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N-butyl nitrite......

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Nitritespecialist
on Fri, 9 Apr 2021 at 16:34

Nitritespecialist said on Fri, 9 Apr 2021 at 16:34...

I finally made a decent brew of NBN although I doubt it's very pure since it doesn't smell like bananas or give my room a deodorized locker room scent. But odor and effects were still pretty good.

Odor: sweet, very aromatic with a bit of a bite, a bit fruity, smells a bit like the base alcohol, neither pleasant nor unpleasant.

Effects: very strong rectal effects....lots of oozing with increased sense of imminent orgasm. Nice nipple effects. Duration is fairly long....no need to take long whiffs. Didn't feel any weird of toxic effects, as I usually do.

NBN is tricky to make....I made this brew using my own mixing technique and I'm not sure why it works better. The other textbook methods only product bitter garbage NBN for me.

Nitritespecialist said on Fri, 9 Apr 2021 at 19:13...

Someone else said their NBN smelled like Sprite....the one I just made smells like Squirt pop.....only very aromatic...and very good effects.

justChem said on Fri, 9 Apr 2021 at 21:44...

You allways say that your NAN is not pure. Have you try to clean it with melting ? If yes, was there any residue on melted NAN ?

justChem said on Fri, 9 Apr 2021 at 21:45...

HAve you tryed to cleanit with any other method , like recrystallization with water ?

Nitritespecialist said on Sat, 10 Apr 2021 at 13:14...

@JustChem...I have melted my SN. It raised the pH of the sodium nitrite solution, so perhaps too much pure sodium had formed. Popper product was not decidedly better. Seems there needs to be something that sucks up O2 during the melting process....

NAN = normal amyl nitrite
SN = Sodium nitrite
NBN = normal butyl nitrite

I don't think my NAN is pure enough because it didn't preserve well. Less than a week later, all had turned dead despite being stored well.

Nitritespecialist said on Sat, 10 Apr 2021 at 13:19...

For my successful NBN brew, I used 10mls water and 8 grams SN. 9-10 mls muriatic acid and 10-11 mls butyl alcohol.

All cold and using ice bath, I added the acid FIRST to the SN solution on moderate speed mix....got lots of brown smoke and quickly dumped in the cold alcohol. I don't know why this worked better. Product smelled much better, was not toxic and had great effects.

The Professor said on Sun, 11 Apr 2021 at 20:59...

"I finally made a decent brew of NBN although I doubt it's very pure since it doesn't smell like bananas or give my room a deodorized locker room scent."

The Banana, dirty sock, body odor has nothing to do with purity; it is a by-product that can be removed or prevented during prep.

Nitritespecialist said on Mon, 12 Apr 2021 at 12:56...

@Professor.....I bought 95% NBN from Sigma Aldrich...a large chemical company in the USA. The residual fluid in the bottle, after I had added sodium carbonate, smelled like VERY VERY sweet bananas. The bottle came with nitric acid, so it smelled different upon opening and it immediately caved my blood pressure. After I washed the nitric acid out of it, which was turning my fingers yellow, it acquired better effects and odor.

The Professor said on Mon, 12 Apr 2021 at 19:17...

"smelled like VERY VERY sweet banana"

The SA NBN contained butyric acid if it smelled that way. It's not a preservative, like Pyridine (which smells like dead fish), but both are often found in commercially prepared Alkyl Nitrites. Commercially produced Nitrites aren't intended for inhalation, so Pyridine and Butyric acids are often present, since one helps stabilize the nitrite, and the other is a by-product of preparation that would add cost to the nitrite for no reason (it doesn't interfere with non-inhalation uses) if it were to be removed.

For use that includes inhalation (poppers), it is a simple matter to either prevent or remove after prep

Nitritespecialist said on Tue, 13 Apr 2021 at 12:47...

@Professor....after buying a number of commercially prepared alkyl nitrites, I realized they are NOT meant to be inhaled because they are typically acidic and/or have a degraded odor(isopentyl nitrite for example). So even if they are 95% pure, those 5% impurities, whatever they may be, make a huge difference when it comes to inhaling them.

I looked up butyric acid....Wiki says it smells like cheese. But there are a number of non-alkyl nitrite chemicals that smell like bananas and any one of these could be an impurity.

The Professor said on Tue, 13 Apr 2021 at 17:41...

"Wiki says it smells like cheese"

rely on wiki, and you'll get wiki quality.

Yes, butanoic acid has a cheesy texture, and can smell like cheese, depending on concentration. It also smells of banana at higher concentrations, and like body odor at others.

