "AKECHETA" ????? if you both have nothing intelligent to say then just don't say anything...
Rush_fan said on Sat, 23 Feb 2013 at 11:22...
The guy who brews up poppers in his bath is called Major Headache.
"Your malicious musk has this party stinking to party stinking to high heaven"
"Begone impostor! Without a PWD Power Pak Pellet to preserve your freshness, you decay faster than sherbet on the sun"
Captain Rush punches him in the mouth...
Major Headache had a green face and yellow teeth, he wore a purple jumpsuit. He was a villain out of the now defunct Captain Rush cartoon strips. The whole story line was invented by GLP in Indiana, the artwork is brilliant of course The other villain was called Doctor Purple as I recall. One other funny idea, and yes there was a lot of laughter about it, was the "dirty balls" story.
PuzzleMaster said on Tue, 26 Feb 2013 at 17:13...
What happened to Captain Rush? and WTF has he got to do with Jungle Juice.
Toxic Tina said on Wed, 27 Feb 2013 at 10:45...
He lives in an old folks home now like Abe Simpson.
PuzzleMaster said on Tue, 5 Mar 2013 at 22:21...
Does he still have his own teeth, Tina? Oh and yeah I gotta ask....what is the story with dirty balls...ha?
Rush_fan said on Wed, 6 Mar 2013 at 09:40...
It refers to the plastic balls that were sometimes put into Rush poppers! As you will note the author of these stories often used hygiene as a weapon, they were NOT the Power Pak Pellet, they were dirty! Hence filthy bathtubs and all that....the villains all have hygiene issues as well rotten teeth being one of Major Headache's most charming features. Appearance and cleanliness was a big thing for a certain someone of course, and this was used by him in the marketing - or anti-marketing really.
dan said on Sat, 9 Mar 2013 at 22:57...
i am just wondering what is the purpose of Jungle juice or what is the use of it> can any one explain?
rudedude said on Wed, 20 Mar 2013 at 07:06...
I read that
...and completely disagree.
So, I got a bottle exactly like the one labelled "fake" from an Australian supplier a few months back. I had been doing some looking around as I know that many aromas have been diluted etc over the last year or so. It arrived and instantly I observed it to be different to ones I'd had before - the label has more info, the top is a different seal with a logo on it and it had power pak pellets (which I've never had before). What did I think. Well, I can tell you it was the best and strongest poppers I've had in years. It also lasted a good couple of months. I was chuffed as it seemed like I'd got an original bottle.
I just got a bottle from the same suppliers only it's like the one labelled "real" and it is in no way as strong or heady as the "fake" one. I've had bottle of JJ before - all like the supposed "real" one.
Anyone else had this bottle and had similar experiences?
PJ said on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 at 12:21...
My suspicion is that one contains isobutyl nitrite and one contains isopentyl nitrite (amyl) Using terms like "real" and "fake" is somewhat confusing in this context, although if you say that originally Jungle Juice was X and now it is Y....well that is an argument for the classification.
Like Em REAL said on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 at 07:09...
hey rudedude - do you really know what a good popper is ??? seems like you work for those idiots at Adultsmart in Australia who sell those watered down FAKE poppers - "the strongest you have ever had " what a joke - I purchased a REAL JJP from Popper Express "Alkly Nitrite" made by locker Room and it was mad - then my friend got a FAKE bottle from Adultsmart - cheap Isobutyl Nitrite - marked as Nail Polish remover ????? what idiot removes nail polish with poppers ??? the FAKE one is made by a notorious forger from SVT Labs by the way SVT Labs is also a fake company -
So "rudedude" i think you are a little bit of an faker yourself buddy - if anyone thinks that isobutyl poppers are better that Alkly poppers needs their heads read. Oh yeah, REAL JJP does NOT contain Isobutyl Nitrite nor does it ever have the PPP balls - so in closing "rudedude" you are full of crap bro and no one believes your fantasy story "oh isobutyl poppers are the bomb and i was CHUFFED as it seemed like i got an original bottle" hahahahahahahahahaha ---- idiot ----
Toxic Tina said on Wed, 24 Apr 2013 at 21:21...
