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Any Remedy for Nose Irritation ?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by North
on Thu, 14 Feb 2019 at 15:07

North said on Thu, 14 Feb 2019 at 15:07...

Nose red and sore after inhaling poppers

Any suggestions on how to use poppers with less irritation?


Nickname said on Sat, 16 Feb 2019 at 14:02...

I just read that pouring a little into an aluminum can seems to get the best out of poppers and there is apparently no nose burn. The downside is you'll use more, so it'll cost more to use them. I was thinking of trying that with one of the small half sized aluminum cans, maybe buy one of the bigger bottles instead of the small one I normally buy. It's the only thing I've read that might work, can't hurt to try. It's funny how the law makes it illegal to make real poppers to protect people, but then they make stuff now that is much worse for you to get around the law, dumb stuff. Poppers used to be amazing, now they're problematic at best, diminishing results, harsh burns if you get to enthusiastic, and all the sights that say "we make the real stuff" are lying plain and simple. Good luck

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