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Time between hits

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Heymate
on Wed, 30 Mar 2022 at 18:50

Heymate said on Wed, 30 Mar 2022 at 18:50...

What is a safe time that I should wait between hits? I like to do 4 deep hits in a row. Thank you

Billy said on Fri, 1 Apr 2022 at 13:50...

If the poppers are good, why do you need multiple hits in a row?

For me I would do one long deep hit, say 20 seconds. Then that would be me gone for the next 2-3 minutes. Probably wouldn't take another hit like that for another couple of minutes after that. And couldn't do more than 15 hits like that over the course of a long night.

Heymate said on Fri, 1 Apr 2022 at 17:50...

Thank you for the answer. I can’t do a hit of 20 seconds, one big inhale until my lungs are full of air takes about 10 seconds. It keeps me for 2-3 minutes but after the effect is gone I like to repeat, usually after 3 minutes after the initial hit.

I have noticed that after some hits poppers are having no effect on me. I bought isoamyl, maybe this is why. I would live to try isobutyl but I can’t find them in Europe. Isopropyl gives a better sensation than isoamyl however gives me a terrible headache, is dangerous for the eyes and after the use I feel like crap, tired and exhausted.

Thank you for the answer

Jimmy said on Sun, 3 Apr 2022 at 11:47...

Keep away from iso propy nitrite, it's terrible if you have repeat hits over and over again. You can feel the soreness in your eyes !

Billy said on Mon, 4 Apr 2022 at 11:10...

How old are you? Poppers are really a young man's game.

I can't do them more than 3-4 times a year myself and I'm 43.

By the way it is possible to get n-butyl or isobutyl from American vendors such as GoldenCockPoppers and Artisanal Cleaners. They ship to Europe with delivery taking 9-10 days,.

Putinsputa said on Sun, 17 Apr 2022 at 05:03...

Many veteran aficionados swear by isobutyl nitrite, and absent pure amyl, it's the next best thing.
Formulas are getting farter away from the originals, as anal medical lawmakers crack down on the original, which always enjoyed a very safe profile over a Century and a half of use,
gotta love the upside down war on drugs/adult self determination!
Satyr Red, if you can find it, MAY still offer Isobutyl nitrite, but I fear they may have diluted or fucked with it too, as recently, after years away, it had definitely changed! They can still make a claim the gear is isobutyl, even if diluted, bastards! Dilution can get them around the law in some places, and as four their loyal customers? Well, fuck you all, you've zero consumer rights with poppers and we know it!
Sadly, many younger users have no idea what a real rush feels like. Good poppers are similar to meth, without all the other negatives that come with meth. But if they've had neither, how can they know?
It's laughable hearing someone praise dreck like Amsterdam for instance.

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