Change in Maximum Impact?
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by hairydc
on Fri, 4 Oct 2013 at 14:02
hairydc said on Fri, 4 Oct 2013 at 14:02...
After being backordered, I just received my order of Maximum Impact. It has changed and is horrible! Does anyone know what happened? It doesn't seem to work anymore. I feel like I just threw my money away.
(I used to really enjoy the product to help me take the "larger boys". If this keeps up, any recommended alternatives?)
PJ said on Fri, 4 Oct 2013 at 20:48...
How has it changed, hairydc? you mean the formula? I only saw it once before at a party so I am no expert there.
The Rush Hour said on Fri, 4 Oct 2013 at 22:53...
No idea never used that!
PJ said on Sat, 5 Oct 2013 at 07:55...
All I know is a distant memory....I remember being at a wild party and some guy dressed up in a clone sort of way (oh! the memories) he was doing something with a rag. I assume he was going to clean something It is not a nitrite, it is chloride something.
hairydc said on Sat, 5 Oct 2013 at 16:21...
Yep. The formula changed. The smell is horrendous and it just doesn't work like it's supposed to. At all! Someone else in Atlanta reported the same. I ordered from NY.
Marshall said on Sat, 5 Oct 2013 at 20:06...
What does it say on the can?
King of All Hobbies said on Sun, 6 Oct 2013 at 06:31...
Maximum Impact Spray, Black Jack and Thunderbolt are all (were?) made from Ethyl Chloride. If it says chloroethane its is the same. It has nothing whatsoever to do with nitrite poppers and is used to treat sport injuries. Having said that there are people who use it in a similar way of course...OP's remark about "larger boys" is spot on! It is a heavy duty sort of out
FA Cetious said on Sun, 6 Oct 2013 at 17:35...
>What does it say on the can?
Max Impact?
fasty said on Sun, 6 Oct 2013 at 23:00...
Yeah, Ethyl Chloride, quite a few reports of permanent brain damage or death if I remember correctly.
Not at all the same as nitrite poppers.
bdsmphl said on Tue, 8 Oct 2013 at 23:00...
I bought some last night at G Books in's horrible. The new and old cans are exactly the same but the new product smells horrible and had no effect.
It had been out of stock for about 2 months. The clerk told me back in July that the chemical was no longer available and they were reformulating it. Well they did, even though the contents still list only "chloroethane" but it's not the same product.
fist6 said on Tue, 15 Oct 2013 at 18:31...
any experience/ advice with an alternative
PJ said on Wed, 16 Oct 2013 at 11:30...
Maybe you should heed the advice given by fatsy.
Gaudy said on Tue, 22 Oct 2013 at 02:21...
The companies are using linseed oil as a preservative, I hear... hence the sticky residue and the small... and there is definitely less impact in poppers anymore...
PJ said on Thu, 24 Oct 2013 at 12:18...
"and the small"...what? I am intrigued! Do you mean poppers in general or this ethyl product please. I have heard of linseed oil but only for lubricating cricket bats.
Show me the way to Amarillo said on Fri, 25 Oct 2013 at 06:05...
linseed always there (not new) Poppers are not changed same formula mostly! excludes cyclohexyl and isoporopyl
Tex said on Fri, 8 Nov 2013 at 22:39...
their is an ethyl spray called hardware anyone had that??
SPDOLVR said on Sun, 10 Nov 2013 at 06:10...
Maximum Impact was definitely changed....returned my order for a refund as soon as i tried it. black-jack isn't bad and hardware are good alternatives if you can find them.
lahairyhole said on Tue, 10 Dec 2013 at 07:49...
FDA has everything to do with the changes in MAximun Impact and are recalling some of the recent, cause as hairydc said...or someone did...its not longer how it use to be
fuc stick said on Thu, 9 Jan 2014 at 05:54...
New formula is awful. could not give the stuff away. avoid the product aat all cost
Fister said on Sat, 18 Jan 2014 at 20:14...
Yes this product is not the same. Do not waste your money.
bruno said on Tue, 21 Jan 2014 at 06:26...
So many conflicting messages. Is there an online source for the old reliable poppers?
finally said on Wed, 29 Jan 2014 at 20:32...
glad to see that others who are experienced with Max feel the same..
I have ordered from many sources on line and locally but all are worthless.
It makes no sense to me as there should only be one ingredient as stated in the can.. Ethyl Chloride is used in medical settings and has a distinct smell which used to be in Max... I have found black jack and hardware a few months ago which were great... but i have not been able to locate any more..
Anyone with alternatives??
Armale2001 said on Thu, 6 Feb 2014 at 23:15...
I'd love to hear some alternatives too. The only thing I can find in stock is Max Impact. Not a big shocker there since it is worthless now.
Bear said on Fri, 4 Apr 2014 at 02:54...
