popper cough remedy ideas
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by popperpunk
on Mon, 17 Oct 2016 at 03:32
popperpunk said on Mon, 17 Oct 2016 at 03:32...
Hey gang, with these cheaper poppers there's always a cough that hits about 3-4 days after a session.
I have a few things I do to make it easier but would appreciate other ideas
ginger and lemon tea with lots of honey
gargling with mouthwash
cough sweets from pharmacy
dex said on Mon, 17 Oct 2016 at 08:17...
IBN (isobobut) causes coughing as it agitates the lining; so use a smoother popper like pentyl.
DabMaster said on Mon, 17 Oct 2016 at 21:21...
Real clean IBN doesn't cause coughing, The cheaper nitrites like Pentyl or Propyl causes coughing, Do you know that Pentyl can cause asthma??, Inhaling Pentyl is very very bad for your lungs, be aware of it.
Macoha said on Tue, 18 Oct 2016 at 10:32...
i also + that:
IBN is smooth even with high dosage - only side effect is yellow dot in vision and somehow yellowish vision for some time.
never had problem with runny nose or coughing after IBN.
I am talking about IBN from before 2005 i took from Iron horse that had stated on bottle:
Contains isobutyl nitrate
JohnDoe said on Wed, 2 Nov 2016 at 01:23...
I never had any problems after isobutyl. Everything goes back to normal 30 minutes after sessions. Pentyl on the other hand, left me with coughing for 2 days. About a day for Isobutyl but the headaches were awful.
popperaddict said on Sat, 26 Nov 2016 at 12:21...
On the contrary I've had no trouble at all with Radikal Rush which is pentyl. I can sniff dozens of times all night and I won't cough a single time, during the session or in the coming days and weeks.
The worst delayed cough I ever had was from French isobutyl.
Isopropyl makes me throw up and be bunged-up.
snake said on Thu, 23 Mar 2017 at 16:58...
Hi all im still selling the good stuff please mail me on rmyers65@hotmail.co.uk
/r/popperpigs/ on reddit said on Mon, 14 Aug 2017 at 03:31...
go visit us on reddit.
sexyman said on Sat, 2 Dec 2017 at 11:26...
Hey all,
Note that all Nitrates enter the blood stream via our saliva(mucous membranes)
Soooo, one of the best things to do right after is to NOT swallow all that saliva that comes up. Spit it out! Drink plenty of water but SPIT OUT all that extra saliva because it's carrying all the nitrates!
Hope that helps!
Anonymous said on Mon, 6 Aug 2018 at 16:03...
2 Cups Milk
1 Ginger Root
1 Tsp Turmeric Powder
Sugar to taste.
In a sauce pan add milk, grate ginger root, turmeric powder and sugar.
Bring to a boil, remove from heat and drink as hot as possible.
Good for Coughs, Colds and Flu.
Works for me after I do poppers.
AJ Mature said on Sun, 8 Mar 2020 at 18:11...
I was getting coughing a couple of hours after even a short session so I decided to try taking antihistamine. It works...my body must think the poppers is an allergen and the coughing and conjestion in my lungs is a reaction.
asdf1010 said on Sun, 30 May 2021 at 18:14...
I'm 2 days into a full blown chest infection bought on by potent blue propyl poppers. Wasn't even a super heavy session compared to the past, but I woke up on deaths door. Chest super tight, breathing constricted, very strong productive cough, feeling of lethargy and anemia like symptoms; it's absolutely terrified me.
The shortness of breath didn't get better and the day went on like some slight poppers 'hangovers' would in the past. It go so bad I had to cut plans short and go home. I was short of breath I nearly passed out walking up the stairs to me apartment, it felt like I was breathing through a straw and there was a weight on my chest, I was seeing little dots in my eyes you get when you're close to blacking out.
This experience is the last straw for me, I've had a troubled relationship with the new formulas for years but was in denial that the positives outweighing the negatives, I can't be in denial about that anymore. No matter how good it is, poppers is not worth how uncomfortable and scary the last few days have been and the damage I can palpably feel in my lungs. I'm still not well and it feels like I won't be for several days. From a light session. After 15 years I think I'm gonna have to quit altogether.
KingPop said on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 at 22:57...
Thanks for this thread. I was freaking out. Done poppers for years on and off, not heavily though. just a few hits now and then during sex. This pandemic though had me using to JO more frequently while watching popperbator vids. Not a great idea. Had a coughing fit, could not sleep, chest feeling tight, wheezing, it was pretty scary. I thought I was having a heart attack!
Reading asdf1010's comment "feeling like i was breathing through a straw" hit home. Also read AJ Mature's tip about taking an antihistamine, which worked! Other threads relate this to particular ingredients, history of smoking, or developed emphasema/COPD. I don't know about all that, but I am just thinking its not worth it.
Popper Pro said on Thu, 24 Feb 2022 at 02:49...
I usually only have issues w/ poppers if I use them in excess (i.e. sniffing them for hours & days on end).
Here are some tips that help me out:
1). Spit out mucus/saliva after a poppers session (don't swallow, because it has the chemicals in it).
2). Gargle w/ a full glass of salty/baking soda water
3). Drink a gallon of water throughout the day (both before & after the session).
4). Ingest things w/ citric acid (lemons, oranges, etc. to break up mucus).
5). Take cough medicine & eat cough drops (to suppress cough & break up mucus).
6). Take a warm 30 min shower, after poppers session (to get the chemicals out of your breathing passages).
7). Brush your teeth & especially tongue w/ baking soda immediately after poppers session. The baking soda changes the PH in your mouth, preventing bacterial growth (which poppers tend to cause).
8). Sit up as much as possible (sleep on stomach or upright, if possible).
Michael said on Sun, 15 May 2022 at 19:32...
I think we are suffering from becoming sensitized. I used to inhale almost daily (n- or isopentyl) and had no side effects. Especially great after a glass of wine! Then all of a sudden it didn't take much to have delayed asthma effects. Usually starts 3-4 hours after session and depending on how much I took, lasted between 10 hours and three days. The wheezing really sucks. Inhaling eucalyptus oil / steam helps a bit. Hexyl didn't give much of the side effect, but also was less satisfying in the first place.
I've seen this in different thread, but I also noticed that isopropyl poppers really hurt my vision for a few hours. This is really a shame since the rush was the best. I love poppers, but this really sucks.
Amyl chemist said on Fri, 3 Jun 2022 at 03:27...
One instant help is inhaling ammonia- best from smelling salts. It Neutralises the nitric acid that has accumulated on the Mucus of the Lining of the lungs. Instant relief. Lots of water too and do t panic and yes spit out as much fluid during the sniffing session.
Gary said on Sun, 11 Sep 2022 at 07:16...
Tried antihistamines and they worked...cough disappeared and chest/lungs felt much better
Bobb said on Fri, 21 Oct 2022 at 20:55...
After 2 days of the worst cough in my life I went and bought some antihistamine's as suggested and it cleared up a lot within an hour or two of taking one. Woke up the next day feeling fine. Worth a try if you're desperate.
YouKnow said on Fri, 17 Feb 2023 at 06:13...
Guys! after coughing for a week straight and not feeling any other flu like symptoms, I just knew it had to be the poppers. This thread really helped me try out a few months. The golden milk recipe (Milk, turmeric, ginger, sugar) really helped with my cough. It's such a major shame that I've had to cut-down on poppers as I love a popper-fuelled session, but after that chest/coughing attack, I don't think it's worth it anymore.
Sinbadd said on Sun, 25 Feb 2024 at 13:38...
Love them

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