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Boy Butter Lube

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Jamie
on Tue, 4 Feb 2025 at 14:57

Jamie said on Tue, 4 Feb 2025 at 14:57...

Hi All has any tried Boy Butter Lube heard it was really good ?

Dr. Wang said on Thu, 6 Feb 2025 at 06:16...

I got some about 12 years ago. It was a creamy, non-greasy consistency, like a slightly runny water based lotion. I liked it. It took me 12 years to use it all.
I've also made my own from xanthan gum and water. It's really slippery, and you can refresh it with water, but unless you add a preservative like grapefruit seed oil, it has a limited shelf life.

Jamie said on Thu, 6 Feb 2025 at 11:46...

Thank you Dr. Wang for your response, My friend who is an Asian Top heard that it was very good, going to try it out this weekend. Thanks again

Jamie said on Thu, 6 Feb 2025 at 12:31...

Dr. Wang; I assume that you are Asian also, just have to tell you that I Love Asian Men. My first introduction to gay sex was with a very ice Asian gentleman who took his time and was very kind caring and very Sexy. Almost all of my experiences have been with Asian Top Men I am hopelessly addicted to Asian Men you guys are the Best

Dr. Wang said on Fri, 7 Feb 2025 at 01:31...

Jamie, That's nice to look so fondly back on your first experience. It does tend to imprint a preference in us. I rather like the illusion my handle seems to have conveyed, but suffice to say, I'm not actually a doctor ;-)
My first time was with my childhood neighbor and best friend. He used to sleep over with me for the whole summer. I don't think we ever had much to talk about, but we'd hang out all night, walk around the neighborhood, or chill at my place. Whenever my mom went to bed I had my hand down his pants, and he sucked me off every night. He wanted me to fuck him in the ass, but I was like "nah man, that's gay"... But in hindsight, I really wish I had...
Ever since I've had an affinity for black guys. Not very PC to say, but I don't give a shit. I like Asians too.

Jamie said on Fri, 7 Feb 2025 at 12:58...

Dr, Wang Thank you so much for responding, I understand about your handle, I like calling you Dr. are you Asian ? And I do know what you mean about Black Men I also find them very attractive. My first time was an Asian neighbor I was in my teens he was quite a bit older, kind of convinced me that I was a bottom, alit really didn’t take much as I took right to it, just started by pleasuring him orally which I really liked doing then he gave me some poppers and OMG I couldn’t believe it. I just couldn’t stop it’s all I could care about was pleasuring him. The poppers really helped me realize I was a total bottom. Then he got me a butt plug and trained me with that for a while. After a few sessions he thought I was ready to try bottoming. I will never forget him kissing me laying me dying my back giving me some poppers and me just spreading my legs open for him. It hurt a little at first but after a while he got into a slow rocking rhythm and was pushing his tongue into my mouth and I was sucking on it. Till I felt him explode into me and I started shaking and came all over my belly. After that it became a regular thing for a few years, he eventually moved due to his job but still comes by occasionally

Jamie said on Fri, 7 Feb 2025 at 13:03...

Dr. Wang it’s so nice chatting with you never really told anyone about that before, I am blushing 😊.

Jamie said on Fri, 7 Feb 2025 at 13:07...

Dr Wang sorry all those numbers were supposed to be a blushing smiley face kinda cute if you know what I mean

Dr. Wang said on Thu, 1 Jan 2009 at 00:27...

Jamie, I appreciate you sharing your story. It actually sounds pretty hot. I'd love to have a boy to train like that. I like hearing about other peoples experiences, especially when they're good and affirming ones like yours was.
I've only bottomed a couple of times. I was working in an auto shop installing electric sunroofs, and one day we hired a second guy. He was a beautiful tall skinny blonde teenager a few years younger than me. I fell in love with him at first sight, I was immediately smitten and gaga like never before. I longed for him for a year, but he had a girlfriend. I followed him around like a puppy when I could. I went to watch him play with his band. I invited him to my place when I first moved out on my own. One day out of nowhere, he quit his job. I was so crushed, I quit the next day. The shop lost their only 2 employees at the same time.
One morning, I was in the shower getting ready for my first day at my new job and I heard someone knocking on my bathroom window. It was still dark out. It scared the hell out of me, and I jumped out of the shower soaking wet, put on my robe, went to my back door, and he was standing there. He'd been up all night, he seemed like he was still high from a night on ecstasy, but he denied it. He came in and we sat together. He was wearing big baggy pants, and he put my hand up his pant leg. I was so stunned I wasn't really sure what was happening, and I started trembling and shivering. It was like my dream was coming true, but at the same time I just couldn't believe it was really happening. I was in shock and half numb the whole time he was there. He took me into my bedroom and told me to fuck him. I was so nervous and excited that I barely had my cock pushed into his hole when I suddenly came. I'm not sure if he even knew that I'd done that, but he turned me over and started fucking me. I'd never been topped before, or even played with toys before, but I would've done anything for him, and he was gentle enough that it wasn't really painful, but it was super uncomfortable. I kept feeling like I had to pee, so I kept interrupting him so I could go to the bathroom. After 3 or 4 times of that, he decided to put me in the shower and fuck me there. He pounded my head into the shower wall until the hot water ran out and I started shivering again. He wasn't finished, but he helped me dry off and put me in bed and left. I wanted him to stay and lay with me, but I think he felt bad or awkward about what had happened and was in a hurry to leave. I was sore the next day, but it was a good feeling. Needless to say, I never made it to work that day. I think I was 22 and he was 19, and he was straight, just experimenting with a roommate of his and then me, but I was the complete novice. I'd been more or less out since I was 14, but didn't really have any experience aside from fooling around with boys when I was a kid. I only saw him once after that. He'd gone back to work at the shop. He tried to play it off like it never happened, and had badmouthed me to what became my new coworkers, complaining about how I'd once slapped him in his butt and he had to put me in my place. When they told me what he'd said, my comeback was "well gosh, well that's not what he said when he was fucking me".
No, I'm not Asian, but I love Asian boys. I've traveled SE Asia, but didn't do the sex tourism thing, I hooked up with one guy in Cambodia and we stayed together for a couple of years. I didn't want to leave, but I had no choice. I miss him terribly, and I hope I can go back to him one day. He's the only person who ever actually cared about me. It was a sort of transactional relationship, but he cared about me, he took care of me when I was sick, we had fun together, enjoyed each others company and I did everything I could to love him and care for him back. We rarely had problems, when we did they were always my fault. But, we worked through them, and I learned what was important and what I wanted out of our time together. He's a very special person. His photo was plastered all across the international news a few years ago when a disaster happened there. He was carrying an injured friend, and the look on his face is seared into my mind. I'll either get back to him one day to take care of him forever, or I'll die trying. I'd given up on the idea of having a relationship with a Western man a long time ago, it's too complicated.
Anyway, thanks again for sharing Jamie. You can call me Joe if you like. I've been thinking about making a post about my popper experience /slash/ fantasy, hoping other people would share theirs too. We'll see how that goes.