So glad to stumble on this posting - I thought I was the only one that noticed how awful Max Impact got around October last year - I thought maybe it was just the batch from the store I buy them from, but it looks like they did change, for the worse!! Those looking for a better alternative look for "Black Max" it's great. They carry it at the shop I go to so I'm not sure where to tell you to find it, I haven't found it online yet.
TickleMyFancy808 said on Sun, 13 Apr 2014 at 03:30...
Hi guys. I think, much like some automotive spray products that have ether as a main ingredient, I believe the manufacturers of ethyl chloride products have been mandated to add a "deterrent" to those punks who might misuse it recreationally. The smell is pretty bad, but seems to work as well as ever. I note that some would disagree with me on that latter point.
I was lucky enough to find a shop here who had a case of the black max in stock but that has since been depleted and the owner reports he hasn't been able to find it. Likely if it returns to the market it will also be of a new deterrent enabled formula. I'm guessing.
Keeping fingers crossed cuz nothing clears the blockage and increases the capacity of my pipes like ethyl chloride.
TP said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 03:20...
everyone is exactly on. The new maxx is terrible. Doesn't this show how sneakly Washington regulators are. Anyone know how we can order original formula in any brand from a reputable website. I am sure maxx will go out of business because of the forced change, once again thanks to the feds.Next they will take the alcohol out of drinking. Work toward getting a decent brand out available to us. They can't control international sales., or can they?
Frustrated said on Thu, 8 May 2014 at 11:53...
I am so frustrated at how hard it is to find maximum impact or good poppers in the Philadelphia area anymore. I need advice on where to buy online or shop local.
Disappointed said on Thu, 24 Jul 2014 at 18:42...
Well, having been a user of Maximum Impact for many year, I, like all the rest, have been so disappointed since the Fall of last year. There was a complete lack of it for several months, and then when it came back it had changed dramatically. It does absolutely nothing now... completely useless. It is so frustrating. And I have to say the poppers have been affected almost as badly. The head rush that one used get is all but gone out of both of these products. Don't waste your money on Maximum Impact. As for the poppers, I've tried many brands since October of last year and still haven't found one even close to what they used to be.
FunGuy said on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 at 20:38...
I found that the Black Max is closer to the old formulation of Maximum Impact. I found it on Amazon. I had to do a search for "Black Max Ethyl" on Amazon to find it
G said on Thu, 11 Dec 2014 at 01:50...
I have seen some adds for Max Impact to be ethyl chloride. Has anyone tried it?
FunGuy said on Sun, 28 Dec 2014 at 19:03...
I found Black Max which is like the old Maximum Impact at Poppers To Go
PopperNut said on Sat, 3 Jan 2015 at 17:36...
The new Maximum Impact out there sucks!
Current favorites: U4EA , Red Czech, and Hardware. They are standard 4.6 oz size.
Just received a can of Maximum Black (not to be confused with Black Max) which looks a lot like it came from the makers of Maximum Impact. Too lazy to see if they are from same manufacturer just now. Looking forward to trying them soon!
Nick said on Tue, 20 Jan 2015 at 23:13...
Im a distributor for Maximum Black and NO it is not the same manufacturer as Impact. It still contains Ethel Chloride.
Disappointed said on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 at 17:33...
I've just ordered a can of the Black Max. Having been a user of Maximum Impact for many years, I will be eager to see if this is like Impact used to be. Currently the Impact is still useless. I try a can now and then, just to see if they have modified anything. So far, nothing. The pricing is still the same, however. About 20/can. Outrageous when you consider it does absolutely nothing.
I will update once the Black Max has arrived and I have tried it to alert other users.
Disappointed said on Mon, 2 Feb 2015 at 21:12...
Ok, the Black Max arrived today. The bottle says it contains Ethyl Chloride(chloroethane) which used to be the ingredient in Maximum Impact, and which Maximum Impact still says they contain. I will test tonight and let everyone know tomorrow now this one compares with the old MI and the new MI.
Fingers Crossed!!!
Disappointed said on Tue, 3 Feb 2015 at 14:51...
OK, guys. I tried out the Black Max last night. It was a complete bust, just like the Maximum Impact. Luckily I only ordered 1 bottle for testing purposes. No effect at all. The can labeling says it contains Ethyl Chloride, but if it does, it has to be so minuscule a part as to be completely useless. Don't waste your money. So far, no viable alternative. And again, the cost was 20/can plus 3.99 shipping. Rip Off!!!!!
Disappointed Still....
OICU812 said on Tue, 10 Feb 2015 at 23:16...
Okay, where can your product be ordered from????
Nick said on Wed, 18 Feb 2015 at 03:06...
Maximum Black Ethyl Cloride spray is available on eBa
Disappointed said on Fri, 13 Mar 2015 at 18:02...
Hi again,
Well, I'm familiar with the Maximum Black available on eBay. When the store that used to carry to real MI started to have problems getting it, they brought this one in, and this was BEFORE the formula change. I didn't think much of this brand even then. Not the same, a bit weaker. And I would be very skeptical that this manufacturer has not be affected in the same fashion as MI. I think you'll be wasting your money. On eBay, this is 16.95 plus 7.95 shipping and handling so basically 25 dollars/can. That's a lot to pay for something which is highly likely to be bogus anyway. Let the buyer beware! is probably a good adage to remember in this case.