> hahahahahahahahahaha
Simon Quinlank is that you? ho ho ho... be nice please.
"Alkly Nitrite" (sic)
Alkyl Nitrite is a generic descriptor only as far as I can understand??
Spiri said on Thu, 2 May 2013 at 06:46...
That is correct. Isopentyl Nitrite is Alkyl Nitrite, and it is a mirror image of amyl nitrite of course. However, if it says Cycohexyl Nitrite or CycoAmyl or some such then I believe that we are in a different class. I am quite astonished by all this angry talk about Nail Polish Remover. It is quite normal for poppers to be called all sorts of things, room aroma, leather cleaner and what have you. NPR is just another part of that dance started by Jay Freezer and continued by J. Miller (RIP) The disco beat may have long since past by, but that dance goes on.
PJ said on Thu, 2 May 2013 at 20:19...
So why are some Isobutyl Nitrite then? According to my limited knowledge that is the original commercial popper?
Hayle Stone said on Fri, 3 May 2013 at 07:36...
If you are talking about the 70's then it would be Clifford Hassing's isobutyl. Jungle Juice was not heard of then. The original medical style snappers where amyl. JJ in the US is going to be IBN, yeah they make it for sure in PA and on the west coast.
Standova said on Fri, 10 May 2013 at 16:18...
Hi Spiri, can you put up one link to a licensed poppers that has the word NPR on the label please ???? go on I dare you ???
The ONLY FAKE arsed poppers that use the word NAIL POLISH REMOVER come out of the US by some clown calling himself SVT Labs. He is using the good label of JJP _ JJ Plus Iron Horse and Blue Boy to push his cheap knock off poppers aka NAIL POLISH REMOVERS. I am told that he is in a lot of trouble with Locker Room marketing over this for breach of copyright as the labels mentioned above are licensed and covered by a world wide copyright.
So dont sit there and try and tell us all the word NAIL POLISH REMOVERS is commonly used - ONLY FAKE ARSED poppers use those words.
Case in point: check this idiot out here :
See this fool has to use the words NAIL POLISH REMOVER because that is what the original patent was designed for NAIL POLISH REMOVER and since when does JJP contain isoburtyl nitrite ????
One last thing too STOP name dropping Joe Miller like you god damn know the dude - lets just say Rolf Harris and that creepy pig from top of the poppers should have topped themselves too , just like Joe Miller did - after all - they all liked little boys... and you worship that pedo like he is some kind of god ---- bunch of fools
in closing DO NOT BUY poppers with the words NAIL POLISH REMOVER on the label I can guarantee you will just be wasting your hard earned bucks because the shit aint real !!!!!
and rest in hell Joe Miller
YukiBear said on Mon, 13 May 2013 at 22:25...
Heavens! What an appalling post! What on earth is this all about???
Hayle Stone said on Sat, 25 May 2013 at 15:50...
Holy guacamole! & I get flamed for being rude! "isoburtyl nitrite" U mean isoburpyl, yep?? Billy Bob Belcher used to make it out of Charlotte )
Who made the first bottle of Jungle Juice? as if i care...
PJ said on Sun, 26 May 2013 at 14:16...
Tina! Alkyl nitrites seem to be an umbrella term for all kinds of popper (ex isoprop) I thought they used to room deodorizers? Now leather cleaner...a versatile product for sure.
PPPpppedro2013 said on Fri, 31 May 2013 at 19:42...
I live in Switzerland and today I went to an XSHOP and got some JJPlatinum, it looks pretty real to me but the bottle seemed pretty old, the guy who sold it to me told me they bought a shitload 10 years ago but never sold them because they were worried of getting caught, now they started selling JJP and other brands,what is a little Strange is that it says Liquid Incense, The original room odorizer... allthough on the side it says Manufactured by Lockerroom.net, Delta, B.C. do you guys think its real or fake? The form of the bottle and the labels seem the real thing... It says its made of Isopropyl nitrite, should i get it again or is it a cheap fake?
Marshall said on Wed, 5 Jun 2013 at 21:21...
Did you like it? Isopropyl nitrite, that does not sound like JJ. Old bottles are not always good news if they haven't been stored in a cold room. Your feedback about how you liked it would be great. Thanks and welcome!
