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Poppers and Penis Pledge

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Dunc
on Sat, 26 Apr 2014 at 07:30

Dunc said on Sat, 26 Apr 2014 at 07:30...


So, I'm curious about poppers 10 hits and penis pledge.
I saw some vids on xtube, but I don't really understand this. Can you help me out here?
First of all, what does penis pledge mean?
What is the goal with 10 hits and the "penis pledge"?
Are there any bad side effects the day after? (Troubling breathing etc since its a lot of inhaling)
Does any one have experience if the 10 hits penis pledge?

There are different videos with the 10 hits. One guy started flaccid and his axe was chopping wood after the 10th hit :-).

Sorry for my bad English, it's not my mother language.

Please respond to this what it means and what the goal is, I really appriciate it.


penispledge said on Thu, 8 May 2014 at 16:12...

Yeah, I started it as the first trial to gain entrance into my popper bate brotherhood. The goal is to just shoot yer nut, and the side effects are minimal because it's poppers. Just make sure you're getting amyl or alkyl or isobutyl, not anything that says 85% alcohol on the bottle. You can still find some of the penispledge videos other guys ahve done on xtube, but I took my account down to kind of reinvent and come back with something a bit different. Keep an eye out!

Gay_eire said on Tue, 29 Jul 2014 at 23:25...

is this 10 hits each side? do you repeat every few minutes or how does it work?

ShotaSissyStoner89 said on Sun, 5 Mar 2017 at 12:17...

Hmmm reminds me alot of the sissy, cock cum, anal, gay, faggot (etc) trainers/hypnosis. Even more so themPopperbator porn mixes (& cock hero in some wsys)

Why you take down a project you worked hard on?esp. one that seems influencal I'll have to peep em if I can find em n fap hahaa

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