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Do I want To know if the number under the bottles is relevant for his power?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by TOny82
on Fri, 2 May 2014 at 17:36

TOny82 said on Fri, 2 May 2014 at 17:36...

That recommend to me to see in the bottles it is more strongly

KofH said on Fri, 2 May 2014 at 22:00...

Stanley Unwin? Is that you? or are you using a translator thingy?? No numbers under any bottles give any indication of strength. Another myth...deep joy!

paul said on Sat, 3 May 2014 at 20:35...

I make/sell poppers and I have never even looked at the numbers under the bottles. "Myth Busted"

Stanley Unwin said on Sun, 4 May 2014 at 14:16...

In Basic Engly Twenty Fido, the popperiso is strongypoo the higriser the numerino.

homer said on Sun, 4 May 2014 at 18:10...

What does the number mean then? u can see it on many bottles!

paul said on Sun, 4 May 2014 at 19:46...

The number is cast into the bottle at the time of manufacture of the glass bottle. It has nothing to do with the popper manufacturer. They just fill the bottle. Still if you want to believe that there is a special code that's up to you.

Mr Mick said on Sun, 4 May 2014 at 20:35...

perhaps it is the reference number of the bottle made by a glass factory, perhaps not. I say not! why? can't say. It's like fancy paintings in art galleries they are full of meaning, right! Also, why do hot dogs come 10 to a package while buns are 8 to a package? I know why, and I bet it is the same reason for these numbers on poppers bottles. Think about it people!

saggy balls said on Tue, 6 May 2014 at 11:28...

Heck, most printed labels on the bottles are no more relavent to the contents inside. Let alone any vague number stamped into the glass.

Blah Blah Blah said on Tue, 6 May 2014 at 12:23...

They are there, to make people wonder why they're there. It's as easy as that.

Bonheur said on Tue, 6 May 2014 at 22:11...

These are tracking numbers! Every bottle you buy online will, via those numbers, be connected to your name, adress and social security number! So, everytime 'they' find a bottle somewhere in a park or anywhere 'they' know exactly who had been doing the naughty pantsy down game. BEWARE!!!

Dirty Mac said on Wed, 7 May 2014 at 10:52...

Mine bottles all say 6? I believe that it means something. I know from a friend that he has 9.

Lucky Bastard said on Wed, 7 May 2014 at 16:40...

I have one that has no number at all. Yay, I can do wahtever I want...

Mr Mick said on Wed, 7 May 2014 at 16:57...

No number, eh? It has occurred to you to take a look using ultra violet? There may be a microchip under the label.

Poppers-addict said on Wed, 7 May 2014 at 18:20...

Number completely irrelevant, details still important...

lou said on Thu, 8 May 2014 at 11:01...

i gotta 3 so what it means thnx

Lucky Bastard said on Thu, 8 May 2014 at 11:34...

Yeah, but I always wear tinfoil, so I kinda slip, eh?

The Rush Hour said on Sun, 11 May 2014 at 18:32...

Those were put on bottles after IBN was made illegal in the USA. : )

Cryptic Cyril said on Thu, 9 Oct 2014 at 10:23...

The numbers mean this:

4 - Jupiter is in the fifth quadrant, a mild spring, Old Hobnob will win The Derby
6 - Uranus is ascendant, young maids will be in heat during May, mushrooms will be scarce
21 - Moon is retrograde, winter will be harsh, donkeys should not be ridden during early October
91 - Mars is contrary, harvest will be bountiful, old maids will swell in late August

the King said on Thu, 30 Oct 2014 at 09:32...

so how do I choose ?I don't want too strong…

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