Justme said on Sun, 16 Jun 2013 at 01:14...
All of that sounds great and all of that shiot. But I went to JJ website and couldn't find where to order. Can anyone help?
justme said on Wed, 19 Jun 2013 at 05:06...
K well I ordered thru power poppers and wow those are some powerful poppers. Stronger than I remember them being. Now I just gotta figure a way to introduce them to my new lady.
matt said on Sat, 22 Jun 2013 at 02:50...
Health Canada just did a major crackdown on poppers. Fake or real it's difficult to get now. Customs is suppose to step up their watch to catch it coming into the country. (3year jail sentences and $5,000 fines for business/individuals caught selling it.)
Poplover said on Tue, 16 Jul 2013 at 12:31...
Don't trust Adultsmart the rip off merchants and they are also associated with Poppershop.com.au and wholesalepoppers.com.au. They can't be trust ed, fakes at all 3 and poppershop rips you off and NO ITEMS SENT!!
Popperboy said on Sat, 3 Aug 2013 at 04:05...
I live in Canada and all the poppers are gone is it illegal for me to purchase them from the US online or is it only illegal to sell them in Canada as u can't get I trouble for possession
Defcon said on Mon, 12 Aug 2013 at 22:17...
Possession in Canada is not illegal. Only selling is. If caught with them like 1-2 bottles you're fine. Caught with a case they will say you are selling and charge you.
In Canada we can manufacture amyl for export only. We ship to Europe (Czech republic) to probably same company but different (different company same owner type of deal) outside amyl ban. Then sell world wide from there as not regulated there.
I think the mixed reviews may come as some ppl get great poppers handled right shipped right and some probably got stale crap poppers left out in the sun. Since its banned here and most places its hard to quality control like the good old days. I ordered 3 bottled from power poppers.com. Hopefully customs misses it and I get something good. If customs finds it then they toss it out, no trouble for me just out $40
Fingers crossed.
Standova said on Mon, 16 Sep 2013 at 13:29...
I'm a pretentious prick who likes to belittle other people because I'm SUPERIOR!!!
LUVDICKDEEP said on Mon, 16 Sep 2013 at 13:55...
Let's just douche our asses, get all lubed up and inhale those damn poppers whether they are fake or real and sit down on that dick, with some music in the background up all night fucking real good, I mean really getting "it in" if you know what I mean! Sniffing those poppers with lube on your hands getting that dick deep inside ya! It's got you going in a Horny trance, you try to pass it to your man without the cap on, trying to be thoughtful and considerate, he tries to grab it and the whole damn bottle spills all over the place. I love poppers and the many sexual stories behind them!
CK said on Fri, 25 Oct 2013 at 00:03...
Defcon, did you get your order from powerpoppers to Canada ok?
fedsslut said on Sat, 16 Nov 2013 at 01:59...
I ordered JJ from power poppers when it arrived two weeks latter after I was over charged I opened up a bottle and dam what a waste pure crap should have put jellybeans up my nose. No customer service and sh-t for a product.
Chasen said on Mon, 23 Dec 2013 at 21:53...
I enjoy reading all these comments. I've been using poppers purchased at adult book stores in the USA for nearly thirty years. I realize there was a watering down of the formula a few years back when amyl nitrite went off the market. Yet I've made do with the newer formulas for 20+ years. Here's my question: I recently bought Jungle Juice Platinum. After reading all these posts, I went & looked at the bottle. It label indicates it was manufactured by SVT in Langhorne, PA. Is this a legit Jungle Juice?
Popper Expert said on Thu, 26 Dec 2013 at 01:34...
All the poppers I have bought out of Langhorne, PA have been very disappointing. Some have made me sick, others smell bad and don't make me feel good. Only Joe Miller who marketed Captain RUSH and many others supplied a relatively safe, reliable popper.
I have been making poppers for 3 years....have made amyl, Isobutyl and butyl nitrite. I can vouch that it is hard to get the same effects, odor, etc with each batch....there are too many variables. It's easier to preserve a popper that is well made from the get go. Otherwise, they will degrade fast. They should not smell unpleasant when they are well made and fresh.