I have stopped trying to find a good alternative. I don't believe there is one available any longer.
Disappointed Still....
Hugh said on Fri, 20 Mar 2015 at 15:43...
Hey guys so I've found that no poppers have hit the spot like they used to. I usually used jungle juice platinum and it was great but now I barely get any rush at all if even. I've tried different brands and it's all the same the only one that has come close to what it used to feel like was locker room (British white, Amsterdam, Rush do nothing for me) however there is one brand of popper I've encountered a couple of times that is AMAZING!! but it's always on a labeless bottle it's just your typical small brown bottle with the black top but has no name no label nothing. The only thing I've seen them all have is they all have the phrase "The original" engraved into the cap at the top but that is it. I've tried looking for it but haven't been successful in shops or online. Has anybody seen these? Does anybody know where to purchase them?
Hey said on Sun, 22 Mar 2015 at 13:24...
How do you use Maximum Impact? Im used to just huffing. This white spray liquid.
Disappointed said on Wed, 1 Apr 2015 at 19:40...
Hi Hugh,
Well, I've had the same experience with poppers not being what they used to be. I have tried a large number and nothing seems to work anymore. I have not seen the brand that you're describing. Our stores here only carry the "named" brands.. all of those you mentioned with labels and more, but honestly, they are all the vary same and very poor. It could be that you found some "homemade" ones... it's quite dangerous to make yourself but it is possible.
Will keep a lookout for what you're describing....
Disappointed said on Wed, 1 Apr 2015 at 19:41...
Hi Hey,
Yes, that's the general procedure....but with the change in the MI formula, it does little more now than smell funny.. no head rush, no nothing.. I have noticed that it made me cough more for several days with the new formula... I don't use the crap anylonger as it's all fake, expensive, and virtually worthless...
Disappointing said on Sun, 5 Apr 2015 at 22:21...
Coughed a ton
Trouble breathing
Had to use inhaler
Don't use them anymore
Fistingmike said on Tue, 28 Apr 2015 at 22:10...
I bought Maximum Impact at Condom Sense in Dallas just this past Saturday and it was perfectly fine. I got off big time on it.
Xinyu said on Fri, 29 May 2015 at 03:52...
can anyone suggest a good alternative? I need it when i bottom.
The butthunter said on Thu, 4 Jun 2015 at 08:45...
I do not understand why poppers now last for long is no longer the same as before you spend 25 dollars for nothing a week and it gets as old and really do not understand it seems that if a scam ... anyone here know which brand is good and last long time ... I like the poppers Aguiar could suggest one good quality
The butthunter said on Thu, 4 Jun 2015 at 08:45...
I do not understand why poppers now last for long is no longer the same as before you spend 25 dollars for nothing a week and it gets as old and really do not understand it seems that if a scam ... anyone here know which brand is good and last long time ... I like the poppers Aguiar could suggest one good quality
Asbbslut said on Sun, 21 Jun 2015 at 06:27...
ok, I'm going to have to agree with fistingmike regarding Maximum Impact, which are not poppers for those of you who have never had them. I'm reading where they do nothing, but I've bought a few cans over the past several months and they certainly feel like the real deal, and they definitely do something. When guys say they do nothing, do you really mean 'nothing' you are inhaling just air, OR are you saying that they just aren't as strong.?
And unless you are in your late 40s or older, you've never had real poppers. It's been all imitation since then.
Disappointed said on Wed, 22 Jul 2015 at 19:02...
Hi Asbbslut!
Indeed, I'm old enough to remember the real poppers. Those were the days! Of course it was real amyl nitrate back in the day. Now all we have is fake crap. I even tried ordering from the UK, and still got crap. Hardly worth even trying now.
As for MI, I buy a can now and then, just to see if they've changed the formula any. Some guys say they've found some good ones. It could be leftovers from the old ones, and they got lucky. Here, everything is bogus so far. Not a decent can in the lot. And the price here just went up to 25/can. People are not buying it like they used to so they are raising the price for the ones who still do to make up for their loss... oh well, a fool is born every minute
Still Disappointed
Angry gay man lol said on Sat, 15 Aug 2015 at 23:15...
Holy hell i thought I became immune to it I look like a drug addict breathing on my cloth trying to get the high got to the point where I was almost drinking it so now I'm reading this now I know I've been wasting my money I should take every single one of the cans back and get all my money back for selling a product that doesn't have the ingredients it once had to still Says on the spray bottle the old ingredients this truly sucks
chase said on Mon, 24 Aug 2015 at 02:56...
poppers are pot luck....sometime you are lucky enought to get a good bottle with a lot of zing and sometimes you get a dud with know zing.....the other factor is overtime your brain adapts to poppers so it will eventually begin to loose its pop....
