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who actually uses poppers?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by DIBBLE
on Tue, 7 May 2013 at 14:28

DIBBLE said on Tue, 7 May 2013 at 14:28...

Straight or gay? guys or girls? "In fact, most of the market for poppers is heterosexual" is what one party has claimed. What evidence is there that poppers is a gay phenomenon? Any stats etc or pointers 4 me. thnx

equestrian mistress said on Tue, 7 May 2013 at 21:56...

Someone recently said that the hippies were the first people to start with poppers! So *maybe* it started out as a psychedelic summer of love kinda thing - then got picked up by the gay community. Could be...anyway, in my experience straight girls don't know WTF poppers are. You could ask why poppers are so big in the men only world (yeah I know the obvious reason) but it is also 'cus of advertising in the 70s...and the birth of the gay press.

PJ said on Wed, 8 May 2013 at 11:26...

Poppers history is a question of Chinese whispers. It is also said that poppers popularity originated in Vietnam amongst the soldiers. Perhaps, and I mean perhaps, the hippy subculture found it, or perhaps it was used as some kind of antidote during war. Those glass snappers containing amyl nitrate were OTC -over the counter- in them olden days. eq is correct when she says that poppers went mainstream because of the advertising spend of Pharmex ,Great Lakes et al There was also a huge amount of quite positive coverage in the non gay press as well. I really think that poppers would have fizzled out if it were not for the gay community. Now, in the late 20 and 21st century it is probably a different matter all together! The OP posed the question who uses, not used. I would confidently say the demographic has shifted. There are some studies that you can find about this.

Batty said on Fri, 10 May 2013 at 09:51...

that popper advertising artwork (also Captain Rush cartoons) is rather cool...who has the artist?

Anonymous said on Mon, 13 May 2013 at 10:15...

There was a cartoon called Poppers by Jerry Lewis? I wonder who came up with idea of poppers and cartoons...seems a weird combo!

GRAND COQ said on Tue, 21 May 2013 at 17:56...

Cool? like those posters from North Korea? They were made in San Fransisco in the days of GLP (Great Lakes Products) it was all cowboys and nuclear bombs....Captain Rush was a dude who went about town in tights appearing uninvited at parties. Very weird parties too! there was alwyas a need to de-odorize the room...which Capt Rush did using his Power Pellets or whatever....jeez!

PS. Jerry Mills, not Jerry Lewis lol The cartoons are not the same story as PWD and GLP advertising.

KeithBI said on Fri, 24 May 2013 at 10:01...

There was a study in Australia that showed that >50% in the gay community had used poppers in the past 6 month period. If you are still looking for sources (for your studies??) then I'd be pleased to help :-)

Jez said on Wed, 29 May 2013 at 10:35...

Loads of guys and girls in the 90s rave scene used poppers that is something I remember. I never see them in clubs or anything anymore though...or maybe I go to the wrong clubs!

PuzzleMaster said on Thu, 13 Jun 2013 at 07:22...

The French use poppers it seems, perhaps they are more experimental than there stiff neighbors.

Orinoco Rising said on Fri, 14 Jun 2013 at 07:49...

The point about media: Poppers were very much part of the gay ghetto of the early 1970s. As the decade wore on they started to come to the attention of the media. Why? The poppers industry had big advertising spend (even for PR promotion style articles) and it also had dollar signs in it's eyes. Some of the pop-popes were megalomaniacs who tried to spin into the mainstream. This is the first part and there's more.

Marshall said on Sun, 28 Jul 2013 at 19:02...

So who did design those PWD icon posters?

Jez said on Wed, 11 Sep 2013 at 13:52...

In a published report about role segregation and versatility it says:

"Being exclusively receptive compared to being exclusively insertive was more likely among men reporting the use of poppers"

Not so much of a surprise really.

PJ said on Sun, 15 Sep 2013 at 13:02...

Oh! You will also find that poppers are very evident in gay subcultures meaning the clone / leather scene. They are part of the dynamic of dominant and submissive I guess. These subcultures are fascinating as they developed their own signals, chains worn to the left and right and colored hankies. Was there one indicating poppers perhaps? maybe it was yellow like the amber liquid of old...

equestrian mistress said on Sat, 21 Sep 2013 at 21:11...

lol and OMG....that is a joke isn't it??

Miss Mint Julep said on Fri, 18 Oct 2013 at 20:51...

A dirty joke I am sure! I use poppers if anyone wants to ask me a question they can...I charge by the hour.

Tracy said on Thu, 9 Jan 2014 at 18:23...

I got turned onto poppers in the adult theater. It totally lets my inhibitions go wild. They magnify my already high sex drive and it feels good when guys have their way with me with or without poppers. But when guys give it to me while doing sex I pretty much do anything. As a young transsexual I frequent certain areas in San Diego going dressed as a girl and it totally takes my shyness away once I am in side the theater and now I pretty much I go out of the theater fully dressed instead of covering up. It just makes me feel nasty and wanting more.

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