They are all made with a strong acid....which, if not properly neutralized, will cause burns to nostrils and airway/lung tissue.
poppernutt said on Thu, 26 Dec 2013 at 22:01...
does anyone in Youngstown ohio know where to get some strong poppers
Chasen said on Fri, 27 Dec 2013 at 19:27...
Thanks, Popper Expert, for you input regarding Jungle Juice manufactured in Langhorne, PA. I called around to the adult bookstores in my area last night to find out what brands they carried. One constant among all the bookstores I called is that there has been a recent price hike: from $9.50 per bottle to about $15.00 per bottle. The brand names identified for purchase in my area are: Jungle Juice, Black Label, Maximum Impact, Amsterdam, & Pig Sweat. I've not yet actually visited the bookstores to inspect the labels to see the active ingredient in each. Again, I'd appreciate any feedback from readers for reactions to the brand names I've listed.
HotBod said on Sun, 29 Dec 2013 at 18:12...
last night...yeah dial up bookstores and quiz about poppers during
Holidays.Thanks for the tip...sounds fun.
Solomon said on Mon, 30 Dec 2013 at 19:52...
The Rush Hour has posted extensively about this price rise elsewhere, Chasen. The labels you mention are widely available in various "forms" As it happens I recently tried some Amsterdam labeled isopropyl...I am sure it was not, old school heavy but not as long lasting. Maybe was one of these new mutations.
> they will degrade fast
This is intrinsic to the chemistry or the bottling (or both) Popper Expert?
LUVDICKDEEP said on Thu, 2 Jan 2014 at 21:58...
Did fedsslut eventually stuffed those jelly beans up his nose?
jay said on Thu, 20 Feb 2014 at 04:22...
i ordered 3 bottles of jj gold an not liking it at all no rush just bad side effects like wtf
Smart Alec said on Fri, 7 Mar 2014 at 02:35...
Where did you buy the JJ Gold from, Jay?
I'm thinking that the gold version is made in the US.
Alan said on Sat, 22 Mar 2014 at 21:16...
Hi Guys,
I love the feeling after sniffing poppers - that burning in the face sensation. However, I get that sensation only for the first few days, the most 3 days, then afterwards, I no longer get that sensation but just headache! I've tried a couple of brands, JJ, Rush, Ram Gold, etc but all of them seem to have the same effect. Am I the only one with this experience? Or was it due to fake? Hope someone can shed light on this. Thanks all
FAKE POPPERS said on Fri, 18 Apr 2014 at 12:09...
git said on Sat, 19 Apr 2014 at 07:26...
Who cn provide good popperz in punjab , jalandhar nearby india
William H. said on Wed, 4 Jun 2014 at 00:44...
I recently bought from a company for the first time which could not have been any better! Just a terrific experience ( and I've had my share of bad one's for sure! )...
they guarantee the best prices, my order shipped fast and shipping is FREE!, And even more, you can join their Popper's Buyers Club now and receive 15% off lifetime orders!
The gentlemen I spoke with was a true pleasure! What a nice change.
my .02-
Bill H
Rick z said on Tue, 8 Jul 2014 at 22:19...
Last order of JJ from powerpoppers.com was a waste of money. Wasn't even poppers. They used to sell the good stuff but it's seems to be over now.
arth said on Fri, 18 Jul 2014 at 09:54...
il faux le prendre par la voix nassale
Sbrondak said on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 at 17:09...
Jungle Juice ULTRA is a different brand than JJ Plus/Platinum.
JJ Ultra is isopropyl nitrite. (says so on label) Nasty smell. Bottle still sits in my fridge. Haven't tried it yet...
JJ Plus/Platinum are by Lockerroom, CDN. They smell mellower and seem to be the real thing (amyl nitrite), at least outside the US and CDN.
JJ Fan said on Wed, 8 Oct 2014 at 14:39...
The Jungle Juice Nail Polish, with the tiny pellets use last a very long time, and it always smelt fresh. Good amyl always reaches the soul, bit of a hedonist myself.
db said on Thu, 6 Nov 2014 at 00:54...
someone had a bottle of jungle juice blue rush rose, really smelled strong of rose , i tried it, it worked , but i smelled the rose in my nose for hours. is this stuff for real or just some crap?