Tried it..loved it. said on Sun, 11 Oct 2015 at 15:21...
I had maximum impact the other day and I seriously fell in love.. the high was outrageous and I hope I can buy some more soon but I don't know any stores near me and I don't want to wait... Maximum Impact is great! Maybe we just got some good bottles.
jaggerstone said on Tue, 13 Oct 2015 at 22:21...
Yep, they added garlic oil or something to Max Impact - it leaves a terrible taste and does not work as well. Ordered some Czech Red but Balckjac came instead. It was OK but not as good as the original Max Impact. I really have to pace myself with Max Impact - I always used with regular gold poppers. It would be great to find a source of regular USP ethyl chloride
Disappointed said on Tue, 10 Nov 2015 at 19:44...
Well, I saw a new brand at the local Adult Bookstore here in Raleigh. It was called "Jolt". Alas, the name was a complete misnomer, well, except for the price. It was $25/can and as usual, a bust. It should've been called "Filch"... I can remember when a single can of this would last me several weeks, and now, even two or three cans at the same time does next to nothing. I find the same thing to be true with poppers. All of the "umph" has been removed from them. Not even a glimmer of the head rush one used to get. And I've tried them all... Amsterdam, Rush, Gold Rush, Jungle Juice, Jungle Juice Black, Jungle Juice Premium... and an assorted array of other brands... all fakes...
Lexffcub said on Mon, 4 Jan 2016 at 03:01...
Best thread ever! !!
Squit42 said on Thu, 28 Jan 2016 at 03:21...
Maximum Impact is death in a can. My husband is addicted to that outrageously priced product and he is a mess. He doesn't even do it for sex, but just huffs it. The aerosol needs to be banned. It leads to huffing Computer Duster...It leads to Death.
dook said on Tue, 9 Feb 2016 at 13:28...
Squit42 - Tks for sharing.
Bttm4all said on Sun, 14 Feb 2016 at 22:37...
Love this thread. Yes Max impact has changed. Just get on the the meth bandwagon. What's the worst that could happen?
Josh said on Wed, 2 Mar 2016 at 21:42...
Hey Guys,
I love using poppers... I would buy them in the store near my house but he recently closed down, I was looking where I can buy them online and I came across a site called
They are much cheaper than all the other sites and they offer flat rate shipping anywhere in the US. It arrived fast and discrete, the stuff was fresh and strong! I was extremely happy and will for sure order from them agin.
Just figured I would let everyone know.
JORDINI said on Sat, 5 Mar 2016 at 08:13...
Where should I store my maximum impact to make it last longer is the freezer a proper place that's where a friend of mine keeps his liquid jungle juice rush ect.
ShotaconSissy89 said on Wed, 18 May 2016 at 04:22...
Couldn't you just buy pure ethyl chloride UPS (pharma grade) and cut the BS of additives etc. I swore I saw a bottle of generic ethyl chloride for sale on amazon. It cant be that hard to come by...every hospital n sports medicine place has it to quickly cool off wounds. All I wonder Ethyl Chloride the ONLY ingredient don't wanna poison self lol.
FeedMeDaddy said on Thu, 19 May 2016 at 14:17...
I've been using Maximum Impact for years. I do
miss the high of Blackjack which was more of a
sexy high. Recently tried the Jungle Juice formula
and it wasn't very good. I find a combo of Maximum
and sniffing the brown bottle gets me really horned
up! Especially when a Daddy is feeding them to me!
Horndog said on Fri, 17 Jun 2016 at 21:04...
Would someone explain to me what using Blackjack or the real Max Impact etc. is like? I really get off on poppers, and have been curious about Blackjack erc. for a long time. Is it the same? Heightened arousal sensation and intensified orgasm? What's it like? Compare to poppers.
Duardo said on Thu, 14 Jul 2016 at 10:35...
Try Bolt. I noticed the change on MI and decided to try Bolt. Its much better.
Play safe and don't go crazy with it. It's not a nitrate like poppers are.
Anyone notice that someone is addicted or died in every thread here? Interesting.
Use it and die said on Sat, 16 Jul 2016 at 05:28...
My partner died June 28th from using it. It's called Sudden Sniffing Death.
IB4Bama said on Mon, 1 Aug 2016 at 18:25...
You would think there would be a black market available for the old formula. If there is one i haven't found it.
Moepaco said on Wed, 10 Aug 2016 at 04:04...
So is it any good anymore or what?
Gaynonymous said on Tue, 8 Nov 2016 at 02:10...
When I tried Max Impact I loved it, but I have heard of sudden sniffing death which makes me weary of continuing to use it. I also looked at the ingredients on the bottle and found that there were carcinogens (cancer causing agents) inside it, which also made me nervous. Does anyone know if alternatives like Bolt are prone to the same dangers? I loved the way it felt but I also enjoy being alive...
sflthrcub said on Mon, 28 Nov 2016 at 18:51...
