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Tres Fort

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by ND
on Fri, 23 May 2014 at 04:34

ND said on Fri, 23 May 2014 at 04:34...

Anyone here tried Tres Fort, what about Rush Ultra Strong Poppers? Chemical make up? Effects?

skinny said on Thu, 12 Jun 2014 at 18:31...

I ordered some from poppers for sale.

1 rush ultra strong.
1 tres fort
1 jungle juice plus

Supposed to be here next week. Im pretty picky. I seem to prefer
isobutyl or clean pentyl/butyl mixes but this isopropyl stuff is pure headache for me and crap effect.

BB said on Wed, 2 Jul 2014 at 01:55...

I tried some Tres Fort, I think it came from poppers4sale. I got that with some Amyl Night, Super Rush, and Jungle Juice Black. I have to say Super Rush & Jungle Juice Black both SUCKED. It was like inhaling alchohol and it burned. And the rush was nothing compared to other poppers I've tried.

So I tried the Tres Fort, it was very smooth. And I guess they scented it with menthol/chocolate??? It was pretty good, but not strong like I've read. It was ok.

The Amyl Night, was just super right off the bat! It came in the bigger bottle, but I've been using it for a month and a half already. It's still pretty strong, but the Tres Fort is weak now.

You should get yourself Jungle Juice Platinum when you get the chance. That stuff is pretty rad, along with anything that has Amyl Nitrite in it. :D

Chibottom said on Sun, 10 Aug 2014 at 03:19...

I just got some Jungle Juice Platinum in Chicago and it was awful. Headache, coughing and very little rush. Also, it burns the inside of my nasal passages. $20 down the drain (literally, I poured it out).

Tuffy said on Sun, 24 Aug 2014 at 21:41...

I live in France and I would like to buy Amyl night . It is impossible for be . but...... is there anyone who could buy for me such a product and send it in France ?

thanks for your answer

Nat said on Tue, 26 Aug 2014 at 18:11...

Bought a repeat order of Tres Fort...cool! I had some leaking issue but it got sorted, so all good.

Timmy said on Fri, 26 Sep 2014 at 23:50...

That sucks about your poppers leaking - not what you want in any situation espshly when opening the box.
I got jj black and tresfort from poppers for sale didn't have any issue with the company.
They said that jj black was a lot stronger then the usual jj and tresfort was the strongest all round / ever, I thought yea this could be BS. Not for me both jj black and tresfort is some strong stuff takes a while to build but you know about it when it hits - WOW

SpeedoKid said on Wed, 1 Oct 2014 at 22:16...

Tres Fort is VERY strong! No idea what that is but jeez! Maybe they are unpleasant but the poppers aren't! I also called BS but had my balls blown off when I tried it.

zatara14 said on Thu, 30 Jul 2015 at 22:22...

I tried rush last night and it made me limp..couldnt get a hard-on for nothing. The smell was horrible..wtf

Anonymous said on Sat, 24 Mar 2018 at 08:25...

Yeah Tres Fort is a different thing to the usual.

London lad said on Sun, 31 Mar 2019 at 07:11...

I tried some years ago they were fantastic but alas I haven't found any since ,I bought some once a few years back they were crap nothing like I had before ,

Milky said on Thu, 12 Dec 2019 at 13:04...

I gave Tres Fort a shot. Glad i did...yeah it makes your knees go weak.

Surferboy said on Thu, 27 Jul 2023 at 01:30...

I've tried a bunch of different poppers. The ones that gave me the best rush so far include:
Man Sent
Tres Fort (smells great too)
JJ Black (great rush of heat to your head, but overpoweringly nasty smell)
Key Hole
--all of these give you a great momantary high and really loosens your hole, but also kills you boner--

The best poppers that kept me erect were the Amyl Platinum and Amyl, both purchase from France.

The Poppers that were just too mild for me and thus a waste of my money included:
all the RUSH products
JJ Platinum
Brown Bottle
No Label

The Poppers I plan to purchase over and over again include:
JJ Black Label
Tres Fort
Man Sent (favorite)

Those I haven't tried yet, but I definitely will include:
Scorpion (all flavors)

If you know of any others that give a great rush, extended high and are not too noxious smelling, let me know. I'm always game to find what works best for me.

SubServerPoppersPig said on Thu, 16 Nov 2023 at 23:41...

I have usually used JJ Platinum or Black Label as that’s about all you can find near me.

I’m wanting to place an online order now and I really want some super strong, long lasting poppers that will blow me away and make me want to please my sir all he wants.

Someone suggested BlueBoy as it was his favorite but now I am wondering Tres Fort, ManScent and others. Can anyone please give some good suggestions for this poppers pig?

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