Andy UK said on Thu, 13 Nov 2014 at 22:02...
Where can I get the OLD STYLE poppers from????? Like the ones we used to have about 10 years ago???/ They've all changed in the UK now?? Why is this?
steve said on Tue, 30 Dec 2014 at 19:33...
I have searched and searched for an answer to a problem that only I have. I love poppers but I get a shortness of breath and difficulty breathing 4-8 hrs after use. Anyone ever experienced this? Why would it happen and would a better brand make it stop? My favorite is Jungle juice but not sure of much else. Help!
Xed said on Tue, 24 Feb 2015 at 23:05...
bought Jungle juice poppers (plus, gold, and platinum) from online. Shipping took a few weeks and was discrete (within Canada). Never tried poppers before and didn't know what to expect. Product seems to be effective at causing relaxation, dizziness, and probable increased blood pressure (Throbbing in head). Never experienced and headache issues. Was using product somewhat regularly for the past few weeks. I don't find that it improves euphoria during ejaculation, but it improves euphoria prior. Effects are seeming to diminish with continued use. I have also found that I am experiencing some vision issues - a sort of yellow-green hue in the middle of vision, similar to staring at a very bright light. I am going to discontinue use as I had them done a little research and found others describing similar vision issues.
Andy UK said on Wed, 25 Feb 2015 at 02:53...
Hi Xed
Yes i have encountered the exact same problem with my eyesight when using poppers. Its like having your photo taken with a bright flash camera and the flash just will NOT go away! It remained with me for several months before it faded away from the middle of my vision wherever I looked! I was terrified! I have read up on this and I cannot prove it, but I think poppers cause macular degeneration; Look that up on the internet and you will find out what I mean. It effects the back of the eyes. But the thing is, is that the old style poppers did not used to do this? Its only the new ones?? I just cannot understand it?
Rush North America Supplier Hong Kong said on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 at 17:31...
You can get authentic Rush poppers imported from North America from me in Hong Kong. Can trade along HK island line.
Each bottle comes with authenticity signatures & quality guaranteed.
email me at Storm.t.strooper@gmail.com for details.
Ram Products ( London) said on Wed, 8 Apr 2015 at 08:25...
Makers of the 'Original Jungle Juice' since 1982
We have tax returns to prove the above. Any other company putting 'Jungle Juice' on a label is fake
Jungle Juicecwas started by two guys in London in 1982.
I toke over the Company in 1990 along with Perpol UK Limited
Jungle Juice was amyl nitrate. Following a EU regulation in 1995 Amyl was banned and still is we used isopropyl nitrate and sales worldwide increased fourfold. Following another EU regulation in 2005 we again changed the formula to comply with EU law to the formula you get today.
Any other company offering anything with Jungle Juice on it's label is a fake wether its a grey, black, green or yellow with purple spots ( check a recent ruling in the French Courts of cessetion to see a company selling fake Jungle Juice brought to its knees)
Original Jungle Juice can be obtained from
www.junglejuice.org or from Authorised retailers only
Lachmas said on Wed, 22 Apr 2015 at 15:06...
Hey guys, I just bought the Jungle Juice Platinum in a small glass bottle manufactured by canada-poppers. The contents is Isopropyl Nitrite. Can you tell me if itīs the "real deal" or a knock off?
Grrrr said on Sat, 2 May 2015 at 14:34...
Jungle Juice was amyl nitrate...we used isopropyl nitrate
it was used as a fertilizer? NITRITE! not NITRATE! Totally different things!!
gg said on Mon, 11 May 2015 at 11:55...
isopropyl is the formulation they determined may be causing vision issues
Stockton7 said on Fri, 22 May 2015 at 06:10...
I've been using poppers for 15+ years. I've had some formulation last for months while other are poor at the start and worthless a week after opening. However the last 4-6 bottles I've bought at various ABS throughtout the U.S. All leave me with a dull ache in my teeth, 45-60 minutes after using. Has anyone else experienced this?
Drew said on Tue, 26 May 2015 at 13:28...