Have read through all of the posts re: Maximum Impact. Yes the product changed. It appears they are using some sort of petroleum product in it which has a off odor. Not sure what it is. I found that if you want the older 4.6 ounce cans the only ones out there are the Jim Diamond's U4ea and the PWD Bolt. Black Jack and Thunderbolt are available in the 4 oz cans. All of theses brands seem to be ok and don't have that petroleum off smell.
As many have previously said ethyl chloride is not poppers.
Pharmaceutically it is an anesthetic and prolonged or habitual use can lead to neurotoxicity or neural damage. I've read that the effects will go away after a period of time, but other medical papers on it's toxicity aren't as clear. Second issue is one of its anesthesia effects. Heavy use or breathing in too high of a concentration can render you unconscious with possible lethal consequences. Another side effect is that when you go out you may vomit all over and your bowels and bladder may release with decidedly messy consequences. If you inhale/aspirate your vomit you could also suffocate. As an anesthesia while you do get "high" or euphoric, it also may deaden your sexual arousal as apposed to poppers (nitrate inhalants). Be careful and used in a well ventilated area.
cirus said on Thu, 8 Dec 2016 at 03:41...
EC is no different than doing air duster.
notinahurrytodie said on Sun, 18 Dec 2016 at 22:04...
I use poppers Nitrate based poppers. Was seriously curious about Maximum impact and I showed up to a hook up where I witnessed a beautiful black stud built like a god, take a hit of maximum impact and he experienced a siezure like episode and he had two of them relating to his immediate inhalation. I believe he will die from his use if he doesn't stop. I love my community of men and I want us to have fun, but after burying 47 friends from AIDS I refuse to not ask ouselves WTF are we doing. These are extroadinarily dangerous. Please dont use them .I am not judging just scared I will lose more friends and this data is in. They are not worth the dangerous risk.
silence said on Fri, 24 Mar 2017 at 23:53...
My partner was using maximum impact and poppers for years before i met him. We used them during sex and I was worried he used too many, he would basically pass out. Then about three years into our relationship I discovered him in the bathtub using them. I thought he was getting ready to play with someone else, he was not. He did them by himself. He hurt himself many times, hot water burns, scrapes, cuts, I heard him fall in the next room, had to come in and pull the soaked cloth out of his clenched teeth. I begged and threatened and tried to get him to stop. I thought he did, more than once. We stopped using it together at all. Twice after that he showed up with slurred speech for several days, it was aphasia. He came out of it both times. I was so angry. I thought we were doing well, he said he was seeing a therapist. One night recently he didn't come home. He was found dead in a no-tell motel, he had been using inhalants. Dead. This addiction went on for more than the decade I knew him. He. Is Now. Dead.
Ricky said on Mon, 27 Mar 2017 at 17:58...
So surely they have put men on the moon I know there must be a way to find the old time "poppers" that really gave a high. Where could one find those? Surely a blackmarket on these somewhere
Brewskeey said on Thu, 1 Jun 2017 at 03:12...
found the real stuff, pure Ethyl Chloride from Amsterdam and ordered it. hoping it takes me all the way since i'm so close to getting the fist now. anyway it's still out there just have to spend the money and the time to find it.
Brewskeey said on Thu, 1 Jun 2017 at 04:13...
Squit42 give your fuckin husband a break, this hell hole of a world is hard enough to deal with. Just be glad you have him. everyone needs at least one or two vices.
LarryMN said on Mon, 17 Jul 2017 at 05:03...
Is that the key ?? Only get the 4.6 oz ?
The 4 oz ones are fake !?!?
DJ said on Wed, 20 Sep 2017 at 14:14...
Not sure about the min amount yet here it is.
dont worry the name is not the same. It is the stuff.
NYNJGuy said on Thu, 9 Nov 2017 at 03:20...
Buy Maximum Impact at it does work, if you do not get any type of hard buzz or hit from it, you have developed a tolerance for it and it is no good to you. For me, it's great only because I just started using it for the past six months.
Anonymous said on Fri, 22 Dec 2017 at 01:22...
I used this product for the first time last week and I was being enter from behind and I used to use Rush which made it more pleasurable but I could not take it because it was so large and big and the man that was entering me from behind had this product called maximal impact and when he sprayed it on the towel and I put it in my mouth and inhaled it I was able to receive all of the 12 and a half inch that he gave me I'm not saying that I want to use it like that but it took me to a place where I was able to receive it and I loved it I'm not going to use it often but I was able to take it when I use it
UR88 said on Fri, 9 Feb 2018 at 08:07...
Yep that is Chloroethane C2H 5Cl, it is used to manufacture tetra-ethyl lead, which is added to gasoline.
FFunkinkster said on Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 23:20...