Dr. Wang said on Sat, 8 Feb 2025 at 08:53...

Jamie, I wanted to say thanks again for your story, in case it sounded like I just blew by it and tried to one-up you. That's the sort of experience I'd've liked to have had as a first time. It's hot, and it's cool that you still get to connect with him.

Jamie said on Sat, 8 Feb 2025 at 12:34...

Hi Joe; so nice to hear from you, I loved hearing about your experiences, it sounds like he knew that you wanted him, well at least you got to play with him a little bit. OMG I know what you mean about Asian boys they are so cute it’s incredible. I hope you are able to find your friend somewhere in the future, that would be so nice. I was 16 when I first met my friend, I never thought he was training me, but I learned that he was, he convinced me I was a bottom but I do know he was right because there is no doubt that is what I am and will always be, but he did train me to do the things that he liked which I did Love doing. After a few months he took me to a place and we both got tested because he wanted to introduce me to doing it bareback he called it breeding, I was so excited I couldn’t wait to try it as I learned it is absolutely the best way to show my love for him to have him inside my body, sometimes after he came he would put a butt plug in me so that his cum would stay in me, I loved it so much. The poppers were an amazing thing the way they make me feel like the whole world slows down and the only thing that matters is his cock. Which I think is true I feel like I am here to pleasure men. Anyway they want. We use to watch gay videos a lot with beautiful black top men fucking white boys he liked that one guy named Rhyheim Shabazz was the most gorgeous man I have ever seen and the way he made love to those boys so kind and caring yet still somewhat dominant and aggressive taking what he wanted when he wanted it and he was always giving his boys poppers because we know what they do to us bottoms. Love Jamie

Jamie said on Sat, 8 Feb 2025 at 13:51...

Hi Joe; I just noticed your reply I never thought you just blew by my story, I am lucky to have been able to chat with you like I said it’s fun chatting with you really fun. I just read your stand it is absolutely beautiful OMG I can see us in a dark candle lit room the music thumping just going through our heads and having you on Top of me thumping away at my bottom pushing your tongue into my mouth me sucking on it like it’s your cock, then you feeding me poppers and it all slows down to the most incredible love making between a Man and a boy the way it should be. Any boy would be lucky and honored to have you on Top of them just pounding their boy pussy till you fill them with your beautiful seed, making them Your Boy. I can’t stop thinking about it you are an absolutely great Top Man love Jamie

Jamie said on Sat, 8 Feb 2025 at 14:06...

Hi Joe; I should have given you my description I am 24 years old 5’-4” tall 128 lbs 26” waist small hung 4” brown hair blue eyes totally smooth from the tip of my nose to my toes very boy like almost like an Asian boy

Dr. Wang said on Sun, 9 Feb 2025 at 04:05...

That was just, wow, Jamie. I had to stop reading for a bit until I was alone. And thank you for the kind words. I'm trying to stay 'abstinent' for a while, because while I was writing that post I did sessions 4 nights in a row, but after reading what you wrote I think I'm going to have to go again tonight. I'm in this weird phase where I'm just super horny and emotional, more so than I ever have been before.

Yes, at least I got to play with him. When I get depressed, I try to think of all of the incredible things I've had in my life that most people might never get to experience. How many people have such a fantasy come true like that?

That's funny, your stats are an exact match to my ideal- young, dainty, hairless, and bottom. Quiet, obliging, and obedient would round off the package nicely ;-) I'm a pheromone addict, and if I had a boy, I'd spend most of my time with my face buried in his butt or his armpits. I love eating butt, I could do it for hours. Like with you, I get all my pleasure from bringing my boy pleasure, but I've gotta bury my cock in him too. I've always liked other ethnicities like we've talked about, but I've come to appreciate certain qualities specific to White guys which I also like very much. So, we're probably 2000+ miles apart, but it's fun to pretend anyway- I'm 5'11" 180 and naturally totally smooth, possibly the native/Algonquin lineage I have (paging Elizabeth Warren...), but I'm primarily German and French. Short brown hair, but I was born towheaded. I'm almost 50. I never really felt like I was very attractive or worthy of having what I want. But, looking back on photos, I see a boy I would happily be again now, and I wonder why I was always so hard on myself. Now, I tend to think I look good for my age, and I know I'm a good person. I certainly feel young.

This all feels very confessional, sorry if it's rambling, I tend to go overboard on personal disclosure when I'm really enjoying talking to someone. We can keep talking here for sure, but you can get in touch with me by email as well- gtp5113tssxar at gmail.com

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