I should say dull ache in your choppers prob means you have an underlying issue.
EDon said on Sat, 6 Jun 2015 at 15:26...
I've had good luck at hanks cleaners dot com. They've got the real PWD jungle juice. I like it better than the rush or amsterdam.
hkhorn said on Mon, 3 Aug 2015 at 10:06...
need some in HK - anyone know where?
Reich213 said on Sun, 13 Sep 2015 at 04:13...
In my area Amyl Nitrite has been unavailable for years.
I could only find Isobutyl Nitrite.
But in the last few months Isobutyl Nitrite is off the shelves.
The only thing around is 85% Alcohol, 5% Water, 5% HCL, other.
Any ABS will have 6-10 names brands Rush, JJ and so on, but they all contain only 85% Alcohol, 5% Water, 5% HCL, other.
I'm ready to try overseas mail order.
appaz said on Wed, 23 Sep 2015 at 12:24...
the only real stuff is amyl nitrate. I have tried everywhere, I am from the UK and have tried here and overseas to find the real stuff again. Jungle juice from Lockerroom in Canada was the real deal of yesteryear before they made amyl illegal. Now everything is fake. every supplier claims to have the real (amyl) jungle juice and all take your money and supply absolute rubbish. they are ALL con merchants. NO ONE can supply the real deal....they will all promise this but cant deliver. they will ALL con you out of your money. If there is anyone out there who don't work for these con men who can prove different I will be pleased to hear from you.
ballroomeast said on Tue, 27 Oct 2015 at 23:58...
I totally second what Appaz says. I'm also from UK. It's true.......I've spent (wasted!) 100s of pounds in the last couple of years trying as many different suppliers in Europe, and all of them are complete rubbish. The lid says PWD, so? Is it hard to make such caps? The cheap DIY label wraps that are so badly done can be spotted instantly.......some don't even bother to make them look real on the website. But in desperation I try as many different companies and brands as possible, as i'd rather have a good fake than nothing at all. I don't actually care what any poppers made from, as long as it gives that 'hit', that they used to deliver when I first tried them in 2007. Anything with Pentyl has been like water in my experience, but then how do you know its real anyway?! Isopropyl delivers a weak punch, good for a couple of uses, one or two nights max. Apparently some good stuff is still being made in the USA, but how many of those sites ship outside their great country! NONE! To hell with the rest of the world! So i'm about ready to give up. PowerPoppers USED to do decent ones, with the odd fake mixed in, but in the last few years they're just as bad as the other fakers. I had some half decent ones from China, but that's all dried up now too! Maybe I should take up chemistry and learn how to make a punchy formula myself, be a damned site cheaper, and at least i'd know what shit I was putting in it , or leaving out ! Any Solutions anyone?.... to this increasingly global poppers crisis.........coz I give up with Europe, its all FAKE FAKE FAKE, money grabbers. You will notice most fake bottles have a number on the bottom, maybe 3 or 4 digits/letters. This is to help identify the different types of rubbish that they con you with.........doesn't matter what the bottle label says, RUSH/JUNGLE/NITRO/RAM........its exactly the same shit inside anyway....so you may as well just buy ONE to try, not loads. But I give up.......unless anyone knows different?!! Good Luck!
JUST FAKE said on Fri, 27 Nov 2015 at 09:42...
Where to buy true popper online for Europe? I tried true poppers buying on London and Paris shops and have NOTHING to do with the fake we are given online.
Rocket said on Sun, 29 Nov 2015 at 13:15...
My summary of the poppers situation, UK perspective"
1. Isopropyl poppers are garbage and cause eye problems and other side effects that can take weeks to go away. Avoid at all costs.
2. The very very best ever were the original Rush PWD and as far as I can find this is a thing of the past, probably never to be repeated.
3. Butyl / isobutyl nitrite poppers can still found. I order from France where they are legal These are not as good as PWD but much better than Isopropyl and worth a try.
4. Jungle Juice JJ poppers are amyl nitrite and if you can get legit ones are good. They are different to isobutyl and some prefer them some don't, it's a matter of taste. Again infinitely superior to isopropyl. They don't affect vision(for me) and no headache or long lasting side effects. A cleaner popper.