Brewskeey you should stop being an idiot. ethyl chloride is an industrial solvent. it is NOT poppers. it's known to cause sudden death. it sensitizes the heart to stimulants and can causes fatal arrhythmia. all that is in addition to permanent brain and peripheral nerve damage. you might as well be sniffing glue or K2r. those complaining about the lack of amyl nitrite are being nostalgic. isobutyl nitrite is a more intense rush which lasts longer. I've done them side by side. you can still or Amyl oversees but shipping by air degrades it due to pressure and off-gassing. cyclopentyl nitrite is in some products and should be avoided. there are European reports of eye damage.
Dexy said on Fri, 22 Mar 2019 at 18:04...
I love the stuff but its not longer a viable thing to do at my age
Sir Billy Blaze said on Fri, 21 Jun 2019 at 13:01...
Maximum Impact spray, Amsterdam, Bolt and other brands are all simply Ethyl Chloride, and are all exactly the same.
gumbo8398 said on Wed, 7 Aug 2019 at 00:48...
notinahurrytodie, you have lost 47 friends to AIDS? That is horrible
hardcock12 said on Wed, 7 Aug 2019 at 00:53...
squirt42, let your husband do what he wants
anthony aka popper head said on Fri, 23 Aug 2019 at 13:43...
has anyone seen the movie dirty grandpa with zac efron i love him he so hot i love the part when he shows off his ass in it that part gets me so horney i will pause it and pull out a can and get high pull out my cock and jack to that sweet ass
Finger Me said on Mon, 16 Sep 2019 at 07:35...
Anthony, your syntax tells me all I need to know. Put that can down.
anthony popper head said on Thu, 17 Oct 2019 at 15:29...
i used maxmumimpact today havent used it for a bit been useing the other sprays took some hits oh god it made me blow my cum juice every whear i blow gallens fucking hot
Bc said on Thu, 17 Oct 2019 at 18:50...
Hi Guys,
I got Maximum impact spray but dont know how to use it? Is it like a popper?
anthony popper head said on Sat, 19 Oct 2019 at 05:36...
hey bc this is anthony it is stronger then a popper just be careful when you hit it spray some on a rag and hit it dont do to much if you never use it i been useing three years now i am pass the high on it i do it sometimes for a fix
anthony popper head said on Sat, 19 Oct 2019 at 05:45...
hey bc its anthony dont spray the rag and stick in your mouth i wood never do that spray rag and snort fast you might fell scared for your frist time if you are under 35 dont use it what till around my age i am 4o
anthony popper head said on Sat, 19 Oct 2019 at 05:53...
i used a lot for the first three years now a can will last me months go to main lab online they have all geart ones this stuff feels so good to get high on but i cut back i know its not good for you plus if you use to much it can get to you so dont
anthony popper head said on Sat, 19 Oct 2019 at 06:04...
plus it chanend my eye sight a little bit of blur plus jumping when looking far away the closer i look the stiller it gets it can give you a bad promblm if do to much in hospital last year from it nerve system was all off
anthony popper head said on Sat, 19 Oct 2019 at 06:53...
you get hooked on it from repeated use even bottle ones get you hooked you brain rewires to the drug and it needs it i go like a week with out it and then i need a few hits from can or bottle to give my brain and the urge it whants
anthony popper head said on Sun, 20 Oct 2019 at 01:34...
ok they say that maxmumimpact is made for sore muscles thats bs i sprayed it on a sore muscle i had sprayed for a week dint do shit they make this stuff for adults to get high on only for adults sale to buy them
anthony popper head said on Mon, 21 Oct 2019 at 00:03...
the frist hit is always the best from bottle ones or can ones even if you go a bit with out it but you will know when you realy need to snort it long and hard felling that shit hiting your mind
anthony popper head said on Mon, 11 Nov 2019 at 00:03...
i go to main lab for it i love maxmumimpact and all the sprays but i stoped buying bolt spray and bullet spray they have a funky smell love to try hardware spray cant find it
Cum Tart said on Sun, 1 Dec 2019 at 08:10...
Hey BC. Did you try the Maximum Impact stuff. How was it? Did you spray it on a rag? So many questions.. Is it good?
anthony aka popper head said on Tue, 3 Dec 2019 at 05:09...
to every one useing this please dont go crazy with it people told me about it and i dint listen you get bad side effcts if you do to much and damge to your body i can see the change in me now put me in hospitlal last year bad react give me some damge
anthony aka popper head said on Tue, 3 Dec 2019 at 05:17...
trying to stop for a bit put my cans away giveing my body a break you do to much and creeps up to you i enjoy getting high on it but the side effcts are not good trust me dont get hooked belive me they change your life not in a happy way
anthony aka popper head said on Tue, 3 Dec 2019 at 05:19...
trying to stop for a bit put my cans away giveing my body a break you do to much and creeps up to you i enjoy getting high on it but the side effcts are not good trust me dont get hooked belive me they change your life not in a happy way
anthony aka popper head said on Tue, 24 Dec 2019 at 21:03...
i am getting rid of this shit put it in the trash i been useing for 4 years i am scard this shit can kill i heard its not worth life risken
Dana44 said on Thu, 26 Dec 2019 at 07:30...
