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Isopropyl nitrite home brew...Wow!!!

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Anonymous
on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 at 16:19

Anonymous said on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 at 16:19...

I have made IPN many times in the past and it always caved my blood pressure after 5 minutes of whiffing.

Yesterday I made my first IPN that is absolutely amazing and DID not cave my blood pressure - even after 4 small session within 12 hours.

It takes a few whiffs to hit the peak of effects, but it's adrenaline on turbo charge, ass relax beyond belief and totally immersive. Recovery from effects was quick.

What did I do different? I melted my SN and used fresh 91% IPA from Walmarts.

Ratios, 20-21 mls 31.45%HCl into 16 mls cold IPA. 14.5 grams melted SN into 18 mls DW.

Product is VERY highly volatile, aromatic and sweet. Placing a finger on the opening, reveals the constant gas pressure.

So FRESH alcohol and FRESH SN are the key along with the proper ratios and mixing methods.

I saw NO brown gas evolve during addition.

Anonymous said on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 at 16:24...

I cannot stress enough...that impurities in the popper can cause terrible side effects, such as caving blood pressure that won't rebound and terrible vision/balance disturbances.

Impurities come from stale ingredients and improper mixing at the wrong temps.

Impurities can also form after a successful brew.

Jimmy said on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 at 17:05...

Keep checking your eyesight with the 'Amsler Grid' if huffing IPN. If you notice any wavy lines it's a warning.

The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 at 17:39...

IPN itself has intrinsic qualities which distinguish it from the the traditional volatile nitrites;The Professor discussed the scientific reasons one time. I find it hard to believe that you decorate this thread with a WOW again, especially when talking about Propyl.

Anonymous said on Fri, 11 Mar 2022 at 13:05...

I am NOT recommending IPN. I am merely stating my experiences with it, which raises the question of why my home brew was mostly too toxic to use, until I changed my methods. I have also stated that home brew butyl nitrite seems to have a huge toxic capability as well. I suggested this could be due to some impurity. These findings are meant to inform and give inhalers a broader view of what's possible with poppers.

Anonymous said on Sat, 12 Mar 2022 at 23:16...

OMGG....I just made another IPN and talk about anal orgasm in 5 minutes and under. Very mild pleasant odor, but only 30% yield.

Previous brew today...outside 20F and windy....had even less yield...TOO cold. No yield. Must be warmer temps for the reaction....

But the little I got...OMGGGGGGGGGGGG...and no blood pressure cave.

andrecampos87 said on Mon, 21 Mar 2022 at 22:53...

what is ipn?

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