5. Poppers are soon to be banned in the UK along with all psychoactive substances. As usual the UK are taking a heavy handed approach. My understanding is that possession will not be illegal but the importing/ exporting and supply will be (handing your bottle to a mate to have a huff will be seen as supply). In line with the heavy handed approach I believe that they will not differentiate between someone ordering a few bottles for personal use and someone importing intending to supply. The one good thing is that at least isopropyl shit will be banned.
Popper Expert said on Wed, 2 Dec 2015 at 16:54...
Been making poppers at home for 4 years. I fully understand all the frustration with trying to find consistently good poppers. Old PWD out of Indianapolis, IN held the secrets to producing a great popper that lasted on the shelves, delivered a pleasurable punch and didn't cause a lot of side effects. I have used various acids, alcohols and preservatives to make poppers and I can say with assurance that there is a wide variety of results possible. I have made some really good ones with great effects, but it's more miss than hit. And they all seem to cause mucous despite purification steps. In my opinion, only a professional lab having the knowledge and resources of a drug company can make a reliably good and safe popper. It is my understanding that the original maker of RUSH used a chemist who had worked for Eli Lilly, where they make amyl nitrite.
DogBB said on Fri, 15 Jan 2016 at 14:24...
Regarding Point 5:
Andy Burnham (Shadow Home Secretary) has called to exempt poppers from that legislation - his argument being there is 'no evidence of harm'.
Due to be voted on (i think) January 20th and will be active law from April 1st (April Fools Day)...no kiddin'
>held the secrets to producing a great popper that lasted on the shelves,
What secret?
Girl Toy said on Tue, 23 Feb 2016 at 22:55...
Hi, how we can use poppers jungle juice?? Can you explain, because I have the sensation it's for we smell the bottle, but in the bottle said that let spread the aroma diffuser in itself for this purpose
Boy Toy said on Wed, 16 Mar 2016 at 05:29...
I think people use it to get a bit high. It may be a muscle relaxant. I first came across poppers on wupli.com
e17 said on Wed, 23 Mar 2016 at 10:12...
No they do not, Toy Boy. The scientific nature of poppers (Jungle Juice or whatever) is that they cause the production of nitric oxide in the body, this dilates blood vessels and thereby causes smooth muscles to relax. The poppers sensation is short, nothing to do with getting high. The fact that they are a muscle relaxant means that intercourse is easier. The sensation itself is hardly euphoric, although maybe it will cause very short term disorientation.
Some people report after effects, shortness of breath, blurred vision, cough, headache etc. This is more likely with isopropyl nitrite and isobutyl nitrite. I understand that Jungle Juice is amyl nitrite (or a derivative thereof) so that is used in medical applications; isobutyl and isopropyl are not and seem to have been created soley for the reason that amyl is a medicine and subject to regulatory oversight. Isobutyl and isopropyl can be used in cleaning applications, although frankly there are far better compounds available. I was reading up on this subject and I understand that some poppers in this cleaning category are marketed as leather cleaner, circuit board cleaner, or clock cleaner; this is ridiculous.
SIngmaestro said on Wed, 29 Mar 2017 at 18:07...
Great poppers sold at Austintown Bookstore.....Also XTC in Warren
Try the brand Hell Fire! gives you the old fashioned Euphoric I want to fuck feeling!
poppersbypost said on Tue, 4 Apr 2017 at 04:33...
you can buy extensive range at <a href="www.pbyp.com.au">poppersbypost.com.au</a>
Josh said on Sun, 23 Apr 2017 at 17:50...
Safest way to order Poppers if you are in Canada.
Lots of brands to choose from.
Regular or Xpresspost shipping.
Ralf said on Sun, 1 Oct 2017 at 17:34...
Christopher said on Mon, 18 Dec 2017 at 09:19...
My vote goes to Canadapoppers.com. Been using them for 7 months and they are awesome. They ship really quick too and have express post
Joe Hirsutus said on Thu, 28 Dec 2017 at 20:58...
Chemical supply companies sell Amyl nitrites. Fisher Scientific, Spectrum Chemical, or Sigma Aldrich.