I recently heard about this stuff - But reading this thread after searching for it - Seems like you can't find the stuff anymore.. Atleast not the good stuff. I've used Rush and had an OK time with it... but was looking for something that would be more better for relaxing the anus muscles so I can take bigger toys without much struggle (Being careful of course) but it seems like poppers are the best I can get right now..
anthony aka popper head said on Fri, 27 Dec 2019 at 04:00...
this stuff is muscle spray they took eythel cloride out of the muscle sprays in store becouse people buying it to get high on but know you have companys that put out maxmumimpact with ethyl they know adults get high on it but it is muscle spray
anthony aka popper head said on Fri, 27 Dec 2019 at 04:09...
to danna 44 stayaway from this shit its not good for you you dont need this shit to make your hole big buy some elbow grease i did you start with small toys and get bigger and bigger ones thats what it did you dont need shit like this it kills brain cells
anthony popper head said on Fri, 27 Dec 2019 at 04:12...
get j lube thats awsome you mix it in water thats what the guys use in fisting porn its called jlube
Kenny1md said on Fri, 3 Jan 2020 at 08:54...
Anyone know where I can get the real stuff around here I already tired maximum impact spray I’m not Addicted like some of y’all here No offense Poppers I heard it good just need something better then Maximum impact I use this to party lmao
anthony said on Sun, 2 Feb 2020 at 00:44...
hi guys anthony here this tuesday it will be four weeks sicne my last hit i am glad i got away from it i got carryed away i was useing for about five years and they were getting to me takeing a break was a good thing i still get craveings but going away
WowGuy said on Tue, 2 Jun 2020 at 05:59...
Really, this thread was about how this brand os poppers feels, and all these crazy posts from an addicted popper head is complete BS. MANY of us just use them once in a while, like 3 times a week, and a few sniffs at the point of cumming, maybe a little more but not enough to get addicted. Stop scaring the crap out of people, just cuz u got way too addicted, that's ur weak ass fault.
Mind blowing said on Fri, 10 Jul 2020 at 21:58...
Not sure if I have a problem but the things I see while using them and watching porn is amazing! It just takes me to a different world and makes me feel like I’m in the porn at times.
Hunkerdaddy said on Mon, 10 Aug 2020 at 11:22...
It works for me, im lovin it.
Lalo Solo said on Mon, 15 Feb 2021 at 20:59...
I started huffing the original rush back in 1977. Those were the days! Rush was made with amyl nitrate. Today's poppers are not the same. The amyl poppers gave me a rush that was unbelievable. For a bottom man it was ecstasy. The pain that came from the first thrusts into your ass became pleasure. Touching all over the body was sensational. A good hit would last 5-15 minutes. Today's trashy nitrite poppers only give you about 30 seconds of relaxation as you breath deep. Quite a few years ago the world governments decided that the amyl nitrate should be band. That it caused to many health concerns. Well, I will admit that back in the 70's I was young and healthy and considering the amount of huffing I did I still remained healthy. I actually stopped huffing poppers when I moved around the country in the 90s. Then in 2018 I decided to purchase some poppers. They were labeled as original Rush. LOL! This nitrite stuff was nothing like the original. I continued to use it however because there wasn't any other product on the market. I went on to purchase almost every brand on the market hoping one would stand out as the best. No such luck! The worse it yet to come...This last year, 2020, I was having trouble with my vision, but never put the facts together. After a series of CT-scans and MRI of the brain I was diagnosed with Horner's Syndrome. It is a constriction of the pupil. That means that my left eye will no longer dilate. It is frozen in the constricted state so that no longer allows much light into the eye. I see halos around object often and the left vision is very weak especially in a dark room since the eye fails to dilate. I am currently 62 and I will eventually lose the rest of my vision in the left eye. So addicted to the sensation of huffing I decided to go for the Maximum Impact even after this diagnosis. I have finally talked myself out of this behavior. I do blame the trashy poppers of today. I think the huffing of nitrite is more dangerous than amyl nitrate ever was. And, although I wanted so much to switch to Maximum Impact huffing as an alternative I think I not only want to be able to see, but to live much longer.
Maximum cation said on Tue, 27 Apr 2021 at 23:50...
guys just a quick head's up
I was using maximum impact, I noticed a pulsating behind my left ear after using it. I seen my doctor had Test's done. Turned out the maximum impact had actually killed off my red blood cells causing anaemia. I spent 5 days in hospital having three blood transfusions and one iron infusion.
Please take my warning DO NOTuse maximum impact or other brand's.
It's deadly too humans.
Danek21011 said on Sun, 8 Aug 2021 at 18:52...
What a long thread! It's pretty much the top search result on Google for Maximum Impact. Anywho, to contribute...
I'm in my 30s and have been using Max Impact for a little over a decade. Some of what everyone says is true... it can kill you, but it also can be used safely. It can be addictive, or not. I think after 10 years I have figured out the key...