Butanoic acid can also smell like rubber; it mostly depends on concentration

Chem 101 stuff really

Nitritespecialist said on Fri, 16 Apr 2021 at 15:51...

Wow...two insults wrapped up in one comment...first...Wikipedia is low quality information.....and secondly, I am ignorant with not even a basic chemical understanding.

I have a feeling the intent is not to inform and be helpful, but to tear apart and destroy.

Nitritespecialist said on Fri, 16 Apr 2021 at 15:55...

Another motive is to merely assert one's superiority and expertise as a way to feel better about oneself while comparing oneself to others.

The Professor said on Fri, 16 Apr 2021 at 17:52...

Another motive is to have fallen accidently upon a guy who is pushing incorrect and dangerous information, and decided to provide actual information rather than dangerous conspiracy theories.

Nitritespecialist said on Sat, 17 Apr 2021 at 16:56...

@The Professor....because you have superior chemistry knowledge and experience, especially regarding poppers, perhaps you could advise, if you don't already, either Double Scorpio or ArtisnalCleaners, so that they can make a consistently perfect popper? I've read plenty of reviews stating they have a problem, which with your expertise you could certainly fix in a jiffy.

The Professor said on Sat, 17 Apr 2021 at 18:19...

I have no experience, and no connection, to either of those makers. to paint with a wide brush, and possibly end up angering somebody, MOST commercial vendors aren't very interested in a quality product; the profit margins and capitalist motivations aren't steering vendors to better quality, just more quantity with less assembly cost.

just a quick example, neutralizing excess acid, which is very easy to do, reduces yield. I think you'd agree that most commercial vendors see that the can sell more acidic crap, and make more money, than reduce their yield by making the product better.

Another example is sequestering the byproducts that cause the harshest aromas; again, easily done, but the reduction in yield costs.

With prices always being driven to the lowest, quality suffers greatly. Prices are now insanely low. alkyl nitrite inhalants were never supposed to be this cheaply made.

IN other words, I have yet to meet a commercial vendor that cares to expense proper R&D into this venture, and a working chemist can find many other avenues of income that are more interested in quality.

Nitritespecialist said on Sat, 17 Apr 2021 at 20:56...

@The Professor...what you just said about commercial popper vendors/makers is probably all true. And so we all remain in "search" mode, hoping to find poppers that compare favorably to old PWD.

The Professor said on Sat, 17 Apr 2021 at 23:46...

Or make your own, properly, and have the vest available on the planet; it's not at all difficult, and much safer than inhaling poison

Harry1950 said on Mon, 19 Apr 2021 at 02:52...

@The Professor: Thank you for contributing all of your technical comments above. I would agree that most of the popper manufacturers could probably manufacture a higher quality product if they wanted to, but would rather reduce their manufacturing costs and increase their profit margin.
Could you please tell me the different between pentyl nitrite and hexyl nitrite, as far as the effects on the body? As an example, I have read that hexyl is supposed to produce fewer headaches than pentyl.
Effective March 2021, it appears that Lockerroom Manufacturing (Canada) has changed some of their previous pentyl products to a hexyl formula. Is hexyl more toxic than pentyl, or are they about the same?
Thanks for any information you can provide to address my questions!

The Professor said on Mon, 19 Apr 2021 at 18:00...

@Harry1950: all of the alkyl nitrites are carriers for NO. NO is the gas that causes the effects. The Nitrites with higher vapor pressure provide NO at a higher rate. At some point, determined by the individual's health and metabolism, the nitrite (a pure nitrite with no decomposition products or impurities) will provide NO too quickly, and adverse effects ensue.

The 'best' popper, therefore, varies by individual.

In the case of Hexyl v Pentyl, in my opinion both are very weak. Pentyl is a bit more reactive, so should have a slightly higher peak. Hexyl will have a lower peak, but slightly longer duration.

AS to Toxicity, there is another guy on this forum that plays fairly loosely with the term. In his opinion, any adverse characteristic is a toxicity, which is untrue, of course.

In reality, the alcohol of choice has little to no bearing on the overall toxicity of the nitrite. As a carrier, it will be present only in PPM amounts in the bloodstream.

In general, the longer carbon chain ALCOHOLS are more toxic than the shorter .

In this regard, Pentyl alcohol is considerably more toxic than Butyl or Propyl alcohol.

As a NITRITE, however, since the shorter chain alcohol provide a more REACTIVE nitrite, more decomposition products will cause more adverse effects. Not necessarily TOXIC effects, but very adverse effects.

Even an extremely pure highly reactive nitrite, such as Ethyl or Methyl, will cause such a rapid drop in blood pressure that one may FEEL as if they are poisoned, so the term toxicity means different things to different people I suppose.

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