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Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by maureen
on Sat, 15 Sep 2018 at 14:33

maureen said on Sat, 15 Sep 2018 at 14:33...


Disco Fries said on Sat, 15 Sep 2018 at 19:17...

Adult Classic Boutique

Mork said on Tue, 18 Sep 2018 at 17:25...

what is the deal with Rush these-days? last I heard was the owner died and PWD stopped production.

Observer said on Wed, 19 Sep 2018 at 08:46...

Did anybody know where i can get the Rush with the Red Cap in Europe??

Disco Fries said on Fri, 28 Sep 2018 at 12:55...

Rush stopped production many years ago. Then came back. Not sure what happened. those guys are in Nevada now, not Indiana.

kumar said on Sat, 29 Sep 2018 at 10:01...


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Maurice Raine-Coate said on Sun, 30 Sep 2018 at 07:13...

The products you sell are mostly made in the United Kingdom and the Rush cap bears the insignia "PWD" which is Pac West Distributing. Where in the Word do you obtain these things? India? I have never had the pleasure of visiting India, although I am open to invites. Is it not rather hot there? Not an ideal climate for poppers, as they prefer a chilled environment I heard. If you have a beach house in Goa, I am currently available as a house sitter; if there are dogs then they will need to be housed elsewhere, I am allergic.

lizi said on Fri, 12 Oct 2018 at 16:39...

Anyone try Rush Zero ?

Charleston said on Tue, 30 Oct 2018 at 15:13...

The owner was Joseph F. Miller, or Joe Miller. Rush was produced by a corporation called Great Lakes Products and distributed by Pac-Western Distributing (PWD). That was out of Harding Street, Indiana. Joe died. His twin brother inherited the estate. The brother then sold (or transferred) the rights to Rush (and other brands like Hardware, Ram, Iron Horse) AND importantly the name PWD to a guy called John. Apparently the equipment was sold to a competitor in Pennsylvania. Then instead of being "Rush Liquid Incense", as it always was before, it became "Rush Nail Polish Remover" and an outfit called Rusty Anchor became involved. This went south after internal arguments (or so I read elsewhere) and all went quiet for a while. Then Rush and PWD names was resurrected in Nevada as Rush Solvent Cleaner.

If you are confused, you are not alone :-)

newguy said on Wed, 21 Nov 2018 at 19:15...

how long does one bottle of rush last? can it still be used after one year if not open.

Rosa Klebb said on Thu, 22 Nov 2018 at 11:46...

That depends on where you got your Rush and what is inside. So it could be isopropyl, pentyl or isobutyl. Actually isoprop has the longest shelf life - and that is why manufacturers favor it. I guess the original will be IBN. It should be good to go for a year, if you made sure to store it in a cool place away from sunlight and any heat source. U can open your rush bottle and find out :-)

Rush RIP? said on Thu, 6 Dec 2018 at 11:33...

Joe Miller was a professional. What you got now is what used to be called "bucket shops" in China pumping out every goddam brand you can think of. They will undercut prices so retailers will go with them IF they can get the product wholesale into the country. Poppers are controversial, always were.

Millers PWD product lasted a good time SIMPLY because he was using equipment designed to ensure that. So his manufacturing was TOP. Plus he had the white pellets to ensure freshness. Nitrite itself (isobbutyl) was stable. This is why Rush was the top selling brand (although he did buy it out and develop the brand, it existed before he took over)

Not sure why you guys are surprised that things changed when he left the picture. That guy above is selling a copy of Rush, so seems India is moving into poppers now. Goodbye real poppers, you will be missed and remembered with PRIDE. When pride was taken in producing a quality product and a quality brand. Don't know if Rush will survive as a brand leader if the market is swamped with knock offs and derivatives. You can see that name married with all kinds of marketing bullshit now.

Carl said on Mon, 17 Jun 2019 at 03:41...

The poppers i have been buying for megapoppers.com, are the PWD brands. Im in Colorado, so i know they sell in the US, I don't know about elsewhere.

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