DO NOT put it in your mouth!
Do not put it on a rag then put the rag in your mouth. That method will cause you to pass out, hallucinate badly, or cause damage.
The SAFER way to use it is to spray the rag, keep your mouth SHUT, and sniff it with your nose only. Trust me, you'll still get high, but it mitigates the bad effects. I think the membranes in your gums cause you to absorb too much of it. The nose-sniff method is the only way I do it now. Also, don't sniff too much at once.
If you start seeing hallucinations, you've done too much, back off.
anthony popper head said on Sat, 16 Oct 2021 at 15:03...
I dont mean to scare people this was the frist subtance i ever used i got carreyd away the high felt so good i dint know how to stop went on five zears anyway i was just looking for surport but i can see now that their are a lot of mean people gn the world just be carful becouse all this stuff is addictive and it is huffing abuse be safe
Mikey said on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 at 09:27...
I see the product makes a big difference in the sex industry, but I got carried away. Using it outside of sex and it’s effected my pocket.
Enuff4me said on Mon, 18 Jul 2022 at 05:38...
Maybe I am just sensitive to the stuff, but I had awful reaction. First tried it 6 months back, not much using, but when I had a few weeks off I ramped up.
A month ago now, had serious problems from use. Hearing issues, vision issues, coordination problems, serious stuff. Never put it in mouth. Sprayed a rag in a plastic bottle and inhaled. Took 2 weeks to clear my issues up. Also had some delusions of people coming to get me and packing bags so I could get away.
Walking around with one eye closed so I didn't hit walls as much was no fun. And seeing people with extra eyes and mouths and limbs when using both eyes was odd. Never again. I am glad it all has cleared up, not going to do it again.
Popper head said on Mon, 18 Jul 2022 at 15:16...
Glad to hear that you're not going to use the stuff I was using it for 5 years and started up a sexual mental disorder with it I'm doing somewhat better but I went to a neurologist this year and I found out I have cervical spinal stenosis compression of the spine I have to have surgery because it's affecting my nerves through my spine and it's giving me loss of feeling in my penis and a lot of Ed please don't use this stuff anymore plus it gave me vision problems I think it's all coming from the cervical spinal stenosis this stuff is not very good but like I said I got carried away with it and I couldn't stop I started up something mental and I have been clean now for over a year but I'm still having cravings but that's the psychological dependence but I feel so much better knowing that I got away from all that if you are going to use this stuff only use the popper the nitrate only use it for when you have sexual activity but I was just doing it just to get high I didn't know all the harm it can cause so please people not trying to scare you but that stuff is really not good for you I'm hoping that I get on the right path to recovery so I can go on with the rest of my life I got scared and I thought that I caused myself some serious harm but the doctor said it's a good thing I stopped Ethel chloride which is the maximum impact is really not a popper even though they're selling it and I've heard of reports of debts even one of my favorite pornstar I heard died using it he was huffing I see people use them in the treasure Island videos and I just shake my head it's sad but that stuff is really not good it may feel incredible but for a few seconds of a high it's not worth all the b******* I wish I never did it but I can't bring back what has been done all I can do is move forward and hope I get better through all this and hopefully this year I have getting a surgeon to perform a surgical procedure on my spine and hopefully I will be doing a lot better and will make a much better recovery so if you want to use the stuff I've heard people using it for years with no problem but it does affect the central nervous system and it does have all effects it even affect my vision like I said but I think it's all coming from the spinal cord compression but please people just be careful take my advice it's not worth it just stay away from that s*** I think in a few years probably less they're going to band it from from stores and online as far as the ethyl chloride ones but the nitrate ones have been around for decades but the ethyl chloride ones it's not the same thing as the nitrate ones it's more harmful and it can cause more problems take care of everyone I hope everyone out there is doing safely and just be careful and if you really want to use the stuff I can't tell you what to do but just use it very cautiously and just remember not to go overboard because it can cause harm down the road
Ppsniffer said on Wed, 16 Aug 2023 at 15:29...
Well, I was reading about hallucinations after sniffing chloryl ethyl. I can have them from sniffing lots of poppers. I like it. 🫣😅 They come after enormous amounts of deep huffs. Is there a way to get them sooner?
Ranger Mcfriendly said on Mon, 2 Oct 2023 at 21:55...
I know what that peculiar oder taste is. I steamed some broccoli and the broccoli leaves behind some black tar/gunk/residue it has that same smell/taste of Maximum impact EXACTLY.
Ranger Mcfriendly said on Mon, 2 Oct 2023 at 22:07...
I had this huge bottle of R-22 I would huff, it's awesome, you get these visual hallucinations, like if you look at a wall it will look like someone flung oil on it that evaporates. The first time I experienced it I was walking along and this helicopter flew over head and it was leaking huge amounts of fuel, it splashed everywhere, I flipped out, I almost called for help, lol, it wasn't leaking fuel, just everything thing I looked at looked like weird grayish fliud that quickly evaporated.


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