Hey guys. Im my job I have to order chemicals and reagents for scientific lab work. I have noticed something as I have searched the catalogs from these chemical supply companies. You can buy Amyl Nitrite for about $80 for 25mL. You can also buy Isobutyl nitrite for about $25/25ml or $120/500mL. And you can get Isoamyl nitrite for $40/100mL. You can also get other variants of the nitrites. Now I have not tried these, but I am curious if anyone has. The chemical supply companies I am talking about are www.fishersci.com, www.spectrumchemical.com, and www.sigmaaldrich.com, although I know there are others. So if anyone is willing and has some extra cash to experiment, maybe this is an outlet.
gv11 said on Fri, 16 Mar 2018 at 11:58...
what is interesting the price difference for amyl it is much more. even the iso kind is more than the normal butyl styles. They are different so much?? I wonder about that. well butyl kind of chemical is used in cleaning I think, but amyl is used for medical things even now like snake bites and angina. I guess as well that these companies want you to buy a lot, so not so handy for normal poppers use.
muller said on Fri, 6 Apr 2018 at 19:40...
is it true that jungle juice is less robust than other nitrites. someone told me that this is why it was replaced. But it is the best i think..
Semysig said on Fri, 12 Apr 2019 at 02:34...
Looks like some of the later posters didn't read this whole, admittedly MASSIVE, thread.
It took me forever to crawl thru.
I will add this:
It appears u CANT get real amyl nitrite (not nitrate) anywhere without prescription. Alkyl nitrite is the next best and ONLY truely safe alternative. I've heard all butyl types are bad, and especially isopropyl nitrite. The latter makes some common sense sense bc drinking isopropyl alcohol is no bueno. Old cheaply unscrupulously made monshine caused vision problems, blindness, which I'm guessing could b related.
The current huge problem is finding anything that is PURE alkyl. I found buyfromben claiming some Amsterdam versions were, but then its got a descrip saying it contains isobutyl too. I cant get direct contact info w any manuf, especially Amsterdam, who does appear to have a legit corp website, albeit useless.
I believe UK did ban many combos, hopefully including isopropyl. I don't know if they pulled the classic fascist move like the USA used to do w any and all "drugs" and burned people for "distribution" for giving a puny amt to a friend. Anybody know?
Anybody know anywhere current to buy real, pure, alkyl nitrite?
Also, how do i get this thing to email me if there's been a post? I dunno how anyone keeps track of their web threads without it. Man i miss the usenet w a REAL client.
Alknitr said on Thu, 2 May 2019 at 16:36...
hello i have pure alkyl nitrite in 20ml bottles
Semysig said on Fri, 3 May 2019 at 06:12...
How do i find you?! Website? U might have to put it in some ver of elitespeak, like mmm for w's, dot for ., and leave off htp...
Semysig said on Wed, 22 May 2019 at 16:11...
Semysig said on Tue, 2 Jul 2019 at 13:16...
Come back dude, i wanna know!
Mischief PS said on Thu, 25 Jul 2019 at 21:32...
I work at an adult shop in California and I've only just noticed that the new Jungle Juice Black Label 10mL bottle says it contains alkyl nitrite (usually it says isobutyl nitrite, if it's the good stuff (relative to the times), as opposed to the 85% alcohol crap from Delaware). It's been very popular so far, and I wonder if that has something to do with it.
(If anyone wants to check it out hit us up by typing three Ws and a period, then mischiefcardsandgifts , followed by a period and a "com" - and report back!)
JAN said on Tue, 7 Jan 2020 at 23:44...
KevinLasVegas said on Sat, 4 Jul 2020 at 14:05...
I bought two bottles of poppers on a recent visit to Connecticut. One labeled Rush and the other Jungle Juice Black Label. Both were the same 85% alcohol the rest HCL and other. They were both absolute garbage. Terrible side effects, coughing ect. JJ products Leipzig Delaware. Avoid!
Popboy said on Wed, 5 Jun 2024 at 22:15...
If I order the large amounts of the real-deal from a chemical supply company will they ask questions about why I need this or report me to someone? I don't mind getting a large amount but I don't want any hassle or legal trouble. Someone let me know thanks
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